Seriously, Something's Wrong
Seriously, Something's Wrong

I woke up.
Stretching my arms and looked at the beautiful sun outside the window that was right in front of my bed. My pink room was doing a good job highlighting my stunning looks. I was feeling like a princess with the nicest bed hair. I jerked my head waiting for my hair to fall on my face and give a final touch to my beauty. It never came. What are you doing hair, come on don't embarrass me in front of the readers? I jerked my head again, nothing happened. My hands automatically went to check if everything was okay on my top floor.
Where is my hair!
I panicked. Forgetting about my lovely morning I turned towards my right.
The large mirror hanging on the wall reflected the image of a very handsome boy, just like me. I sighed with relief. I was fretting over nothing I thought shaking my head and smiling to myself. Just then the thought hit me.
Wait, I am a girl!!!
Holy Moly! I gulped. After a throughout inspection of the body which was supposed to be mine, my hands returned back to their place.
I shrieked.
The sudden movement of my mother bursting through my bedroom's door, which was just left of the mirror, caught my attention. Seeing me she shrieked and fainted. My dad enters the next moment. He shrieked. Not seeing me but his wife knocked out on the floor. A hint of fear clouded his emotions. Getting on his knees he raised his hands towards the sky.
"Why God? Why? Why are you punishing me in such a brutal way." Seeing that melodramatic person it was hard to believe he was my father "Why take away her life she was nothing but a good human being. Take my life and let her live god please." Then he started crying.
I wanted to tell him that she was not dead but unconscious. No words came out of my mouth though. It was like someone has restrained my vocal cord. My father stood up turning towards me. Tears went from his eyes which was now replaced with fury.
"You did it. You killed my wife." He accused me.
My voice came back. In my defence, I said "Why would I? I am your daughter remember."
"Do you take me for an idiot? How can a boy be my daughter." With that, he took out the long cane which I always kept behind the door. How come he knows about it. It was supposed to be my secret. But that was the least of my concern. Currently, I have to save my head before my dad cracks it.
Not seeing any way out I ran for the window with dad hot on my heels. I leapt out of the window. Tumbled on the roof and went down rolling. I fell down on the ground with a loud thud. Thank God It was just the first floor.
Standing up with an aching back I hobbled away from my house only to fall face-first on the ground. I turned back to check if my father has caught up to me. Surprisingly my house has vanished. Everything around me seemed like a blur. I concluded it was because of my fall.
I caught some movement from the hedge of our garden. It was the only thing left of my house. A wobbly little elf statue popped out of the bushes. It was wearing a red cap, green shirt and red pants. It approached me, patted my hand, gestured me to follow him and took off running.
I was dumbstruck for a moment but seeing nowhere else to go I stood up and ran towards the elf who was almost out of sight.
I have never been this embarrassed my whole life. I crossed my arms around myself seeking some comfort. As I walk down the road, searching for the elf who I lost track of, each and every person turned towards me laughing. Why won't they? It's not a daily incident to find a boy roaming in very tight girly pyjamas.
"Hey look over here." a boy shouts at me. I twisted my head to find him taking pictures of me. I was sure to go viral on the internet by tomorrow.
What am I supposed to do now? Wait I think I know someone who's willing to help me.
I reached Amy's house. She is my best friend. Her house looked normal which gave me some relief. I heard some noises, following it I reached Amy's front porch to find her bickering with a boy.
"You" pointing a finger Amy stared at me with the most bitter look she can give me. "Now don't claim to be Georgia."
What could I say to that? "I am Georgia. That's what I want to talk to you about. You need to help me. I don't-"
"You two leave now before I call the cops" she warned us both cutting me mid-sentence. I was confused. How did she know what I was going to say?
After she slammed the door on our faces I noticed the other guy. He was fat. Unexpressiably fat. His stomach giggled with every breath fat. Hesitatingly I asked, "Are you, Maddie?" He nodded. Maddie is my other best friend the shy and innocent one.
"You too Georgia?" She/he was on the verge of crying on seeing me in the same condition as her "Help me" big globules of tears started streaming down his face. Seeing him as that something cracked in my heart. I had to save us somehow. I remembered about the elf.
"Look we need to find an elf. I am sure it is the cause of our problem" As I spoke he looked at me like I am his hero with so much hope in his eyes.
"You go search to the right and I will go to the left." We departed after making our plan. Amy was not going to help me. But now that I am not alone I don't feel extremely hopeless.
I came across a park. Three girls were waving at me. Asking me to play with them. A sudden desire to enjoy overtook my thoughts. Even though I have spent my whole life in this town I never got to know about this park. Maybe it opened recently. It was the best fairyland a girl could wish for.
A giant wheel shaped like a doughnut, a neverending rollercoaster that will take you to the sky and lots and lots of other rides which are too blurry to iden
tify. The park was empty except for those three girls and a child hanging upside down on the monkey bars.
I don't know how much time passed by but I didn't want the moment to end yet. Currently, we were eating ice cream sitting on a bench. One of the girls, with a camera, decided to take a photo. It was a beautiful one, four girls eating ice cream with a big smile plastered on their faces.
"Anyone of you ladies wants cotton candy" A monkey driving a train in the middle of the park appeared out of nowhere. The girls nodded to him acting like it was the most common thing to see a monkey selling cotton candies. Maybe it is, I might just have forgotten. I seem to have forgotten a lot of things lately. Suddenly remembering about the elf and my friend. I took leave from the girls.
Outside the park I realised something. Four girls are in the picture. I was a girl. The overwhelming feeling took over me when I looked at myself to find a boy. I wanted to go back to the park. To be a girl again. I turned to go back but the park moved away from me. Everything around me turned black. All I could see was a park in front of me which was the only thing that was bright. I ran towards it but never reached it. Tears started streaming down my face.
"Come play with us" Those girls called me. There was nothing left of the park except those three girls and a boy hanging upside down in empty air.
"Tell the park to stop." I pleaded half panting half crying. I was sure all my problems that have occurred since morning will get solved once I reach the park. They just smiled at me. After a few minutes, they were gone. Darkness covered everything. Not able to see a thing I wondered if this was what death feels like. "Am I dead?" I thought.
"Someone help me. Where am I?" I shouted to no one in particular.
"No one's gonna help you" a thin streak of light fell from the ceiling showing me the elf standing in front of me. It started running away with the spotlight following it.
"Wait. Tell me what's happening." paying no attention to me it ran laughing. The little light vanished along with the elf. Now only the sound of its sickly laugh could be heard coming from all directions.
I was terrified. I wanted nothing but everything to end. For my life to become normal again. I slumped down on the ground, curled up burying my head between my hands and started crying. I could feel the floor. Soft, warm and comfy. Slowly and steadily sending me to nothingness.
I woke up.
Jerking up to a sitting position I analysed my surroundings. I was on my bed in my room. The sun was shining brightly outside my window. Its rays lit up my room. I turned towards my mirror fast enough to give me whiplash.
A Girl.
Thank God I am awake. Laying back on my bed with my right hand on my chest I took a long breath. That was one heck of a bad dream. It almost felt real.
"Breakfast ready honey. Get up or you will be late for school." The sound of my mother yelling downstairs could be heard.
Myself check.
My room check.
Now, let's check the rest of the house.
In the kitchen, a conscious Mom cooks breakfast. Check.
At the dining table a normal non-melodramatic Dad. Check.
From outside a fully visible house. Check.
Finally getting over the trauma from my nightmare I did a happy dance. Now that my life has become normal again I headed to the bus stop.
Exactly at 8:45 am the bus came to a halt in front of me. I climbed in and went for my designated seat. It was second in the right column. Not the window side. I planted myself as far away as possible from my seatmate who does nothing except pick his nose.
Today I got the most wanted pin-drop silence on the bus. Such discipline is unexpected from today's generation. Curiously I looked around to find each and every student sitting like a human being. "Did the sunrise from the wrong side today?" I thought.
Shrugging I plugged in my earphone, closed my eyes to wash away the usually loud environment-which surprisingly was quite today-with the power of music.
I was dragged back to reality when my head hit the seat in front of me. I opened my eyes to find we are on the wrong lane. Thousands of cars ran towards us like angry bulls. Since it was a matter of panic, I panicked. Bells started ringing in my ears, I was sure it was my last day.
Gathering some courage I stood up and went to the driver to curse him for endangering my life. As I was about to ask him how the hell he succeed in entering the wrong lane I found the driver was not present. I stopped dead in my tracks on seeing elfy dangling from the steering wheel.
When it saw me it jumped out of the window being my good luck and hit the windshield of a passing car like a fly. Hope it's dead.
I faced the passengers to assess their reactions. They were all lax. Just sitting in their seats like they are not about to die. Likes lifeless statues not afraid for their lives. Frightened I sat on the driver's seat and started swerving the bus. It was my first time driving. When I thought the situation cannot worsen the brakes failed. I started screaming and pressing the brake like a madman. An illegally wide monstrous truck came towards was with an illegal speed.
Someone jolted me awake. "You gonna move or not" It sounded more like an irritating statement than a question.
I opened my eyes to find Peter waiting for me to get out of the seat. The bus was empty except for us. Then I noticed we have already reached school.
Realising the accident was a dream I get out of the bus mumbling a quick sorry to Peter. "Weird dreams I am having these days."