You Die; I Die- Love Poems - Part 4
You Die; I Die- Love Poems - Part 4

Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh
All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.
About The Poetry Book –
This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually Part 4 of the Book titled – You die; I die – Love Poems ( 1600 pages ) . Poems symbolizing the immortality of love and at times its fickleness. Parekh takes the reader through a paradise naturally embellished with the ingredients of eternal romance and its sporadic failures. As they say life and death are two sides of the coin, similarly with every true anecdote of love there also comes fretful divorce—a thing which has been most sensitively described throughout this great collection of poems for the heart. Written and dipped in each ingredient of his passionate blood, Parekh comes out with startling revelations about the truest of love stories and their failures. Each verse has been delicately intertwined with a boundless aspects of relationships, romance, cheating, betrayal and goes on to prove that Immortal Love towers over every shattered heart. A start to finish with some of the most heart-rendering love poems ever, this makes a great collection for ever true lover breathing and desiring to be loved on earth and beyond. This collection of poems aims at perpetually uniting every heart on this Universe in the spirit of Immortal love and friendship. Because these are the two quintessential ingredients to lead life till its last breath. Irrespective of whatever color, faith or religion, it is only the rainbow of love which can transform the ghastliest monsters and perpetrators of humanity into peaceful lovers. Therefore this book inexhaustibly endeavors to speak and preach the language of love even after its last embossed alphabet.
38. STOP
You looked more ravishing than the fairies; when I sighted you under flamboyantly fiery rays of dazzling sunlight,
You looked more mesmerizing than the heavenly waterfalls; when I sighted you under milky beams of resplendent moonlight,
You looked more innocuous than the freshly born infant; when I sighted you under ethereally evanescent shadows of dawn,
You looked more tantalizing than the full blossomed vivacious peacock; when I sighted you in the overwhelmingly murky camouflage of dusk,
But you looked the best; seated naturally by my side; profoundly lost in your eternal dreams; with every beat of yours bonding immortally with mine .
You looked more celestial than the angels; when I sighted you frolicking flirtatiously in the ocean waves,
You looked more enchanting than the myriad of profusely poignant rose; when I sighted you blushing in untamed embarrassment,
You looked more seductive than the most voluptuous of nights; when I sighted you gallivanting euphorically upon your golden horse,
You looked more immaculate that the crusts of pristine snow; when I sighted you spreading your lips into a spell binding smile,
But you looked the best; seated naturally by my side; profoundly lost in your eternal dreams; with every beat of yours bonding immortally with mine .
Your looked more surreally fabulous than the most unfathomable of dream; when I sighted you soaring through the handsomely misty clouds,
You looked more exuberant than the thunderously gushing breeze; when I sighted you wholesomely drenched in ebullient globules of fresh rain,
You looked more astonishing than royally crackling flames of fire; when I sighted you embellished in a festoon of silver oyster pearls,
You looked more fragrant than the field of newly sprouted lotus; when I sighted you philandering barefoot in the wilderness of the enigmatic midnight,
But you looked the best; seated naturally by my side; profoundly lost in your eternal dreams; with every beat of yours bonding immortally with mine .
You looked more sagacious than any prudent entity on this planet; when I sighted you communicating with the flock of impeccable pigeons; perched majestically on
your rubicund palms,
You looked more alluring than the incredulously striped rainbow in the sky; when I sighted you whistling and staring unrelentingly into exotically open space,
You looked more dense than most fathomless of forests; when I sighted you batting your eyelids towards the mirror; an infinite times,
You looked more special than anybody else on this planet; when I sighted tears of poignant philanthropism; dribble down from your irrefutably sacred eyes,
But you looked the best; seated naturally by my side; profoundly lost in your eternal dreams; with every beat of yours bonding immortally with mine .
Let your eyelids flutter viciously; flirting with all the mesmerizing beauty encapsulated in this Universe to the most unprecedented limits,
Let your sweat dribble profusely down your nape; basking the true glory of assiduous perseverance and the true spirit of life,
Let your throat sing till fathomless infinity; inundating the morbidly gloomy atmosphere with exuberant beats of pulsating music,
Let your nose smell till the most remotest corners of this planet; inhaling the most ravishing scent harbored by mother nature,
Let your feet gallop in untamed exhilaration; embossing a path of irrefutable triumph on every soil they tread,
Let your fingers write to most unsurpassable boundaries of creation; penning down the myriad of enchanting shades in cosmotic space,
Let your lips uninhibitedly smile; profoundly relish the glorious sights; which the Omniscient Lord had bestowed upon this earth with,
Let your teeth inexorably chew; savor the most tantalizingly succulent fruits of nature in their impregnable grip,
Let your cheeks overwhelmingly blush to a poignant crimson; compassionately rekindle the diminishing urges of your dying skin,
Let your tongue speak to its ultimate hearts content; effusively portraying its most candid emotions; as white thunder pelted down ferociously from the skies,
Let your hands wander indefatigably through the silver sands; groping for that stupendously reinvigorating cool that voluptuously incarcerated within,
Let your mind fantasize incessantly beyond the skies; unrelentingly exploring all the divinely goodness that could ever have been conjured on earth,
Let your hair ecstatically embrace the ravishing breeze; dance in rhapsodic fervor as each instant of time unveiled,
Let your blood flow faster than the speed of light in your veins; making you feel boisterously alive; even countless centuries after death,
Let your eyebrows bounce and fall ardently on your forehead; insurmountably relish the tunnels of inexplicable intrigue generated,
Let your shadow swirl as turbulently as the majestically undulating sea; entrench the boundless trajectory of the glistening desert; with mystically seductive darkness,
Let your conscience fulminate its inner most feelings; maneuver your countenance through the realms of wrong and right,
Let your soul wander ubiquitously through every cranny of this astronomically colossal Universe; propagate its benign happiness in every entity it encountered,
And let your heart palpitate more thunderously than anything else in this world; besiege even the most uncouth organism in the wave of its immortal passion;
love; love and simply continue to love .
I might be living on bare chunks of threadbare soil; with hardly a roof to cover my dilapidated scalp,
But I could still perceive infinite kilometers above the sky; to the most unprecedented limits of mesmerizing imagination; in my dreams .
I might be adorned in abysmally tottered clothes; with obnoxious streaks of dirt and disease creeping with sinister effusiveness from my skin,
But I could still relentlessly fantasize about the most innocuously ingratiating complexion on this Universe; drown myself perpetually in a paradise of surreally enchanting silk; in my dreams .
I might be incomprehensibly diminutive in stature; being ridicules beyond boundaries of sagacious control by every individual transgressing on the streets,
But I could still dance indefatigably with the angels in the sky; basking with them inexorably under satiny rays of the Sun; in my dreams .
I might be horrendously blind; with cloud covers of ghastly darkness engulfing me from all sides; even in the most ferocious of sunlight,
But I could still glimpse the most enchanting of angels; incessantly witness the most profoundly Omnipotent light which my sighted counterparts could never even imagine; in my dreams .
I might be inexplicably unfortunate not to get my share of luck in this world; staggering umpteenth number of times as the ruthless society brutally kicked me,
But I could still philander in gay abandon through the interiors of the unfathomably grandiloquent castle; explore the most spell binding places on this planet; in my dreams .
I might be wholesomely lonely; with people preferring the most inconspicuous of job; to my abhorrently repulsive facial contours,
But I could still talk till times immemorial with the entity I desired; incarcerate even the most alien in the swirl of my untamed passion; in my dreams .
I might be an unsurpassably ancient fossil; lying buried for centuries unprecedented beneath layers of obsolete sand,
But I could still gyrate with the most overwhelmingly contemporary form of life; be a part of profusely fascinating and pragmatic present; in my dreams .
I might be an infinitesimally humble personality; withering away worse than a broken leaf at the tiniest draught of gloomy breeze,
But I could still win over the heart of every single organism in this world; impregnate my irrefutably truthful impression in their eyes for decades unlimited; in my dreams .
And I might be deprive of the love that I had taken birth for on this most wonderful earth of God; being insidiously betrayed by the girl whom I could give my life for,
But I could still love her; not only for this life; but for countless more births even after my death; ebulliently blossom and romance with her in the aisles of insatiable desire; in my dreams .
Powerful to smile; as I heard something abysmally resonating in ludicrous vicinity,
Powerful to fight; as I confronted the mightiest of disaster with astronomical fortitude and tenacity,
Powerful to sleep; as I snored more thunderously than the demons; resting in overwhelmingly celestial contentment,
Power to admire; as I sighted the mesmerizing puffs of clouds floating passionately in azure sky,
Powerful to sketch; as I masterfully captured the labyrinth of picturesque sights which majestically dotted the fathomless gorge,
Powerful to sing; as I inundated the gloomy atmosphere with everlasting waves of seductively rhapsodic melody,
Powerful to mimic; as I possessed the incomprehensibly fascinating virtue to emulate a boundless myriad of voice,
Powerful to write; as I deluged a mountain of disdainfully barren paper; with exquisite lines of oligarchic literature,
Powerful to fantasize; as I triggered the chords of enigmatic imagination to the most ebulliently unprecedented limits,
Powerful to speak; as I silenced unrelentingly menacing mobs of fanatic people; with the domineering authority in my voice,
Powerful to dance; as I gyrated my body in insatiable agony under profusely milky rays of enchanting moonlight,
Powerful to run; as I galloped like the vivacious panther; through the mystical forests at the unveiling of each ephemeral dawn,
Powerful to flirt; as I had this inexplicable tenacity to incarcerate any alien in the swirl of my indefatigable mischief,
Powerful to dig; as I impregnated a tunnel of vibrantly optimistic hope; in layers
of obdurately infidel soil,
Powerful to stare; as I relentlessly looked the sweltering sun without flinching the slightest; for hours immemorial,
Powerful to chew; as I masticated the most resilient morsels of food into handsome bits of pulverized chowder,
Powerful to forsee; as I perspicaciously tackled each aspect of pragmatically monotonous life; measuring each step of mine as I walked,
Powerful to breathe; as I lived each moment of life to its most unbelievable capacity; with the euphoria to perennially discover fervently besieging me,
But powerless to face her; as I wholesomely submitted my humble countenance to the wave of her turbulently swirling love; bonding my heart; body and soul with the immortal essence of her sacred existence .
When I used my mind; I sagaciously manipulated the various nuances of clambering up the treacherous mountain; as the chances of survival were bizarrely slim,
While when I listened to my heart; not only did it clamber up the jagged periphery with exhilarated zeal; but emerged triumphant on the astronomical summit; with the Sun streaming across my eyes in its dazzling shine .
When I used my mind; I contemplated several times of venturing out in the gruesome darkness; the deathly chill that awaited to incarcerate me; as I alighted my foot on the deserted streets,
While when I listened to my heart; not only did I trespass through the entire planet bare foot; but thoroughly enjoyed the exotic rhapsody of the enchantingly pearly moonlight .
When I used my mind; I ruminated till eternity before plunging into the undulating ocean; equating the chances I had to survive; amidst a battalion of hostile sharks and whales,
While when I listened to my heart; not only did I swim ebulliently against the voluptuously mesmerizing waves; but profusely admired the beauty of God's
fathomless creation of froth .
When I used my mind; I trembled in inexplicable fear of wading through the dense jungles; the overwhelmingly torturous death that would come inevitably; as the Lion pulverized me to infinitesimal pieces,
While when I listened to my heart; not only did I bounce exuberantly with the Kangaroos; but inhaled in my lungs the freshest air ever; that could be found on
the trajectory of this Universe .
When I used my mind; I vehemently shrugged off the prospect of standing in the rain; perceiving the cloudbursts of satanic lightening creeping diabolically to assassinate traces of my vital life,
While when I listened to my heart; not only did I bathe in the seductively tantalizing droplets; but slipped into a land of fabulously gorgeous fantasy for decades unfathomable .
When I used my mind; I felt a wave of repulsion engulfing myself; as I knew my ugly facial contours would shatter any glass when sighted into,
While when I listened to my heart; not only did I stare relentlessly into the mirror; but bowed down to the Creator in meek submission; for the incomprehensibly beautiful looks he had bestowed me with .
When I used my mind; I deliberately closed my nose with repugnant abhorrence; spurious ruminating upon the myriad of venomous smells that would strangulate me to realms of perennial death,
While when I listened to my heart; not only did I breathe with a fervor more than any entity trespassing; but insurmountably relished the unfathomably wonderful scents that loitered in free space .
When I used my mind; I sat crouched in one obsolete dilapidated corner; cognizing the barricades that I was likely to encounter at each stage of life; the blanket of thorns that I would have to trespass upon to escalate to the corridors of success,
While when I listened to my heart; not only did I stretch my persona to more than its complete height; but metamorphosed each of my dreams into a trend-setting reality .
When I used my mind; I always shirked from proclaiming my love to the girl I loved; feeling myself buried boundless feet beneath my corpse; as the society would
brutally squelch me for violating their irrefutable choice,
While when I listened to my heart; not only did I achieve the love of my life; but bonded for times immortal in the swirl of majestically soaring passion; in the swirl of timelessly enchanting romance .
Even if the gigantic tree shrunk miserably in size; metamorphosing into an inconspicuously shivering seedling,
Even if the colossal oceans swirling handsomely towards the sky; reduced to a solitary stream; trickling more lackadaisically than the tortoise,
Even if the conglomerate of sinister clouds in the cosmos; condensed to bare bits of dilapidated plain sky,
Even if the incomprehensibly colossal edifice; converted into a wretchedly fluttering and crying stone,
I was still skeptical to leave you outside; for the moment you caressed your stupendously enchanting foot on soil; the silent world would come alive again; and I feared to loose you amidst the infinite tangible organisms; trying to cast their spell on your impeccably charismatic grace .
Even if the flamboyantly escalating fire; became a piece of forlorn and thoroughly obsolete coal,
Even if the insurmountably towering mountains; transformed into a festoon of ants with disdainfully fractured legs,
Even if the indefatigably unending fantasy; got pathetically pulverized into monotonous bits of pragmatic reality,
Even if the profoundly poignant streams of scarlet blood; reduced to insipid bits of overwhelmingly stale water,
I was still skeptical to leave you outside; for the moment you caressed your stupendously enchanting foot on soil; the silent world would come alive again; and I feared to loose you amidst the infinite tangible organisms; trying to cast their spell on your impeccably charismatic grace .
Even if the diabolically charging striped panther; changed dramatically into a pair of decayed and light weight bones,
Even if the unsurpassably huge swarming battlefield; became a breeding ground for diminutive glow worm and mice,
Even if the richest entities transgressing upon this Universe; ironically started begging bare chested on the rampantly busy streets,
Even if the unfathomable flock of satanic vultures; were now just stripped to a bizarrely mocking caricature of balding feathers,
I was still skeptical to leave you outside; for the moment you caressed your stupendously enchanting foot on soil; the silent world would come alive again; and I feared to loose you amidst the infinite tangible organisms; trying to cast their spell on your impeccably charismatic grace .
Even if the boisterously bouncing Kangaroos; became infinitesimally stony reflections embodied deep within clammy cocoons of soil,
Even if the incredulously redolent lotus flower; now became a shriveled petal being kicked viciously farther and farther away; with every draught of timid wind,
Even if the most mesmerizing of voices on this planet; reduced to dying whispers; profusely battered to complete absolution in the atmosphere,
Even if the entire globe functioning dynamically under the sweltering Sun; came to an abrupt halt; changing wholesomely into obscure dew drops trapped inside an obnoxiously corked bottle,
I was still skeptical to leave you outside; for the moment you caressed your stupendously enchanting foot on soil; the silent world would come alive again; and I feared to loose you amidst the infinite tangible organisms; trying to cast their spell on your impeccably charismatic grace .
Even as the most immaculately placid rivers; truculently metamorphosed into ruthlessly lambasting fires of diabolical hell,
Even as an unfathomable corpse of lethally penalizing bullets rang inclemently all round the atmosphere; with indiscriminate devils marauding at free will,
Even as the most majestically towering mountains crumbled like a pack of frigidly insipid cards; pathetically kissing horrendous particles of threadbare dust,
Even as the fountain of salaciously treacherous lechery reigned supreme in the gigantic planet around; with the graveyard of hideous manipulation embedding
itself deeper and deeper into holistic soil,
Their immortal love remained as fragrant as the pristine flower of perennial peace; perpetually glowed with the spirit of irrefutably sparkling righteousness; with the blessings of the Omniscient Almighty Lord .
Even as man parasitically sucked his counterpart man; savagely devouring every ingredient of his innocuous bloodstream; to replenish his own treasuries with malicious discontent,
Even as the handsomely blistering Sun intractably refrained to shimmer; portraying its unsurpassable anger upon satanically erring mankind,
Even as pragmatic time morbidly deadened in its very roots; gruesomely convoluting with the heinoustraitors and gory death; fulminating uninhibitedly around,
Even as the most viciously tumultuous thunderstorms of acrid dust; dreadfully obfuscated the entire civilization in whirlwinds of abhorrently vengeful sledging and slandering,
Their immortal love remained as eternally sacrosanct as the celestial heavens; philanthropically radiating the religion of gloriously everlasting mankind upon
one and all alike; with the blessings of the Omnipotent Almighty Lord .
2 .
Even as an unfathomable entrenchment of innocent eyes; were sordidly blinded with waves of irascibly derogatory commercialism,
Even as ominously stinking gutters of bizarre ruthlessness cut loose upon the unwitting cities; ingloriously inundating every particle of the atmosphere with brutally horrific despair,
Even as avalanches of coldblooded slavery transcended past the era’s of truth; as every living organism became a barbarically untamed criminal; rampantly
massacring innocent lives,
Even as the torturous tyranny of fate unceremoniously penalized the fathomless world; with the essence of the devil invidiously lingering in the disparaging
solitude that smarted around,
Their immortal love resplendently blossomed like the harmoniously twinkling stars in the gargantuan sky; benevolently disseminating the mantra of pricelessly effulgent existence; with the blessings of the unassailably marvelous Almighty Lord .
3 .
Even as pugnacious lizards of gory infidelity stabbed their rebellious venom; into the unequivocally virgin fabric of this colossal Universe,
Even as dungeons of tyrannical desperation enveloped the limitless cosmos; with every human despicably transforming into insidiously plagiarized shit,
Even as the most diminutive bit of enchanting melody; became a perfidiously whipping expletive of disgusting extinction; excoriating all voluptuous sensuousness with the sword of conventionally robotic turgidity,
Even as heinously perilous death overruled the chapter of scintillating life; as even the most royally aristocratic of human life; became a fickle headed commodity being disdainfully pulverized; by power politics,
Their immortal love bloomed more tantalizingly than ever before; impregnably bonded in the cradle of unflinching solidarity for infinite more births yet to
unveil; with the blessings of the Omnipresent Almighty Lord .
The clouds didn’t need even the most capricious of permission whatsoever; to torrentially diffuse intounrelenting thunderbolts of ecstatically golden rain,
The rose didn’t need even the most infinitesimal of permission whatsoever; to grandiloquently culminate into a fountain of ebullient scent; stupendously
mystify every iota of the bedraggled atmosphere,
The grass didn’t need even the most spurious of permission whatsoever; to euphorically tingle traumatically dreary soles; miraculously metamorphose all swelteringly dolorous into a cistern of rhapsodic freshness,
The sheep didn’t need even the most mercurial of permission whatsoever; to leave behind a trail of immaculate belonging; profusely inundate the disastrously commercial arena with meadows of glorious innocuousness,
The stars didn’t need even the most parsimonious of permission whatsoever; to resplendently twinkle all night; timelessly deluge the ghastly curtainspread of
sullen darkness; with whirlwinds of optimistic light,
The Sun didn’t need even the most diminutive of permission whatsoever; to flamboyantly blaze through every quarter of this colossal Universe; ubiquitously disseminate its spell of enchanting optimism to every dwelling besieged with horrendous despair,
The mountains didn’t need even the most tiniest of permission whatsoever; to compassionately sequester the infirm in their affable belly; tower majestically
as harbingers of irrefutable solidarity; for centuries immemorial,
The bees didn’t need even the most obfuscated of permission whatsoever; to evolve into royal whirlpools of bountiful honey; infiltrate the lugubrious complexion of the dusty afternoon; with melodiously spell binding honey,
The waves didn’t need even the most insignificant of permission whatsoever; to culminate into tantalizingly reinvigorating froth; unrelentingly ooze a ravishing
entrenchment of poignantly heartfelt salt,
The nightingale didn’t need even the most measly of permission whatsoever; to stupendously titillate each dying nerve of the disdainfully frazzled body; with an
ocean of unsurpassably everlasting enchantment,
The squirrel didn’t need even the most oblivious of permission whatsoever; to frolic impeccably through the mists of untamed desire; uninhibitedly fulminate into an astounding kaleidoscope of vivacious color as it gallivanted through the handsome trees,
The leaves didn’t need even the most nonchalant of permission whatsoever; to seductively rustle into silken carpets of exuberant breeze; profusely solemnize the complexion of the disastrously decaying air; with reflections of insatiably unending happiness,
The hands didn’t need even the most insipid of permission whatsoever; to wholeheartedly clap at every blissful occasion of existence; effusively express
their jubilant enthrallment to the most unprecedented limits,
The waterfalls didn’t need even the most non-existent of permission whatsoever; to ingratiatingly placate drearily scorched travelers; bequeath a legacy of sparkling togetherness upon all those murderously pinched by the corpse of bizarre commercialism,
The butterflies didn’t need even the most evanescent of permission whatsoever; to gorgeously flutter in exotically regale sunshine; manifest into an unfathomable sky of eternal mischief all marathon day,
The true martyrs didn’t need even the most ethereal of permission whatsoever; to audaciously fight for their sacrosanct motherland; relinquish every iota of their breath for the sake of their beautifully revered country,
The rainbows didn’t need even the most transient of permission whatsoever; to Omnisciently engulf every withering cranny of this Herculean planet; with
fabulous infernos of ardent companionship,
The infant didn’t need even the most remotest of permission whatsoever; to holistically savor divine milk from the chest of its Godly mother; unleash into
a string of Omnipotently incoherent wails; as the Sun disappeared in wholesome entirety from blue sky,
And the Heart didn’t need even the most microscopic of permission whatsoever; to ecstatically liberate its incomprehensible river of passionate beats; immortally bond them with the soul mate of its existence; perpetually unite them with the entity it solely loved .
There was no age stringently defined to fall in its heavenly swirl; embrace its cistern of majestic enchantment for centuries unprecedented,
There was no time irrevocably defined to experience its exuberant timelessness; catapult to the ultimate summit of its gloriously enthralling victory,
There was no color intransigently defined to entice its stupendous aroma; possess its magically augmenting wave of sensuousness; for as long as earth was destined to exist,
There was no moment intractably defined to savor its glorious titillation; exotically be the most integral element of its ravishingly tantalizing stride,
There was no mantra incorrigibly defined to incarcerate its compassionate caress; preserve its incredulously immaculate touch close to your soul; for infinite more births yet to unveil,
There was no religion conventionally defined to bond with its ubiquitous essence; relentlessly bathe in its marvelously voluptuous pool of ebullient belonging,
There was no trail irrefutably defined to chase its magnificently silken charm; be its ecumenically gorgeous cascade of spell binding prosperity,
There was no entrenchment precisely defined to conquer its spirit of everlasting seduction; wholeheartedly embrace its kaleidoscope of boundlessly ingratiating
There was no price inexorably defined to purchase its romantic incantation; be incessantly spell bound by its spell of redolently dancing vivaciousness,
There was no boundary austerely defined to achieve its scintillatingly handsome peak; bask in the unbelievably majestic scent of its optimistically healing breath,
There was no voice inclemently defined to impress its impeccably frolicking embodiment; unassailably imprison its holistically sacrosanct beauty; in the
center of your impoverished chest,
There was no direction monotonously defined to follow its mystically unconquerable splendor; be the most ultimate slave of its celestially resplendent shadow,
There was no dimension dogmatically defined to measure its fathomless ardor; beautifully enshroud every element of your penuriously dwindling existence; with its royal beads of profuse togetherness,
There was no power concisely defined to snatch its Omnipotent crown; be the sole jewel of its profound fervor to regally lead life; to bounce exuberantly in placating paradise,
There was no portrait irretrievably defined to highlight its exquisite treasury of amiable symbiosis; poignantly divulge its astronomically endless goodness; to the entire Universe traumatically crippled outside,
There was no blood meticulously defined to belong to its Godly countenance; melange with its stream of ubiquitously glistening humanity; for unsurpassable
more decades yet to come,
There was no breath punitively defined to inhale its panoramically eclectic contours; exclusively relish its astoundingly princely tale of unending exhilaration,
There was no heart specifically defined to posses its marvelously Omnipresent beats; be the only one to eternally dance to its tunes of melodiously blessing mankind,
And there was no preparation specifically defined to execute its lovely rhythm; as you just inadvertently stumble into its immortal light of goodness; you just unknowingly accept it at some stage of life as the greatest elixir for survival; YOU JUST FALL IN LOVE .
Every rose in the bountiful gardens profoundly bloomed with it; blissfully assimilating its enchanting goodness in each of its vivaciously redolent petals,
Every beam of the miraculously Omnipotent Sun profusely blazed with it; triumphantly pronouncing its unflinchingly spell binding impression upon the
colossal Universe,
Every droplet of the ravishingly mesmerizing waterfall marvelously glimmered with it; casting an irrefutably unconquerable spell of divine exoticism upon each organism alive,
Every leaf of the mystically corrugated tree exuberantly swirled with it; ebulliently leaping towards celestial paradise; in the swirl of its compassionately poignant caress,
Every seductively tantalizing nightingale timelessly sung it; gorgeously portraying its astoundingly unfathomable charisma; to the entire beleaguered planet outside,
Every enamoring rainbow in the fathomless cosmos danced euphorically to its tunes; culminating into an incredulously amazing kaleidoscope of panoramic beauty; and rejuvenating color,
Every blade of harmoniously nimble grass ecstatically swayed to it; innocuously fulminating its sensuous cascade of golden dewdrops; as vibrant dawn overtook
the complexion of the ghastly night,
Every ingratiatingly silken web insurmountably dazzled with it; divinely dissipating its unassailably Omnipotent glow; to all those miserably dithering towards the aisles of treacherous nothingness,
Every exotically crimson cloud torrentially showered it; engulfing bizarrely barren landscapes of malicious prejudice; with incomprehensibly unending spurts of holistic symbiosis,
Every amiably philandering meadow gregariously harbored it; harnessing the tree of invincible humanity; with its perennial tributaries of uninhibited freedom,
Every wonderfully soaring bird affably encapsulated it; flooding each element of the dolorously sultry atmosphere around; with waves of unbelievably Omniscient charisma,
Every mystically chanting cuckoo majestically whispered it; ubiquitously disseminating its relentless glory; to the most obscurely ethereal regions of this limitless planet,
Every voluptuously scented root proudly possessed it; unequivocally depicting to one and all alike; that it was the most quintessential rudiment of every organism to survive,
Every boisterously bubbling bee made it the honey of its hive; ecumenically oozing its entrenchment of perpetual sweetness; overtoppling the hideous devil with its melody of; everlasting togetherness,
Every serenely pacifying dusk pricelessly encompassed it; entirely metamorphosing every heinously barbaric into an apostle of peace; with its impregnable chapters of eternal contentment,
Every rhapsodically drifting wind intransigently embraced it; basking in the unprecedented aura of its timeless sensuousness; for centuries immemorial,
Every holistically truthful soul indefatigably lived it; naturally letting its immaculately godly elements; take wholesomely gratifying control for infinite more births yet to unveil,
Every resplendently jubilant breath stupendously relished it; insatiably suckling unsurpassable fireballs of inspiration from its Omnipresent grace; to forever emerge a philanthropic winner in the chapter of vivid existence,
O! Yes love was profusely there in the air; Love was profusely there in every synergistically beautiful element of this gigantic earth; Love was profusely there in every human poignantly existing,
And more exclusively than anything; Love had taken an immortal bondage of their hearts tonight; with their innocent spirits amalgamating as a singleton idol of unconquerable timelessness; under the milky downpour of the sacrosanct Moon .
The most priceless thing that the clouds in fathomlessly crimson sky could ever refer you to; was tantalizing globules of golden rain,
The most priceless thing that sweltering sands of the desert could ever refer you to; was acrimonious tornadoes of painstakingly persevering heat,
The most priceless thing that the unfathomably voluptuous blades of grass could ever refer you to; was an enchantingly everlasting carpet of silken dewdrops,
The most priceless thing that the bountifully rustling leaves could ever refer you to; was unrelenting entrenchments of euphorically exotic breeze,
The most priceless thing that the indomitably scintillating mountain peaks could ever refer you to; was the Omnipotently ferocious blaze of the majestic Sun,
The most priceless thing that the inscrutably untamed forests could ever refer you to; was the profoundly regale crest; of the thunderously poignant lion,
The most priceless thing that the insurmountably choppy ocean could ever refer you to; was a profusely tangy waterfall; of spell bindingly rejuvenating salt,
The most priceless thing that the flame of sparkling truth could ever refer you to; was the unassailably grandiloquent religion of mankind,
The most priceless thing that the seductively titillating rose could ever refer you to; was a relentless fountain of stupendously endowing scent,
The most priceless thing that the fascinatingly pristine oyster could ever refer you to; was a gloriously delectable whirlpool of resplendently mesmerizing pearls,
The most priceless thing that the disdainfully impoverished beggar could ever refer you to; was indispensable morsels of divinely appetizing food,
The most priceless thing that the marvelously iridescent rainbow could ever refer you to; was the emphatically boisterous spirit of supremely astounding vivaciousness,
The most priceless thing that the penuriously orphaned could ever refer you to; was the compassionately sequestering walls of the harmoniously placating dwelling,
The most priceless thing that the silver droplets of redolent sweat could ever refer you to; was unendingly persevering timelessness,
The most priceless thing that the charismatically sensuous lips could ever refer you to; was an incredulously gregarious sky of fabulously fantastic smiles,
The most priceless thing that the indefatigable patriots could ever refer you to; was the flag of unconquerably magnificent; and triumphantly blazing victory,
The most priceless thing that the fleet footed squirrel could ever refer you to; was an insatiably unbelievable river of ebullient frolic,
The most priceless thing that the marvelously rubicund nostrils could ever refer you to; was intransigently passionate maelstroms of reinvigoratingly tingling breath,
And the most priceless thing that the perpetually bountiful heart could ever refer you to; was an immortally royal Universe of impregnable love; love and only celestial love .
The color of her impeccably radiant eyes had already formed in the womb; with even the most intricately poignant of their shades having taken irrefutably consolidated proportions,
All that we could do was profusely embellish them with the astronomical beauty of this gargantuan Universe; inculcating in them profound empathy towards the
religion of humanity .
The shape of her immaculately divine fingers had already formed in the womb; with even the most infinitesimal of nails sprouting up holistically from the nimble edges,
All that we could do was poignantly paint them with the stupendous charisma of this spell binding Universe; impregnate in them the solidarity to confront even the most acrimonious of impediments that dared come their way .
The contours of her amiably princely lips had already formed in the womb; with even the most capriciously evanescent tinges of red piquantly reflecting at her
innocuous birth,
All that we could do was indefatigably make them smile; triumphantly caress all bountifully heavenly goodness; that sumptuously encapsulated the enchanting
atmosphere .
The pristine curvatures of her resplendent feet had already formed in the womb; with even the most sensitively pointed of her toes taking wholesome proportions,
All that we could do was Omnisciently maneuver them towards the path of scintillating righteousness; teaching her to traverse shoulder to shoulder; with
all mankind; one and ubiquitously alike .
The complexion of her robustly blossoming skin had already formed in the womb; with even the most inconspicuously enamoring of her dimples glistening like fireballs of the Sun; as the emanated her first breath,
All that we could do was perpetually ensure that it remained untainted like that for times immemorial; timelessly enshroud her cheeks with all gregarious benevolence that uninhibitedly floated in the atmosphere .
The cadence of her emphatically unblemished voice had already formed in the womb; with even the most incoherently inherent of her expressions magically visible; as she winked open her eyes to salvage the first sights of this planet,
All that we could do was pragmatically teach her to use it for philanthropic humanity; disseminate its ingratiatingly vibrant melody; to each quarter of this Universe enveloped with bizarre solitude .
The trajectory of her immaculately godly ears had already formed in the womb; with even the most inaudible nerves of her lobes; miraculously visible as she gyrated in her cradle to the first sounds of this globe,
All that we could do was perennially ensure that even the slightest trace of diabolism stayed infinite kilometers from her impeccable visage; and all that she could ever hear was the tunes of beautifully egalitarian mankind .
The lines on her Omnipresently innocent palms had already formed in the womb; with even the most ethereal insinuations in her life explicitly highlighted; as she ecstatically bounced in the lap of her grandmother,
All that we could do was celestially drift her towards the lanes of unprejudiced righteousness; evolve her into being the ultimate messiah of all disastrously
anguished humanity .
And the rhythm of her heavenly heartbeats had already formed in the womb; with even the most tiny palpitations of her chest throbbing with effervescent intensity; as she diffused her very first breath,
All that we could do was unassailably embody them with the spirit of immortal love; unequivocally ensure that they coalesced with nothing else but sparkling truth till the time they lived; and even countless births that they exuberantly took life once again; thereafter .
There was nobody on this fathomless Universe as passionate about poignant rain; as the thunderously reverberating conglomerate of crimson clouds,
There was nobody on this colossal Universe as passionate about sweltering sands; as the majestically sprawling islands of the tenaciously glistening deserts,
There was nobody on this gigantic Universe as passionate about exuberant wind; as the vivaciously rustling leaves of the magnificently blossoming tree,
There was nobody on this boundless Universe as passionate about piquantly rejuvenating salt; as the unsurpassably glorious and ravishingly undulating oceans,
There was nobody on this unfathomable Universe as passionate about astoundingly bedazzling light; as the tumultuously fulminating fireball of golden Sun,
There was nobody on this gregarious Universe as passionate about silken scent; as the enchantingly everlasting rose; unveiling its whirlpool of untamed artistry; under the resplendent light of the milky moon,
There was nobody on this unending Universe as passionate about handsomely gurgling froth; as the mystically wonderful waterfall; mesmerizing one and
all in the swirl of its princely cascade,
There was nobody on this Herculean Universe as passionate about regale evening; as the ethereally inscrutable horizons; diffusing the essence of synergistic equality to far and wide across this celestial earth,
There was nobody on this amiable Universe as passionate about slithering mysticism; as the marvelously gliding serpent; rhetorically coiling into surreptitious folds; to entice the heart of the night,
There was nobody on this limitless Universe as passionate about innocuous mischief; as the impeccably vibrant child; unrelentingly discovering an incomprehensible entrenchment of newness on every step that it charismatically tread,
There was nobody on this eclectic Universe as passionate about wavering enigma; as the uncannily vivid shadow; aristocratically tingling every sagging visage; with cisterns of exotic wonderment,
There was nobody on this divinely Universe as passionate about sacrosanct motherland; as the patriotically blazing soldier; unflinchingly towering
upon the diabolical traitors; till the very last iota of his blessed breath,
There was nobody on this timeless Universe as passionate about united strength; as the tenaciously towering mountains; symbiotically withstanding the most acrimonious of storms; sequestering millions of innocent masses from agonizing pain,
There was nobody on this redolent Universe as passionate about expressing emotions; as the compassionately heartfelt writer; incredulously weaving a tale of superbly effusive artistry; portraying the inner most feelings of his heart,
There was nobody on this charismatic Universe as passionate about the freshly born baby; as the godly mother; who miraculously nourished it with her very
own blood; for a persevering 9 months,
There was nobody on this astronomical Universe as passionate about immaculate milk; as the sacredly munching cow; surviving itself on nimble grass; to bequeath upon the world the most priceless elixir of life,
There was nobody on this endowing Universe as passionate about scintillating pearls; as the fantastically pristine oyster; harboring it for centuries immemorial; from even the most diminutive trace of malice,
There was nobody on this vast Universe as passionate about spell binding breath; as the chapter of tirelessly ebullient life; sprouting into a fountain of melody as each instant royally unleashed by,
And there was nobody on this twinkling Universe as passionate about immortal love; as the ardently throbbing heart; unassailably bonding each of its magical beats with beauty and freshness; sensuously lighting the trail of an insatiably uncurbed romance .
I don’t know what else could I have so stupendously cherished for; without your majestically seductive and iridescently twinkling eyelashes ?
I don’t know what else could I have so wonderfully fantasized for; without your fantastically vibrant and timelessly sensuous stride ?
I don’t know what else could I have so bountifully felt for; without your compassionately divine and spell bindingly blissful caress ?
I don’t know what else could I have so unrelentingly wished for; without your celestially fragrant and supremely sacrosanct lips ?
I don’t know what else could I have so intransigently aspired for; without your philanthropically enchanting and invincibly mellifluous essence of symbiotic
mankind ?
I don’t know what else could I have so timelessly yearned for; without your magnificently shimmering and flamboyantly fiery inferno’s of passionate desire ?
I don’t know what else could I have so unstoppably leapt for; without your beautifully fluttering and vivaciously mischievous shadow ?
I don’t know what else could I have so uncontrollably slavered for; without your everlastingly heavenly and pristinely poignant; gorge of sweetness ?
I don’t know what else could I have so endlessly strived for; without your synergistically godly and ebulliently extraordinary spirit of righteousness ?
I don’t know what else could I have so fanatically obsessed for; without your majestically handsome and marvelously resplendent smiles ?
I don’t know what else could I have so indomitably hoped for; without your perennially ecstatic and aristocratically opalescent artistry ?
I don’t know what else could I have so boundlessly prayed for; without your magnanimously humanitarian and magically blessing ideals ?
I don’t know what else could I have so fathomlessly endured for; without your ubiquitously unlimited and synergistically fructifying voice ?
I don’t know what else could I have so ardently dreamt for; without your enigmatically uncanny and princely philandering demeanor ?
I don’t know what else could I have so patriotically blazed for; without your altruistically unflinching and fearlessly impeccable conscience ?
I don’t know what else could I have so effulgently sung for; without your freshly embellished and newborn bride; crimson cheeks ?
I don’t know what else could I have so perpetually loved for; without your charismatically incarcerating and pricelessly infinite heartbeats ?
I don’t know what else could I have so immortally exhaled for; without your Omnipotently reviving and optimistically enlightening; fireballs of breath ?
And I really don’t know what else could I have so unconquerably lived for; without your undefeatedly godly and Omnisciently benign life ?
My humble salutations to you O! Tantalizing Beloved; for so magnanimously tolerating my eccentrically esoteric repertoire of idiosyncrasies; my marathon
hours of sky gazing in the heart of spell bindingly ravishing midnight,
My eternal salutations to you O! Beautiful Beloved; for so chivalrously toleration my congenital habits of challenging conventional society; my unsurpassable ocean of intrepid opinions; which were solely and profusely my very own,
My priceless salutations to you O! Eternal Beloved; for so open heartedly tolerating my inherent tendencies to flirt and philander; romanticize in the aisles of surreally tantalizing desire; till infinite more births of mine,
My unflinching salutations to you O! Pristine Beloved; for so handsomely tolerating my bizarre antagonism from the conventionally turgid society; my principles irrevocably discarding every other religion on this planet; except the religion of unconquerably Omnipotent mankind,
My endless salutations to you O! Celestial Beloved; for so pioneeringly tolerating my sporadic bouts of exasperating nonchalance; my wholesome delineation from the monotonously outside world,
My boundless salutations to you O! Majestic Beloved; for so blissfully tolerating my infuriatingly lambasting anger; my unsurpassable mountain of baseless whims and uxoriously incarcerating habits,
My indefatigable salutations to you O! Inimitable Beloved; for so astoundingly tolerating my disparagingly crucifying agonies; my horrendously harrowing nightmares which at times rendered me worse than lividly cadaverous mortuaries; even in the shimmer of the brilliantly sunlit day,
My intransigent salutations to you O! Mellifluous Beloved; for so magically tolerating my dictatorially chauvinistic ego; my lecherously bohemian demeanor and shaggily uncut toenails,
My unfathomable salutations to you O! Heavenly Beloved; for so miraculously tolerating my disdainfully abusive tongue; my incongruously abstruse babbling like a newborn child; as I snored in the aisles of profoundly solitary sleep,
My triumphant salutations to you O! Immaculate Beloved; for so regally tolerating my fastidiously pernicious obsessions; my unendingly esoteric titillations and tastes of the tongue,
My everlasting salutations to you O! Unblemished Beloved; for so magnificently tolerating my abhorrently prejudiced odor; my outlandishly obsolete way of dressing even as I trespassed amidst the imperially exquisite society,
My timeless salutations to you O! Gorgeous Beloved; for so enchantingly tolerating my ominously dribbling perspiration; my inscrutably inexplicable aura which enshrouded me like a draught of irrevocable wind from all ends,
My ubiquitous salutations to you O! Adorable Beloved; for so patiently tolerating my disastrously stuttering and maimed stride; my hands that smelt of ghoulishly foul fish all day; as I aimlessly sauntered amongst the piles of lifeless crabs and desolate sand,
My godly salutations to you O! Effulgent Beloved; for so wonderfully tolerating my irascibly sneezing nose; my perennial fits of discontentment; which never ever got placated even with the most aristocratic of wealth,
My victorious salutations to you O! Iridescent Beloved; for so fragrantly tolerating my disastrously penurious demeanor; my rotten juggernaut of hollow luck; which venomously marauded my pockets with more and more holes; as the instants zipped by,
My spell binding salutations to you O! Sacrosanct Beloved; for so sagaciously tolerating my uninhibitedly exotic fearlessness; my uncanny slips into the unfettered wilderness from time to time; without even leaving the tiniest of innuendo behind,
My ardent salutations to you O! Unconquerable Beloved; for so opulently tolerating my erotically decrepit fantasies; my unstoppably brute masculine force; which at times was more tempestuous than raw thunderbolts of lightening to confront,
My convivial salutations to you O! holistic Beloved; for so remarkably tolerating my inevitably decaying breath; my viciously cancerous presence all day and even after the clock hours gallivanted well past; the strokes of invidiously sinister midnight,
And my tireless salutations to you O! Immortal Beloved; for so synergistically tolerating me as your diminutively impoverished husband; bonding even the
most infinitesimal element of your heart; soul and conscience with mine; even though I was just an undeservingly scurrilous stranger trying to parasitically creep into your blessed life .
The most pernicious of mountains on this Universe miserably failed to deter me; as I euphorically surged like an untamed prince; without batting even an infinitesimal eyelid; beyond the summits of eternal paradise,
The most lecherous of oceans on this Universe disdainfully failed to drown me; as I vivaciously flew like an inimitably majestic eagle; over the fathomlessly priceless carpet of this astoundingly panoramic earth,
The most abstruse of forests on this Universe pathetically failed to scare me; as I uninhibitedly raced like an impregnable panther through the poignantly regale paths; of the spell bindingly sunlit hills,
The most vindictive of cannibals on this Universe ludicrously failed to devour me; as I timelessly slept in the caverns of unprecedented exhilaration; enchantingly fantasizing about the fathomless treasures of solidarity; for infinite more births of mine,
The most avaricious of parasites on this Universe lugubriously failed to suck me; as I tirelessly sang like a mellifluously golden nightingale all exotic night; only to embrace realms of profoundly unassailable sleep; the entire swelteringly sunlit day,
The most diabolical of prisons on this Universe harrowingly failed to incarcerate me; as I sailed in harmoniously princely unison with the gorgeously gregarious atmosphere; blending even the most diminutive of my senses with the religion of
symbiotically priceless mankind,
The most fetid of traitors on this Universe disparagingly failed to harm me; as I bountifully blazed in an unrelenting saga of immortal bravery; altruistically serving my sacrosanct mother soil; till I abdicated my very last breath,
The most simpering of deserts on this Universe stupidly failed to scorch me; as I celestially floated in a paradise of magnanimously unending goodness; uniting tumultuously estranged souls across this boundless planet; in the threads of irrevocably handsome truth,
The most licentious of venoms on this Universe preposterously failed to asphyxiate me; as I radiantly proliferated into a river of sensuously enamoring happiness; every unfurling minute of my diminutively delineated lifetime,
The most acrimonious of thorns on this Universe ingloriously failed to perpetuate me; as I galloped like thunderbolts of profusely vibrant lightening; through the corridors of blissfully heavenly prosperity,
The most sinister of witches on this Universe insipidly failed to jinx me; as I unconquerably permeated through even the most ephemerally treacherous norm of the acridly abhorrent society; metamorphosing every bit of salaciously derogatory lies into the island of; blessed righteousness,
The most tumultuous of sunrays on this Universe repeatedly failed to stifle me; as I fearlessly blossomed into the most rhapsodically effulgent fruits of God’s creation; since the very first cry of my beautiful birth,
The most unfathomable of superpowers on this Universe disastrously failed to tame me; as I irrefutably vanquished even the most evanescent trace of evil on this globe; philanthropically crusading for the cause of symbiotic peace; by the grace of the Almighty Lord,
The most hedonistic of maelstroms on this Universe ridiculously failed to shake me; as I exhaled into a fireball of intransigently dazzling exuberance; optimistically enlightening the lives of one and all; aristocratically alike,
The most truculent of scorpions on this Universe flagrantly failed to sting me; as I triumphantly emerged from the aisles of inconspicuously obsolete nothingness; as the ultimate harbinger of resplendently robust humanity,
The most remorseful of graveyards on this Universe stupefyingly failed to haunt me; as I culminated into the rainbow of holistically gifted existence; indefatigably kissing the freshly formed golden dew,
The most adverse of tyrannical agonies on this Universe grotesquely failed to overpower me; as I spawned into an unsurpassably benign entrenchment of
happiness; diffusing the mantra of contentment on every path that I nimbly tread,
The most devilish of deaths on this Universe dastardly failed to annihilate me; as I mushroomed into an endless festoon of eclectically wonderful lives; every
unleashing instant on this earth and beyond,
O! Yes; All of the above and incomprehensibly more was unquestionably there with me by the grace of the Omnipotent Lord; But yet I fell on her divinely feet
like a speck of frigidly parsimonious wind; But yet I uncontrollably shivered like a diminishing destitute in her perpetual palms; But yet I lost all direction
of my life in her impeccably twinkling eyes; But yet I forever surrendered myself as the ultimate slave of her immortally beating heart .
Just an infinitesimal droplet of its mesmerizing golden upon my lips; was enough to irrefutably perpetuate the corridors of ardently untamed longing in my diminutively disheveled persona,
Just an inconspicuous droplet of its enchanting golden upon my eyelashes; was enough to catapult me beyond the aisles of unprecedented fantasy; for centuries
pricelessly immemorial,
Just a mercurial droplet of its spell binding golden upon my palms; was enough to bless me as the most unconquerably symbiotic human existing; disseminating
the essence of eternal truth on every quarter of this fathomless Universe,
Just a parsimonious droplet of its glorious golden upon my tongue; was enough to celestially reinvigorate each of my drearily dying and estranged nerves; replenish my countenance with the mantra of synergistically divine existence,
Just an evanescent droplet of its exotic golden upon my cheeks; was enough to metamorphose the most traumatically tyrannized suffering of my survival;
into a rivulet of unsurpassably unending happiness,
Just an ephemeral droplet of its timeless golden upon my ears; was enough to resplendently enlighten my despondently quavering sensitivity; into a sky of
unassailably bountiful dreams,
Just a fugitive droplet of its handsome golden upon my fingers; was enough to enthrall me more iridescently than the vivaciously dancing peacocks; as if the
entire exuberance of this panoramic planet had become the whites of my impeccable eye,
Just a disappearing droplet of its stupendous golden upon my belly; was enough to unfathomably evolve me into an entrenchment of unlimited sensuousness; for
infinite more births yet to unveil,
Just an obsolete droplet of its ebullient golden upon my tongue; was enough to make me wholesomely oblivious to even the most impregnably enticing titillation on the trajectory of this boundless Universe; profusely drowning every bone of my body into an ocean of heavenly tanginess,
Just an insipid droplet of its bounteous golden upon my shadow; was enough to limitlessly tingle me till the epitome of unparalleled voluptuousness; as I
tirelessly slavered on the slippery sand; feasting every pore of my skin in the milky moonlight,
Just a fleeting droplet of its ingratiating golden upon my nape; was enough to perennially drift me towards the cocoons of inimitably jubilant ecstasy;
every unveiling instant of my impoverished life,
Just an infidel droplet of its majestic golden upon my shoulders; was enough to beautifully transpire me to incessantly augment the threshold of my artistry;
unceasingly replenish my every bone with the countless treasures of this wonderfully holistic Universe,
Just a minuscule droplet of its rhapsodic golden upon my conscience; was enough to enrich my depravingly beleaguered existence; with the perpetually magnificent colors of unshakable solidarity,
Just an effervescent droplet of its everlasting golden upon my chest; was enough to triumphantly tantalize till even after the veritable end of my time; and as every ingredient of niceness around me withered and obnoxiously died,
Just an incongruous droplet of its emollient golden upon my foot; was enough to instill in me the insurmountably intrepid tenacity of an unflinching adventurer; as I patriotically blazed like an inferno of scintillating righteousness; upon every prejudiced trace of the devil,
Just an inarticulate droplet of its supreme golden upon my soul; was enough to make me ardently persevere for the cause of benevolent humanity; decimate even the most frigid speck of indiscriminate racialism; forever and ever and ever from this innocuously vivid planet,
Just a fugacious droplet of its ever-pervading golden upon my nostrils; was enough for me to assimilate all felicity of a limitless more lifetimes; exist as an undefeated prince even in the most satanically devilish of winds,
Just an obfuscated droplet of its poignant golden upon my heart; was enough for me to fathomlessly feel the astounding freshness of life to its most indomitable fullest; palpitate more thunderously than the unequivocal clouds; now for the ultimate love of my life,
O! Yes; such was the Omnipotent power of just that ethereally vanishing droplet of heavenliness that dribbled from your newly wedded skin; such was the incomprehensibly eternal fragrance of just that incoherent droplet which oozed from your immaculate arms; such was the efficacious effulgence of just that tiny droplet of your Godly sweat
What tomorrow would bring for me in its exhilaratingly blissful winds; I didn’t care; nor did have even the tiniest of longing to know,
But what I was unconquerably sure about was that; each ingredient of my emaciated eye ardently wanted towitness your divinely silhouette this very moment; without the slightest of hindrance in between and the recital of NO .
What tomorrow would bring for me in its graciously bountiful lap; I didn’t care; nor did have even the most diminutive of longing to know,
But what I was unassailably sure about was that; each droplet of my trembling blood fervently wanted to blend with your philanthropically handsome goodness this very moment; without the slightest of impediments in between and the recital of NO .
What tomorrow would bring for me in its ingratiatingly inexplicable horizons; I didn’t care; nor did have even the most parsimonious of longing to know,
But what I was unfathomably sure about was that; each line of my impoverished palm insatiably wanted to entwine with your majestically unfurling life this very moment; without the slightest of darkness in between and the recital of NO .
What tomorrow would bring for me in its royally resplendent swirl; I didn’t care; nor did have even the most mercurial of longing to know,
But what I was invincibly sure about was that; each cracked contour of my lips triumphantly wanted to intermingle with your sensuously iridescent senses this very moment; without the slightest of morass in between and the recital of NO .
What tomorrow would bring for me in its enigmatically philandering breath; I didn’t care; nor did have even the most remote longing to know,
But what I was boundlessly sure about was that; each vein of my abysmally faltering legs zanily wanted to coalesce with your benevolently humanitarian stride this very moment; without the slightest of duress in between and the recital of NO .
What tomorrow would bring for me in its celestially vibrant fabric; I didn’t care; nor did have even the most oblivious longing to know,
But what I was indefatigably sure about was that; each chord of my preposterously scorched throat tumultuously wanted to slaver your Samaritan sweetness this very moment; without the slightest of treachery in between and the recital of NO .
What tomorrow would bring for me in its vividly coruscated dawn; I didn’t care; nor did have even the most cloistered of longing to know,
But what I was impregnably sure about was that; each miserably bereaved bone of mine unrelentingly wanted the compassionate caress of your magical palms this very moment; without the slightest of embroilment in between and the recital of NO .
What tomorrow would bring for me in its spell bindingly enamoring resplendence; I didn’t care; nor did have even the most insipid of longing to know,
But what I was limitlessly sure about was that; each sordidly estranged pore of my flesh perennially wanted to bond with your rhapsodic melody this very moment; without the slightest of bedlam in between and the recital of NO .
What tomorrow would bring for me in its enchantingly fragrant corridor; I didn’t care; nor did have even the most infidel of longing to know,
But what I was fathomlessly sure about was that; each devastatingly diminishing breath of mine perpetually wanted to entwine with your altruistically fearless
life this very moment; without the slightest of inhibition in between and the recital of NO .
And what tomorrow would bring for me in its redolently euphoric wave; I didn’t care; nor did have even the most ephemeral of longing to know,
But what I was supremely sure about was that; each beat of my gratuitously feckless heart immortally wanted to entrench with your love this very moment; without the slightest of hesitation in between and the recital of NO .
Even if you didn’t glimpse an infinitesimal iota towards me the entire sweltering day; neglecting me like a chunk of threadbare shit; as you wholeheartedly flirted with your surreptitious paramour right in front of my eyes,
Even if you didn’t appreciate my worldclass accomplishments an inconspicuous trifle; sadistically preferring to feed the wood on my scintillating trophies; to your fleet of obnoxiously indolent termites,
Even if you didn’t cuddle my innocuously trembling chin an infidel bit; blasphemously drenching my impoverished persona with acrimonious cauldrons of diabolical acid,
Even if you didn’t clap for me the slightest as I triumphantly kissed the glorious pinnacles of Everest; ignominiously ridiculed me for looking like a frigid scarecrow; from the point where she sighted me on robust earth,
Even if you didn’t kiss me on my passionately slavering cheeks; satanically diverting all gruesomely grisly lizards of the house; to insidiously crawl on them instead,
Even if you didn’t mischievously cavort with me through the bountifully sun soaked hills; truculently lambasting my nimbly shivering skin with whiplashes of devilish hatred instead,
Even if you didn’t regally cajole me in my times of disparagingly deteriorating duress; using my tears instead of table salt; for titillating your spuriously roasted meat; instead,
Even if you didn’t rejoice with me as I assimilated every speck of celestial enlightenment on the trajectory of this fathomless Universe; heinously
preferring to clandestinely gallop with ghoulish corpses in sinister darkness; instead,
Even if you didn’t respect the most benevolent of my deeds an ephemeral trace; saluting the lascivious dungeon of sleazy parasites with profound admiration in your eyes; instead,
Even if you didn’t pay heed to the most despairingly traumatic of my cries; uninhibitedly dancing to the tunes of my horrific agony; violently smooching your boyfriend; instead,
Even if you didn’t empathize the tiniest with my overwhelmingly dreary bones after I acridly faced the onslaught of the remorsefully manipulative society;
gagging a mortuary of torching needles into my mouth as I holistically snored,
Even if you didn’t fantasize about my regally brandishing sword and patriotic scepter; ludicrously chortling your breath out; as I valiantly stepped into the rampaging battlefield; to defend my very own sacrosanct motherland,
Even if you didn’t relentlessly walk by my side as I trespassed through all the good and sordidly bad in life; vengefully laid the most lecherously bawdy barricades in every of my advancing paths; instead,
Even if you didn’t cook tantalizing morsels of food for my miserably emaciated stomach; ruthlessly extricated my mass of intricately poignant intestines; to feed the cacophonically wailing eunuchs outside; instead,
Even if you didn’t mesmerize my uxoriously livid nerves with mellifluously ebullient sound; mercilessly left the horde of salaciously victimizing wolves upon my naked flesh; when I was snoozing; instead,
Even if you didn’t believe one bit in the most sagaciously righteous of my preachings; maliciously blowing the rambunctiously blowing horns of your car full throttle; the instant I attempted to open my nimble mouth,
Even if you didn’t like it an evanescent speck if I took your name; barbarously slashed the rosy pink of my lips with the malevolently prejudiced butcher’s knife; if I dared to praise your enamoring countenance,
Even if you didn’t respect me an ethereal iota for all my immortally compassionate love; tirelessly kept expurgating your feces upon my skull; envisaging it to be your favorite lavatory seat,
Nevertheless; Your mere presence itself has and will forever inspire me; making me feel the most pricelessly blessed entity alive; miraculously metamorphosing every element of my grief into a paradise of unconquerable happiness,
So therefore it is my humble request to you O! eternal beloved; execute whatever conceivable torture you could upon my diminutive persona; crucify me with all the badness that exists on this Universe; blind me with all the hatred in your life; but please don’t leave me to lead a life more penalizing than death; please don’t ever leave me.
I indefatigably experimented with my clothes; at times aimlessly wandering in skimpily bedraggled shorts; while at times majestically embellishing even the most lackadaisical bone of my impoverished body; with a paradise of unendingly coruscating satin,
I unrelentingly experimented with my food; at times plaintively surviving on inconspicuously threadbare morsels of dolorous bread; while at times regally
titillating my emaciated taste buds with Imperial slices of Italian cheese and sensuously exotic champagne,
I limitlessly experimented with my dwelling; at times ludicrously residing in preposterously stinking gutter pipes; while at times enchantingly snoring in castles
of exquisitely Oriental gold and resplendently twinkling pearls,
I tirelessly experimented with my makeup’s; at times coating my diminutively trembling skin with sleazily libidinous mascara; while at times vivaciously
painting my entire visage with celestially voluptuous blackberry juice,
I relentlessly experimented with my slang’s; at times conversing in an incongruously unruly rustic accent which only the dogs could understand; while at times unassailably silencing one and all on this gigantic planet; with the power of my eloquently mesmerizing speech,
I unfathomably experimented with my temperament’s; at times laconically floating like a cadaverously silent graveyard in the aisles of insipid nothingness; while at times tempestuously fulminating into a boundless cosmos of insatiably heart-rendering passion,
I incessantly experimented with my footwear; at times nonchalantly trespassing through the eccentrically skewed dungeons barefoot; while at times encapsulating my ebulliently protruding toes; with the most exorbitantly supreme snake leather skins,
I continuously experimented with my perfumes; at times smudging every speck of my languishing demeanor with a bizarre concoction of tomatoes and indolent mushrooms; while at times bathing in a heavenly pond of blissful musk till times immemorial,
I unstoppably experimented with my languages; at times fanatically absorbing myself into the fathomless literary volumes of my very own native tongue; while
at times ubiquitously disseminating the essence of global peace and eternal brotherhood in; iridescently International English,
I unlimitedly experimented with my toothbrushes; at times ruthlessly brushing across the consortium of my decaying yellow with stringently inclement tree twigs; while at times using a myriad of contemporarily world class brands to bounteously enlighten the bedraggled cavities in my mouth,
I zanily experimented with my smells; at times disastrously snoozing the entire day inhaling squalidly rebuked attic air; while at times triumphantly dancing till spaces beyond eternity; to the redolently mesmerizing scent of the divinely atmosphere,
I unsparingly experimented with my women; at times losing all interest in life with girls full of sardonically barbarous criticism; while at times jubilantly dancing with the ultimate nubile angels having descended from the lap of beautifully blessed heaven,
I countlessly experimented with my jewelry; at times wearing esoterically jinxed necklace’s of gruesomely infidel bones; while at times handsomely draping my
shivering persona with aristocratically poignant cascades of brilliant diamond,
I ardently experimented with my desires; at times withering away like a stoically feckless leaf even in the most spellbindingly rhapsodic of winds; while at
times uncontrollably spawning into a thunderbolt of insuperably blistering passion; swiping every trajectory of mother earth with everlastingly unfettered energy,
I obsessively experimented with my colors; at times choosing the most dirties shade of brown to woefully lambaste my penalizing coffin; while at times blossoming into eclectic rainbows of glorious prosperity; for infinite more births of mine yet to unveil,
I unceasingly experimented with my titillations; at times using monotonous rockets of fretful paper to stimulate my treacherously dying pores; while at times wonderfully assimilating the most panoramically exotic treasures of this earth; to blend with the invincible enthuse of my bloodstreams,
I timelessly experimented with my fantasies; at times tyrannically envisaging only about matchbox shaped corporate offices with potbellied tycoons wasting
marathon hours in sonorous cigar smoke and the robotically disdainful mobile phone; while at times intransigently dreaming all day and night about the
chapters of enriching proliferation and philanthropic goodness on the fabric of this gigantic Universe,
I uninhibitedly experimented with my philosophies; at times conceiving the prejudiced manipulation was quintessential to exist amidst the pack of
horrifically bloodsucking wolves today; while at times pioneering the mantra of selfless sacrifice in even the most mercurial quarter of this world,
And if there was indeed one thing on this planet; which I never did or would ever want to experiment with; then it was our immortal love; for my heart was
forever yours O! Godly Beloved; right since the time it first euphorically leapt out for you; and till the time death do us apart; without the slightest of baffling experimentation in between .
I endlessly kept committing a pathetic graveyard of flagrant idiosyncrasies; just so that you could correct me; with the eternally magical righteousness in your bountiful voice,
I endlessly kept tossing and turning on the coldbloodedly laconic floor; just so that you could put me to heavenly sleep; with the compassionately timeless sensuousness in your tantalizing fingers,
I endlessly kept speaking derogatorily insipid lies; just so that you could Omnipotently enlighten me; with the essence of unassailably glorious truth in your unflinching stride,
I endlessly kept myself egregiously emaciated; just so that you could majestically placate my every desire; with the fortress of invincible camaraderie in your impeccable eyes,
I endlessly kept nonchalantly staring at meaningless bits of barren sky; just so that you could stupefy me to the most unprecedented limits; with the mesmerizing cadence in your magnetic senses,
I endlessly kept maliciously abusing whosoever I encountered in my way; just so that you could teach me to be civilized; with the principles of priceless humanity ubiquitously disseminating from your every breath,
I endlessly kept fretting and fuming at everything that was laid my way; just so that you could marvelously quell all my lunatic restlessness; with the regally silken charisma of your soul,
I endlessly kept executing the most abashing of spelling mistakes; just so that you could aristocratically enrich me; with your insuperably magnificent power of linguistics,
I endlessly kept myself drearily dirty and languishing like a chunk of insipid shit; just so that you could rejuvenate even the most infinitesimal of my traumatized senses; with the insatiable exuberance in your victorious leap,
I endlessly kept bruising myself without the slightest rhyme or reason; just so that you could perennially anoint my disastrously slavering wounds; with the religion of impregnable humanity in your divinely palms,
I endlessly kept agnostically repenting every beautiful moment of my life; just so that you could ingratiatingly drift me towards the skies of the unconquerably Omniscient Lord; with your spirit of patriotically blazing freedom,
I endlessly kept impudently slandering my revered elders; just so that you could royally mitigate me from the crutches of crucifying mercilessness; with the unbelievably altruistic tranquility enshrouding your humble existence,
I endlessly kept ridiculing the most handsomely symbiotic ideals of creation; just so that you could make me blend with the celestial rudiments of my creation; with the goodness of your magnanimously sacred spontaneity,
I endlessly kept skeptically surmising about even the most harmonious of saints; just so that you could beautifully filter the acrimonious dirt from my mind; with your undauntedly untamed conviction,
I endlessly kept sadistically victimizing my own self; just so that you could perpetually guide me towards the most wonderfully replenishing salvation of my life; with the carpet of your resplendently embellished desires,
I endlessly kept uncontrollably shivering under the deathly chill of the scurrilously vindictive night; just so that you could entwine me in your splendidly humanitarian warmth; with the inferno of boundless desire rampantly simmering in every pore of your skin,
I endlessly kept preposterously indulging myself into a plethora of imperiling vices; just so that you could metamorphose my entire personality into that of a
synergistically innocuous organism; with the mantra of ebullient triumph radiating unstoppably from your eyelashes,
I endlessly kept forgetting even the most quintessentially vital things; just so that you could pamper the child in me to the most unfathomable fullest; inundate my diminutively impoverished life with the limitless happiness in your everlasting soul,
And I endlessly kept trying to extinguish every speck of my beleaguered existence; just so that you could incarcerate my penuriously quavering senses in the entrenchment of your immortally blessing love; blissfully uniting our lives in holy matrimony; for times even after infinite more births of ours yet to come .
My life without you; was like the resplendently exotic rose left disdainfully estranged; amidst an acrimonious battalion of ballistically pugnacious cactus,
My life without you; was like the brilliantly vibrant eye left penuriously staggering; amidst a venomous graveyard of invidiously sinister darkness,
My life without you; was like the astoundingly aristocratic Sun left miserably sulking; behind a treacherously penalizing coffin of shaggily disheveled and adulterated clouds,
My life without you; was like the regally bountiful pearls left inexorably fretting; in the sordidly gory interiors of the raunchily fetid gutter pipe,
My life without you; was like the exuberantly triumphant bird left hopelessly wailing; behind the diabolically victimizing and satanically gleaming prison bars,
My life without you; was like the pinnacle of the unassailable mountain left dreadfully defeated; under a frigidly threadbare avalanche of feckless ice,
My life without you; was like the patriotically blazing warrior left relentlessly cursing his luck; amidst the manipulatively parasitic politicians,
My life without you; was like the euphorically victorious ocean left to lugubriously slaver; amidst the dastardly cockroaches of the diminutively soiled lavatory seat,
My life without you; was like the fantastically eclectic artist left to unstoppably asphyxiate; obnoxiously imprisoned within the walls of the monotonously matchbox shaped and wastrel office,
My life without you; was like the newly embellished bride left hysterically sobbing; amidst insurmountably punitive layers of cadaverously widowed white,
My life without you; was like the blissfully wedded couple left to enjoy their iridescent honeymoon; amidst the rambunctiously dusty and discordantly begging streets,
My life without you; was like the intrepidly young man left to miserably deteriorate; amidst heavy numbered glasses; forlorn crutches and a bedraggled walking stick,
My life without you; was like timelessly ticking clock left to vindictively weep; amidst the infinitesimally worthless dwelling of the invisible ghosts,
My life without you; was like the exquisitely redolent and feather tipped pen left to become delirious; amidst the mordantly corrugated periphery of the jaggedly cold-hearted rocks,
My life without you; was like the unflinchingly handsome panther left to disparagingly growl; amidst lackluster blades of nimbly vegetarian and teasingly evanescent grass,
My life without you; was like the unfathomably mellifluous nightingale left to bang its beak; amidst the brutally stuttering horde of the hedonistically stone deaf,
My life without you; was like irrefutably scintillating truth and humanity left to march; in the land of the ignominiously scurrilous and baselessly devilish hell,
My life without you; was like rhapsodically insatiable breath left to perniciously wither; under the hood of the dolorously damned and strangulating coffin of extinction,
And my life without you O! Eternal beloved; was like the passionately immortal heart heartlessly left; amidst the sadistically unsavory scorpions of severely jinxed betrayal .
They could perhaps ruthlessly snatch our eyes; horrifically blinding us with their derogatory barbarism; for the remainder of our impoverished lives,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the unfathomable whirlpools of compassionate empathy; that we harbored for each other; in our everlastingly insuperable and brilliant hearts .
They could perhaps mercilessly snatch our ears; lecherously annihilating them from our face; with their satanically blood stained swords,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the unprecedented fascination that we harbored for each other; in our bountifully timeless and philanthropic hearts .
They could perhaps indiscriminately snatch our bellies; deliriously extricating even the last bit of our intricately blissful intestines,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the insurmountable magnetism that we harbored for each other; in our beautifully vivid and eclectic hearts .
They could perhaps perfidiously snatch our legs; tyrannically incarcerating and maiming us in chains of maliciously unending torture; till the time we relinquished our last breath,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the inexorable passion that we harbored for each other; in our resplendently twinkling and unconquerable hearts .
They could perhaps lethally snatch all our dreams; truculently bludgeoning our brains on coldblooded rock; replenishing their parasitic stomachs with the gruesomely grotesque and pulverized curry,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the unflinching solidarity that we harbored for each other; in our iridescently burgeoning and panoramic hearts .
They could perhaps irascibly snatch our arms; hedonistically forcing us to discordantly beg on the threadbare streets; so that their pockets perennially
glittered with sanctimoniously sleazy silk and gold,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the tirelessly ardent longing that we harbored for each other; in our gloriously effulgent and diligent hearts .
They could perhaps salaciously snatch our smiles; venomously infiltrating even the most inconspicuous iota of our happiness; with perverted mortuaries of
uxoriously sadistic prejudice,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the majestically royal camaraderie that we harbored for each other; in our sensuously galloping and impeccable hearts .
They could perhaps brutally snatch our shadows; ignominiously extraditing us from the civilization outside; just to lick the floors of their already spick and span dwelling,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the spirit of sacrifice that we harbored for each other; in our passionately impregnable and unparalleled hearts .
And they could perhaps gorily snatch our wealth; rendering us to stagger in the aisles of uncouth nothingness; while they spuriously cavorted in the glory of our perseveringly righteous prosperity,
But there was no power ever born on earth and sky except the Almighty Divine; who could snatch the immortally inimitable love that we harbored for each other; in our magnetically bonded and celestial hearts .
RELAX. Let the whole world outside crazily Run. As you’re the only one who’s eventually destined to bond with her perpetually sacrosanct fragrance; by the
grace of the Omnisciently Almighty Lord,
RELAX. Let the whole world outside desperately Run. As you’re the only one with whom she had insatiably desired to bond; since the very first cry of her everlastingly mesmerizing birth,
RELAX. Let the whole world outside bizarrely Run. As you’re the only one who care’s for her; more than anyone else on this gigantic earth could ever cogitate; or ever could,
RELAX. Let the whole world outside pugnaciously Run. As you’re the only one whom she unrelentingly fantasized about; all blisteringly sunlit day and
every unfurling minute past the heart of fantastically voluptuous midnight,
RELAX. Let the whole world outside disastrously Run. As you’re the only one whom she congenitally likes to court; keep perennially embedded as the most priceless jewel in the center of her impeccable eyes,
RELAX. Let the whole world outside ludicrously Run. As you’re the only one who’s dedicated to even the most infinitesimally fugacious cause of her vibrant life; embracing every obnoxious impediment that came her way without a tear in your victorious eye,
RELAX. Let the whole world outside lunatically Run. As you’re the only one whom she intransigently prayed for since she emanated her very first breath; immortalizing you as her eternal mate even before her brain had the power to think,
RELAX. Let the whole world outside fanatically Run. As you’re the only one whom she tirelessly sketched on the pristine seas shores; even as the truculent waves irritatingly swiped your impressions umpteenth times in a single minute,
RELAX. Let the whole world outside disparagingly Run. As you’re the only one whom she considered as revered as her godly parents; to bountifully harness the
chapter of her iridescently beautiful life,
RELAX. Let the whole world outside deliriously Run. As you’re the only one whom she indefatigably serenaded; even as the most hedonistically torrential of maelstroms; lambasted the earth from every construable side and space,
RELAX. Let the whole world outside preposterously Run. As you’re the only one whom she irrefutably considered her every destiny line; the fascinating litany of
events timelessly unveiling in her blessed life,
RELAX. Let the whole world outside egregiously Run. As you’re the only one whose name she chanted even in the realms of unconsciously deep sleep; Omnisciently witnessing your portrait in every goodness that she poignantly caressed,
RELAX. Let the whole world outside insipidly Run. As you’re the only one whom she unflinchingly patronized; even as corpses of bawdily indescribable savagery
asphyxiated her from all sides,
RELAX. Let the whole world outside baselessly Run. As you’re the only one whom she envisaged as the ultimate prince of her destitute life; unassailably enlightening the lamps of her fretfully withering existence,
RELAX. Let the whole world outside superfluously Run. As you’re the only one whom she sensuously cavorted with in every wink that she mischievously took,
RELAX. Let the whole world outside remorsefully Run. As you’re the only one whom she marvelously solemnized for your articulately astounding versatility;
insuperably blending with the blood that flowed through your artistic veins,
RELAX. Let the whole world outside fecklessly Run. As you’re the only one whom she impregnably wanted to be a quintessential ingredient of her existence; the pinnacle of successful fragrance in her truncated life,
RELAX. Let the whole world tyrannically Run outside. As you’re the only one whom she had perpetually coalesced with even the most mercurial breath that she
diffused; for infinite more births yet to unleash,
And RELAX. Let the whole world barbarously Run outside. As you’re the only one whom she had immortally given all her heart and love to; unconquerably enveloping herself in your embrace so passionate; that even the God’s considered it sinful to break .
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the majestically tantalizing shadow; of my eternally enchanting wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the impeccably embellished smile; of my bountifully spawning wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the Omnipotently blazing stride; of my amiably enthralling wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the unflinchingly altruistic solidarity; of my compassionately cuddling wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the ingratiatingly fantastic charisma; of my eclectically panoramic wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the Omnisciently exotic splendor; of my immaculately heavenly wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the ubiquitously unending timelessness; of my exhilaratingly ebullient wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the philanthropically benign graciousness; of my ecstatically triumphant wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the jubilantly spell binding vivaciousness; of my astoundingly sacred wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the boundless fascinating fantasies; of my iridescently perennial wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the euphorically vivid aura; of my sensuously celestial wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the intrepidly brazen chested spirit; of my ecumenically effulgent wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the profoundly intoxicating enigma; of my lim
itlessly enthusing wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the exultatingly marvelous fragrance; of my gloriously mysterious wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the beautifully vibrant synergy; of my fantastically humanitarian wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the symbiotically harmonious ramifications; of my congenially intriguing wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the irrefutably unassailable transparency; of my charmingly mellifluous wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the romantically blessing breath; of my innovatively princely wife; once again,
O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the unshakably godly demeanor; of my pristinely piquant wife; once again,
And O! Yes; I was wholeheartedly prepared to remarry an infinite times; but only with the unconquerably immortal heart; of my unabashedly loving wife; once again .
The train of profoundly spine tingling mysticism stopped only on the station; of astoundingly fantastic and uncannily tantalizing bewilderment,
The train of symbiotically coalescing philanthropism stopped only on the station; of eternally resplendent and timelessly bountiful mankind,
The train of poignantly unending compassion stopped only on the station; of perpetually unshakable and gloriously unconquerable friendship,
The train of blazingly truthful expression stopped only on the station; of majestically blissful and implacably kingly artistry,
The train of altruistically uninhibited sharing stopped only on the station; of perennially burgeoning and euphorically triumphant happiness,
The train of mischievously philandering flirtation stopped only on the station; of enchantingly ebullient and serendipitously clandestine seduction,
The train of unflinchingly intrepid bravery stopped only on the station; of boundlessly revered and unconquerable immortality,
The train of panoramically eclectic beauty stopped only on the station; of stupendously benevolent and undefeated graciousness,
The train of Omnipotently scintillating optimism stopped only on the station; of gloriously embellished and impregnably inimitable victory,
The train of intransigently exploring intrigue stopped only on the station; of ingratiatingly mesmerizing and ecstatically vibrant innovation,
The train of synergistically united existence stopped only on the station; of irrefutably invincible and jubilantly unlimited righteousness,
The train of divinely sacrosanct worship stopped only on the station; of congenitally blessed and indomitably Omniscient motherhood,
The train of beautifully unblemished sacrifice stopped only on the station; of profusely fascinating and unsurpassably regale benevolence,
The train of harmoniously creative energy stopped only on the station; of vividly burgeoning and immaculately unassailable newness,
The train of insatiably untamed passion stopped only on the station; of unequivocally limitless and fantastically effulgent embrace,
The train of innocently heart rendering playfulness stopped only on the station; of unrestrictedly iridescent and gorgeously oblivious childhood,
The train of indefatigably experimenting style stopped only on the station; of radiantly fructifying and ubiquitously blossoming freshness,
The train of Omnipotently blessed life stopped only on the station; of bounteously spawning and magically unfurling adventure,
And train of unstoppably throbbing hearts stopped only on the station; of immortally godly and wonderfully uninhibited love .
Immortally overpowering; were her majestically seductive and ingratiating lips; over the lackadaisically chapped contours; which were diminutively mine,
Immortally overpowering; were her tantalizingly ravishing and swirling hair; over the uncontrollably trembling scalp; which was parsimoniously mine,
Immortally overpowering; was her stupendously fragrant and bountiful belly; over the insatiably starved folds; which were humbly mine,
Immortally overpowering; were her poignantly crimson and Omnipotent cheeks; over the pathetically freckled skin; which was stingily mine,
Immortally overpowering; was her celestially mellifluous and rhapsodic voice; over the uncannily quavering cadence; which was miserly mine,
Immortally overpowering; was her fantastically embellished and articulate neck; over the ruggedly penurious flesh; which was emaciatingly mine,
Immortally overpowering; was her royally philanthropic and timeless graciousness; over the rampantly vacillating emotions; which were quintessentially mine,
Immortally overpowering; was her irrefutably insuperable and unflinching faith; over the fabric of untamed sensuality; which was ethereally mine,
Immortally overpowering; was her enchantingly spell bindingly and glorious fragrance; over the onerously oozing armpits; which were intricately mine,
Immortally overpowering; was her charismatically magical and unassailable grace; over the incessantly shivering goose-bumps; which were nostalgically mine,
Immortally overpowering; were her fascinatingly dangling and immaculate earlobes; over the obsoletely deafened senses; which were minutely mine,
Immortally overpowering; was her divinely mesmerizing and vivacious dance; over the profusely famished rhythm; which was nonchalantly mine,
Immortally overpowering; was her beautifully heavenly and enigmatic shadow; over the desolately destitute stride; which was haplessly mine,
Immortally overpowering; was her benevolently egalitarian and sacrosanct humanity; over the maliciously manipulated whisper; which was sleazily mine,
Immortally overpowering; were her miraculously healing and unconquerable feet; over the nervously skittish uncertainty; which was sporadically mine,
Immortally overpowering; was her blazingly altruistic and self made destiny lines; over the despicably withering frigidity; which was hopelessly mine,
Immortally overpowering; were her magnanimously bestowing and patriotic shoulders; over the tumultuously proliferating uncanniness; which was inherently mine,
Immortally overpowering; was her intransigently righteous and innocuous conscience; over the web of derogatory malice; which was forcibly mine,
Immortally overpowering; was her magnetically invincible and Omniscient breath; over the unsurpassably asphyxiating hollowness; which was truculently mine,
And Immortally overpowering; was her perpetually magnificent and endless love; over the preposterously diminishing heart; which was ungainly mine .
Don’t try to ruthlessly imprison her majestic eyes; if you really loved her; let them free; let them naturally ooze uninhibited rivulets of insurmountably ecstatic and bountiful empathy; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to baselessly imprison her poignant lips; if you really loved her; let them free; let them naturally fulminate into a festoon of compassionately eternal and vibrant smiles; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to derogatorily imprison her bountiful cheeks; if you really loved her; let them free; let them naturally twinkle into an astoundingly effulgent and fructifying camaraderie; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to maliciously imprison her spell binding eyelids; if you really loved her; let them free; let them naturally flutter into an unfathomable gorge of irrefutable adulation; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to abhorrently imprison her unflinching footsteps; if you really loved her; let them free; let them naturally advance like avalanches of unfettered and unconquerable passion; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to truculently imprison her sensuous shadow; if you really loved her; let it free; let it naturally grope like an eternally silken and nubile princess; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to diabolically imprison her harmonious thoughts; if you really loved her; let them free; let them naturally tower like the clouds of mesmerizing and supreme timelessness; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to perniciously imprison her regale smiles; if you really loved her; let them free; let them naturally flow in a river of impregnable and priceless solidarity; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to disastrously imprison her altruistic identity; if you really loved her; let it free; let it naturally blaze into a fathomless sky of Omnipotent and everlasting shine; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to hedonistically imprison her mellifluous voice; if you really loved her; let it free; let it naturally sing an unsurpassable entrenchment of amiably bonding and effervescent rhyme; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to savagely imprison her ecstatic sweat; if you really loved her; let it free; let it naturally exude into a fountain of fantastic and enigmatic vivaciousness; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to bizarrely imprison her heavenly fingers; if you really loved her; let them free; let them naturally grope into whirlwinds of uncontrollably untamed and implacable passion; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to satanically imprison her egalitarian neck; if you really loved her; let it free; let it naturally attune itself towards a fortress of invincibly magnificent and fearless solidarity; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to treacherously imprison her ravishing senses; if you really loved her; let them free; let them naturally cavort ebulliently and in insatiable energy; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to hedonistically imprison her impeccable conscience; if you really loved her; let it free; let it naturally spawn into a sky of euphorically triumphant and blessed righteousness; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to salaciously imprison her unparalleled exuberance; if you really loved her; let it free; let it naturally evolve into an incomprehensibly gorgeous reservoir of victorious exultation; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to brutally imprison her unequivocal freedom; if you really loved her; let it free; let it naturally bounce in every construable and panoramically exotic direction; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to dictatorially imprison her celestial breath; if you really loved her; let it free; let it naturally waft till times beyond infinite infinity and tirelessly; solely for you instead,
Don’t try to devilishly imprison her unblemished pristinity; if you really loved her; let it free; let it naturally yearn and sizzle in royally intransigent desire; solely for you instead,
And don’t try to chauvinistically imprison her immortal heart; if you really loved her; let it free; let it naturally liberate and endlessly throb; solely for you instead .
Different requirements of food for infinite stomachs; some preferring gargantuan mountains of ingratiatingly appeasing fruit; while some blissfully satiating themselves with rustically plain bread and brine,
Different requirements of bravery for infinite chests; some preferring Herculean amounts of unflinching fortitude; while some wholesomely content whiling away
their lives in the realms of disdainfully dastardly dilapidation,
Different requirements of empathy for infinite souls; some preferring to be uncontrollably deluged with the chapters of compassionately eternal togetherness; while some wanting to be let obnoxiously aloof even as maelstroms of hell vindictively blended with the trajectory of earth,
Different requirements of embellishment for infinite demeanor’s; some preferring to be profusely adorned with unfathomably iridescent jewelry; while some loving to be left obsoletely plaintive on the lackadaisically barren hills,
Different requirements of hearing for infinite ears; some preferring to be indefatigably enshrouded with naturally enchanting rhyme; while some wanting to tirelessly lambaste themselves with thunderouslyunending euphoria of the sleazy discotheque,
Different requirements of moisture for infinite eyeballs; some preferring to be amiably flooded with unsurpassable rivers of celestially sparkling moisture; while some phlegmatically shrugging apart the excess liquid into wisps of insipid nothingness,
Different requirements of strength for infinite shoulders; some preferring to embrace the whirlwinds of boundlessly augmenting tenacity; while some wanting to languish in dungeons of moderate timidness; for the remainder of their lives,
Different requirements of hair for infinite scalps; some preferring to be relentlessly enshrouded with silken carpets of unsurpassable black; while some utterly disdainful about unruly outgrowths projecting sanctimoniously from their heads,
Different requirements of blood for infinite skins; some preferring a turbulently uninhibited catharsis of it incessantly in their body; while some wanting the wonderfully scarlet elixir to serenely flow like fading sunshine,
Different requirements of fantasy for infinite brains; some preferring to panoramically dream about even the most diminutively capricious element of existence; while some austerely incarcerating their minds in graveyards of abhorrently manipulative monotony,
Different requirements of destinies for infinite palms; some preferring to have an astoundingly insurmountable repertoire of forks and lines on the back of their hand; while some insatiable desirous of a life more plainer than the horrendously flat hills,
Different requirements of voice for infinite throats; some preferring to fulminate into an exuberantly unending and evergreen song every unfurling minute of the day; while some more inclined towards a nonchalantly laconic reverie; even as life didn’t give them a second chance,
Different requirements of air for different armpits; some preferring an intransigently endless blast of ebulliently reinvigorating breeze till the very last step of existence; while some inexorably wanting to break into tornado’s of cold-bloodedly insane sweat,
Different requirements of saliva for different mouths; some preferring to incessantly slaver into fructifying whirlpools of untamed ecstasy; while some wanting themselves as dry as horrifically grassless and squelched charcoal,
Different requirements of truth for different conscience’s; some preferring to irrefutably blaze into an insuperable inferno of righteousness for infinite more births yet to unveil; while some inevitably falling prey to the corpse of scurrilously invidious lies,
Different requirements of flirtation for infinite eyelashes; some preferring to mischievously culminate into a flurry of surreptitious winks every now and
again; while some reticently agglutinated to the brow in dogmatic sternness and indomitable concentration,
Different requirements of breath for infinite nostrils; some preferring to effulgently inhale as much of resplendent air as conceivable on this Universe till the time majestic life palpitated; while some deliriously snapping the very fangs of existence; with their very own parasitically deleterious hands,
But same requirement of immortal love for infinite organisms; with every religion; caste; creed; color; sect and tribe limitlessly wanting to encompass every step that they alighted with its Omnipotently heavenly radiance; limitlessly wanting to make its vividly majestic rhythm the sole beats of their impoverished lives .
The Sun might slowly and slowly lose all its ferociously blazing rays; remorsefully withering behind the languid horizons; for times immemorial,
The stars might slowly and slowly lose all their scintillating shimmer; eventually appearing as nonchalantly lackadaisical stones in the firmament of fathomlessly barren sky,
The oceans might slowly and slowly lose all their ravishingly tangy salt; sullenly metamorphosing into boundless kilometers of corrugated dry rubble and
worthlessly invidious sand,
The deserts might slowly and slowly lose all their regally fascinating majesty; disdainfully transforming into obsolete mirages of derogatorily dilapidated
The mountains might slowly and slowly lose all their unconquerably shimmering peaks; being transited into capriciously fugitive dust; as ghastly earthquakes
tumultuously plundered them,
The roses might slowly and slowly lose all their enchantingly enamoring redolence; limply shedding all their bountifully burgeoning petals into a livid heap; for the wastrel parasites to devour,
The forests might slowly and slowly lose all their enigmatically jubilant trees; ludicrously shriveling into a cadaverously macabre heap; as the onslaught of
inclement drought austerely tightened its pugnacious grip,
The Moon might slowly and slowly lose all its resplendently milky shimmer; eventually succumbing like a diminutive mosquito; to the thunderously
diabolical conglomerate of obnoxiously grey clouds,
The soldier might slowly and slowly lose all his irrefutably dazzling integrity; uxoriously yieldingthe secrets of his motherland; in order to save his skin from hedonistically indescribable torture,
The nightingale might slowly and slowly lose all its astoundingly mellifluous charisma; pathetically plummeting into an eternal slumber out of sheer tiredness; even as the atmosphere outside died a billion times every minute; without its golden voice,
The mirror might slowly and slowly lose all its unequivocally righteous sparkle; shattering into an infinite pieces of grotesquely cacophonic distortion; at the slightest cry of the satanically rampaging devil,
The fortress might slowly and slowly lose all its invincibly Herculean strength; obnoxiously crumbling like a pack of frigidly lugubrious cards; as its foundations inexplicably gave away,
The sky might slowly and slowly lose all its beautifully iridescent effulgence; being horrifically adulterated by monotonously venomous spacecrafts and indiscriminately pulverizing missiles,
The bones might slowly and slowly lose all their unflinchingly altruistic tenacity; eventually falling a lame prey to the vagaries of the maliciously parasitic and ruthlessly conventional society,
The clocks might slowly and slowly lose all their meticulously fantastic essence of time; as the electric pace of maligned viciousness in the colossal planet today; insatiably overshadowed them with their bane,
The clouds might slowly and slowly lose all their voluptuously tantalizing moisture; dreadfully vanishing into the corpses of insipidly fretful meaninglessness; as the blanket of panoramically fructifying green disappeared from the trajectory of this fathomless Universe,
The conscience might slowly and slowly lose all its magnificently aristocratic armor of spell binding truth; to inevitably survive amidst the pack of vengefully marauding and manipulatively decrepit wolves,
The nostril might slowly and slowly lose all its vivaciously exuberant breath; with the graveyards of truculently penalizing death perniciously creeping in from every conceivable side,
But come what may; the doors of my passionately fulminating heart will always be open for you ; and even if I had to take an infinite births yet again; I will never lose even an evanescent iota of my patience; I will forever wait for you; you and till the time you make me your breath; forever make me only you .
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was infertile; not able to bear my innocuously blissful progeny till the time she existed,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was preposterously maimed; with her severely mutilated feet; not even able to move an infinitesimally ethereal inch ahead,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was cannibalistically non-vegetarian; excoriating apart through impeccable sheep and chicken; to mollify her rapaciously thunderous gluttony,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was disgustingly dumb; not able to transcend past the oundaries of junior school; even after an infinite attempts,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was surreptitiously criminal; malevolently coalescing with atrociously vulgar smugglers; to catapult to
unprecedentedly dizzy heights of stardom,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was stone deaf; not able to hear the most ferocious thunderballs of desperation emanating from her throat; wholesomely oblivious to the essence of sound,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was cold-bloodedly heartless; indiscriminately trampling over literally anything that came in her dogmatically tyrannical way,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was treacherously sullen faced; not culminating into the most ethereal of smile; even as the invincible mists of paradise were laid at her celestially nimble feet,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was obnoxiously prejudiced; salaciously trying to overtopple every entity beside her; to forever feel like the very best,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was horrifically cacophonic; shooing away even the most obsolete trace of life around her; the instant she opened her amorphously livid mouth,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she indefatigably hurled a gutter of invectives every unveiling second; at even the most holistic of entity for ostensibly no reason or rhyme,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she unceremoniously started to curse life; since the very first instant that she opened her snobbishly swollen eyes,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was egregiously enshrouded by a sea of disgruntling nonchalance; preferring to diabolically snore even in the most brilliantly fructifying of sunlight,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she smelt of acridly dilapidated feces all day and night; intractably refrained to take quintessential bath; as every other being in the civilization took,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she baselessly wailed every unfurling second; vicariously acted as if the entire planet castigated her with whiplashes of devilishness; while in actuality they perennially showered nothing buy symbiotic harmony,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she aimlessly loitered without the tiniest of mission in life; kept sky gazing for hours immemorial; while the rest of the planet galloped in unparalleled exuberance outside,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she sporadically broke into fits of maniacal depression and epilepsy sporadically; deliriously smashing even
the most costliest object around her in her bouts of irascibly uncontrollable anger,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she sadistically taunted me on even the most triumphantly blazing step that I took; dismissing me like a non-existent speck of tawdrily threadbare dust from the top drawers of her memory,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was as diminutive as a miserably slavering rat in stature; going always unnoticed in the pragmatic marketplace of sensuously burgeoning human beings,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was morbidly blinded since the very first cry of her birth; not possessing the tenacity to alight even a single step; as the planet round her was nothing but a graveyard of heinously obfuscated darkness,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she her face was more hideously distorted than the cadaverously parasitic spirit; not a soul on this colossal Universe; could dare to come abreast of her demonically pulverizing countenance,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she snored more ferociously than an ominously upbraiding panther; sordidly disrupting my every enchantingly celestial night; beyond the most unsurpassable limits,
I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she asphyxiated the very last breath out of my nimble body; just because I compassionately sequestered her from the most nefariously unbearable of maelstrom and torrential rain,
But I’d definitely commit suicide that very instant I knew she was flagrantly infidel; merrily flirting and cavorting with boundless men behind my back; after
wholeheartedly acknowledging that she loved none other but me on this fathomless planet; after bonding every beat of her heart; immortally with mine .
There were an infinite fraternities of scents available to wonderfully mollify just one of my disdainfully agitated armpit; wholesomely transcend over the dreadfully preposterous stench emanating,
There were an infinite shades of mascara available to stupendously enthrall just one of my obnoxiously beleaguered eyelash; engender it to marvelously outshine every maelstrom; tornado or the fiercest of inexorable rain,
There were an infinite colors of lipstick available to fantastically embellish just one my fretfully grotesque lip; grant it the status of a gloriously uncrowned fairy; for centuries unprecedented,
There were an infinite shapes of swords available to majestically brandish my just one of my disparagingly bereaved bone; make it feel like patriotically blazing and invincible warriors; even against the most acrimoniously cannibalistic of attack,
There were an infinite synchronizations of music available to sensuously titillate just one of my hedonistically emaciated eardrum; replenish its compassionate hollows with the most unbelievably mellifluous and rhapsodically tantalizing sounds,
There were an infinite textbooks of sagaciously perspicacious literature available to beautifully enlighten just one my horrendously illiterate senses; blissfully metamorphose even the most inconspicuous trace of lecherous nothingness in my soul; into a fountain of Omnipotent learning,
There were an infinite varieties of exotically iridescent pearls available to handsomely adorn just one of the gorily sinister contours of my hapless neck; transform it into a royal queen’s necklace for as long as this planet existed,
There were an infinite curvatures of sun-glass available to incredulously sequester just one of my truculently blood-shot eye; hypnotize it into a paradise of arcane seduction; even under the most savagely blistering rays of the sweltering mid-day Sun,
There were an infinite forms of titillating wine available to liberate just one of my satanically incarcerated senses; foment me to uninhibitedly express my miserably lambasted inner self,
There were an infinite fabulous dreams available to profoundly rekindle my just one part of my hedonistically whipped mind; catapult me to a land more higher and handsome than unbelievably celestial paradise,
There were an infinite scrumptious delicacies available to marvelously placate just one pang of rapaciously growling hunger in my stomach; making me feel as the most pricelessly contented organism on this Universe; after I consumed the same with untamed gusto,
There were an infinite dials of luminously trendy watches available to regally adorn just one of my uncontrollably quavering wrist; enthrallingly binding it in the righteously punctilious definitions of discerning time,
There were an infinite silhouettes of bewitchingly titillating vixens available to timelessly arouse just one cranny of my drearily despondent flesh; transport
me into the corridors of Kingly cloud nine; for countless more births of mine,
There were an infinite molds of aristocratic candles available to beautifully enlighten just one of my disparagingly dolorous and ignominiously slandering night; make me feel like the ultimate silken Moon shimmering brilliantly on the trajectory of boundless earth,
There were an infinite cylinders of quintessentially artificial blood and breath available to Omnipotently reinvigorate just one of my horrendously dying form; bestow me upon with cardinal pints of divinely life,
There were an infinite brands of astounding blades available to stringently scrap just one whisker of unceremoniously bedraggled beard from my cheeks; rendering them more immutably sparkling than the candidly scintillating mirrors,
There were an infinite springs of redolent water available to bathe and amazingly quench just one element of my sordidly disheveled skin; annihilate even the most mercurial speck of unsolicited alien dirt from my disgustingly crumbling persona,
There were an infinite types of state-of-the-art fabric available to compassionately embrace just one of my impoverishedly trembling caricature; impregnate in it the tenacity to face even the most wretchedly freezing of circumstance,
Paradoxically; just one girl on this entire unending Universe; none other but just one girl out of countless girls symbiotically existing; was available; was enough to bless and insuperably bond with an infinite beats of my unsurpassably passionate and relentlessly wandering heart; for an infinite more births of mine .
Never ever 1st at emolliently fructifying artistry; delinquently squandering countless sheets of brilliantly bonded paper; and vibrantly ecstatic paint,
Never ever 1st at blissfully mellifluous whistling; preposterously bellowing like a rabid dog; instead of diffusing into stupendously mesmerizing music,
Never ever 1st at adroitly cunning business; insanely hobbling into mists of utter meaninglessness; at even the very tiniest insinuation of dexterously prejudiced
Never ever 1st at insurmountably rapacious titillation; bizarrely floundering to be even a mercurial iota aroused; even as boundless tawdry seductresses danced in gay abandon all around,
Never 1st at the inter-college competitions; disintegrating into an infinite particles of clammy nothingness; even before alighting a single foot on the star studded stage,
Never ever 1st at ingeniously eclectic mimicry; not even able to remember the cadence of my very own voice; just an evanescent instant after I wholeheartedly spoke,
Never ever 1st at exotically tantalizing dance; penuriously ending up licking deliriously rotten dust on the floor instead; as the entire world beautifully
cavorted and flirted upon the same,
Never ever 1st at fantastically enamoring magic; clumsily erasing every bit of line from my own palm; instead of marvelously portending the future of countless others instead,
Never ever 1st at exuberantly adventurous mountain-climbing; sinking an infinite feet beneath my grave; the moment I tried to clamber up the very first jaggedly ebullient stone,
Never ever 1st at spreading the essence of timeless humanity; as the instant I unfurled my mouth to lecture; indiscriminately communal racialism mercilessly perpetuated every echelon of the unsurpassably sensitive society,
Never ever 1st at engendering people to uninhibitedly laugh; with the entire atmosphere breaking into oceans of hysterical tears; the instant I tried cracking one of my best mugged jokes,
Never ever 1st at brilliantly outclassing my compatriots; being ruthlessly massacred into worthlessly inane ash; even before I could dream of venturing into intrepidly exhilarating territory,
Never ever 1st at explicit elocutions and debates; egregiously shooing away every speck of audience infront of me; as I disdainfully stuck on the very first alphabet for hours immemorial,
Never ever 1st at punctiliously synchronizing my surroundings; with the ambience around me always resembling a gutter of squalidly abhorrent and disgustingly rotten tomatoes,
Never ever 1st at vociferously cheering my comrades; with even the most thunderously reverberating of my voice miserably stuttering to reach even the chamber of my sordid mouth; as the entire planet around me broke into unequivocally untamed celebration,
Never ever 1st at replenishing my bones with luxury; as even before they holistically stretched themselves for the same; its silken caress was already gobbled in entirety by a bunch of parasites around,
Never ever 1st at astoundingly memorizing; as unprecedented cloudbursts of impregnable sleep transcended over other conceivable speck in my brain;
making me yawn till even after horizons of infinite infinity,
Never ever 1st at taking quintessentially euphoric breath into my lungs; as I obnoxiously wavered and quavered in the race for “ Survival of the fittest”;
wholesomely devoured by infinite organisms in near vicinity even before I could blow a single whistle,
But the very 1st one in the boundlessly enchanting Universe who unassailably conquered every beat of your heart; the very 1st one on this planet who irrefutably captured you in the swirl of immortally endless romance; the very 1st one on this earth who took your magnificently philanthropic signature on every blood-drop of mine; was I; was I; and would for infinite more births I pray and by the grace of God; always be I .
Unbelievable. Were her gorgeously embellished eyelashes; tantalizing even the most deadened of corpses; with their magnetically flirtatious and celestially nubile swirl,
Unbelievable. Were her lusciously charismatic lips; weaving a tale of unsurpassably unceasing seduction; as they enthrallingly stroked even the most infinitesimal pore of my body,
Unbelievable. Was her majestically unflinching stride; as she unassailably marched on the pathways of Omnipotent humanity; peerlessly facing even the most Herculean of Holocausts that dared came her way,
Unbelievable. Was her incredulously mellifluous voice; perpetuating a wave of ubiquitously divine harmony; in even the most salaciously beleaguered ingredient of the atmosphere,
Unbelievable. Was her blissfully redolent sweat; timelessly radiating the essence of truthfully insuperable perseverance; wonderfully coalesced with quintessentially sacrosanct yearning to euphorically surge forward in life,
Unbelievable. Was her sensuously artistic nape; awakening me like a new-born infant from realms of my invincible sleep; as she magnetically swished it in the profoundly pearly moonlight,
Unbelievable. Were her bounteously dangling ears; triggering infernos of unlimited desire as they royally fluttered; with the passionately untamed and ebullient breeze,
Unbelievable. Were her intricately silken feet; regally purifying every speck of treacherously adulterated soil; that they fearlessly tread upon,
Unbelievable. Were her synergistically emollient palms; perennially bonding with one and all alike; in the unassailable bond of pricelessly impeccable humanity,
Unbelievable. Was her marvelously mollifying shadow; miraculously placating even the most disastrously delirious of my urges; with the balm of timelessly blessing friendship,
Unbelievable. Was her uninhibitedly cavorting silhouette; as she tirelessly bounced like an angel descended from the heavens; on the aristocratically rain soaked hills,
Unbelievable. Was her endlessly fantasizing brain; harnessing the most brilliantly fructifying of camaraderie; out of inconspicuously worthless and decaying bits of lackadaisical space,
Unbelievable. Was her unfathomably titillating belly; as she brilliantly metamorphosed even the most inanely colorless liquid in my veins into poignantly crimson blood; with her enchanting midnight dance,
Unbelievable. Were the immaculately twinkling whites of her eye; radiating an unending ocean of unconquerable honesty; even as unstoppable maelstroms
of hell blended with raw soil,
Unbelievable. Was the exhilaratingly rubicund tinge in her cheeks; perpetuating a cistern of never-ending freshness in every bit of fathomless sky and earth,
Unbelievable. Was her infallibly unfettered attitude towards inexplicably arcane life; greeting even the most acridly satanic moment of her destined time;
with wholeheartedly ecstatic enthusiasm,
Unbelievable. Was her symbiotically fragrant breath; making me feel as impregnably triumphant and alive as I felt at the very first cry of my life; even when I was inevitably dying,
Unbelievable. Was every of her perpetually bonding heartbeat; invincibly coalescing in wholesome entirety with the spirit of my impoverished existence; even though I was hiding infinite continents apart,
But Believable. Dependable. Reliable. Was her Immortally heavenly love; whose godly scent had not only nurtured me so far in my life; but whose relentlessly sacred belief; whose Omnisciently proliferating timelessness; would forever let me live as the most pricelessly blessed organism; without an iota of disbelief and for infinite more births of mine .
I remembered exotically scrumptious food; only when unceremoniously thunderous pangs of hunger reverberated louder than the apocalypses of hell; in my disdainfully impoverished stomach,
I remembered stupendously reinvigorating bath; only when the squalidly distorted pores of my diminutive body; started to exude treacherously horrendous and grotesquely vituperative dirt,
I remembered perennially golden droplets of rain; only when I felt every miserably beleaguered bone of my body; rotting in the dungeons of sadistically lambasting monotony,
I remembered Omnipotently mellifluous voice; only when my ears felt brutally desolate; entrapped in a mortuary of estranged politics and salaciously pulverizing prejudice,
I remembered unsurpassably titillating seductresses; only when each bizarrely emaciated pore of my skin; intransigently cried to be timelessly caressed; to be
mollified to the most unprecedented limits; in the silken camouflage of the surreptitiously moonlit night,
I remembered compassionately rhapsodic sheepskin and wool; only when mercilessly whipping snow pelting all around me; made me uncontrollably shiver till the very invisibly last bone of my spine,
I remembered aristocratic mugs foaming with uninhibitedly euphoric beer and wine; only when I’d returned home blazingly triumphant; and in the midst of an everlasting fiesta with my kin and friends,
I remembered vivaciously enthralling kites and gaudy strings; only when the breeze eternally blew in ebulliently gusty currents; and every gruesomely bereaved nerve in my palms rapaciously rared to soar in handsomely pristine sky,
I remembered celestially fragrant sleep; only when the pressure on my drearily fatigued lids; seemed to be more crippling than the maelstroms of disgustingly
penalizing hell,
I remembered convivially never-ending boisterousness; only when ribald corpses of forlorn nothingness; invidiously asphyxiated me beyond the threshold of horrifically unbearable pain,
I remembered ingratiatingly mesmerizing pearls and the best of exquisite jewelry; only when I surrendered myself like a relentlessly yearning bride; on my very first wedding night,
I remembered the most morbidly appalling of invectives; only when someone stared lasciviously at the grace of my divinely invincible mother,
I remembered the most gloriously fructifying moments of my truncated existence; only when I was about to abdicate the very last breath of my life; was about to inevitably die,
I remembered to endlessly scratch; only when the inconspicuously pernicious battalion of mosquitoes; clandestinely attacked me on my robustly supple flesh,
I remembered to unrelentingly cry; only when my near and dear kin and mates suffered the wrath of this acrimonious planet; whenever pricelessly everlasting
humanity was manipulated like a worthless currency coin,
I remembered to voluptuously whisper; only when the cisterns of sensuousness played hide and seek with my uncontrollably throbbing soul; in the merrily
twinkling curtainspread of the emolliently jubilant midnight,
I remembered to unflinchingly walk; only when the coffins of unemployment and gory meaninglessness; had commenced to indiscriminately squelch my bones after sucking the last iota of blood from my intricate veins,
I remembered to victoriously breathe; only when the disastrously shrunken jacket of my lungs; was just about to plunge into the gorge of abysmally decrepit extinction,
I remembered to patriotically brandish and blaze; only when the venomously hedonistic enemy camp; ruthlessly molested the Omnipresently sacred soil of my revered motherland,
But I remembered you every time I took breath; I remembered you with even the most non-existent beat of my heart; I remembered you at every step that I
alighted and slept; I remembered you every time my eyes unavoidably flashed themselves; I remembered you every unfurling instant of my life and an infinite
births even after reaching the mists of heaven; O! Perpetual Beloved .
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to bathe; scrupulously scrub every pore of your nimble skin; every once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to speak; vehemently inundate the silent granaries of the atmosphere with your obstreperously indignant voice; every once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to admire; tirelessly hum praises about Natures enthrallingly bountiful gifts; every once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to joke; sadistically tyrannize all those disparagingly suffering with your unceremoniously cacophonic guffaws; every once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to blaze; unflinchingly brandish the most supreme tips of swords on your belly; every once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to manipulate; astutely extract the optimum benefit from conceivably every echelon of the society; every once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to flirt; philander with ten titillating vixens at a single time; every once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to sleep; thunderously perpetuate the celestial air with your never-ending snores; every
once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to wink; cavort beyond the realms of infinite infinity with alien seductresses; every once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to triumph; blisteringly gallop past the boundaries of castrated malice; every once in 24
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to eat; monstrously deluge the inexorably rapacious tank of your stomach with the
most tantalizing of delicacies; every once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to innovate; intrepidly evolve a civilization of unfathomably fascinating intrigue; every once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to brush; punctiliously cleanse the periphery of your already scintillating teeth; every
once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to astoundingly memorize; cram spell binding lines of literature and mathematics to the most unprecedented of your capacity; every once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to walk; mercilessly pulverize fathomless molecules of holistic mud as you marched;
every once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to mesmerize; stupendously enchant every cranny of this Universe with your inborn talents; every once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to splurge; lasciviously proclaim your overwhelming affluence to the entire planet outside;
every once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to drink wine; insatiably inebriate even the most ethereally oblivious of your senses with vivid elixirs; every once in 24 hours,
There was not the slightest of problem at all if you didn’t remember to breathe; greedily trying to capture every speck of air in the atmosphere into your lungs;
every once in 24 hours,
But there were grave problems; infact there were the most treacherous apocalypses of extinction waiting to devour you; there were the most sinister hell’s of deceitful lies and preposterously decaying chicanery waiting to rip you apart into a countless pieces; if you didn’t love an infinite times in a single day; diffuse its Immortal essence to one and all of your kind; ubiquitously alike .
It was not the unbelievably long road that criminally tired you; the grain of nonchalantly sluggish sand in your dastardly shoe; was the quintessential culprit
It was not the fathomlessly endless sky that parasitically nonplussed you; the cloud of decrepit isolation in your fecklessly spurious brain; was the cardinal culprit instead,
It was not the limitlessly sweltering desert that disdainfully charred you; the heat of treacherously pulverizing prejudice in your soul; was the dogmatic culprit instead,
It was not the unfathomably towering mountain that entirely gobbled you; the slope of baselessly slavering fear in your bones; was the invidious culprit instead,
It was not the inexhaustible wind of winter that disastrously squelched you; the chill of deathly isolation in every ingredient of your blood; was the irrevocable culprit instead,
It was not brilliantly unending sunshine that tanned and perplexed you; the ray of worthless snobbishness in every of your stride; was the immutable culprit instead,
It was not the boundless swirl of the ocean that preposterously drowned you; the salt of acrimoniously lecherous hatred in the dormitories of your conscience; was the vituperative culprit instead,
It was not the unceasing graveyard that venomously jinxed you; the ghost of balderdash fear in your fretfully quavering persona; was the untamed culprit
It was not inexhaustibly overwhelming midnight that insidiously frightened you; the blackness of uxoriously insane insecurity infront of your eyes; was the massacring culprit instead,
It was not continuously barren land that ludicrously withered you; the infertility of holistic expression enshrouding your countenance; was the intransigent culprit instead,
It was not relentlessly vociferous storms that derogatorily uprooted you; the cataclysmically uncontrollable spirit of betrayal in your reflection; was the clandestine culprit instead,
It was not the jet black fleet of cats that unstoppably cursed you; the meow-meow of sleazy superstition in every aspect of your existence; was the incarcerating culprit instead,
It was not the unsurpassably arcane forest that defeated you; the wilderness of salaciously cannibalistic desire in your imagination; was the diabolical culprit instead,
It was not the stupendously tall lavatory seat that shooed you; the stink of maniacally decrepit politics in each globule of your unceremonious sweat; was the barbarous culprit instead,
It was not the indefatigably revolving ceiling fan which unsparingly excoriated you; the blades of depravingly sadistic chauvinism in the center of your chest; were the murderous culprit instead,
It was not tirelessly diffusing sound that decimated you; the noise of deliriously obsessive idiosyncrasy radiating from every element of your conscience; was
the notorious culprit instead,
It was not inexorably patriotic war that swiped you; the battlefield of hedonistically decrepit corruption on which you stupidly transgressed; was the surreptitious culprit instead,
It was not timelessly unfurling life which crippled you; the breath of untruthfully tyrannical deceit emanating from your beleaguered nostrils; was the cowardly culprit,
And it was not fathomlessly never-ending love that lethally melted you; the beat of maliciously profane betrayal lingering in your vindictively bellicose heart; was the irretrievable culprit instead .
38. STOP
To stop the raucously speeding train; all you needed to do was to pull the stringently wound up chain,
To stop the uncontrollably advancing river; all you needed to do was to close the impregnably stolid gates of the dam; to the maximum of their capacity,
To stop the disastrously scorching desert of acrimonious sands; all you needed to do was to sprinkle a bountiful cistern of tantalizing water; under the roof of the celestially fathomless sky,
To stop the menacingly growling lion; all you needed to do was to place a playground full of blood red meat; right infront of his salaciously rapacious and gruesomely squandering eyes,
To stop the rebelliously augmenting avalanche; all you needed to do was to place a lackadaisically flat and inanely nimble road; at the rock bottom of the perilously diabolical hill,
To stop the watch from tirelessly tick-tocking; all you needed to do was to austerely remove its pair of punctiliously revolving needles; forever and ever and ever,
To stop the ferociously slapping seawaves; all you needed to do was to put a chain of unsurpassably regale rocks in their way; as they rose high and handsome to a triumphantly ultimate crescendo,
To stop the demonically cold-blooded criminal; all you needed to do was to metamorphose even the most infinitesimal trace of vengeance in his brutally
estranged conscience into a gorge of compassionately unparalleled love,
To stop the venomously hissing and satanic snake; all you needed to do was to let loose the astoundingly fleet footed mongoose upon him; like a trice of white
lightening diffusing from crimson sky,
To stop the viciously swerving car; all you needed to do was to sagaciously compress its pair of twinbrakes; to the most unprecedented of your body capacity,
To stop the unsavory traitors and beguiling enemy; all you needed to do was to transcend over every aspect of their disparagingly treacherous identity; with the
mantra of unflinchingly fearless righteousness,
To stop the parasites from unstoppably wailing; all you needed to do was to place them in a mortuary of ghoulishly fretful and perfidiously rotting skeletons,
To stop destructively advancing technology; all you needed to do was to transport the uncouthly marauding devils; into the sacrosanct lap’s of their heavenly mothers,
To stop lecherously lazy sleep; all you needed to do was to keep your eyes wide open solely towards the most symbiotically benign mission of your diminutively
impoverished life,
To stop unceremoniously devilish stench; all you needed to do was to inclemently usurp every bit of its disgruntled persona with the fragrance of priceless humanity; even before it could arise,
To stop indiscriminately squelching torture; all you needed to do was to ubiquitously apply the balm of philanthropically miraculous empathy and untainted brotherhood,
To stop the freshly born and inexhaustibly weeping infant; all you needed to do was to feed in its mother’s eternally mollifying breast,
To stop gorily crucifying death; all you needed to do was to perpetually continue god’s chapter of blessed procreation; proliferate into infinite more of your humble kind,
And to stop the perennially overflowing heart; all you needed to do was to find another heart with whom its beats uninhibitedly bonded; and then remained united as the apogee of altruistic companionship; for countless more births to come .
Till the time you told the mountain to invincibly defend; it felt as if the most pricelessly blessed entity on this fathomlessly enamoring planet,
But the instant you dictated it to metamorphose into a civilization of manipulatively estranged and decrepit politicians; it died a death more treacherous than what the most insidiously ghastliest of death; could ever perceive to be .
Till the time you told the sea to tantalizingly undulate; it felt as if the most euphorically fascinating entity on this bountifully exhilarating planet,
But the instant you dictated it to metamorphose into a boundlessly sweltering desert; it died a death more diabolical than what the most treacherously torturous of death; could ever perceive to be .
Till the time you told the star to resplendently twinkle; it felt as if the most blissfully unconquerable entity on this timelessly endowing planet,
But the instant you dictated it to metamorphose into a whirlpool of relentlessly blistering heat; it died a death more morbid than what the most satanically
shriveled of death; could ever perceive to be .
Till the time you told the rose to eternally disseminate royal scent; it felt as if the most poignantly mollified entity on this fathomlessly burgeoning planet,
But the instant you dictated it to metamorphose into a monotonously concrete jungle of bricks; it died a death more sordid than what the most parasitically cannibalistic of death; could ever perceive to be .
Till the time you told the dog to cacophonically bark; it felt as if the most miraculously mitigated entity on this unbelievably limitless planet,
But the instant you dictated it to metamorphose into a mellifluously voluptuous nightingale; it died a death more hedonistic than what the most demonically
truculent of death; could ever perceive to be .
Till the time you told the soldier to patriotically blaze; he felt as if the most divinely ameliorated entity on this wonderfully enigmatic planet,
But the instant you dictated him to metamorphose into cisterns of languidly squandering sleep; he died a death more savage than what the most perfidiously
rampaging of death; could ever perceive to be .
Till the time you told the mother to altruistically feed; she felt as if the most Omnipotently insuperable entity on this boundlessly exotic planet,
But the instant you dictated her to metamorphose into tawdrily lackadaisical damsel; she died a death more horrific than what the most devastatingly indiscriminate of death; could ever perceive to be .
Till the time you told the eye to panoramically sight; it felt as if the most sensuously placated entity on this regally entrancing planet,
But the instant you dictated it to metamorphose into venomously paralyzing blindness; it died a death more pathetic than what the most barbarously terrorizing of death; could ever perceive to be .
Till the time you told the conscience to irrefutably diffuse the wave of ubiquitously undaunted truth; it felt as if the most triumphantly ebullient entity on this limitlessly eclectic planet,
But the instant you dictated it to metamorphose into a corpse of gorily crucifying and squalidly debilitating lies; it died a death more remorseful than what the most lecherously unworthy of death; could ever perceive to be .
Till the time you told the nostril to inhale uninhibited air; it felt as if the most blessedly emollient entity on this timelessly enchanting planet,
But the instant you dictated it to metamorphose into lifelessly amorphous skeleton; it died a death more deplorable than what the most pugnaciously rancid of death; could ever perceive to be .
Till the time you told the dew-drop to fantastically mesmerize; it felt as if the most unsurpassably kingly entity on this unfathomably majestic planet,
But the instant you dictated it to metamorphose into uncouthly chauvinistic blood; it died a death more sadistic that what the most deliriously lambasting of death; could ever perceive to be .
And till the time you told the heart to immortally love and let live; it felt as if the most perpetually undefeatable entity on this beautifully redolent planet,
But the instant you dictated it to metamorphose into a mortuary of forlornly cursed betrayal; it died a death more insane than what the most raunchily threadbare of death; could ever perceive to be .
Dead beyond description are those living eyes; which tirelessly harbor the swords of indiscriminately terrorizing hatred and satanic prejudice,
Dead beyond description are those living ears; which rapaciously yearn to hear the brutally asphyxiated cries of the pricelessly innocent; every unfurling minute of the day as well as in the ingredients of blackened night,
Dead beyond description are those living lips; which remain as frozen as heartlessly white ice; even as enchantingly golden rays of the blazing Sun; compassionately embraced every organism on earth; handsomely alike,
Dead beyond description are those living feet; which ludicrously rot in the corpses of cowardice; even as the earth on which they tread was being unsparingly molested by hedonistically torturous traitors of mankind,
Dead beyond description are those living fingers; which mercilessly strangulate the divinely silhouette of newborn life; in order to reign spuriously supreme for an infinite more non-existent lifetimes,
Dead beyond description are those living teeth; which barbarously pulverize wonderfully evolving life of the womb; on the sadistic pretext of it not belonging to their vindictively castigating religion,
Dead beyond description are those living veins; which salaciously betray even the most perpetually bonding of relationships; for just an infinitesimally tawdry
bundle of feckless currency notes,
Dead beyond description are those living shoulders; which listlessly while away every blessed moment of their existence; carrying the coffins of unsurpassably massacring lies,
Dead beyond description are those living eyelids; which bat down in due obeisance to the world of anarchically decrepit corruption and the mortuary of wickedly wastrel politics,
Dead beyond description are those living shadows; which devilishly pretend as parasitically delinquent ghosts; scurrilously scaring holistically breathing mankind without any ostensible reason or rhyme,
Dead beyond description are those living nails; which diabolically erase every effulgently mesmerizing destiny line of the palm; with insidiously
traumatizing slavery of the most unprecedented degree,
Dead beyond description are those living cheeks; which metamorphose into fretfully lackadaisical and amorphously decaying skeletons; even when embraced by the most perennially coalescing of camaraderie,
Dead beyond description are those living intestines; which solely feast on other’s happiness; menacingly waiting their moment to devour every trace of unparalleled ebullience into the unforgiving pyre of murderous hell,
Dead beyond description are those living nostrils; which waft venomously pugnacious blood; endlessly wanting to curse even the most mercurial speck of
civilization with worthless insanity and ominously castigated malice,
Dead beyond description are those living tongues; which relentlessly wail for the cause of vituperatively bawdy injustice; egregiously marauding the fabric of eternally resplendent truth from every conceivable side,
Dead beyond description are those living skins; which are unimaginably numb to even the most effusively heart-rendering cries of whipped humanity; celebrating
till fathomless heights above the heavens even as the closest of their kin evaporated,
Dead beyond description are those living souls; which unrelentingly foster the spirit of cannibalistic war and rampant bloodshed; uncouthly baying for their compatriot’s blood; even when the Creator afforded them with a majestic survival to thrive,
Dead beyond description are those living arms; which intransigently dig graves of malevolently treacherous fanaticism all day; instead of gloriously perspiring
under the Omnipotently golden Sun,
And dead beyond description are those living hearts; which throb unceasingly and till the very end of their destined times all right; but from whom culminated
only the beats of savagely slandering betrayal; in whom there resided nothing but vultures of emotionless hell .
I insatiably loved the fragrance of the ingratiatingly ebullient rose; however after an instant soon realized that the same was also loved as much; by an infinite more of my diminutively penurious kind,
I ardently loved the euphorically uninhibited chirp of the celestial nightingale; however after an instant soon realized that the same was also loved as much; by an infinite more of my treacherously tottering kind,
I insurmountably loved the mystically inscrutable rustle of the vivid forests; however after an instant soon realized that the same was also loved as much; by an infinite more of my disastrously staggering kind,
I unsurpassably loved the effulgently undulating waves of the untamed sea; however after an instant soon realized that the same were also loved as much; by an infinite more of my ethereally obsolete kind,
I limitlessly loved the unflinchingly blazing patriotism of the peerless soldiers; however after an instant soon realized that the same was also loved as much; by an infinite more of my remotely disappearing kind,
I eternally loved the corridors of resplendently untainted and majestic paradise; however after an instant soon realized that the same were also loved as much; by an infinite more of my preposterously slavering kind,
I unconditionally loved the first showers of Omnipotently mitigating rain; however after an instant soon realized that the same were also loved as much; by an infinite more of my horrifically thirsty kind,
I tirelessly loved the vivaciously effervescent rainbow in fathomless sky; however after an instant soon realized that the same was also loved as much; by an infinite more of my monotonously decrepit kind,
I relentlessly loved the indomitably towering apogees of the intrepidly glorious mountain; however after an instant soon realized that the same were also loved as much; by an infinite more of my ludicrously dastardly kind,
I irrevocably loved the Omnisciently nascent sparkle of victorious dawn;
however after an instant soon realized that the same was also loved as much;
by an infinite more of my abjectly depressed kind,
I immutably loved the quintessentially heavenly droplets of the sacrosanct
cow’s milk; however after an instant soon realized that the same was also
loved as much; by an infinite more of my vindictively diseased kind,
I intransigently loved the blissfully cavorting terrain of the pristine countryside; however after an instant soon realized that the same was also loved as much; by an infinite more of my remorsefully subservient kind,
I endlessly loved the impeccably shimmering stars in the heart of blackened
midnight; however after an instant soon realized that the same were also loved as much; by an infinite more of my dreadfully decaying kind,
I unconquerably loved even the tiniest innuendo’s of magnificently burgeoning freshness and innovation; however after an instant soon realized that the same were also loved as much; by an infinite more of my manipulatively usurped kind,
I selflessly loved all those horrendously bereaved and torturously lambasted; however after an instant soon realized that the same were also loved as much; by an infinite more of my mercurial Samaritan kind,
I irretrievably loved the timelessly panoramic valleys and their exhilarating echoes; however after an instant soon realized that the same were also loved as much; by an infinite more of my brutally emaciated kind,
I unequivocally loved the fabulously unfettered birds royally soaring in the cosmos; however after an instant soon realized that the same were also loved as much; by an infinite more of my unceremoniously incarcerated kind,
I unfathomably loved Medieval heritage and anecdotes of handsome Kinsmanship; however after an instant soon realized that the same was also loved as much; by an infinite more of my surreally discovering kind,
I intractably loved irrefutably righteous breath; happiness and perennially bestowing life; however after an instant soon realized that the same were also loved as much; by an infinite more of my boundlessly greedy kind,
And I immortally loved the redolently blossoming girl next door; but although after realizing an instant later that the same was also loved as much; by an infinite more of my forlornly isolated kind; I could for the first time in my life see that the love wonderfully spawning in each beat of her unassailable heart was solely for me; wanted to insuperably imprison only me; was forever of none other xyz’s but solely mine .
Profusely embracing the resplendently glistening stars; perpetually feasting in the inimitably unparalleled glory for times immemorial,
Uninhibitedly embracing the fathomlessly blessing skies; letting the exuberantly romantic clouds weave valleys of exhilaration in every bereaved cranny of my
diminutive body,
Timelessly embracing the panoramically sensuous meadows; endlessly cavorting with the beautifully golden dewdrops; for centuries unprecedented even after my very last breath,
Irrevocably embracing the magically rejuvenating waterfalls; astoundingly blending each of my deliriously deranged nerves with stupendously unsurpassable ecstasy,
Unassailably embracing the slopes of immaculately mollifying ice; bestowing Omnipotent reprieve to my brutally scorched and pathetically sweltering senses,
Unceasingly embracing opulently inebriating majesty; letting the fabric of silken royalty evolve me into a civilization of magnificently unlimited charisma,
Unstoppably embracing inscrutably tantalizing forests; tirelessly frolicking in the ravishingly euphoric entrenchment of bountifully untainted wilderness,
Unlimitedly embracing peerlessly brilliant rays of the Omnipresent Sun; beautifully enlightening every flagrantly blackened arena of my life with the rays of undefeatedly ebullient optimism,
Immutably embracing ubiquitously egalitarian humanity; melanging even the most infinitesimal ingredient of my crimson blood with the perpetually emollient religion of pricelessly unconquerable mankind,
Entirely embracing marvelously amber hives of innocuous honey; slowly slurping the miraculously heavenly sweetness till an infinite unfettered births of mine,
Indomitably embracing unflinchingly altruistic patriotism; proudly brandishing every cranny of my penurious countenance; with the armor of honesty to forever serve my motherland,
Unfathomably embracing Omnisciently transcending tranquility; mitigating even the most ethereal speck of my monotonously decrepit persona; with the mists of eternally placating solitude,
Irretrievably embracing uncannily tingling smog’s; letting the inexplicably unknown fantastically perpetuate into my manipulatively commercial and torturously turgid soul,
Unprecedentedly embracing the celestially pelting globules of silvery rain; letting every trajectory of my emaciated flesh; effulgently sparkle with the ultimate blessings of Omniscient Almighty God,
Intransigently embracing the caverns of fabulously blooming seduction; galloping through the lanes of unhindered mischief; with countless triumphantly nubile maidens by my impoverished side,
Unrestrictedly embracing the songs of everlastingly regale unity; coalescing every conceivable beat of my existence with the spirit of invincibly compassionate camaraderie,
Victoriously embracing benign goodness in its every construable form; unequivocally enabling the oceans of selflessness to majestically diffuse from each pore of my magnanimously blessed silhouette,
Impregnably embracing quintessentially radiant breath; wonderfully letting whirlpools of charismatically free air; drift into my ephemerally asphyxiating nostrils,
Immortally embracing the chapters of unconquerable love; embossing their unshakable signature upon every beat of my unrelentingly throbbing heart,
But forever and ever and ever at your Omnipotent toes; leading each aspect of my destined life as well as abnegating the very last trace of air in my disdainfully stuttering lungs; solely at your Godly feet O! Divinely Beloved; O! Pristinely Priceless Beloved .
Once a failure; not necessary that always a gorily disoriented failure; being lambasted in the aisles of horrendous nothingness,
Once a loss; not necessary that always a hideously unsavory loss; crucifying you beyond the realms of pricelessly impregnable existence,
Once an abusing; not necessary that always a derogatorily unceremonious abusing; brutally kicking you like an infinitesimally frigid matchstick; towards the coffins of morbid hell,
Once an isolation; not necessary that always a remorsefully dastardly isolation; abjectly obfuscating you from the quintessentially glorious fabric of the
symbiotic planet outside,
Once a sidelining; not necessary that always a preposterously delinquent sidelining; incarcerating you in chains of disastrously ominous despair while the entire earth uninhibitedly freaked outside,
Once a torture; not necessary that always a sadistically cacophonic torture; making every unfurling instant of your fantastically embellished existence worse than a countless hapless deaths,
Once a betrayal; not necessary that always a fretfully tyrannizing betrayal; burying you wholesomely alive in the parasitically decaying grave,
Once a criminal; not necessary that always a vindictively insane criminal; cadaverously perpetuating into the sky of fathomlessly invincible truth,
Once a cannibalistic; not necessary that always a turgidly decrepit cannibalistic; ruthlessly excoriating apart innocuously celestial flesh; into a boundless bits of inconspicuous oblivion,
Once a backbencher; not necessary that always a lugubriously inane backbencher; unsurpassably yawning in indolent ignominy while the earth burgeoned into a spell bindingly golden tomorrow,
Once a tail; not necessary that always an egregiously shy tail; curled a limitless kilometers inside the legs; at even the most ethereal innuendo of enchanting
Once a laggard; not necessary that always a licentiously heinous laggard; slavering like a salacious leech at every aspect of inscrutably resplendent life,
Once an unemployed; not necessary that always a fragrantly baseless unemployed; nonchalantly staring into lackadaisical bits of skull-less space for hours immemorial,
Once a corpse; not necessary that always a treacherously ghoulish corpse; fecklessly quavering in the mortuaries of intransigently endless and dismally asphyxiating despair,
Once a stone; not necessary that always an languidly lackluster stone; crumbling in lecherously dumb silence till the last puff of enchantingly iridescent life,
Once a curmudgeon; not necessary that always a scornfully wailing curmudgeon; irrevocably tossing and turning in uncontrollably maniacal frustration and
Once an impotent; not necessary that always a vituperatively laconic impotent; squelching the brakes of the perfidiously whipping devil upon the Omnipotent
Lord’s chapters of; unbelievably blessing creation,
Once a teardrop; not necessary that always a banefully agonizing teardrop; carnivorously circumscribed by a gutter of misery throughout every unleashing moment of fantastically effulgent life,
But once in love; means forever and ever and ever embracing its immortally altruistic swirl; means forever and ever and ever letting the winds of its magically mitigating goodness caress your impoverished soul; means forever and ever and ever existing as the most priceless organism ever alive; means forever and ever and ever and for an fathomless more births of yours; always in LOVE .
Her views for me; were like the reproachful views of the hideously cold-blooded snake; for the swiftly articulate and timelessly boisterous mongoose,
Her views for me; were like the cannibalistic views of the gorily invidious gutter; for the valley of enchantingly mesmerizing cleanliness,
Her views for me; were like the acrid views of the vindictively emaciating desert’ for the untamed cloudbursts of relentlessly blessing and celestially mollifying rain,
Her views for me; were like the pugnaciously indescribable views of treacherous blood; for the Omnipotently endowing rays of the majestically unassailable and righteous Sun,
Her views for me; were like the unceremonious views of the lazily wastrel tortoise; for the indefatigably tick-tocking arms of the punctiliously infallible clock,
Her views for me; were like the ghastly views of salaciously asphyxiating terrorism; for the mists of symbiotically ecstatic and vivaciously effulgent happiness,
Her views for me; were like the parasitic views of horrifically crippling blackness; for the brilliantly unfettered and unconquerably blazing day,
Her views for me; were like the malevolent views of the satanically abominable cockroach; for the unsurpassably ebullient redolence of the tantalizingly fresh rose,
Her views for me; were like the prejudiced views of the fecklessly dumb stone; for the insuperably regale strings of the uninhibitedly soaring kite,
Her views for me; were like the inconsolable views of the amorphously terrorizing corpse; for the chapters of marvelously benevolent and inimitably unparalleled life,
Her views for me; were like the ribald views of acrimoniously strangulating venom; for the impeccably wonderful and quintessentially fortifying cow’s milk,
Her views for me; were like the rabid views of the inanely dastardly ghost; for the limitless civilization of euphorically chirping living beings,
Her views for me; were like the tawdry views of intolerably squelched infertility; for the skies of boundlessly enthralling and invincibly enlightening procreation,
Her views for me; were like the slandering views of the diabolically corrupt politicians; for the irrefutably glorious and altruistically truthful man,
Her views for me; were like the vengeful views of nonchalantly drugged perspiration; for the unflinchingly peerless and perennially fructifying sword of patriotism,
Her views for me; were like the heinous views of dogmatically incarcerating glue; for the explicitly emollient mirror of perpetually radiating truth,
Her views for me; were the like derogatory views of insidiously crucifying betrayal; for the heart of immortally glorifying and magnanimously blessing love,
Her views for me; were like the chauvinistic views of the manipulatively mechanized robots; for the fathomless cornucopia of God’s astoundingly created emotionally responsive organisms,
And though we had been forcefully married for a countless lifetimes; and within the devoutly conventional norms of the tyrannically whipping world outside; she was nothing else than my incessantly cursing and fault-finding wife; while remember O! adorably nubile maidens outside; that I was still resplendently young and searching for the true love of my life !
If you stretched the already magnanimously inflated balloon beyond a point; it would vindictively burst; perpetuating the incredibly celestial atmosphere with unrelentingly thunderous gasps and treacherously cacophonic moans,
If you stretched the already fathomlessly roaring ocean beyond a point; it would ominously drown quintessentially breathing trajectories of civilization in mortuaries of salt and extravagant froth,
If you stretched the already boundlessly sweltering desert beyond a point; they would acrimoniously scorch the fabric of compassionately moistened existence; into inanely threadbare ash,
If you stretched the already mercilessly overworked body beyond a point; it would traumatically disintegrate into graveyards of treacherously evaporating nothingness,
If you stretched the already fantastically discovering artist beyond a point; he would lamely surrender the unsurpassably endless creative energies of his brain to the doldrums of disparagingly lecherous commercialism,
If you stretched the already vividly iridescent rainbow beyond a point; it would ludicrously distort into a pit of amorphously decrepit meaninglessness,
If you stretched the already patriotically blazing soldier beyond a point; he would lugubriously collapse to blend with lackluster worthlessness; instead of peerlessly marching for his insurmountably sacrosanct mother soil,
If you stretched the already magnanimously milking cow beyond a point; it would start to ooze torturously flagrant blood and worthless water; instead of diffusing into a cistern of inimitably unparalleled milk,
If you stretched the already tirelessly ticking clock beyond a point; it would abruptly cease to function; miserably staggering in the hell of inexplicably maniacal insecurity,
If you stretched the already ferociously roaring lion beyond a point; it would vituperatively vomit out the most scrumptiously tantalizing of its prey; in utterly unbearable frustration,
If you stretched the already spellbindingly blossoming tree beyond a point; it would abhorrently diffuse the stench of bizarre rottenness; nonchalantly shedding its fruit by the dozen; instead of evolving into a heaven of glorious freshness,
If you stretched the already wholesomely blackened night beyond a point; it would waft nothing else but a maelstrom of despairingly penalizing misery; in every symbiotically living organism alike,
If you stretched the already rhapsodically mellifluous nightingale beyond a point; it would culminate into nothing else but dolorously beleaguered cacophony for an infinite more moments yet to unveil,
If you stretched the already earnestly perspiring body beyond a point; it would resort to a plethora of shortcuts to thrive ensure its survival as the fittest; amongst the devilishly cannibalistic pack of wolves,
If you stretched the already intransigently flaming candle beyond a point; it would insipidly melt into a pool of capriciously wanton wax; repulsively shirking away from even the most mercurial trace of light,
If you stretched the already unfathomably embellished castle beyond a point; it would belligerently transform into a corpse of satanically monotonous boredom and inexorable hopelessness,
If you stretched the already beautifully ripened mango beyond a point; it would raucously excoriate apart into a countless bits of meaningless pulp; tirelessly
cursing the stupidly bizarre environment around,
If you stretched the already smiling face beyond a point; it would luridly dissolve into livid prejudice; spreading nothing but preposterously castigating enmity around,
It you stretched the already irrefutably righteous conscience beyond a point; it would inadvertently make way for a hurricane of hideously derogatory lies,
But if you stretched the already handsomely breathing spirit of love beyond a point; it would altruistically envelop countless more in its compassionately Godly swirl; it would become a cascade of perennial enlightenment for every organism symbiotically existing; it would unconquerably metamorphose even the most evanescent iota of pain into a fountain of resplendently blessed happiness; it would forever and ever and ever become BLESSEDLY IMMORTAL .
The Sun outside was flaming; blistering into infinite shades of grandiloquent crimson as the clouds drifted by,
Yet the interiors of my dwelling were engulfed by a perpetual darkness; the most minuscule shimmer irrevocably refusing to enter; without my priceless beloved .
The trees outside swayed exuberantly; as the vivaciously exotic storm descended full throttle upon the dolorously gloomy atmosphere,
Yet the rooms of my dwelling were flooded with satanic globules of blood; and time catapulted back instead of ticking forward; without my priceless beloved .
The stars in the sky outside twinkled to the most unprecedented glow; illuminating every alley of the fathomless planet with profusely enchanting songs of romance,
Yet each wall of my dwelling wept tears of untamed sorrow; a ghastly solitude entrenched the handsome backdrop of furniture; traumatized by the absence of
my priceless beloved .
The wind outside titillated itself to the most unfathomable horizons of heaven; as cloudbursts of sparkling rain tumbled rhapsodically from the sky,
Yet the windows of my dwelling intransigently refrained from opening; sulking in the realms of profound boredom; without my priceless beloved .
The peacocks outside on the grass danced to their ultimate hearts content; blossoming their feathers into an incredulous festoon of gorgeously vivid color,
Yet there was unsurpassable boredom in my dwelling; with an eerie wave of silence cascading till the last bone down my spine; without my priceless beloved .
The panthers outside in the jungle gallivanted majestically up the hills; with a crown of marvelous glittering royally on their heads,
Yet there was a cloud of barbaric death loitering in every corner of my dwelling; my tongue abdicated to speak even my very own name; without my priceless beloved .
The planet outside brimmed with overwhelming activity; as the wails of boundless newly born stole the hearts of the most treacherously diabolical wandering around,
Yet the floors of my dwelling culminated into a horrendously pugnacious fragrance; with even the parasitic fleet of mosquitoes not interested in sucking blood; as they inevitably missed my priceless beloved .
The battalion of soldiers outside marched invincibly forward for their country; with an immortal spirit of glorious matrydom poignantly diffusing from their eyes,
Yet the shadows inside my dwelling immutably refused to subside; lengthening their sinister cover even under the most dazzling of daylight; as they waited in
anticipation for my priceless beloved .
And the world outside spawned into a new beginning as each day transcended over the resplendent night; with the prolific winds of change taking an optimistic
stranglehold on the brutality of the previous day ,
Yet the oligarchic space of my dwelling kept crawling towards an inevitable blackness; kept dying the most heinous death in a mist of fading oblivion; without my priceless beloved .
When I took one step forward towards the Sun; I fell back like thunderbolts of lightening; charred to an inconspicuous speck in the swirl of its stringently
sizzling rays,
When I took one step forward towards the Moon; I transited into a stupendously ravishing reverie in its profound shimmer; staggering inevitably towards realms
of inevitable unconsciousness,
When I took one step forward towards the volcano; I wafted into infinitesimal corridors of remote oblivion; thoroughly whipped by its gruesomely fulminating aura,
When I took one step forward towards the well; I abruptly found myself engulfed by a fleet of hostile crocodile; the diabolically forlorn waters trying to strangulate my body from all sides,
When I took one step forward towards the mirage; I soon realized I had been horrendously tricked; and all that I was able to capsize was sultry currents of
sweltering blank atmosphere,
When I took one step forward towards the thorn; I pierced the intricately rubicund skin of my foot; and a stream of crimson blood began to profusely ooze from
my despairing caricature,
When I took one step forward towards the ghost; I was encapsulated by a severely debilitating fever; with a wave of inexplicable disease lingering incessantly around my innocuous persona,
When I took one step forward towards the dinosaur; he pulverized me till my last bone had blended wholesomely with soil; blowing my existence forever from this planet; like bristles of the broomstick,
When I took one step forward towards sinking sand; I felt myself plummeting down towards the innermost belly of satanic mud; before even I had time to speak; the names of whom I overwhelmingly loved,
When I took one step forward towards the waves; I inadvertently stumbled into the tumultuously violent storm; and soon witnessed the menacing jaws of shark
marching down my throat,
When I took one step forward towards the rainbow; I found myself so profoundly entrenched by an infinite myriad of colors; that I almost forgot my original identity in pragmatic life,
When I took one step forward towards the shattered glass; I glimpsed all contours of my countenance distorted hideously beyond the realms of ugliness; propelling me to swoon on the ground in sheer disbelief,
When I took one step forward towards the evening; I discovered nothing but morbid darkness; and an uncouthly eerie silence that confronted me; in whichever direction I transgressed,
When I took one step forward towards treacherous lies; after a while I found myself so pathetically entangled by the blanket of heinous lechery; that I even forgot to pronounce my name correctly,
When I took one step forward towards the serpents den; the blood in my veins froze in its very roots; as the venomous monster slapped me viciously with its mystical tongue,
When I took one step forward towards the ant; the diminutive parasite suddenly coalesced with infinite more of its kind; metamorphosed the skin of my cheeks
into a perpetual crimson; making my head bow down before my teacher in shame,
When I took one step forward towards the whispering leaves; each part of my visage was inundated with unfathomable frustration; as I simply couldn’t make head or tail of the message they were trying to convey,
When I took one step forward towards the grave; I rebounded back countless feet in fraction seconds; as the unbearable agony of seeing my loved ones buried; made me relinquish all traces of life,
While when I took one step forward towards my beloved; it was for the first time that each step of mine transformed into boundless more; and I kept marching with an invincible conviction; chanting the virtue of immortal love; till the last breath from my body flowed .
How can I ever hear anybody else's voice; when infact I have wholesomely surrendered all my power of hearing to your enchanting melody, when
infact I sighted my face in your eyes; indefatigably all day and night,
How can I ever emulate anybody else's movements; when infact I irrevocably followed your intricate footsteps; right since the time I uttered my first
How can I ever sketch anybody else's countenance; when I had immortally embossed your sacrosanct visage in the inner most arena of my chest,
How can I ever embrace anybody else's body; when infact I was an indispensable part of your every majestically royal caress,
How can I ever dream about anybody else's reflection; when infact I floated in the swirl of your stupendously passionate and charismatic breath,
How can I ever smile for anybody else's looks; when infact you were perennially perched all over the contours of my rubicund lips,
How can I ever wait for anybody else to arrive; when infact your incredulously enamoring footprints were all that I could recognize,
How can I ever kiss anybody else's cheeks; when infact your sacrosanct body was all that I took breath for,
How can I ever frolic with anybody else's hair; when infact I was each minuscule portion; which entirely encapsulated your magnanimous forehead,
How can I ever write poetry for anybody else's life; when infact you were poignantly present in every alphabet that unfolded from my tongue and hands,
How can I ever hoist anybody else's belongings; when infact your intriguingly innocuous visage clung compassionately to my shoulders since decades
How can I ever cry for anybody else's absence; when infact my eyes had forgotten to flutter beside your impeccably startling persona,
How can I ever yearn for anybody else's presence; when infact even the most infinitesimal globule of your golden perspiration; meant to me more than my life,
How can I talk with anybody else's face; when infact I was left dumbfounded forever witnessing your ravishingly Omnipotent grace,
How can I ever sing about anybody else's demeanor; when infact your name was all that diffused like thunderbolts of volatile lightening; whenever I made the most inconspicuous of effort to open my lips,
How can I ever breathe; in anybody else's anticipation; when infact your mesmerizing benevolence was all that unrelentingly flowed through my jacket of tenderly handsome lungs,
How can I ever live for anybody else's whim and fancies; when infact I was the blood which transgressed through your veins; as the Sun flamed and faded the unfathomable expanse of blue sky,
And how can I ever love anybody else's body; when infact your incomprehensible beauty poured out from each of my heart beat; metamorphosing each portion of earth it cascaded on; into a celestial paradise .
Drink it; or become a droplet of its enchantingly golden wave,
Climb it; or become a rock of its fabulously mesmerizing slope,
Admire it; or become a jewel of its philanthropically magnanimous beauty,
Whisper it; or become an echo of its ubiquitously spreading poignant aroma,
Follow it; or become a footprint of its seductively enigmatic trail,
Worship it; or become an idol of its invincibly immortal blessings,
Feel it; or become an entrenchment of its voluptuously satiny and profoundly magnetic caress,
Succumb to it; or become the ethereal contours of its majestically enlightening shadow,
Philander with it; or become the winds of its ravishingly exhilarated and unconquerable journey,
Dream it; or become a cloud of its beautifully everlasting fantasy,
Preach it; or become a chapter of its divinely sacrosanct and perpetually fragrant philosophies,
Proliferate it; or become a molecule of its perennially multiplying creation,
Relish it; or become a comrade of its tantalizingly euphoric countenance,
Dance with it; or become the rhythm of its never ending infinite beats,
Embrace it; or become the shyness of its unrelentingly bonding caress,
Smile at it; or become the lips of its exuberantly tingling and rhapsodic laughter,
Consecrate it; or become a grandiloquent bell in its irrefutably sacred shrine,
Sacrifice for it; or become the ideal of its unflinching undefeated convictions,
Breath it; or become a minuscule draught of its stupendously Omnipotent air,
And live it; or live for its unfathomable Godly spirit; and remember it till the last time you ever saw this planet; and even centuries thereafter; as PRICELESS LOVE .
We met on the boisterously bustling traffic streets; casting an evanescent glimpse amidst the juggernaut of bulky truck and traffic,
We flirted on the profusely foliated tree tops; winking at each other to the most unprecedented of our hearts content,
We stared unrelentingly under the creamy moon; trying to decipher our destinies sandwiched within the sparkling whites of our eye,
We flaunted our majestically robust skins under the dazzling Sun; basking in the flamboyant glory of its festoon of magnificently enchanting rays,
We fantasized to realms beyond fathomless eternity; tossing ardently on the astronomical summit of the gigantic mountain,
We shouted till the last breath down our lungs; profoundly relishing the mystically enticing voice which reverberated past boundless continents; after clashing against the gregarious rocks,
We merrily munched through a conglomerate of tantalizing fruit; sitting beside the rambunctiously quacking ducks in the farm,
We bathed indefatigably in the seductively dribbling gorgeous waterfall; profusely enjoying it every unleashing minute; as reinvigorating pints of liquid gushed past our skins,
We danced rhapsodically in the heart of the jungle; gyrating exuberantly to the vivacious rustling of the leaves; the royally spell binding tunes of the nightingale,
We kissed in the aisles of insatiably augmenting passion; engulfing our shivering flesh with compassionate blankets of breath,
We chased each other through the incomprehensible labyrinth of enigmatic tunnels; squealing like new born infants as the blackness took a vindictive stranglehold of the light,
We euphorically pulled our hair in the poignantly undulating sea; inundating our limp bodies with tons of piquantly pepped up salt,
We philandered in gay abandon on the golden stallion; sequestering our clandestine venture to the best of our ability from the uncouthly satanic society,
We discovered each other in the perpetually solitary dungeons; understanding the inexplicably varied aspects of bountiful existence,
We mischievously slapped each other on the bed covers of grandiloquently frozen ice; instilling a frenzied ardor in our lifelessly chilled veins,
We admired each other on the temple steps; fervently incarcerated by the stupendously fabulous creation of the Almighty Lord,
We slept under the island of opalescently shimmering stars; whispering the nostalgic tales of impeccable childhood in our intricately sensitive eardrums,
We proposed to each other at the crack of surreally obscure dawn; so that the first rays of the flaming morning stood an invincible testimonial to our sacred love,
And we married in the realms of the immortally divine heavens; with the blessings of Almighty God; ensuring that we stayed united in threads of holy matrimony for times beyond what life could ever foresee .
The End .