Every fear has its own story to narrate. No fear is inferior from another, it's equally heart aching as others.... Well that's true every fear you connect and apparently want to disconnect with is trying to grow you with more strength for a next better day.
Every night unslept, sliced into hours and minutes, the fear torchers you to very ground levels of breaking you from inside...
Yes, that's true that fear doesn't just comprise of being afraid of animals or reptiles but the psychological fears still rank the first position... mostly these fears connect to a drenching past... That is why every fear has its own unnarrated story...
If you have watched "Dear Zindagi", you might remember that the character "Kaira" she had a very bold and a confident yet quite a confirmative outlook to life but she too had a fear. She feared writing LETTERS... and the reason again is the back story, the unconfronted truth, pain, grief she had carried her whole life inside that close box which we apparently call heart...
So, yeah fears doesn't just lie around in open sometimes they too cry within you in agony so that they can spill out themselves from you, free you from the chains of feeling trapped in a dark room...
Kaira could felt free and liberated because she chose to open the closed box, she chose to talk, she chose to share.... so let's talk about you, about me, about anything, about fears, even about the stupidest things that make you feel distorted or may be they made you feel great...