Endless Love
Endless Love

I’m sitting under the starry moonlight,
Thinking about the dark seas of the night.
Whispering into the ears of the mountain high,
Stories of despair and delight.
The waves breaking on the soundless shores,
While the swallow returns back after the daily chores.
The forest breathes in the fire of the dusk,
Leaves gently rumbling to sleep,
The fishes dive in deep.
The stars play with arrows of fire,
The waves play with the rock’s desire.
The darkest hour of the night,
Creates the brightest light.
The same ocean turns a morning blue,
Forgetting its dark hue.
While the cloud confesses his love for the stars,
ss="ql-align-center">Loathing the thought of being far.
The rich yellow fields dreamily look into his eyes,
But the sky loves the ocean and that is where his eyes lie.
They bridge their distance by calling it, love,
On the souls of each other, they lay,
Be it night or day.
The green wood’s talks about this unusual love affair they see,
Saying, “It’s not true, how can it be?
When Horizon’s a lie and they never meet.”
But the ocean knows and so does the sky,
Where their souls lie.
Right from the start,
Into each other’s Heart.
I imagine this tale of impossible love,
Under the silent moonlight,
Lost in the darkness of the Night.