Abstract Inspirational



Abstract Inspirational

Talking to God

Talking to God

2 mins

Suddenly everything blacked out! When I woke up, instead of seeing my room, my home, my family, I saw a divine light around me. I realised that I had died and I was in the house of God. 

I was going through all the incidences that had occurred in my life when I suddenly realised that during my happy moments God was with me but ironically when I needed him the most, he was nowhere to be seen. I asked him, "Oh Lord, in my happy times, I see u walking with me, but during the trying times when I needed you the most, where were you?"

Very gently and lovingly the Almighty replied, "My dear child, I have always been there with you. In your trying times, I wasn't walking beside you because I was there, in your heart and in your soul, guiding you towards light and taking you on the right path". I understood what he meant to say and apologised for this question. 

Often we blame God during our difficult times, but we forget that he lives in our heart and secretly gives us the strength, energy and proper guidance to us to follow the right path. He helps us discover our potential and makes us a better person. 

Last but not the least He told me

"Open your third eye 

When you feel it's night

For I live in everyone's heart

Who will make things right

Man is always my child who learns till his death

At each phase he discovers himself and finds glee

And the story ends when I bring him back to me. 

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