Drama Inspirational Others



Drama Inspirational Others

My Share Too

My Share Too

2 mins

Asking for shares is a trend we find everywhere in today's world. It looks like Darwin's law of survival of the fittest seems to be ruling everywhere. People want to share in school or college admissions, share in jobs, share in seats, share in votes, share in income, share in food, share in property and the list goes on and on. 

Let us understand this with this story. The train halted at an intermediate station. A man was sitting opposite to a couple who took out their home food when the train stopped. This man was also hungry. He got off the train bought a lemon and twisted its juice over the food, this couple was eating. After putting the lemon juice he started eating the same food, the couple had brought. The couple was stunned. They objected to this action. The man said, "I also have my share in this food, so I can also eat".

The ways to demand a share, valid or invalid create lots of debates.

What we need to groom in our children is the habit of sharing knowledge and sharing resources. Today I find this utterly missing from our school-level education system. If a child forgets to bring an eraser, he is scolded and punished, rather than a teacher taking this opportunity to train other children to share things. Today sharing seats in a compartment of a train is increasingly difficult. The need for personal comfort has overridden all different social norms. Please don't get me wrong in the literal sense. I don't mean that a reserved-seat person must allow all other passengers to occupy his seat. I am just trying to point out the attitude of not sharing anything once I have somehow acquired it. My share too! is the buzzword in the form of reservations and quotas. If we want to eliminate these issues, we definitely need to focus on producing a much more balanced next generation by improving the places where we build Generation Z.

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