The Boy of the House
The Boy of the House

To the boy of the house
Yes, the boy or the son of the house.
I know it isn't easy for you either.
There are a lot of talks about the struggles a girl or a women faces but the boys and men are often not spoken about as much as they should be. So here's to each one of you.
From the time a boy is born responsibility is entrusted upon him to run the house as he grows.
I know its scary to handle such responsibilities as they are not prepared and are lost and alone. They are expected to figure things out alone.
A man is seen as a pillar of strength of the family, he doesn't really share what he goes through emotionally men are not able to express as well as a women can.
Always remember you are not alone in this.
Try learning and imbibing the qualities of your predecessors. Talk to your father maybe they are also going through i
t alone, together you can support each other and grow stronger.
It is said that a father-son duo usually don't get along well. Its because each one doesn't express their feelings in the correct way.
They feel they have to work it out on their own and solve their own problems but in reality they need each other at each stage in life.
The father through his experiences tries to mould the son in his way so that he doesn't make the mistakes he did. The son being novice thinks he has better ideas and can ace anything.
Its okay to breakdown at times its necessary to get up and take a bigger leap.
Life is not lived with only money. There are many more qualities required for a living.
As you try to find your place in the world, we are here beside you to support you and hold when if you fall.
The girls of the house.