I am in the pinnacle of my success
To garner from myriad with huge accolades
I am rich by virtue of their appreciation
Mundane wealth I acquired galore, beyond ones estimation
This is what I only aspire for
To prove my worth only to equate my status distinct in all fore
People are making huge roar
I am swaying with fancy for their grand uproar!
I hardly care that they are the only source of my entity
I am flamboyant only without heeding to their fancy
I only resolutely affirm to the vision of my own
Where I never appear in small letter to express my supremacy to be only blown!
I am too a matter
I reflect in human cerebral with huge clatter
Who cares how I evolve with what potentiality
Centuries long process script my entity
A process of continuous change in continuity
Configure my entity which is a sheer moment with serendipity?
Like butterfly with myriad colors in its wings
I too spell my eloquence to impress majority to dance on my whims
Considering my own folks as mere dunce
I manifest my entity with arrogance out of my ephemeral success with mystical stance
Majority buy my manife
station with glee
As if I am the only hero in their melee!
When unhappiness and boredom engulfs me
I hardly capable to realize an anti-matter too exist within me
My anxiety of losing fame
Increasing my blood sugar of fearing whether I am going to lose the mundane game
Multi organ failure suddenly started to emerge in my body politic
I am in utter jeopardy, considering my all endeavor as sheer heuristic!
I am in the verge of extinction
My life is at stake, none is now available to make any appreciation
Abruptly my all happiness disappear
Unhappiness only engulfs me with utter despair!
I wonder who I am
Why I always cry, why I cause all mayhem
Unless there is any energy
Can I afford to have any synergy?
It is the Sun in nucleus in our solar system
Responsible for all symbiosis to accelerate the Earth in rhythm
What a unique balance we notice on Earth
Where plenty of synthesis expresses in vociferous without any dearth
I will soon die
Being adamant to vie
Against nature and force to pay inevitable toll
Matter and anti-matter do exist in the nature’s floor only to extol!