Malhaar Preet

Crime Thriller Others


Malhaar Preet

Crime Thriller Others

Revenge: C.I.D

Revenge: C.I.D

7 mins

Note- “A writer does not exist without Readers.” Thank Everyone for Following and reading. It means a lot! 

Ketrina got out of the car, she’d be lying if she said she was not nervous. She was. This day could define her life, if she got away with the murder then another person would be blamed, but if she did not manage killing Meghaliya Pawar then all of this did not really matter. Ethan was already dead, but his nephew was. Ketrina was driven by her selfish desires. When you thought deeply. How would she ever accomplish killing the whole population of men. It was a bit stupid, that's what I thought but she had a different agenda the entire time.

Aarohi, her latest companion stumbled out to. She was an insecure nervous wreaking ball. In a way she was like a fly that fell into a spider's web. She had no idea what plight she was in. She had no idea about the real reason why Ketrina had recruited her. If she knew, if i had at that time. 

The difference between Aarohi and Ketrina was that Ketrina was derived by vengeance, Aarohi was just doing this to stay alive. Ketrina walked into the hall, her first thoughts were that Meghaliya Pawar was incredibly Rich. Which would mean security. Which would make this whole ordeal harder than she had expected but nothing she could not do. Aarohi’s first thoughts were as that why did she kill Nick? It had nothing to do with the place they were at but it was a question that repeated over and over in her mind, her guilt gnawing away at her mental state. She would not have to worry about anything in sometime. 


Shalini and Vishal got out of a car. Meghaliya Pawar accepted the need for security but requested them to act like normal people and not Cyinical Indian Detectives. So in a way they were going Under-covered. Which was ironic considering the fact that even their murderer was going “Under-Covered”. Aadhya, Varma and Upesh were going together and Parvati was back at the station monitoring movement at the wedding. Shalini and Vishal entered the hall. Both of their breath was taken away. Wow! The whole place was decorated in the most execusite way possible! Shalini took a deep breath and said,

“Now isn’t the time. Come on Vishal we have to catch a murderer.”

“That is if they come!”

“Pessimistic about everything right Vishal?”

“I’m being honest.”


As they acted like they were enjoying the place Shalini’s eyes were wide open (Naturally) she saw every little movement. Vishal was Keeping an eye out for Meghaliya Pawar. When he saw Meghaliya he realised that he was well protected. Considering the fact that he had 4 bodyguards (Really buff) and plenty around the room. Meghaliya was definitely a Piece of art. He had slick Black hair, hazel eyes. And a good physique (You know it's hard for me not to make him sound like trash. After all that was done) Meghaliya looked like he could take down a person in a fight if he really needed to but considering the amount and state of the bodyguards he would not have to. 

Shalini and Vishal soon split up. Shalini went towards the centre of the crowd, Vishal towards Meghaliya. Shalini walked even closer, her heart pounding. Suddenly out of nowhere a figure stopped in front of Shalini. Shalini quickly stopped in her tracks before she could hit the figure. The figure was a tall lady in a long bright red dress. She had pearls around her neck. She was one of the prettiest people Shalini had ever set eyes on. She had Black hair and delicate waves. She was tanned. She also had light brown eyes and a full smile. The lady immediately apologised to Shalini,

“I’m really sorry! Gosh! I have to start looking where i go!”

“It’s fine! May I ask who you are?”

“Julia Rogers! You?”

“Shalini Gupta.”

“What do you do?”

“I’m a political advisor”

“Wow! Must be a hard job!”

“It is annoying at times.”

“I’m a coder.”

“Which type?”

“What’s up with all the questions?”

“Sorry first time meeting someone like you and I am really curious.”

“Well I have to go. “

“See you around Julia” said Shalini.

Shalini thought that Julia was in a rush but so was everyone there.

Chapter- 21

Vishal strode over the Meghaliya. Meghaliya saw him and said,

“Thank You so much for everything! Vishal Kapoor right?


>“Is Shalini Gupta around?”

“Yes, she’s around the centre.”

Meghaliya said,

“Any sings of a person willing on killing me?”

“Not yet they probably want to do it at the end, for like a bigger impact or something.”

Meghaliya chuckled good naturedly. 

“Okay. Meet you later Vishal.”

As he said that a woman in red walked over towards Meghaliya. She was tall and had wavy hair. She said,

“Would you have a few moments to spare?”

Meghaliya said,


Vishal walked away. But he had left the 12th richest man, with the worlds most wanted killer. 

Chapter- 22 

Back at the station, Parvati was sitting and looking through her computer. She was watching the surveillance. If any person planned on killing Meghaliya Pawar then Parvati would see them if Shalini and the others did not. Parvati muttered under her breath.

“What if the killer is not working alone? That’s the biggest possibility. Which means that…………. An AMBUSH! “

She picked up her phone and typed in Shalini’s number she said on the phone as calmly SA she could.

“Shalini. Get backup. There's gonna be an ambush.”

“What? Why?”

“The killer won’t be working alone.”

“We have backup. Have you seen the size of Pawar’s bodyguards.”

“You guys might need a lot more!” Argued Parvati.

“Okay. Call over Prithvi and his idiots they are the only people who knew about the case.”

The line clicked.

Parvati called up Prithvi. 

“Here’s a chance to redeem yourself. Get to the wedding now. We need backup.”

No snarky reply came just,

“Going now!”

Parvati hung up. She felt guilty staying back. But its a solider’s duty to face sacrifice.

Chapter- 23

Ketrina handed Meghaliya a drink. He hesitated before taking it. But he did not drink. Ketrina said,

“Who’s the lucky woman?”

“Oh! She’s Karishma.”

The second he said those words a woman appeared. She lived up to her name thats for sure. She had brown hair, in an elaborate hairstyle. Her eyes were Hazel and she had very fair skin. Her hair was straight. Her beauty could debatably rival Ketrina’s. She was wearing a White wedding dress. She smiled at Ketrina and said,

“I’m Karishma! And yes I definitely am lucky! Who are you may i ask?” The woman asked.

“I’m Julia Robert’s.”

“Your really pretty!” Stated Karishma

“I can say the exact same about u.”

Karishma let out a melodious laugh. 

That’s when a young Boy said,

“Karishma! Can you come over here a second?”

“Sure Advik.”

It was just Ketrina and Meghaliya again. She said,

“Why don’t you drink your wine?”

That’s when once more they were interrupted.

This time by me. I said looking at Meghaliya trying to hide a scowl.

“Macbeth kills the king with a poisoned dagger right?”

A look of understanding went through our eyes.

“Yes, Malhaar and then the next day Macbeth is crowned king as the king’s sons run abroad fearing their safety.”

“Thanks! Advik was arguing that Macbeth killed the king with a poisoned drink.”

I turned and walked away.

Chapter 24

Ketrina then said,

‘I have to go.’

“Really? Miss ‘Julia Roberts’?”

Ketrina fled, she ran across people. A way was cleared for her. She was about to reach the end when a figure stopped her. Shalini.

Ketrina ripped out a knife and tried slashing Shalini, but she was too fast. Slashes and kicks continued. Within a moment Ketrina was surrounded by bodyguards and the C.I.D people. But she did not stop. She continued to fight valiantly. Her knife hit a lot of people and in vital spots. And then Ketrina in the blur of the moment pulled a passerby. She held the knife against the girl’s throat. She growled,

“The girl dies if you don’t let me leave.”

Shalini signaled everyone to move back. Ketrina dragged the girl and went out of the hall. She flagged down a taxi. Her anger boiling. She would get Revenge. They would pay. So would Aarohi Patel. Aarohi sold out on Ketrina. But now was not the time. It would take longer, Ketrina was still a living ghost. And no one knew who she was except Aarohi. But Aaarohi only knew her name not anything else. But the main person she was aiming at getting Revenge at was…………… Shalini Gupta.

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