A sweet Love story
A sweet Love story

It’s evening 5’O clock, I standing on the bridge waiting for my friend who planned for a movie.
Its was very pleasant and lovely climate which made my heart lite. I started roaming on the bridge and thinking about my friend is he come or not. Suddenly I surprised a girl crossed my sight, I turn around and watched her she was very beautiful,charming and cute.
She stand a few meters far away from me and looking into the water below the bridge and my eyes saw her face which face bright as the moon in full moon day and my heart beat raised, I supposed that she was waiting for some one.
I decided to try my luck,immediately I took my phone out and send msg “How much time?” and I got a reply “nearly half n hour “, thank god it will be a great time for me…
What should I do now,my heart beat raised my heart says “Go and talk with her” can I?
No I cannot… it again says “don’t miss her , nothing happen when u go and have a small talk”
Its ok I decided to talk with her I myself “All is Well’.
I: Hi…
(no reply )
I: Hello….
She: Hello…
(thank god…)
I: Hi this is Ashwadh…
She: Shalini…
I: With myself (Shalini what a nice name, Ashwadh loves shalu great!)
if u dont mind can u say what u waiting for…
She: what?(she enlarged her eyes)
I: nothing what u r waiting for?
She: I am waiting for my father to pick up me……
I: ho…(I looked into her eyes quite near they were clear and innocence..)
can i say u something?
She: What?
I: your voice is so sweet as ur face… and…
(she walked aw
ay form me…)
I silently followed her …
She: what?
I: can we have a cup of coffee?
She: no
I: tea…
She: no
I: at least pani puri…
She: u r too crazy… (she smiled and by seeing that i forget myself it looks like a heaven)
I: please,please,please…
She: Its ok…
I: Thank u,thank u very much…
(when i am walking beside her for the first time my heart beat raised a lot and it saying she is the one i looked her, her face, her cheeks,and her hair it was long and seems to be touching ground how beautiful is she looking like an angel i never found before).
I: hey can i say u something?
She: what?(she again enlarged her eyes)
I: (i felt afraid) nothing…
I: what u r father…
She: doctor..
I: (thank god not a police…)
(suddenly a poor boy came in front of her and he stretched his arm…)
(I know she was so kind also…)
She : (she looked up me) and said u said u want to say something…
I: that I… I…
She: ha U…
(i kept silent for some seconds…)
I: let’s go?
She: what?are u joking?
I: no its going to happen something… (run)…
(I pick her hand and started running away from the bridge…)
Its happen what i supposed a great killer wave struck the bridge and the people ,shops,vehicles and all drown into the water..
She: thank u…
I: its my duty…
She: what?
(i watched a simile on her face its cool and calm)
then rescue operation team and ambulance reached and started there