Chetan Sivakumar



Chetan Sivakumar


Lord Vishnu-Dwarapalaka's P-1

Lord Vishnu-Dwarapalaka's P-1

2 mins

At Vaikunta(The place where lord Vishnu lives), the goddess of fortune, Lakshmi in her transcendental form is engaged in the loving service of the Lord's lotus feet, service to the Lord but is also engaged in singing the glories of the Lord's activities to make him sleep.

The two Dwarapalaka’s (gatekeepers) of Lord Vishnu , Jaya, and Vijaya are instructed by lord Vishnu to make sure that he is not disturbed by anyone while he is taking a nap. During that time a sage (Sanat Kumaras) came to visit Lord Vishnu. When he tried to go inside Jaya and Vijaya stopped them from going inside. The sage got embarrassed but patiently tried to go inside again but got stopped. The sage thought that they were having fun with him as they were not telling him any reason why they are he is not being allowed to go inside. For this the sage cursed them that they will be reincarnated in the earth. Jaya and Vijaya got scared because whenever a sage says anything, it will come true. 

 Jaya and Vijaya fell on their feet of the sage and requested them to modify the curse. The sage said that he was powerless to modify the curse which he pronounced, but Lord Vishnu is the only one who can modify the curse. For this Jaya and Vijaya prayed to Lord Vishnu to modify the curse.

 Lord Vishnu gave a big thought about this and said that you can be my devotee for 10 times or sworn enemy to me and meet your deaths at my hands 3 times. Jaya and Vijaya decided to be an enemy to Lord Vishnu for 3 times because they want to get back to Vaikunta and Lord Vishnu as soon as possible. 

 The three incarnations of Jaya and Vijaya were:

1. Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashyapu - Varaha and Narasimha Avatara in Satya Yug

2. Ravana and Kumbhakarna - Rama Avatara in Treta Yug

3. Sishupala and DantaVaktra – Krishna Avatara n Dvapara Yug.

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