I Never Had A Girlfriend
I Never Had A Girlfriend

I don't know whether it was love, infatuation, friendship, or simply destiny? I don't label it because I don't believe in labels. Never have.
I'd been offered a campus placement at one of the world's leading Telecom Company. Prior to joining, we have one week Campus2Corporate Work-Shop teaching us the Ethics of Corporate Life and the challenges involved in the transition from Campus to Corporate Life. It was a batch of 25. On Day-1, as an ice-breaker, our instructor asked us to introduce ourselves by drawing a sketch of something that defined us. As we proceeded with the task, she was the first girl I shook hands with. Her sketch was a tree signifying her deep-rooted values despite the hardships of life. The harshness of the weather couldn't stop her from growing. I was captivated by her profundity. Apart from her impeccable smile, the irresistible charm had somewhere stuck me like a dart in the heart.
By lunch, I made few friends and fortunately we both were part of the same group. However, until then our conversations were brief. Since the training was in her hometown, Gurgaon, in the evening, I messaged her asking about the places to hang out there. Even though Gurgaon is not far from Delhi, the real reason was something else. It was her magical aura that was pulling me towards her. The next day also, we didn't talk much but our amicable glances became more intense. Now I began to feel that there was something more to all this. After going back I couldn't shake her off my thoughts. Oh God! Her smile was infectious.
The events were happening in progression. Each day was better than the previous one. On the third day, our group planned to go to the Shopping Mall. While we were waiting for the Cab, she brought her scooter from the parking lot and offered me a ride. I pretended to swallow my happiness but it was futile it was spilling all over my face and now my friends started bantering me too. Due to my weight, it was me who was riding with her hand as support on my shoulder. I still feel the essence of that touch. They say feelings don't have words. Some are too good to be felt. Though we didn't talk much we could feel that it was not by chance that we were together. The universe was doing its magic. They were one of those innocent moments when things keep on happening and we don't question their existence. Since I'd done my schooling in a boy's school and spent my engineering sunk in my books or cricket practice, this was my first of firsts.
On the fourth day of the program, the heel of her shoe came out. I didn't know how to react because until then I would have taken that as a joke and mocked. Moreover, this day was important because the Department Head was visiting our office and there was supposed to a F2F discussion with every candidate. She freaked out. Since it was impossible to walk with a broken heel shoe, she asked me for help. We skipped the morning session and I took her out to get them fixed. The day went well. In
the evening, she dropped me back to the hotel where I was staying and thanked me. I asked her to join me for a snack as I was hungry. She accepted with a smile. Our amicable glances and brief conversations finally end with a long walk in the market next to my hotel. What was intended as a 15-minute snack as if it went on forever? All I remember is that I got lost in the eternal infinity of those moments. Until that day we only parted with a handshake. In the evening before leaving, she gave me a tight hug and once again thanked me for the help. I couldn't have wished for a moment better than that. I could now fully embrace the sensation of her heartbeats. However, when she was leaving I could see tears rolling down her eye. Was it because of the intensity of the moment? I don't know. I texted her after she reached home. She said she was fine and will talk to me tomorrow. She expressed fears for the future. I knew that there was a chance that we may be posted at different locations but in case that would have happened, I would ask for a transfer. But, I wouldn't let go off her.
The week had passed in a flash and now it was the last day of the Workshop. We couldn't meet in the morning as she came in a little late. The supervisor came into the room and started announcing our joining locations and the further process. Some of our friends got posted to Bangalore, but luckily, we both were posted in Mumbai. We had to join by Monday. Finally, my dreams had come true. I was inundated with joy and could barely sit straight and control my excitement. Since she was sitting on the last row I couldn't turn back and but the one time I did, I could see a wry smile on her face. She sensed my happiness and that's what life's about. We both would be taking the same flight. I had all the time in the world to talk to her, know her.
As soon as the presentation ended, I rushed towards her and gave a tight hug. I could see tears trickling down her eyes. I didn't understand. I thought she was also flooded with joy. However, she broke the reality to me. She had applied for a Masters Program in the US and since her Uncle was a Senior Faculty member there, he had managed to secure her a seat. Here session was to begin next week and her parents had booked the flight ticket last evening. Until then I'd never imagined anything like that in my wildest of my imaginations. I became numb. My world came down and dreams crashed on the runway. I didn't know how I felt. Maybe it was my first of firsts, that's why. I congratulated her trying so hard not to show my tears as I was choked for words. Her father comes to pick her up as she had to leave early due to some medical check-up for the student visa. This time we parted without a good-bye.
Yes, we both were flying but to different destinations. We came, we met and we parted, who knows whether we'll meet again or not. No matter what happens, that one week will always we etched deep inside my heart because sometimes as bad you wanna address them, some things are best left unsaid...