Haimanti Dutta Ray



Haimanti Dutta Ray


Transmigration (Nov. 20 Theme: Afterlife)

Transmigration (Nov. 20 Theme: Afterlife)

1 min

“Life: It must go on!” – so say our scriptures,

Human life is but a segment in the music of the spheres.

For us, death is a finality, an end to all our deeds,

Yet the belief that the soul transmigrates, suits ultimate needs.

Philosophers have delved deeper into this realm,

I am but puny, by consideration in this microcosm.

The body dies, but the soul lives and passes on –

Hence, we regard that for our causes, the soul has to atone –

Glory of spiritualism is divine; it is as pure as honey,

‘Life does exist after death’ – this will abstain us from lure of money.

Ghost stories are meant to scare us away from afterlives

For an afterlife does exist for the soul which rests upon beehives.

The immortal soul flies away from the mortal body –

Only to rest upon another body more shody!

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