Inspirational Others Children



Inspirational Others Children

Different Boy in Family

Different Boy in Family

2 mins

I could immediately spot that this boy was different from the three other children who were watching the cartoon film on TV while lying on the bed. This boy was different as he was never lying near these children. He was either sitting on the floor or sitting near the edge of the bed. He had a storybook in his hand. I asked the name of every child. All others replied unwillingly. This boy replied only after I encouraged him to reply. He was too shy. The next day, I had another opportunity to meet this boy as he was traveling with her mother. Her mother was telling about this boy that he always asks her to get back home at night and this boy feels that home is the best place for him. Her mother was actu

ally a house support staff at the place we went. I could now understand why this boy was different from the first day I met him. He had an element of self-pride, while reading the book, while other children were just watching TV. He also knew the distance he needs to keep from other children. I wish this boy to reach heights. 

Children born to parents with limited resources often face a conflicting situation of being carried away with money or power or sticking to their goals. If we can just inculcate this one habit of not getting carried with the glitter of the world at a young age, we are definitely going to get a much brighter tomorrow and a better world to live in.

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