Ved Surve



Ved Surve


One Amongst Many

One Amongst Many

5 mins

I am here to narrate the story of a soldier, a very common soldier who was one amongst many, he did not achieve any great feats but stood on the country's border for the love of Mother India.

This soldier's name is Ajay Malhotra, he belonged to one rich family in the very modern city of Kolkata his father was the owner of a huge trading firm. Ajay had the first thought about his future when he was just a naive boy.He was chatting with his childhood best friend Rohan.

"Hey, you know what I am going to become when I grow up?"

What? asked Rohan

"I will become a great soldier."

"You a soldier, look at yourself."

"You just wait and watch."

"Okay fine we'll see about that, now let's go play."

This was just a childhood fantasy, and it was soon forgotten. Years passed by and Ajay grew up. He graduated from a prestigious college. Now came the time when he had to give serious thought to his future. He soon realized that he did not have any interest in joining the family business. Then the thought of joining the army came to his mind.

He decided to discuss about this with his sister Shreya first.

She is sitting in the bedroom room when he enters.

"Shreya I want to talk to you ."

"Haa Bhaiya, what happened ."

"Yes, but promise you will support my decision."

"Areey ha ha, but first tell what happened."

" See; you know that I have no interest in the family business."

"Ha, I know.'

"So I was thinking that I should ....Should join the army."

"What the army? You know how dangerous the job is, right?"

"Yes I know; and what could happen to me at most? I could be martyred."

"Please, everything is not a joke, and nothing is going to happen to you ."

"Okay, okay now help me to convince mum and dad."

Now came the time to tell their parents. After dinner the family is sitting comfortably, watching T.V. now Ajay decided to break the news to their parents.

"Ma, Pa I wanted to tell you something."

"Ha beta say" the mother said.

"So, I wanted to tell you that I have no interest in joining the business and I have decided to joining the army."

"What the army?" exclaimed the mother.

"Beta but you know how dangerous the job is right" protested the dad;

"Yes, I know everything. And I am not going to the border, right away, first I will be going to NDA for five years."

"Bhaiya will you be able to manage yourself, alone for five years?"

"Yes yes I will handle"

Ajay passed the entrance exam of NDA with flying colors, Now it was the time for his departure.

"Bye mummy, bye papa"

"Take care bhaiya."

"Call us every night," said the mother

" Sure ma"

Ajay performs very well in the academy he trains vigorously and shows all the qualities of an excellent soldier; 5 years passed by in vigorous training. Ajay comes home he notices that everything, as changed even the address of house, has changed. When he reaches his home. He sees a dog sitting in the backyard of the bungalow who starts barking at the site of Ajay. On hearing the bark of the dog Shreya comes out running she stops in her tracks on seeing Ajay she leaps to hug him meanwhile his parents have come out too, So much had changed since he left his parents looked much older and much more tired and his mom was carrying a little girl in whose ear mother whispers something.

The girl shyly approaches Ajay. He was welcomed very warmly. His mother insisted he eat everything that was put on the table.

After having a very delicious lunch the family sat together discussing Ajay's future.

"So Ajay how was NDA", inquired the mother.

"It was very tough ma"

"So Bhaiya whats the next step"

"Now I will be receiving my posting through a letter"

"What, you will be going again?" protested Shreya.

"No re I will be here for 1 year then I will be going."

Six months passed in complete enjoyment then Ajay received the letter confirming his post which was in Jammu and Kashmir.

The time for his departure arrived.

He took the blessings of his parents before leaving.

"Bye ma"

"See you papa"

"Bye Shreya, and study well"

"Bhaiya when you come back after two years I will be taller than you"

"Ha we will see about that"

"Bhaiya but you will surely come back na?"

"Don't ask silly questions, of course, come back"

It was a long journey to Jammu and Kashmir but he finally reached there and reported to his base. He showed excellence at the border and rose through the ranks. His battalion helped to terminate many terrorists along the border and were involved in intense cross border firings.

Ajay used to call his parents every night. The date of his return gets finalized he immediately.The family gets very excited.

The day of his return arrives. The Family started the preparations to welcome their Son.

"Mummy, Come outside fast"

"I am coming Shreya"

"Accha tell me what have you made for lunch"

"Ajay's favourite Mutton keema"

"Oh wow, Where is papa?"

"Bhaiya might come at any moment"

"Papa come out "

(TING TONG) The bell rang.

"Bhaiya is here" Exclaimed Shreya.

Shreya opens the door and instead of her brother, she sees two soldiers standing there with a folded Indian flag and her brother's belongings.

"Aree, Where is my brother?"

One soldier glumly said "Ajay Malothra was a brave soldier who sacrificed his life for other soldiers of his battalion he went missing after an intense cross border firing with Pakistani troopers and his body was not found and he is presumed dead; We are sorry for your loss.

Shreya collapses on her knees with her face in her hands shaking vigorously. The parents stand motionless in shock.

Few Days passed in great trauma. One day the mother was sitting alone in the house and suddenly the phone rang.


"Ma'am this is Captain Amit Sharma we have found your son Ma'am."

"What ?"

"Yes, Ma'am and he is in a very critical condition but he is insisting to talk to you"




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