Lokanath Rath

Horror Action Thriller


Lokanath Rath

Horror Action Thriller

The Stranger(Part-20)....

The Stranger(Part-20)....

5 mins

The Stranger (Part-20)........


Next day morning Meera woke up bit early and finished her routine morning work. Sara was surprised to see Meera leaving bed so early. She made coffee for both of them and came to Meera. There was a smile on Sara's face. She gave Meera a cup of coffee and casually said, " what happened my dear? Today you woke up so early! This is a good habit and try to maintain it. " Meera said, "Mom, there is nothing special. Yesterday I was very tired and slept early and had a nice sleep. May be that's the reason I woke up early today. I will try to maintain this, but can't promise you. Now let me give some final touch to my work." Then Sara left Meera's room leaving her alone. Meera went to her computer and opened the software she is developing for CBI. Then she checked each steps of it. She just readjusted some steps and made it perfectly ok. It took her around two hours of time. Then she copied it in a pendrive. That took around one hour. Then she looked at the time, it was 10.30AM.

Her mother Sara had already left for her school. Rima had called her twice to have breakfast, but as she was busy couldn't joined her. Then she recalled that she has to make a call to Ashok. She took the other phone and dialled Ashok. By that time she just started taking her breakfast. Then she heard Ashok's voice. Ashok told her, "Meera, it's very important. Now we have found some serious links of Sangeeta with some antisocial people. You just keep yourself and family away from Sangeeta. What happened to the software? Have you finished with the little changes we had asked to do? Now we had increased the security around your house. One of our staff with id will reach your place within few minutes to check the places, where Sangeeta was sitting or moved in your house. I will call you around 3pm today and inform you the time for giving your final presentation of software. Take care." Then Ashok disconnected the line.

After a few minutes the door bell rang. Meera opened the door and saw a man standing there with his id card of CBI. Then she let him to come inside. He asked Meera to show the places of Sangeeta's movement and sitting in her house. Meera showed all the places. Then to Meera's surprise there was a hidden camera found in the sitting room facing to the entrance of the door. That was disconnected immediately. Then Meera took him to other places of house including her room. Again in her room too one hidden camera was found, but it was luckily been covered with her towel she just put there long days back unknowingly. That camera too was facing only her bed. As after the attack on her Meera had shifted her computer to the other corner of room and this was not known to Sangeeta. On her last visit too Meera only sat with her in the sitting room. Sangeeta tried to use her room's washroom, but Meera avoided it and asked her to use the one being attached to the sitting room. That time Sangeeta was bit upset, now Mee

ra could remember it.

After completing the inspection work the CBI staff left Meera's house. It was by that time around 11.15am. Then Meera got a call from Ravi. He said within 20 minutes he will be reaching there. Meera was very much shocked to know about the hidden cameras in her house. That to all those were fixed by her best friend Sangeeta. She couldn't believe this. At the same time she started feeling something from her inside. The fear of the security for her mother and sister raised many questions in her mind. At that moment the door bell rang. Meera opened the door and saw Ravi was standing there with the bag of a courier boy.

Meera let him come in. Then she went to her room and quickly brought the file full with the workings, sketches. She sat with Ravi and explained him everything one by one. Ravi was recording all those statements. After Meera finished, then Ravi thanked her and assured to fix the culprits. Ravi made the call to Arun and explained him. Then he gave phone to Meera. Arun said to Meera, "Thanks Meera. You have a great memory. Your all these sketches and statements will help us to reach the culprits. If in future it will be required, then we may reach to you. Thank you very much." Then Ravi took his phone, kept the file in his bag and left Meera's house.

Meera locked the door and went to her room. It as 12.30 in her watch. She started thinking of Sangeeta and her activities. Now she could understand why her mother never like her. Meera never thought that Sangeeta will be involved in illegal activities. She even tried to use Meera and spied her. Meer said to herself that she can't excuse Sangeeta. There was a silent pain inside her forced her to reorganize her activities. Then Meera heard Rima calling her to have lunch. Meera saw it was 1.30 pm. She joined Rima on dining table and still been influenced by the pains. Rima asked her, "what happened? Hey are you so upset? May be you need some more rest. I can't see you like this. You are my sister, my best friend, my guide and my role model. Please cheer up." Meera looked at her little sister and said, " No no, nothing happened to me. I was bit busy with work. You just focus on your preparation. " They finished their lunch and went to their rooms.

Meera tried to relax on her bed. She started thinking about her Dad. She was missing him terribly. Meera had learned from her father to fight till you achieve. Her Dad is a great fighter.

Then her phone rang. Meera saw the call was from Ashok. Ashok told her, " Meera, today at about 5pm our vehicle will pick you up from your house. This vehicle will not have any sign of CBI. Two of our staffs Bikram and Asit will reach your place. Please come prepared for the detail presentation of software. Rests we will discuss on our meeting. " Then the phone got disconnected. Meera saw the time, it was 3.30 pm. She just thought of having a little nap for a hour before getting ready to face the strangers.

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