Drama Others



Drama Others

Teena and Meena

Teena and Meena

3 mins

As the title indicates, this article will definitely begin with a story of two female characters named 'Teena' and 'Meena'. Before you think anything otherwise, let me tell you that these are just names of two pet fishes in my aquarium. I do have some sixth sense of talking and hearing to my pets. One fine morning while having my breakfast on my dining table, I could hear some whispers in the aquarium which is kept quite nearby. It was 'Teena' calling 'Meena' and telling her about a TV programme she had watched the previous night. I did not turn my head as I wanted this conversation to continue. Teena was talking about the increasing pollution level in the river they used to live earlier. She heard on the TV that government has floated a scheme to clean the river. She also told Meena if she is interested in going back to the river. Meena told Teena, "I would have loved to go back to the natural environment but what if promises made by the government are not met, what will happen." Based on the TV show, Teena had a feeling that this time government looks serious. Meena was still skeptical. She said, "First of all! it is difficult to convince our master, and secondly nothing new is happening this time, which had not happened earlier". Teena said, "Let us at least discuss this issue with our master. May be he knows something more".

 Hearing this I started p

reparing myself. I knew that next time I am going to clean my aquarium; I will have a job of talking to these two fishes. Next day itself, I was supposed to do routine cleaning of the aquarium. Meanwhile, I had collected sufficient information about the government's plan. I came to know that something is happening, but if it is sufficient for declaring it good enough was not really known to anyone. When it will be declared as clean, was also a difficult question for government officials. When I was posed this question, I told the young fishes that enjoy the environment in the aquarium till you get the news that the river is cleaned up. Since I did not wanted to face the next question, I quickly made distance from the aquarium, as I knew next question would be 'When'. I knew I will not be able to answer this one to them. I knew that in their short life span they will not see the day about which I had given hopes to them. I do not know how many more generations of these fishes we will have to avoid talking to till we are able to show the real action. 

All of you know that whatever I wrote above is Imaginary. Friends! The thought is real. Episode I created in my mind, but it was a sort of helplessness on part of river cleaning programmes we run in our country that let my mind create such a drama. I hope someday I can become answerable to nature.

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