N B Ritesh Varshan

Comedy Action Thriller


N B Ritesh Varshan

Comedy Action Thriller



13 mins

I woke up suddenly.

For a minute or so, I did not know where I was. Then my mind adjusted to my surroundings. I was in my bed. I slid out of my bed and saw the clock.

It was pretty late. Almost 2am. Well, I think it was 2. The numbers was almost impossible to see because of dirt.

When I was wondering what woke me up, a knock came.

‘Who was that?’ I wondered. No one bothered to visit me in the broad-daylight. So, who was it, who came so late to visit me?

The knock came again.

‘Coming!’ I called out. 

I put my furry home slippers and slowly started to trod towards the door.

When my hand went for the handle, I stopped.

I decided to look who was it.

I crouched and looked.

There was no one.

‘Naughty boys!’ I grumbled. They seemed to have no work, except to ring doorbells and laugh.

When I went to retire to my bed, the knock came again.

‘Grumpy grapes.’ I muttered and went to the door again.

And Looked who was it.

Again, the corridor was empty.

‘What on the hell.’ I mumbled. I almost lost my desire to sleep.

 ‘Who on the Earth are you?’ I spoke through the door.

‘I need your help.’ A voice hissed.

For a minute, I was stunned. I did not expect an answer.

‘Uh? Bu-but where are you?’ I stammered.

‘Down.’ The voice grumbled.


‘Just open the door!’ The person was certainly getting angry.

Getting a cricket bat, I slowly opened the door. After all, you should not believe strangers. Especially, invisible strangers. 

The figure almost immediately came inside and offered a hand.

‘Charles. Jonny Charles.’

I lost the grip of the cricket bat and stared at the man standing in front of me. Well I think it was a man. But he was so short that he barely reached my knees.

‘Don’t stare at me. It is rude.’ The man snapped.

‘Oh right.’ I came back to my senses. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘I don’t have time for your sorry.’ The little man snapped.

‘Then you are welcome.’ I tried to snap at him. But it was hard snapping at someone crouching.

The man did not seem to hear that ‘Take this.’ 

‘This’ was a bible.

‘I don’t need it.’ I protested. ‘I already have one.’

‘I don’t want you to have it.’ Jonny again snapped. He was so snappy that crocodile would have a hard time snapping back. ‘I want you to protect it.’

‘Protect it? Who would like to steal a 20 dollar bible?’ I quickly scanned at the price. ‘15 dollars!’

The dwarf sighed. ‘How much money you need to protect it?’

‘Money?!’ I squeaked. That man was paying me to look after a bible? Well, today seemed my day.

‘I need.... 150 dollars.’ I said, trying to keep my head high.

I expected the man to slap me and take the Bible, but he went for his wallet.

After counting twice, he held me a wad of notes.

‘200 dollars. Shall I take that as sufficient?’

‘200?!’ I screamed. 200 dollars for looking after a 15 dollars bible? This was my lucky day for sure. 

‘Is it not enough?’ The man frowned.

‘No no!’ I said, quite excitedly. ‘It is ok.’

The dwarf smiled ‘Good. I will collect the Bible after a week. Make sure you protect it with your life. I mean with your life.’ Then he went towards the door, as fast his legs could carry him. Which wasn’t really fast. Then he stopped at the door and asked ‘I forgot to ask. What is your name?’

I spluttered. Did this man really give me 200 dollars without knowing my name?

‘Harold Blue’ I said.

‘I don’t care what is your name, Mr. Blue. Or if you are going to die. I just want the Bible the next week.’ He snapped and left.

When I was wondering what the dwarf actually meant, I did not know then that even the man was small he was expecting a bigger trouble.

When I looked at the money, I was so excited that I did not know that it was very late. Or very early.

I picked my phone and phoned by bestie, Jerome.

But he did not pick the phone.

‘Lazy goose.’ I mumbled and looked at my house. Well, I call it as a house. Dirt everywhere. Sofa was totally flat while carpets were fraying. The curtains were torn in interesting patterns while my legs had given up the fact that I am going to give them a new pair of shoes. The only thing which was in good condition was my teddy. Despite of the fact that it was headless. 

Then I decided that for once, I will go for shopping. 

And possibly hire a housekeeper.

After rubbing the clock with a wet cloth, I got to know that it was only 2:45 am.

Very early. Or very late.

So, what shall I do till the daylight?

I slowly went and picked up the Bible.

Even through it was a 15 dollar bible, it must be unique. Or else why did the dwarf give me 200 Dollars?

So, slowly I went through the pages and started reading.

After reading for sometime, I kept the book away. It was like any other bible. It started of by explaining Adam and Eve. And ended with Jesus being resurrected. I knew that the Bible would be like a normal Bible but still. I was expected something like a treasure map hidden between the pages.

I picked up the book again and shook it hard.

No treasure map. 

‘Aarg!’ I groaned. I was losing my temper quickly.

Suddenly I had an idea. 

I slowly went to my termite-eaten bed and lay still.

Maybe I would get ideas by laying down.

As I started thinking of the Bible, I slipped into the world of dreams.

A knock woke me out of my beautiful sleep.

This time, light was creaking through the curtains. When I saw the clock, it was 2:50. Either I took a very small nap or I needed a new clock. 

The knock came yet again.

I went to the door and opened it.

‘Yes Mr. Charles. Good morning. Maybe today is a bad day for snapping.’ I said without looking.

When I saw who was at door, I saw my bestie, Jerome, who was looking really puzzled.

‘Who on the Earth is this Charles?’ Jerome asked and came inside without any invitation.

He sat heavily on the sofa. It creaked so much that he jumped to his feet again.

‘No one.’ I muttered. ‘He is just a client.’

‘Client?’ Jerome asked. He smiled and asked ‘By the way, what work do you do?’

‘I am....’ I started, but could not complete the answer.

‘Jobless!’ Jerome grinned.

‘But not anymore!’ It was my turn to smile. ‘A man called Charles gave me 200 dollars for looking this!’ I said, pointing the Bible.

‘What the-‘ Jerome stopped in the mid-way. He was way too shocked to continue.

‘You heard that right, buddy!’ I smiled ear-to-ear. ‘200 dollars!’

‘200 dollars?’ Jerome whispered. ‘For looking after a bible?!’ He screamed the last word.

‘Yup.’ I was very pleased with myself.

‘If looking after a bible was so costly, then I would work in the church.’ Jerome said.

Before I could speak, Jerome interrupted ‘I think there must be something in the Bible. No one is stupid to give 200 dollars to look after a bible.’

‘That’s what I thought. But there is nothing in there. It is like any other bible.’ I said.

‘You can’t be sure.’ Jerome said and started flipping through the pages.

I did not stop him. Once Jerome gets a thing in his thick head, it is impossible to take it out.

After a few minutes, even Jerome agreed that there was nothing inside.

‘Nothing. Absolutely nothing.’ Jerome growled. He put the Bible inside his pocket.

‘You trying to steal the Bible?’ I asked. ‘If you are, you are not gonna get with it.’

Jerome sat again on the sofa and this time, the sofa could not hold the weight. The sofa crumbled and Jerome disappeared under the broken bits of wood.

‘Ouch!’ Jerome voice came.

I smiled. It was too hilarious to miss. I went and bought my camera.

‘What the-‘ Jerome started as I snapped some shots.

‘You brute!’ He shouted and tried to push his way out of the wood bits.

When Jerome at last manage to come out of the wood bundle, he started kicking me.

‘Ouchh!’ I shouted.

‘You best friend is down there, shouting for help and you are clicking photos!’ Jerome screamed and tried to pierce the camera out of my hands.

‘Gimme the camera!’ Jerome yelled.

‘No way!’ I yelled back. I kicked him and hid behind my bed. 

‘Where are you?’ He growled. ‘Come right here!’

‘I ain’t gonna come back.’ I said. ‘Until you promise me that you are not gonna delete the pictures.’

There was no reply. 

After sometime, his voice came ‘Fine. Come here.’

I smiled again and went towards him. 

‘At least show me the pics.’ He grunted.

With a lousy smile still in place, I showed him the camera. Except there was no frame.

‘What the-‘ I started but was interrupted with Jerome laughter.

He laughed and laughed until tears came poured out. 

‘Don’t you laugh.’ I snapped. I was very irritated. It was very funny. And I missed to take the pictures of it.

After few minutes, Jerome managed to calm himself. 

‘So, now what?’ Jerome asked.

‘What is the time?’ I asked. 

After glancing his watch, he said ‘6:30 am’

‘6:30?’ I wondered. ‘It is not possible. According to the sun, it is afternoon.’

‘Is that so?’ Jerome said, who was equally puzzled. When he patted his watch, the two hands fell off.

‘You better buy a new watch.’ I said and went towards to the door.

‘Where are you going?’ He asked.

‘Shopping.’ I replied and went out.

‘Wait for me.’ He called and came running behind me. 

‘For?’ I asked and walked faster. I knew why he was following me.

‘See. You got some money right? Will you buy me a new watch? I-‘

‘No Jerome.’ I said firmly. ‘I lent you about 100 dollars, according to my account book. Why will you repay that?’

‘I.. Um..’ 

‘Wow.’ I said with a flat-tone. ‘I know you would never repay it. And’ I pointed my finger. ‘Don’t you dare ask any more money.’

‘Come on!’ He wailed like a small kid.

When he started arguing, a very fast bike sped across us. The bike came so close that I could sense the friction between the wheel and the road. I was so shocked that I did not move for a minute. 

Then I unfroze.

'What on the Earth does he think?' I yelled and started running behind the bike.

The rider does not seem to listen to me and drove without looking back.

Then he stopped in front of my building.

"Uh.. What?' I whispered to myself.

The thing which puzzled me the most was that no one was there in that building except me. 101 flat was unsold and Mrs. Jones of 201 was out of station was the past 4 months.

So, the rider must have come for me.

But why?

Before I could get the answer, the rider got off his bike and sped into the building.

Well. This guys seems really fast.

I slowly started shadowing him. But I forgot one thing. Jerome was with me. 

‘Hey Harold!’ He shouted. 

‘Shh!’ I whispered. ‘Keep your voice down.’

‘What?’ He yelled. 

Maybe he was doing intentionally.

The forgotten rider’s footsteps thundered downwards.

Quickly, I pushed myself and my annoying friend into the garbage shed.

‘What-‘ He started and stopped, mainly because my hand was on his mouth.

‘For once, shut that disgusting mouth.’ I growled. 


‘I said, shut that mouth!’ I hissed.

Then he became silent.

I peeped through the crack of the door. I saw the rider seeing here and there and stopped to ask a man something. I could have sworn that he was asking about me.

‘Come now.’ I said quietly. ‘And don’t forget to zip that mouth of yours.’

He nodded and started following me.

I opened the back door and we both ran.

We ran and ran and ran, until we reached the ‘Scooby Doggy fast foody.’ It was a restaurant, where I and Jerome usually come to eat. 

I would have run further but Jerome dashed to the restroom.

When I saw him, I grunted. I could have left him but even I could not run any further.

I sat on the nearby chair. It wasn’t any better than mine. It creaked too badly.

When the waiter came and asked what would I like to eat, I said ‘Choco chip cookies, please.’

The waiter gave a little um and said ‘Sir this is a fast food restaurant.’

‘I ate choco chip cookies last time.’ I exclaimed.

‘Actually Sir, the baker of the nearby bakery came and worked here for a while as our chef was ill.’ He said.

‘All right.’ I said and asked him to give the menu.


When I saw the menu, I only saw ‘Handmade Chinese pizza’ written under available dishes.

‘Is pizza a fast food?’ I wondered aloud.

‘Yes sir.’ The waiter said. ‘It is a fast food.’

'Is pizza from China?' I asked him.

'Yes sir.'

‘Ok. Make it fast.’ I shooed him.

After all this commotion, I saw Jerome coming out.

‘Tummy upset?’ I asked.

He nodded and sat cautiously on the chair. Before he could sit, the chair broke.

He frowned at the broken chair and stole another chair from the adjacent table.

After few minutes of silence, he suddenly erupted

'Why on the Earth did you made me run like that? What happened? Why you so scared? Why-"

I raised my hand for silence. He elapsed into silence once again.

Then I explained what I saw.

He waited for few seconds and asked 'So the rider you said..'


'Came for you?'

'Yes. Or let me put it in another way. He was coming for none other than me.'

'Ohk.' He looked more puzzled than before. Maybe because of my bad English.

'But why did he come to your house?' He asked.

'God knows!' I grumbled. 'If I knew that, why do you think I did not invite him with a tea?'

'Maybe he was your old math's teacher.' He said.

'Good point.' I said. 'But the thing is that I don't know him and I don't know why he came to my house.'

Then the waiter came and put a crusty flatbread on the table.

'What is this?' I demanded.

'Handmade Chinese Pizza.' The waiter said and left without waiting for a reply.

'Pizza?' Jerome said. 'Looks more like a crunchy veggie flatbread to me.'

I put aside the plate and said 'Now, try to use your useless brain. Try to think why did he come to my house.'

'How do we know?' said my ignorant friend.

I glared at him. 'Of course we don't know. That is why I am asking you to think so that we get to know why he came to my house.'

Jerome seemed very puzzled why I finished. 'Could you please repeat?' He said.

I ignored him and started to think. Why did he come to my house?

Maybe to rob it?

I dismissed the idea. Every robber now knows that it is of no use to rob my house. After all, the most expensive thing I have is my teddy. The headless one.

Suddenly I knew it. 

'Oh *' I said. (You better fill that star with the most disgusting foul word you know).

'What?' Jerome asked. He was trying to bite through the pizza. 

'The Bible!' I screamed. 'Come fast!'

Without waiting for a response, I grabbed his hand and ran.

When I reached my building, I stopped to take a breath.

'What-' He started and stopped when he saw that I wasn't in any mood to talk to him nicely.

When I reached the flat, I could not see any door. Because there was no door. 

As I proceeded into my house, the situation was way worse. Usually, dirt filled my house. Today, there was dirt on the dirt. My already broken iron board was broken further into tiny bits. When I reached my wardrobe, my full hand shirt was reduced into the size of my handkerchief. 

Then I remembered about the bible.

'Where is the bible?' I screamed to Jerome and ran towards to my study table. There was nothing. No bible. No anything.

'Oh my god!' I yelled. 'What would I say to the snappy man? I would have to give the 200 dollars he gave to me. Or he would ask for more!' I groaned and sat on the floor because the sofa and chair were chopped into tiny bits of wood. 

Jerome was looking at me with no words of consolation.

I glared at him.

'What?' He said, as if he knew nothing about the bible.

'The bible!' I screamed. 'The rider took it!'

Jerome shook his head 'That is not possible.'


'Because, I have the bible.' Jerome said, pulling the bible from his pocket.

Then I remembered that Jerome had tried to steal the bible from me.

After thousand thanks to my friend for stealing the bible, I sat on the floor as I hugged the bible hard.

'What now?' Jerome asked. As far as I can tell, he looked very pleased with himself.


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