Kartik Aggarwal



Kartik Aggarwal


Flight Of Our Dreams

Flight Of Our Dreams

2 mins

Sometimes when you're searching for answers, not finding them will teach you much more than actual answers ever could. Who knows that the higher power, the vibrations. the universe, whatever you believe in may be preventing you from knowing the truth.

Believe it or not, sometimes the truth is the last thing you want to hear and most of us are never ready to hear it. This is true with anything we hold close to our hearts. Sometimes two souls, who are ideal companions for each other, despite fighting all the odds together, spending a huge amount of time together, are still not able to go the distance. Sometimes that soul is the dream we have hung onto for so long that it becomes a part of us. As time mounts we are faced with decisions that begin to fray the fragile fabric of love, and the dreams we have chosen for ourselves, worked so hard to maintain in each other. However, when we hold something very close to our heart at a very tender age, that pain is the worse because it clings on to us forever. No matter how much we achieve, wherever we get that loss stays with us forever. We seek solace in the fact that it was not meant to be and whatever happens, is for our greatest good but the unsaid truth is that is just a lid we use to cover so that w

e can move on. Deep down we keep fighting to keep the memories of those ghosts alive and someway down the line, that lid blows off and we are left confronting the truth.

There are no right ways to sail through these decisions and the only option remains, is to accept them with grace because, in the end, acceptance is always greater than expectation. The idea when it initiates, is about selfless love, without strings attached, but somewhere down the line, the former diminishes and the latter rises. It then becomes a delicate walk between hope and chaos. The true sign of happiness may not lie in the flight of our dreams or the flight that nourishes our soul, and but simply to fly and keep moving without a backward or downward glance. It is right to expect miracles but accept that if they don't happen then maybe we've gotten closer to the truth. If we are able to do that, we can say "we have outgrown", then we can say "we have evolved", and that love then stays forever. That love, however, will be etched deep inside the shackles of our soul, incomprehensible to the world.

When triggered a smile is all that will take us into the infinite depth of its being and sometimes, a silent tear trickling down the cheek...

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