The Wait
The Wait

Silence speaks a thousand words...
"Have a look at the sky,
There are those bluebirds.
Those we both used to like
And dreamt of seeing every day,
From our home which we never made
Because we lost 'us' to a 'fight' overblown,
Which we could not overcome."
She said.
He became silent,
And so did she,
To make him realize,
That she was not free...
To cater to
All that he had to displace at her!
An easy target for him,
She had become.
She was in pain,
And so she too left,
In silence.
Years l
She realized
That the silence within her
Had become her words.
She would write her heart out,
To break the silence!
And the words would flow...
Wielding a glow
To her memories
That she wasn't able to erase
From her heart.
And then she hoped and prayed,
for a miracle when
She heard a voice,
And woke up from her dream.
He said " I ..." and she interrupted,
Not letting him speak.
Then she went up to the door,
Sleepy, when the doorbell rang.
He had come back!
And the silence broke.