Arun Gode



Arun Gode


Habituated offender.

Habituated offender.

6 mins

                       Habituated offender.

           There was family whose master was a teacher by profession in government school in the nearest village from his parental village. He had his own sufficient land. He would spare his extra time in caring his land. Though his job was cash cow source of income, but he had equally main source of income from his land. There were serval cattle in his big house. So, his financial condition was growing by leaps and bound. He made hay when sun was shining. He purchased more land in the same village adjoining to his own land with time. He had three daughters as well as three sons. It was a normal family in those days just after few decades of independent. He had elder daughter following a son. The family had very sound financial position. So, their son grew up with some uneven habits due to extra care and love of grandparents from either side. But his father was worried about his abnormal behavior with his sisters and other brothers. Though he was very good in education, but he would make some funny unavoidable activities in the home and into village. Since his father was teacher, he would mind his activities. He would punish him very heavily so that he would have good habits in life. Whenever he was punished brutally by his father for his blunder, he would go his  maternal grandfather which was the nearest town from his native place. No sooner had grandparent saw him than they understood that he was beaten by his father. So, he left his home. Whenever he wouldn’t come to home till late evening, His father inquired about him. Somebody would provide him information that he had seen him going towards bus stop. He wouldn’t bother about his son. He would presume that he went to his grandparent’s town. Whenever the grandparent would see him alone, they also presumed that he had come from his village without information. He was a habituated offender. They thought that he already punished for his crime. So, they behaved with him with love to excuse his guilt. After few days, when he seemed to be normal, his maternal uncle would take him to his parent. So, he had some relief from his father. But he wouldn’t make any correction in his past behavior as when twig grew old, it is difficult twist it.

                 Time and tide wait for no man. Since he was very brilliant, he stood first in the board examination in the town’s school. It brought a glory to the family. Everybody was proud of his achievement. Though there were very few engineering colleges in the state in those day, but he got admission in electrical engineering. His parent was proud of his achievement like other relatives. So, his father thought that the diamond with flaw was better than a stone which was perfect. He opened his pocket for him. It was a first occasion for him to walk free in open atmosphere. So, he started enjoying his free life instead of concentrating on his career. He fought election in the university as student representative. He was member of high-level university student body. His parent was unaware of his political activities. He couldn’t clear all his subject in first year. But he continued his engineering in second year within the provision of university. He kept this Seerat disclosed. When it was noticed by his father, he took it very lightly with the established assumptions that the course of engineering was tough for all students. Since first step is always hardest. He continued his education. He supported him with financial stability. But he couldn’t br

ing his derailed train on the track. He completed his engineering degree in double time than its stipulated period. His father didn’t mind it as he was the first engineer in the family as well as in nearby villages. When he completed his degree, the sugarcane factory was just opened near to his village. In those days. There was too much shortage of degree holders. So, he got job in the same company. His parent as well as he were quite happy. If he had made some extra effort in some other companies or in government institutions, he would have in better comfortable position. But he didn’t? fortunately, there was niece of his father’s sister who did Polytechnique. There was marriage proposal to his father from his sister. He couldn’t refuse it. So, his son got her married. Unfortunately, after few years of his marriage. The sugarcane factory was closed due to loss. He had no option to remain at his native place. But he had crossed the age limit for government job and for other reputed companies. At last, he was hunting from one sugar factory to another sugar factory for better financial gain. He also made some effort in some private medical colleges. But he was coach potato. He couldn’t give his services as per their requirement. So, he decided to come back to his native place. He opened his milk dairy and started doing farming. Though his wife was educated, but she didn’t dare to do some job like him. They were blessed with a son. The family was happy. Though the grandfather wasn’t happy with performance of his son, but he couldn’t ignore him. His grandson was as cleaver as his father. He would score hundred percent marks in mathematic in his school examination. He also got very impressive marks in the board examination. But his mother became very active after benchmark of her son. It takes village to raise the child. She took a bold decision to impart him good education from the reputed institution at Rajkot. She took him there for two years, she was taking care of him at the place for getting better performance from him. She scarified her married life for him. Begins weaving, God will provide the thread. He cracked the toughest examination of Indian institute of technology. He stood forth in the merit list. He got admission in institute of technology in Mumbai. It was a glory for family as well as entire community. But this time family was cautioned from past experiences as history always repeat. He cracked the degree course with flying color. He got a very handsome package from various companies. But he turned down all handsome offers. He didn’t want miss forest for few trees. In order to make his career brighter than his colleagues. As soon as he cleared the entrance examination of reputed university from united state of America than the family took loan from bank for seeking admission in Master of science. After completion of master degree, he did his Ph. D. and later D.Sc. He got scholarship from American universities for it.

                 Unless and until lions produce their own historian, story of hunt glorifies the hunter. His mother sent him during pandemic. In fact, Indian mother doesn’t allow their sons to go away from them in the country. She dared to send him abroad for higher education when company offered him a handsome package in the country. She did the miracle as he was alone kid to her. Hence society and community should hats off her for her contribution for building her son’s career.









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