Hues Of Love
Hues Of Love

Love for me
Is all black or white.
For me,
It's either I love you with
All my heart and mind and soul
And all my being
I will then
Strip my soul naked in front of you
Pour every colour out of me to paint your world
Yes every colour!
The blue of the vast sky
I converse with every evening
And in return she paints me with serenity and vastness
The green of the leaves
That makes me believe in the beauty of life
And in return paints me with hope and liveliness
The yellow of the marigold
That makes me believe in
The charm of a relationship
And how each of them holds a part of us
May it be the new one, garnishing our now like a fresh flower
Or the old and lost ones, hidden somewhere inside the pages of our tiny heart
just like the treasured dry flower
The orange of the setting sun
And the scarlet sky
That depicts how we blush
Each time we meet our love
Or just at the sight or voice or thought of them
The purple of the wild flower
That reminds me
How every time bewilderment drives me crazy and hits me hard
Yet leaves me awestruck
With the beauty of the unknown lone warrior inside me
The pink of the little lilies
That render the strength behind tenderness
And makes me fight harder in the gloomy days
And the red of maa's vermilion bindi
And the crimson of the rose
In my garden
And the sanguine red of the blood
Popped in my finger
When I tried to pluck it
Red, is never the colour of love
But it's the colour radiated
By the thorny path with ups and downs
And the zeal to never give up
And the addictive pain and hurt accompanied with it
And the ineffable strange solace you get out of it
And the dusty brown of the sand
That reminds me to never ignore the past
And teaches me how each moment of it builds my base today,
Each good and bad!
And also the transparent water
Reminds me of the auspiciousness of being true and clean at heart
And to never get stagnant and stuck,
To accept and move forward
And to let go of things
When they no longer belong to me
Or love for me
Is dressed all in black
I will then
Wear a thick dark shield
Being distant and callous to you
Protecting all the hues I'm made of.
You will then see the pale and blurry ones
Or the deep and dark black only
Ugly, unpleasant and scary to you
But then I witnessed love
For people of my generation
And they made me feel
It's all coloured in numerous shades of grey
And you can hardly differentiate one shade from another
Yet you are so efficient to choose
Particularly which shade of grey
You wanna gift the other person,
As per your convenience
And how you are so uncertain of which shade they will reflect back!
And there I smiled a little
When they called me an old soul
And a thought passed then...
Don't we human beings torment each other at some point camouflaging it in love irrespective of its colour!