Anonymous Writer💜

Comedy Drama Children


Anonymous Writer💜

Comedy Drama Children

The Elementalists-6

The Elementalists-6

2 mins

P.S: read the previous parts!

'Come.' He led me out of the cold prison. 'I'll introduce you to the other elementalists.'

I followed Connor to a big hall lit by dazzling fires. There were 2 boys and a girl standing there. They looked like they were of my age.

Connor cleared his throat, and everyone fell silent. For a moment I could only hear the crackling of fires.

‘This is Jasmine………’

‘Jaz.’ I corrected automatically.

He glared at me. ‘Whatever. These are the other elementalists.’

For a moment, we just stared at each other.

Then the girl stepped forward uncomfortably and held out her hand. ‘Sadie Rogers.’

She had caramel brown hair, which hung loosely around her shoulders. Her light brown eyes twinkled with amusement.

I shook her hand gently. ‘Jasmine Rivera. But I would prefer Jaz, please.’

She frowned, nodded, and stepped back.

One of the boys stepped forward. ‘I’m Ryan Stone, and this is Nick Jackson.’

Ryan had short brown hair and stormy grey eyes. His smile would reassure anyone. I liked it.

Nick!? The exact opposite. He was staring at me like I was a criminal. I didn’t know why, but I didn’t like his presence.

Connor clasped his hands together. ‘Great. Now I shall explain……..’

He was interrupted by a girl who shouted, ‘Honey, I’m here!’

She was tall. Beautiful. Intimidating.

She clung onto Con

nor’s arm and bobbed her head. ‘Oooooh, so you are the elementalists??’

‘Alyssa,’ Connor said, through gritted teeth, ‘you just interrupted me.’

‘Hon!’ Alyssa complained. ‘You promised that you would take me on a date!’

Connor sighed. ‘Later. Let me please explain the situation.’

‘Sure, hon. Take your time.’

I didn’t like Alyssa at all. She was eyeing us like we were dirty insects.

‘So,’ Connor began, ‘You are the elementalists, the chosen ones. The lucky ones.’

I swear I heard a hint of jealousy in his voice.

‘Means??’ Sadie asked.

‘There are some elements of nature.’ Connor explained. ‘Fire, water, Earth and Air. They chose you.’

‘Why did they choose us??’ Ryan asked. I felt like I was in school.

‘Surely, they saw some good qualities in you to give you such big responsibilities.’ Connor said. ‘Each time the elements choose us, it means that the world is in danger, and we ought to protect it.’

‘O-kay.’ I said. ‘Who is causing the danger?’

‘Beckett, the ferocious queen bee.’ Connor said. ‘You Earthlings destroy their homes. Steal their honey. Now they are taking revenge.’

‘Is this a joke?’ Nick grumbled.

‘Please, listen.’ Connor said desperately. ‘Your training will start tomorrow.’

Then he stormed out angrily. I wondered why he was always so shy and sad.

‘Good luck,’ Alyssa snorted and followed Connor.

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