She Thought And She Did!
She Thought And She Did!

"This time I'll plant a tree! Yes!", Samaira exclaimed as she was super excited to celebrate her 18th birthday. This year, unlike others, she did not plan to throw a lavish party for her friends or get herself an expensive gift, rather she wanted to plant a tree.
"But why my dear child? Why are you doing this on your birthday? And what's the use of planting a tree? Why are you wasting your special day?", her dad asked.
"Dad! It's not wasting my special day, in fact, it is a way of making it more special! Yes! See since childhood we've been hearing that this planet needs more of greenery and oxygen and for that, we need to plant more and more trees and what can be a better day
than my own special day! The day I'm celebrating my birthday why not I give a new life to those living objects which cannot speak? And why to wait for others? Maybe seeing me, others will take a step too? Isn't it?", Samaira exclaimed.
Well her parents were proud of her that day. She planted a sapling in her society. Not only this, the next year onwards, her siblings did the same. And soon, her society had a line full of green plants which were all because of the efforts of Samaira and her family. Well, this little girl had done something which was way more big than children of her age could. Samaira had made an attempt to change. A change that was necessary, A change that could save lives!