Anonymous Writer👻💜

Comedy Drama Fantasy


Anonymous Writer👻💜

Comedy Drama Fantasy

The Elementalists-2

The Elementalists-2

2 mins

P.S- read part 1 for better understanding!


‘You should get control on your powers, young lady.’ A voice said.

I whirled around. Standing there was a boy, with tousled black hair and chocolaty brown eyes. He wore strange black robes. But he was……. Hawt, as my mates would say.


Don’t blame me. I’m not used to seeing hot guys in my house. And where did he come from?

He bowed, which was weird. ‘I am Blade, son of………..’

I choked back a laugh. ‘Your name is Blade??’

His eyes glinted dangerously. ‘I do not like to be interrupted.’

‘Who are you? A prince?’ I huffed. ‘I can interrupt whoever I want to.’

‘Yes, I am a prince.’

Dunno if he was joking or not. Hard to tell with a boy named ‘Blade’

‘What are you doing here?’ I asked, my curiosity taking over my anger. ‘You just appeared in my roo


I can’t afford boys appearing in my room just like that. What if they come while I’m changing clothes or something!?

‘I’m here to guide you,’ He replied. ‘I……..’

‘I don’t need guidance from a boy named ‘Blade’’ I snapped.

He clicked his fingers, and suddenly I couldn’t speak. Believe me, I tried to. But I just couldn’t.

‘I told you I don’t like to be interrupted,’ He said coldly. ‘Now let me explain. You are chosen to save the world from Beckett. But for that you have to be trained. You are accepted as a trainee in my father’s palace.’

Suddenly I was able to speak. ‘Is this a nasty joke? I hate jokes. Palace? Beckett? Just shut up. You can’t fool me. No one can.’

He raised his eyebrows. ‘Oh? You think I’m joking? What about this then?’

He spread his hands, and a rectangular dark door appeared in the air…….

~To Be Continued~

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