Priorities for Money or?
Priorities for Money or?

Few years back when I was sitting in a meeting of top company executives, discussing about company’s objective, a gentleman from accounts background clearly spelled out that the primary objective of any business organization should be maximizing profits. Obviously the type of meeting it was, almost everyone agreed. People who did not agree kept silent. Many years have passed and this sentence, spelling out the primary objectives still reverberates in my mind.
The reason is that I often see people, organizations, governments all seem to be running behind this primary objective only. I see government focusing on making larger roads, then inside road of towns. I see local level establi
shments putting their energies on decorating buildings, rather than finding right garbage disposal mechanisms. At personal levels people keep spending on clothes and electronic gadgets, than taking up a self development course. People have lot of time on mobile than to talk to their parents.
I know that old father of a rich person kept filling his eye drop bottles with water as this person always forgot to bring a fresh eye drop bottle in time. That is how priorities are set by us. We try to maximize financial gains and end up gaining stress and all sorts of complexities.
Setting the right priorities can simplify our life. Let us detoxify our needs.