War For A Car
War For A Car

There was boy who made very much struggle in his life like all other common boys in the sixties just after India’s independence. There were very limited resources towards education in all over India for common citizens. Families also had very poor sources for the kids. The boy made elbow grease for making his career. He wanted to be an engineer in his life. But he failed to complete his dream. However, he completed his graduation in science. He got job in some scientific department of government of India. You can’t get all that what you want. when he was stable in his job, his parent decided to proceed for his marriage. His relatives who would never take care of him and his family. They would bring the proposals for his marriage. They were deeply interested in his marriage for their own interest. He was less interested in the marriage as he fell in love with girl who was his classmate. Unfortunately, he couldn’t get her married as conditions were equally unfavorable for both. Time and tide wait for no man. When parent forced him for marriage. He agreed for the marriage as he knew that courses of true love never did run smooth. There were no chances for her to wait for him as Oaks may fall when needs stand storm. It was of no use crying over spilt milk. So, he got girl married of his parent choice. He was happy in his life. it was the real fat with all those common boys in free India who born in sixties and just thereafter. He made great effort to make his family happy. He paid full attention on education of kids. They get educated and working as engineers in the reputed companies. He made good furnished house for his wife and family. They were enjoying their life. He made all those things which would make his family comfortable and happy.
One day his wife received a phone from his sister-in-law about newly purchased car. She was shocked to know that her youngest sister had car like her younger sister. She conveyed heartiest congregations to her for new car. But there was hidden sadness behind it as reflected from her onward conduct. She was alone in his maternal family who had no car. There was some wonderful idea in her mind to force her husband so that he would purchase car. She would tease him on every home matter. There was always conflict between them about car. Whenever he would ask her to come with him. She would refuse it. How would she come with him on his dead-beat two-wheeler? It would stop anywhere, furthermore, all her makeup and hair would get disturb with blowing air. She would avoid to go his father-in-law’s home for attending any function as she would have to suffer by train, state transport and auto to her parent’s home. He was already over loaded by loans from housing as well as educat
ion of his kids. There were the financial constraints of taking loan. He couldn’t dare to ask any loan from the bank. But she couldn’t ready to understand his problem. One day she took a decision to go her parent’s home for attending some function without her kids. She did it. She warned him that she wouldn’t come back unless and until he would bring his own car to take her back. He also straight way refused her proposal. Haste makes waste. He was puzzled for month while giving services to his kids in her absence. He had also the office responsibilities. It was war between wife and husband of personal ego. Nobody was ready to compromise on their stand. House divided can’t stand. Their frustration was increasing day by day by leaps and bounds. Though he lost his battle, but wasn’t ready to surrender. There was master plan in the mind of his wife as it was better to lose the battle and won the war.
One day when he went to his office as usual. When he came back. He saw his kids were playing with kids of sister-in-law. There was an unknown car standing in the front yard of the home. As soon as he arrived at home, he was welcome with smile by his wife. His sister-in -law also jumped on bandwagon. He also looked at her and responded her with half smile. His sister-in-law commented on his smile that he became too miser in giving his original smile. It was the indication that he was cold feet with them. No sooner did he sat in his chair than his mother-in-law brought tea for him followed by her whole family. He was under very suspicious mode looking his wife’s master plan. All of them were enjoying daily different feast and he would carry the burden of it on his money purse. Looking at tough situation, he took it with pinch of salt. It wasn’t the piece of cake to handle such situation. When he was sitting in his chair, there was a telephone from the bank authority. He wasn’t responding it quickly. That was why his wife came to him. No sooner had she reached to him than he attended the phone. The bank manager was giving him congratulation for sanctioning his car loan. He asked him to complete all official formalities at earliest. He said thanks to bank manager for his cooperation. His wife guessed about car loan form their discussion. She was very happy as she won the war. She tightens her helmet’s chord over victory. She gave him very long sweet, happiest smile just like when she came to his house after marriage. There was no sky limit for her joy. The moment this news spread in the whole family than they forced him to celebrate this valuable moment. He gave them his consent for celebration and said that he couldn’t miss the forest for few trees.