Piss Pot Politics
Piss Pot Politics
I was bored and had nothing to do,
So, I went today to the little town of Podipattu to hear the speech of a local polituttoo.
There he stood, high above us, dressed in pure virtuous white,
ready to spout his peremptorious piss on us below.
The crowds clapped and cheered, full of fire.
I pledge, I swear, I truly care.
He would read from I was sure; a rhetoric script of black and grey.
But then, isn’t that what the people had come to hear?
Today I ask for your support, and not your votes,
Said the polituttoo with a shiny smile.
You deserve more than just a choice between descentric bloodlines and devoted bhakts,
where one’s a thief and the other, a thug.
I will not promise you temples or a war,
nor quarantined quotas while keeping you chained,
to religion, caste and class.
The crowds clapped less with confused cheers.
I have felt the cries of the farmer echo through my soul,
when he slashed his wrists ag
ainst the plough.
Each drop of his blood was a bullet through my heart.
No more shall I use you as a stepping stone to my throne.
I will not waive your loans or throw you a bone for just a vote alone.
I will give you the means, the tools and respect to grow on your own.
The crowds went silent, this was not the deal, a few left to eat their free meals.
No more shall I wear thongs of fascism under my dhoti of democracy,
I will end the rein of the remote-controlled mobs,
unhinged and twisted in mutated self-righteous savagery.
No more shall I use them to break the finger that rises against me,
While slipping on gold-plated rings on the thumbs raised up.
“Today I only offer you my brothers and sisters, an India of hope. And I need your support.”
The crowds now booed, and jeered, calling him a liar.
The polituttoo then laughed and said with a wink, “Mitroon, APRIL FOOL!!”
The crowds now laughed and cheered, full of fire.