Soham Joshi

Children Stories Action


Soham Joshi

Children Stories Action

The Great Family World War.....1 (Sequel )

The Great Family World War.....1 (Sequel )

3 mins

James, Tony and Tina were trying out their new toy guns in the backyard when mom called "Come inside, the Jacket Potatoes are ready and I am going out." The children rushed in and attacked the Jacket Potatoes and ate them. Tina was full. The brothers ate their potatoes and went into their rooms to play board games like ludo. When they played ludo Tony accused James of cheating.

Tony then went to his room and came back a paper. It was a declaration of war and as soon as James read this, he got into action at night. He and his brother had built Forts of cardboard, pillows and tape and brought out their two year old toy Mortars and placed them on the fort. Their sister declared her neutrality but still proceeded to build a fort just in case.

The next day James and Tony stared to shell each other's cardboard forts with their toy mortars and guns. They increased the defensive capabilities of their forts. Then one day they saw their sister, Tina arming her fort with her own mortars and guns. There were also night time attacks and due to that Tina grew more and more cautious of them. They shelled each other until finally one shell from Tony's side ricocheted off and hit Tina's fort. She immediately declared war against Tony and his fort was shelled by James and Tina till it collapsed. The next day Tina declared war against James because he had shot her fort by mistake. Now, all three siblings were in ful

l war against each other with the Forts getting so big that even the mortars could not penetrate them. 

There was a temporary truce between the siblings at Christmas where James asked for coal, Tony asked for a torch and Tina asked for some Bubble wrap. The next day the war continued and it was taken to a greater level. Tina coated the fort in bubble wrap whereas the brothers' weapons were more offensive. Because mortars could not penetrate the forts, the siblings used more weird methods. Tony used his flashlight to distract James before an attack. James burnt the coal and let the fumes waft towards Tony making him cry as the smoke entered his eyes and then James used his rifle to knock the fort but only managed to knock 25% of his fort before the smoke cleared.

The next day Tina's fort tumbled over as James shelled it with mortar for 2 hours and then he ran and knocked the foundation of the fort causing the fort to topple. The same evening, Tina surrendered. The boys fought on till February. The boys were frustrated that the war had dragged on. Neither James nor Tony were willing to surrender and the war ended when Tony and James' forts collapsed as the boxes were too weak to support the fort and the forts fell. The brothers came to a peace treaty where both the boys dismantled their forts and threw them away.

They never had such a war ever again.... for about three months.

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