Mysterious Mechanic
Mysterious Mechanic

Some time back, I used to visit a mechanic in front of my office, for repair of my scooter. This repair shop was quite old and three generations of people in the family were engaged in the repair business.
One fine day, the delivery of my vehicle after servicing got late and I had to sit at the shop for quite some time. Late in the evening when most of the service work was complete, the staff started cleaning a particular area inside the shop. Here the grandfather in the family sat on a stool. Some ladies from nearby localities gathered around this old gentleman. In a rather feeble voice, these ladies started asking few questions to this person, calling him ‘Dada Ji’. The old person seemed to oblige by saying few words to each of them and th
e process continued.
I was watching all this from a little distance. Out of curiosity I asked the person who was attending to my vehicle, about what is going on. The person explained to me about the qualities of Dada Ji in Urdu words that translated to “with a lot of passion and grace, Dada Ji showers his love over these women”. And, before your fertile mind takes some other track, let me tell you that Dada Ji was actually a passionate fortune-teller. Whatever he tells these women becomes true. He also used to advise solutions to the problems faced in their families, particularly related to illness, education or financial needs.
It is still a mystery for me how that old mechanic turned into a fortune teller.