Utkarshini Singh

Abstract Inspirational Children


Utkarshini Singh

Abstract Inspirational Children

Journey Of A Flag

Journey Of A Flag

2 mins

Today I'll tell you my story,

Mixed with pain and glory.

No longer the same cotton ball,

Turned into the national flag - Tricolour as I'm called.

Somewhere in a field,

By the rich cotton yield,

My journey commences,

Of glory, pride and responsibility I sense.

Held tightly by little palms,

They in their parent's arms,

Waving me as the bands played,

Cheering and flaunting me till they fade.

I danced left to right, right to left

Happy was what I felt

As they unfurled me

I stand tall for the world to see.

Guns opened up the fire,

I soar higher and higher.

In a tight crisp salute, billions of right hands raised

Few not all, looking up to a goal to chase.

Moments went by, hands now balled in a fist

By their side, proud beaming faces they lift 

I watch as ceremonies begin

Seas of every child clapping.

My chest swells at the sight of regiments marching by,

Of choppers roaring high.

I flutter seeing my air warriors conquer the sky.

But... Something else caught my sight causing me to sigh.

Oh look, far over there by the road, 

Signals turned red, stopping the traffic that flowed.

Running barefoot, scrambling to get someone

To purchase my buddy, for them this calls for celebration and fun.

Pity with no idea of this glorification,

Selling my likes, money brings calls for jollification.

Windows rolled down, some bucks are passed

>And the Tricolour as I'm called is purchased.

Far above, over there, soaring in the sky,

Staring down at me from so high

Another of me,

I can see.

As I look up, I look back to the day

Of the fate of fallen soldier upon whose coffin I lay

Sky stands testimony to the pain I felt,

To precious pearls, a mother's eyes held.

Celebration is over by now 

As I came back to the present somehow.

From where I stand, retreating troops I see,

Still, eager children shouting in glee.

Oh, a tiny hand dropped me 

I lay there, still, waiting for someone to see

Then I knew my fate,

As I watched the similar state of my mates.

Aah, someone stepped over,

Again I'm trampled by a motor.

Soiled and tormented, my buddies and I lay strewn,

The next day, I watch someone come to with a broom

Collected all of us and threw in a bin

Left me to ponder on my uncommitted sin.

I learnt at the plant,

Hearing my friend's rant,

Of pain that shot through my heart,

Shattering my core apart.

This was my tale to tell 

Of fate, I knew the day I fell.

They called me their pride- their national flag

But all I'm now is, reduced to rags.  

A beautiful journey came to a tragic end,

Respect, respect, aah, everywhere but no care to lend.

My dear friends hope you all heard my silent sobs,

Hope you all will give me respect and dignity, I was robbed off.

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