NOTE: The character Sai Adhithya would be an Anti-Villain, a character with heroic goals, personality traits, and/or virtues who is ultimately the villain. Their desired ends are mostly good, but their means of getting there range from evil to undesirable. It's completely different from Cyber, which was a story of Anti-hero.
Trigger warning: The story needs parental guidance as it's too intense for a child to understand the complexity of this story.
Surrounded by beautiful trees and plants inside the school and the students roaming inside, one of the students were discussing: “What plan do you have for summer leaves da?”
“First I have to throw away this Maths book da” said Mukesh, who is holding his cycle gaze.
“Hey Raagul. Today at least come along with us da. We can go for round in cycle” said Ram, one of his close friends.
“I am not coming da” said Raagul to which, one of the friend tells: “Hey. He won’t come da. Because, his mentor Ramachandran have came.” The two leaves in their cycle.
Ramachandran is serving as the DSP of Hyderabad Crime branch department. He is handling the case of dreaded gangsters based in that city. Known for being honest and straight forward, he had been the most feared cop in the city, but is respected by the people.
Raagul have a close friend called Sai Adhithya, who is his close friend since childhood. He is Ramachandran’s son. Raagul’s father Paramasivan died during Mumbai 1992 riots, where he and Ramachandran were serving. From then, he have been looking after him.
Raagul and Adhithya have different approach. Raagul is determined to become an IPS officer since childhood days. His ideology is, “I wanted to serve for this nation. But, at the same time, I would see to that, our people aren’t harmed.” While, Adhithya’s ideology is, “I wanted to serve for this nation nevertheless of anyone getting harmed or killed.” The two opposing ideologies of the duo often leads to a conflict between the two. Sai Adhithya is determined to join Indian Army.
So, his father gives him tough training. Sai Adhithya have painful trainings, such as Do or die test, climbing the mountain, hiding in a dirty water, etc. He tells his father: “Dad. The water is so dirty.”
“Dirty ah? If you bear the pain, dirty and problems only, you could be able to win and give back the pain to your enemy” said Ramachandran. Though Adhithya felt jealous of Raagul, he bears and the duo continues to be close friends.
Raagul gets trained in swimming, gun shooting and chess games. While, Sai Adhithya too is known for shooting well. However, Adhithya’s shooting training is so hard and this often irriates him against Raagul. They two are trained hard by Ramachandran. As a henceforth, Adhithya gives an open challenge to Raagul that, “I would do something that’s useful for the nation. Let’s see who wins this challenge da!”
Having been trained in martial arts such as Karate, boxing and shooting, Ramachandran makes his training even more harder for the two guys. He assigns one of his men as a thief and tells, “Now, my son Sai Adhithya and student Raagul would come. Forget that you are a police officer. You are a pick pocketer. Act like a pick pocketer. I would analyze whether they could be able to use their presence of mind to analyze the pick pocketer.”
“Sir. Could a small guys like them that too, 13 years would be able to do this sir?” asked the policeman.
“Don’t misinterpret them da. I have trained them up.” Ramachandran said to him.
“Our Sai Adhithya is a good student sir. He could become a doctor or engineer! Should he have to become an IPS officer?” asked the officer to which he tells, “As the technology grows, crime is growing faster. So, only if an intelligent comes, we could be able to prevent the crimes. Now go and take your position.”
When they are discussing something and meets Ramachandran, he assigns them for a work saying: “Today we are going to start a photographic memory test. I would give you 10 seconds. See everything around. I would ask you the questions later on. I am turning it. Go.”
“That’s it. See whether there are people, who is doubtful around the place” said Ramachandran to which, Adhithya and Raagul notices them.
Raagul deduces people such as a smoker, beggar and a group of students standing in the bus stop. Sai Adhithya tells, “I got it dad. There’s a pickpocketer, wearing ablack jacket. He is having his eyes at them. He is a pick pocket dad.”
“Wonderful. What happened to you Raagul, an aspiring Police officer? Your friend have found this out easier, though he aspired to become an army man?” Ramachandran asked him.
“No uncle. I too say what Sai Adhithya said. But, his coat have been low by 2 inches. He is having a heavy gun and there’s a police coat and too the hairstyle. So, he is a police and is having a bike to the left side of his place. Have you brought him for a game?” Raagul asked him.
Ramachandran feels proud of hearing this and tells, “Raagul could become more better than Sai Adhithya to become an IPS officer.” Meanwhile, Raagul and Sai Adhithya are playing chess and at that time,
Ramachandran goes for a duty in rescuing people from the clutches of terrorists in Secundarabad. However, the terrorist attacks becomes worse and he is shot for two times and he struggles for his life.
Raagul and Sai Adhithya rushes to the hospitals and sees him, struggling to breath.
“Daddy. Nothing would happen to you. We are there here” said Raagul.
“No da. Bullet was fired in my left chest and left artery. I know I would die within a few minutes da. I don’t know how you are two going to survive, after I die. But, keep this in your mind. Life is full of battles. Only when you fight your way and stand the ground, you could be able to sustain in this world. Go da. Prove your worth da.” Ramachandran said and he dies, holding the hands of Sai Adhithya.
Heartbroken, Raagul leaves from the hospitals. He thinks in his mind with tears flowing, “After my father, even my mother’s family didn’t include me in their house. They were keen to get my father-mother’s property. That time, my uncle adopted me. However, my uncle too died and I am left alone.”
Adhithya meanwhile tells his father, “After my mother died, you looked after me dad. But, you too have died dad. Who’s there to look after me?” That time, he remembers the words of his mother when he was five years old: “When we live, it doesn’t matter how you have lived a life. But, when you die, you have to do something, that’s useful for our country and people.”
25 FEBRUARY 2015:
On 25 February 2015, a terrorist organization in Gulmarg border of Kashmir organizes meeting along with some sleeper cells in an underground camp, where the organization head Muhammad Irfan Khan tells: “Look at this map of Hyderabad.”
As they looks, Irfan Khan tells: “On 2 June 2014, Telangana got separated from Andhra Pradesh, since there are more Muslims in this state and less Hindus. At present, important places in Telangana are: Ramoji Film City, Amusement & Theme Parks, Golconda Fort, Ananthagiri Hills, Ramappa Temple, Salar Jung Museum, Sri Anantha Padmanabha Swamy devasthanam, Religious Sites, Ujjaini Mahakali Temple. Points of Interest & Landmarks and Chowmahalla Palace. Your targets are Golcanda Fort, Religious sites and Ujjaini Mahakali Temple. And another task is, you have to assassinate the Defence Minister Ravindar Reddy.”
“Jai Wahabbi” said one of the terrorists and the others too scream the same slogans.
“Sir. No problems could come right?”
“Until a strong opponent comes, our plans won’t be in trouble” said Irfan Khan.
In Hyderabad, at police headquarters, Raagul is sleeping peacefully until a phone call comes to him around 4:30 AM.
“ACP Raagul here. Who is this?” Raagul said, attending the phone call, half-opening his eyes.
“Sir. I am Inspector Rajiv Reddy. Commissioner Prathap Reddy have organized an important meeting with all of us” said the Inspector, after which Raagul refreshes himself up and goes for the meeting.
Commissioner shows a meeting event of Defence minister in the screen and tells: “Gentleman. That’s it. This meeting isn’t an ordinary meeting. On 10 April 2015, an important meeting is held for sanctioning weapons, prepared by the ISRO. It’s not an easy one. The weapons are so dangerous. Hence, there would be dangerous threat for our minister. So, you all have to be alert.”
“Yes sir.”
“Since, we have already lost several people before one year in 2013 Hyderabad blasts. So, this time we shouldn’t be careless.” Raagul takes up his morning exercise, following the meeting. He sets a stopwatch from Hyderabad Beach to Secundarabad saying, “Headset. Ready 1, 2, 3 and go.”
He ties up his shoe and runs approaching the Secundarabad roads. Then, he shoots the circle points standing five meter away from the target. Following this, he does push-up exercises. He refreshes himself and wears back his police uniform, approaching towards the road of Osmania University.
There, Raagul meets a research analyst called Roshini in the roads. She is wearing red shawl and a steel-rimmed spectacles, looking pretty-gorgeous and beautiful. The girl approached him asking, “Sir. A few goons are chasing me. Kindly save me from their clutches.” Raagul saves her from their clutches and takes her safely to his house.
“Why did they chased you?”
“Sir. I am actually a research analyst. Researching about Wahabbism. Since, I am detailing about it a lot, they disliked this and were keen to kill me. Henceforth, they found this fine day and tried to kill me, henceforth” said Roshini. She further explains him about the terrorism ideologies of Wahabbism and how Kerala people are being trained and brainwashed for this.
Raagul laughed for this and tells, “Let’s see who would do such things. We have managed Ajmal Kasab itself. These people are nothing for us.”
03 MARCH 2015:
7:30 PM:
Meanwhile, in Hyderabad Junction around 7:30 PM, a few thugs sees a 8-year old boy and tells: “Hey. This boy seems to be a fool. If we kidnap him, we could get lots of money da.” As they are discussing this, the young boy hears this by closing his eyes. Following this, he analyzes the place and starts to run towards the outside of junction. The thugs chase after him. But, the young boy defeats them using his presence of mind and Karate skills.
“I am not like other children da. Because, I am the son of a Major. Major Sai Adhithya da.” The thugs run away from the place and Sai Adhithya seeing this comes and takes his son into his shoulders.
He tells, “Very good da. Always a Major’s son should be like this.” Adhithya looks like a prince. He have an army-hair style, holds a thick moustache and is wearing a gold watch in his left hand, that holds the name of Sri Janani Reddy. As he is going to a new house at Anantagiri hills, he arranges things right and pins the photo of his wife Sri Janani Reddy and his father Ramachandran, praying to them.
He tells to his father, “Dad. Now, I am Major turned RAW Agent Sai Adhithya. A turning point in my life. Only regret is that, I doesn’t have you and Sri Janani in my life. Yet, I am living happily with my son. I am now training him too for Indian Army. Do you think that Raagul could have been able to achieve like this?”
That time, his boss Colonel Sunil Varma calls him through the phone and Adhithya attends his call.
“Adhithya. An important mission for you today!” said Sunil Varma.
“Muhammad Irfan Khan’s men have planned to target Hyderabad and orchestrate bomb blasts in various places. I heard that, local broker Ahmed Sameer is helping them for this. You have to catch that dog to know about the further information, regarding this planned
attacks.” Respecting his mission, Adhithya goes along with his son to Warrangal, where Ahmed had been residing. Tying a rope with his son, Adhithya sneaks into the house of Ahmed and kidnaps him to his house.
There, Ahmed tells: “Even if you have kidnapped me, you could not be able to stop the bomb blasts occurring in Hyderabad sir.”
Adhithya laughed and tells him, “You still more haven’t understood about me well da Ahmed. Did you think that, I am going to interrogate you?” He looks at him and then asked his son to remove the shirts and pants of Ahmed.
His son Hrithik removes his dress and Adhithya takes a cable wire. He tells him: “You know? This is Chinese torture method. They used to beat the culprits in body parts, genital and joints. Now, you are too going to get beatings like this!” Adhithya severely beats him up using the Cable wire and belts.
Shocked with the ruthless tortures and seeing the screams of Ahmed, Hrithik asked his father, “Dad. Should we have to beat him like this? His condition is so pity.”
“My son. In army, we won’t see pity or sadness. Because, if we see such things, then saving our country becomes difficult. I am telling you the words, which my father used to tell in my childhood days: When you experience pain only, you could give back the pain to your enemy. And note my words too: When you are driven by some objectives, don’t care about the death of anyone. Work until you attain the target.” As Adhithya tells this, Hrithik gets convinced.
Ahmed is unable to bear the brutal tortures and owing to this, he confessed to Adhithya that, “Muhammad Irfan Khan and his men are involved in spreading Wahabbism ideologies, funded by Saudi Arabia. They have targeted several places in Hyderabad as a start to threaten the people.” Further, he unveils the plan of Defence Minister’s assassination on 10 April 2015.
04 MARCH 2015:
After taking few important evidences from Ahmed in a video tape, Adhithya again subjects him to brutal tortures using Chinese technique. And this time, he takes an Iron fist, with which he hits him in the head. Then, he severely beats him in the other body parts. Finally, he brutally hits Ahmed’s genital, after which the terrorist dies, due to the excessive bleeding. Still more angry, he stabs Ahmed’s body for more than ten times and sticks in his dead body, the date 10 April 2015.
With the help of a local thug, he disposes his body near Hyderabad beach. Raagul is informed about the incident and he rushes to the spot. One of the Police Inspector tells: “Sir. His name is Ahmed Sameer. One of the important merchant in our locality. But, unofficially he is inter-connected to the terrorists of Irfan Khan. He have been killed and thrown here sir.”
During the autopsy of Ahmed, Raagul is informed, “Sir. During the torture of Ahmed, the killer have subjected him to brutal beatings sir. His genital, body and abdomen are severely damaged. My head shaked for a while seeing the tortures sir."
Hearing the death of Ahmed, Irfan Khan vows to find out the mystery behind his death. But, doesn't change the plan and asks his men to plan the bomb blasts. And the main reason for which, Defence Minister was to be assassinated is, he is blocking the funds for Muslim and Chrisitian funds, which are used for converting the people.
Then, the Commissioner arranges a meeting with his officers and there, Raagul tells: "Sir. This is actually Chinese Torturing method. The killer have deeply studied and analyzed about the methods of those tortures. At first, he have beaten up Ahmed using belt and cable wire. Then, he have beaten him up using Iron fist. But, in between those time, he have left some time. So, he have gained some important information regarding something."
"And Why should he give the date 10 April 2015?" The commissioner asked.
"Sir. Still aren't you able to understand? The killer revealed the date of our Defence Minister's meeting." He said and the Commissioner orders him to catch the killer sooner as well as says to prevent the bomb blasts in the city of Hyderabad, as ordered by the government.
Meanwhile, Raagul and Roshini falls in love with each other due to some ongoing events in their life and sooner, their relationship grows stronger that, they grew intimate. He comes to know from Roshini that, "She is a Brahmin and orphaned, during the 2008 Mumbai blasts, which caused her to hate terrorists and Muslims. From then, she is trying her best to create awareness about Secularism." He marries Roshini sooner, with the blessings of his well wishers.
10 APRIL 2015:
On 10 April 2015, terrorists starts to execute their plan by going to the targetted plans in Hyderabad and when going there, Adhithya forms a team along with his former military groups and thwarts the plan of terrorists by shooting them all dead. However, one of the terrorists, whom Adhithya handled tells him: "Don't be too glad da. Though this plan failed, we have orchestrated deadly bomb blasts during Defence Minister's arrival." He dies later on by consuming suicide pill, which he already had, knowing that he would be killed instantly.
Seeing this, Adhithya laughed at him and tells, "You idiot. What bothers me if that minister is killed da? If he died means only, I could achieve what I intended. You have done a good job only terrorist." He said, tapping his face.
During the arrival of the defence minister, one of the suicide bomber seeks his blessings in the assembly hall and he triggers the remote, which causes a huge blasts, killing the Defence minister and few other innocent people.
Raagul shouts at his defeat and tells, "Hey. I won't spare you man."
That time, Adhithya contacts Raagul, seeing his phone number in his phone and he attends the call.
"Who is this?"
"What Raagul? Have you forgot me this sooner? Doesn't you remember this: 'Before I die, I would see to that, whether I was useful to the society or not.'"
"Sai Adhithya. Did you do all these things?"
He laughed and tells, "I didn't do this. However, it's your duty to find out who did these bomb blasts. Additionally, you have to get them punishments. But, I challenge you. After you are finding those terrorists, they would die in my hands. Challenge?"
Raagul challenges him and tells, "We are opponent just through our ideologies. But, we are not opposite in our motive. So, I challenge you da. I would produce those terrorists in front of the law. Let's see who wins!"
Raagul is panned by the media and his police department for failing to protect the Defence Minister after which he tells: "I will find out the people behind this sooner. Or else, I would resign my job as an IPS officer."
Raagul assures to his pregnant wife Roshini that, "He would be coming back sooner and leaves to investigate the case." He is unable to track the call of Sai Adhithya. Because, he called from a military satellite phone.
Using the approval of Military office, Raagul goes to Anantagiri hills, where he finds out that: "Adhithya and an 8-Year old boy have already went from the place." While conducting a search in the house, Raagul finds out a diary about Operation Sarp Vinash.
Few years before, Sai Adhithya got selected for Indian Army forces from Sainik International School in Amaravathinagar of Udumalaipet. In Indian Army, he was trained hard under Anti-Terrorism squad. After a period of one and a half years, he was posted in Kashmir Borders on 4th Agugust 2013.
He married his love interest Sri Janani Reddy, a Cardiologist working in Indian Military hospitals. They were all living happier in Kashmir, inspite of terrorism and religious conflicts. Situations go worse when terrorisms and border skirmishes increased. That time, Janani was pregnant.
Indian Army force arrested Muhammad Irfan Khan for killing several innocent Hindu refugees in a bomb blast at Kashmir as well as in Hyderabad. But, he was forced to release by the Defence Minister of Hyderabad's orders as well as from Prime Minister of India. As a result, Irfan Khan's men Ahmed makes an assassination attempt at Adhithya when he was back to the house. Since he was wearing bullet proof to his luck, the bullet penetrates his chest and strikes Janani's chest, who falls down screaming aloud.
She delivers her child and before dying, she gets a promise from him: "He would raise up his son as a military officer like him." Following her cremation, Adhithya was later on roped in for RAW and was trained. He sooner learnt that, "Muhammad Irfan" have shifted to Kashmir occupied Gulmarg.
Irfan is anger that his plans have failed and arrives to Hyderabad in a ship through Bay of Bengal. He contacts Raagul and tells, "ACP Raagul. I know you could have found the found out my plans. Listen. My men would orchestrate bomb blasts in Dilsukhnagar, where your wife too resides."
Raagul panics and goes to ensure his 8 months wife's safety. Adhithya however finds out Irfan Khan and his men. He chases them in a speedboat, when they goes to the sea and kidnaps them after colliding them with his ship. The guys are kidnapped to Ananthagiri.
Adhithya covers his face and tells in the TV Live channel addressing to Raagul: "ACP Raagul. I said that, before you find out the terrorists, I would kill them all. Because, I am a RAW agent and you are a cop. Difference is you all are inefficient to find out using intelligence. While, I am intelligent and hence kidnapped them. And, if you are a good cop, try to save your residential people. Since, these brutes have implanted bombs in your areas."
Raagul, with the help of his cop friends and bomb squads, manages to take the bombs from the place. But, is unable to save his wife. Since, she is shot down by an assassin, arranged by Irfan Khan.
She delivers a male, and tells him: "Raagul. Though I die, I feel happy that I got your love. Love is eternal da. You thought I am your strength. But, I was your weakness. Don't leave them da. If you leave Irfan, animals like him would grow. My worry is that, I am unable to raise up our child. People like you are needed for our country Raagul."
"Roshini. You are my strength pa. Without you I can't live di. Wake up. I am there with you. Our child is there." While he is telling this, he sees Roshini's eyes gone up in the emergency bed of the ambulance. He recalls the memorable moments spent with her.
"Please di. Don't leave me." Raagul said and hearing this, Adhithya laughed and tells him: "Hmm. Seeing you in this condition, you know how much happier am I. Roshini, Roshini. You have left me ah! This scene stands in front of my eyes da. You have saved people from bomb blasts. But you wasn't able to save your own wife. That's only police work." He laughs after saying this.
Angered, Raagul goes to the underground mansion. There, Adhithya is giving Chinese tortures technique to the terrorists and is torturing them brutally. While, the police officers are going along with Raagul there.
Raagul tries to beat up Adhithya in anger for being responsible for his wife's death. But, is stopped by his senior officers and ministers, who tells that: "He have done good for the nation" and haven't harmed any people. Raagul calms down and this time, Adhithya tells him: "We are opponents as per our ideologies only. But, our motive was the same da. So, in this, my mistakes is not there."
When he is telling this, an injured Irfan grabs a gun from a constable and shoots Adhithya two times in his left artery and right chest. Angered, Raagul shoots Irfan dead and he goes near to his friend reminding the same event, where Ramachandran was killed like this.
"Adhi. Nothing would happen to you da." Raagul said to which, Adhithya replied, "Raagul. While living, it doesn't matter how we lived a life. But, while dying, we have to analyze whether we have done something good for our country. I am happy with that. And will you fulfill my desire?"
"Yes da." Raagul said in tears.
"My son Hrithik. Train him like me da. He too should become a military officer like me" said Adhithya, which he promises and the latter died in his arms.
Five years aftermath of these events, Raagul visits the cemetery of his wife Roshini and Adhithya, who are buried in the same place along with his five year old son, whose name is Sai Adhithya and 12 year old Hrithik. He places a flower in their cemetery and proceeds to leave the place along with them.