A Home

A Home

2 mins

I haven't felt this way before

Having this feeling gushing through

My pores.

It's like I have been enchanted

Laid bare for the world to see

I wonder when I gave in

And let myself believe

It's truly been a while since last

I have seen myself smile

When I looked down into your eyes

I saw myself in new, different light

A new me was born when I looked at you

A new me who would always love and protect you.

I did not believe love was salvation

Yet I think you have been mine

It is such a pure pull

You and I share

Exception of any hatred, despair or dismay

A love like that

You and I share

I wish to protect

To see you smile

I wish till my dying breath

That you could smile

You are a part of me now

A part I willing gave

Just so you could be mine

My dear, my love, my world, my happiness.

Everything begins with you and ends with you now

I have seen it all, the world, the universe in your eyes.


watched myself fall in your gaze

I watch myself crumble just as we embraced.

This is it for me, I have given my heart away to you

As I see you looking in my eyes

The gaze of curious innocence in your lovely eyes

A gaze that reflected mine.

I have been bewitched, taken and born anew

Going through pain unlike any other,

Just to be born anew.

And it only happened when I held you

The sun is brighter now

The stars are shiner

The sky is bluer

And the people less cold.

My child, my flesh and blood

My everything in this moment

Now that I have held you

And till last dying breath of mine

I would always love you

Care for you and protect you

Because you made me anew

In this cold world

Where no one was mine

Hurt was rampant for me

And then you became mine

Providing me the one thing

I could never have called mine,

A home, you gave me one.

Something no one could provide.

Now you just see my dear love

I will build you a home.

A home where our love and we will survive.

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