Being conscious-By- Kumar Bahukhandi
Being conscious-By- Kumar Bahukhandi
I met her on face book. We two being single that time had close interactions. She is a very good poetess while I am known for nothing but for few shouting loudly writeups out of nothing. She has various hobbies viz. helping people, helping poor kids, cooking food and and enjoying with friends. Reading newspapers, magazines and table tennis and chess are my hobbies, useless for others. Her FB friends call her Goddess ' but I refrained from calling her till I am abale to know the reasons behind. She is extremely fond of poetry writing.
I often wondered as to how keen she was while others are happy. While chatting she sounds so funny but her assessment of the person is so accurate that the person in front would remain dumbfounded. About her writing, she is particular to synchronise her thoughts and her feeling very beautifully. She makes everyone happy, all who are on her friends list. Apart from her writing hobby she then added a fourth dimension to her personality. For her relationship is the ultimate occupation," as far as I am able to know after chatting with her. The elegiac tone in her words reflects her protein talents in analyzing human nature. A counselor of psychology, she gives power to Human Relationships".
Even though elusive of objectivity, I thought sometimes, her words were filled with overwhelming emotions and the theme explored the scary truth of conflicts in human relationships. "Love is the shelter from the dangerous outer world," she thinks. Love is power which helps wiping out stress...
According to her "I Love you and I am there for you" is the most beautiful statement and this statement is born out of love. Love gives one the strength to withstand any tribulation in life. Love makes path easy when you know you have some one to support, thus journey becomes easy.
"There is a real sense in which I perceive love between two individuals," because human relationship does not exist outside consciousness," I always say in my mind. "Human relationship is not constituted by consciousness. It is really there as an object and even if there is no awareness, love exists," "There is always more to an emotion than the consciousness of it and love exceeds what it directly presents to before an individual," It reflects me for a while and I asked my m
ind: "Do you mean to say that love as a human emotion is perceived from a point of view and always presents an aspect of that point of view?"
"You are right, in the case of love, my mind answers , it appears in a series of profile, the profile is however part of human relationship. See Damayanti's love towards Nal or that of Juliet's towards Romeo." independently of any point of view," once again I raised a question in my mind. "Human relationships exist even when unseen. It is love that makes possible the point of view of it,". "An appearance is nothing mental. The appearances of love are parts of it that can appear."
Love is power that power which helps the birds to carry twigs and gives the intelligence to build a nest.. The fact that they have done no course on architecture, yet provide the most beautiful home for their fledglings..that is power...She said once on her wall and her analysis gave the innocence of her state of mind, I thought. "Love constitutes consciousness of it.
The expression of it is a necessary condition for the unity of consciousness. If there is no existence of love, there would be any consciousness of it,". This time I looked straight at her picture on her profile. "Is there a real sense in which one perceives human relationship?" "It is like you see the whole object, but you do not see the whole of the object. The object really exists outside the consciousness,". "Do you mean to say that there is a difference between being conscious and being conscious of being conscious?"
Once again I raised a query in my mind. "Exactly," she was emphatic. "In love, time and space, mortality and immortality come together." I could sense a sudden shift in her perception. "What do you mean," my mind raised another question. "Nobody is waiting for me anywhere. I wander from my study room like a stranger." My words became soft and tender and the melancholy was apparent. It conjured the visions of hidden sorrows and pains. "But I experience her presence." Then there appeared a picture of a lark and in the corner of the sky, an eagle. Suddenly I could see tears in my eyes. Tears rolled over my face. "I can read the mind of others, but I failed to read the thoughts of my own mind. Then I put off my laptop and ran towards the kitchen. I needed a strong cup of coffee.