Soham Joshi

Action Children


Soham Joshi

Action Children

Ron In The Land Of Cotton

Ron In The Land Of Cotton

3 mins

Ron was walking down a road bustling with cars and motorcycles when he stepped on a pillow. He slipped and the pillow sucked him in. When he woke up, he was in an extremely comfortable bed and the pillow was as soft as a marshmallow.

Ron was dazzled by the sight of the kingdom. There were many men made out cotton and the buildings were made out of cotton too. As he woke up he saw about 400 men marching in a column towards him. The king made out of very white cotton approached him. The king said, "So man, please help me". Ron asked and the king replied," We are at war with the kingdom of Silk, we have many more men than theirs but their army can quickly mobilize whereas our army would take much more time. Until then the Silk kingdom would have reached the capital. "Ron asked "How can I be of help?" and the king told him that when the battle starts, he could rip the silk men into pieces because he was like a giant in the kingdom and about thrice as tall as the silk men. 

Ron agreed and on the next day, he took position along with ten thousand cotton men on the main route to the capital. One minute later there was a silk banner and then the silk men about 20000 in number were information. Their General was General Smooth whereas the General on the cotton side was General Soft. The battle began at around 11:00 am. One hour was one minute in the normal world. General Smooth attacked with is left flank. Ron took up the silk men by the bunch and ripped them apart. Then as Ron attacked, he slipped and fell, killing about 200 silk men. The slip was bad as he fell on the silk men who were carrying a bit blunt needles. Still, it was painful.

Ron then started to kick the silk men who fled at once. Then at about noon, the whole silk army charged at the cotton army when about 100000 reinforcements arrived. The hundred thousand silk men charged just as Ron had an Idea. He ripped a whole cotton mountain off and threw it at the silk men. Half the silk army was killed at once but General Smooth escaped. Now the silk men outnumbered the cotton men ten to one as only 5000 cotton men were left and about 50000 silk men. Ron threw the mountain at that army and crushed about 45000 of the silk men. General smooth survived and left with what remained of the army.

The cotton king was very happy as Ron had destroyed about 95 % of the silk army and had forced the silk kingdom to sign a peace treaty. The cotton king sent Ron back home and he would never forget his adventure.

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