My Mother
My Mother

My mother is the best mother,
She is everything for me to be it, sister, or brother.
She is the world's queen,
But still, she is not mean.
She is a scientist,
And can remember things without making a list.
Her life lies in chemistry,
But still, some things for her are a mystery.
Chemistry comes in her dreams,
I guess by eating fresh creams.
For her handling situations,
It is easy as solving equations.
She is very smart,
And good at everything including art.
She is diligent and hardworking,
But rigid as a soldier from the regiment.
For me, she is my m
That is why I don't need any tutor.
For me, she has done a lot of sacrifices,
By studying hard and becoming an IAS officer I will repay her price.
She plays with me,
that is why I love her three.
Besides being my best friend,
She is always up to date with the trend.
When she is with me, she is a kid,
But in her teacher avatar, she is a guide.
She and I can share things,
But never clip each other's wings.
She is the best gift of god,
For this gift, I would always be humble O'lord.
May you give this gift to every child,
Or without mother children would go wild.