Some "ME" Time!
Some "ME" Time!

24th April 2020
11:00 PM
Dear Diary,
Today I've fewer things to share with you because today was one of those days when I spent more time with my own self and less with the outer pleasures.
Sitting in the balcony and sipping my favorite cup of Bournvita, (you know I'm not a chai or coffee person) I realized how time passes by so quickly!
I mean it has been a year since I started writing and look, today my Instagram page has more than 100 posts and blog website with more than 10!
But you know, I'm loving this journey of writing. I mean there are days when nothing goes my side and there are days too when everything falls in place! Also, I got to know the beauty of this nature! Well, I've been bragging about this since the lockdown but I can't help because I'm highly obsessed with that!
Ok friend. That's it for now!