Shukr Usgaokar



Shukr Usgaokar


The Clown Prince

The Clown Prince

3 mins

The gaffes are increasing, but the Shehzada seems to show no signs of relenting. A precarious future awaits the royal family.

Once upon a time, there was a prince,

Who thought he had a sense of humor.

He expected everyone to laugh at his jokes,

Be it his subjects or courtiers.

He got away by saying the most outrageous things,

Not unlike the Shakespearean fool.

But no one ever dared to retort,

Giggling instead of children in school.

They laughed at him more than at his jokes.

This fact to the prince was never made known.

No matter how lame or tasteless,

If the offence was taken, none was shown.

The prince always kept himself surrounded

By a coterie of yes-men and myrmidons.

Living in a bubble of luxury and privilege.

Ignoring his duties to the nation.

But amidst all the fun and frolic,

A few wise men started to wonder,

What will happen once the queen retires?

The prince has become the court jester.

A rich-spoilt brat, arrogant and inept,

Whose ability to govern is doubtful.

Born in a family of blue-blooded monarchs

Who believe that they are entitled to rule.

But the vast majority paid no heed.

Treating the royalty as divinity.

Gods and goddesses who could not be questioned.

Who had the right to rule but no


They believed that they needed the family.

The only ones who could keep the country together.

Eagerly waiting for the prince to take over

The reins of the kingdom just like his ancestors.

Meanwhile, the queen and the prince

Continued to loot the state exchequer.

Getting richer and richer by the day,

While the kingdom remained poor.

Then, at last, the day arrived.

It was time for the prince’s coronation.

But a rude shock awaited the royal household

Which was busy making plans for celebration.

The people had decided that they had had enough.

The royals were to serve them, not the other way around.

They got together and stormed the palace.

And dragged them to jail, gagged and bound.

For decades, the dynasty’s misrule had ensured

That the masses are left starving and broke.

The prince may provide some comic relief,

But running a country is not a joke.

The will of the people had finally triumphed.

No longer would they trust any ruler blindly.

Not put with any form of injustice.

Never be afraid to oppose tyranny.

They learned to look after themselves.

And in no time succeeded in creating

A prosperous place with no rulers or commoners.

A place where everyone is treated like a king.

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