Jagori Sarkar

Horror Thriller


Jagori Sarkar

Horror Thriller

The Confession

The Confession

4 mins

His last wish

Chapter 5

Part 1

Satish reached the river bank where he met the sadhu the previous day. He was new to this place it seemed and was known as Kanthi baba. People respected him and thought he was a good man who knew to deal with spirits. They gave him food sometimes. He stayed in the cremation area near the river bank. It seems that he did not speak much but anyone asked him anything he would tell them by raising his finger. If the work would be done he would raise his index finger or else his thumb.

Satish was quite doubtful about the whereabouts of this person. Who was he? Where did he come from? Why did anyone not see him before? He started looking near the cremation area and finally found him. He was sitting with his eyes closed as if meditating. Satish looked at him with contempt.

" Namaste, I heard that you can tell anything.. very high knowledge .. so tell me what happened to Bimla.. or rather Champa in Bimla", smirked Satish. The sadhu opened his eyes and looked at him. He raised his index finger at Satish. " Hmm.. let me guess .. Bimla is possessed by Champa.. right?". He calmly raised his index finger again.

Now Satish was really mad at him.. he was about to say something but he didn't. He turned back in a fit of anger and was about to leave when he heard, "Chandranath has sent you for Bimla.. sin .. they have to pay for it", said sadhu showing his teeth in the saddest smile. " I knew it. it's you... Il gets back to you soon", said Satish and left.

Satish came back and at night slowly creeped out of Birju s house. He decided to hide near the cremation area to keep an eye on the sadhu. When Satish reached he saw that sadhu was sitting in front of a bonfire and was chanting some words throwing ghee and ash into the fire. The man was himself clad in a black dhoti, bare body full of ash probably sitting over something.. not very clear. His eyes were fiery red and he seemed to be summoning someone.

Soon he heard footsteps behind him, someone was coming there. Quickly he moved away and kept looking. As she approached he could see her face. "B. B..", he put his hand over his mouth. " Why? Why do you call me? Pappa.. pappa.. when will I go home.. you told me you will let me go. I feel a lot of pain. Please let me go pappa .. stop calling me. Why are you punishing Bimla? Dont take revenge pappa. I want to leave.. please .. let me go", said Bimla. Satish was confused but he kept listening. The sadhu raged in anger and guilt, " Nooo.. noo Champa.. no my child .. he killed you... He killed you. I want revenge. I want to be with you my daughter.. my little baby. You dont know what I had to go through to bring you back. Take... Take this .. don't you feel hungry". He forwarded her something which was alive and moving and probably was a goat. She almost snatched it and bit its neck off in one bite. The creature didn't even get a chance to express pain before which it had become food. Satish kept staring in stupifying horror. It was so cruel and evil to kill an animal mercilessly.

He now understood the whole thing. This man had some revengeful reasons to call Champa's spirit in Bimla. He had to know what was the connection. The next day he spent talking to different people. This time he had a plan. That night after dinner he left and reached Kanthi baba s abode. When the sadhu had completed summoning Champa, he confronted him. He stood up, looked at Satish, and raised his hand. He found himself carried away in thin air and fell near a rock. " Go away... else you shall die like your father.. you dont really know me", roared the sadhu.

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