The Wind That Changed That Day
The Wind That Changed That Day

The sunny weather got suddenly clouded,
The wind picked speed and the dust billowed,
In the raising wind and scattered clouds, the sun seemed blinded,
Was it the lust of the dust or the turbulence of the wind that got the sky shrouded?
The time was not precise since it was early evening,
Too late for such a fatal attraction even very much in the offing,
Common wisdom advised not to expect the clouds to get condensed,
Because it was well past the time and more sunny weather was predicted.
Contradicting the normal trend, the storm l
asted for a short period,
But it still caused great havoc among the people concerned,
It destroyed properties, battered the crops in the field,
Left a scar in their mind, creating disbelief on the pattern of the wind.
Now the leaves, the dust have fallen down, settled and not having any mood to fly,
Though the turmoil is still on, spinning, twisting up in the sky,
The wind is no more wild, restless but somehow subdued and remorse and has no force to fly,
Will this be a lasting effect? Or just a lull before another storm or a fresh venture to try?