Corona Conundrum 2.0
Corona Conundrum 2.0
One hurts like HELL! Two cuts far, far Deeper...
Last year, I wrote an article on Corona Conundrum, the Black-Swan of 2020 bringing the world to a stand-still. If the first wave was a black swan then there is no adjective for the current one. While writing that, there was an optimism that like any other obstacle we have encountered, it too shall pass. However, sometimes optimism is undeserved. Sometimes, it can be the death of hope. If the first wave was a black swan then there is no adjective for the status quo. The deadly second wave Covid-19 has left India gasping for breath both literally and metaphorically exposing the fragility of humanity once again. While the Government does damage control, spammers throw in fake news, and some over-charge for basic medicals supplies like injections or oxygen cylinders, there are always millions who are doing their part in making it right and restoring the faith in humanity. Some directly on the battlefield, the health-workers, army, volunteering groups, police, etc, and others silently in their own capacities. And with each passing day, their count is increasing, so even though the optimism may be undeserved, but it is there and this time it will pass.
Right now, no one has the faintest clue about when this mayhem will end, and what the post-pandemic world will look like, simply putting, who will survive.
There's a saying;
"Those who don't learn from history, tend to repeat it".
Believe it or not, this time, the choice was ours. However, again if we start exposing the fragilities and the nitty-gritty's and the blame game, this would be like another Newshour debate and like most, the only respite from this monster is to not get to our heads. When the mind is conscious of what is at stake, and a visual stimulus is so readily available, it triggers such unbearable, unfathomable anxiety that at the moment, composure is hardly a peripheral virtue. It is then, then ignorance becomes bliss, however, it is easier said than done. If we become aware that the most basic entity of our existence, breathing can hold so much weight, then we can realize that the small things matter the most. We are in this war together, and sooner or later we will win as rightly said by His Holiness The Dalai Lama,
“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”