You Die; I Die-Love Poems - Part 9
You Die; I Die-Love Poems - Part 9

Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh
All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.
About The Poetry Book -
This Book which has 40 differently titled Poems is actually Part 9 of the Book titled – You die; I die – Love Poems ( 1600 pages ) . Poems symbolizing the immortality of love and at times its fickleness. Parekh takes the reader through a paradise naturally embellished with the ingredients of eternal romance and its sporadic failures. As they say life and death are two sides of the coin, similarly with every true anecdote of love there also comes fretful divorce—a thing which has been most sensitively described throughout this great collection of poems for the heart. Written and dipped in each ingredient of his passionate blood, Parekh comes out with startling revelations about the truest of love stories and their failures. Each verse has been delicately intertwined with a boundless aspects of relationships, romance, cheating, betrayal and goes on to prove that Immortal Love towers over every shattered heart. A start to finish with some of the most heart-rendering love poems ever, this makes a great collection for ever true lover breathing and desiring to be loved on earth and beyond. This collection of poems aims at perpetually uniting every heart on this Universe in the spirit of Immortal love and friendship. Because these are the two quintessential ingredients to lead life till its last breath. Irrespective of whatever color, faith or religion, it is only the rainbow of love which can transform the ghastliest monsters and perpetrators of humanity into peaceful lovers. Therefore this book inexhaustibly endeavors to speak and preach the language of love even after its last embossed alphabet.
22. CAPS
23. 2 HEARTS
35. WHAT USE ?
Don’t mess with lies; it would hedonistically massacre you with its fangs of vindictively flagrant prejudice,
Don’t mess with the scorpion; it would so ballistically permeate its venomously curled tail into your nimble flesh; that you’d never be able to raise your hindside,
Don’t mess with the Sun; it would burn you to infinitesimal moles of inane ash; which wouldn’t be accepted even by the land of disastrously disappearing oblivion,
Don’t mess with the Shark; it would pulverize every element of your countenance to such a pulverized chowder; that wouldn’t be visible with even the most contemporarily high powered telescope,
Don’t mess with the avalanche; it would treacherously bury you an infinite feet beneath your corpse; a place so scurrilously asphyxiating beneath the earth; where
even darkness dreaded to dare,
Don’t mess with obsession; it would maniacally frazzle every sensuously sensitive vein of your persona; reduce you to such a bundle of delirious meaninglessness that even the coffins of hell would blatantly refuse,
Don’t mess with the ghost; it would wretchedly jinx you beyond the comprehensions of infinite infinity; torturing you to such an extent; that you vomited raw blood everytime you witnessed the contours of your face,
Don’t mess with the storm; it would inexhaustibly lambaste you against cold-blooded stone; till the time your bones felt that wholesomely gruesome extinction was a better alternative instead,
Don’t mess with the knife; it would slice you into so many unsparing countless bits; that even the most hideously barbaric vultures would find it bizarrely gory to digest,
Don’t mess with the lion; it wouldn’t given you even the most evanescent chance to fulfill your last wish; before it gobbled you like a robust mosquito for its afternoon lunch,
Don’t mess with corruption; it would make every step of your blissfully resplendent existence; more egregiously strangulating than the werewolves of ghoulishly satanic hell,
Don’t mess with the vampish seductress; she would firstly tantalize you to realms beyond supremely ecstatic paradise; only to mercilessly excoriate apart every bit of your skin; for stitching her compassionate night-coat,
Don’t mess with the gallows; they would surreptitiously creep upon you in your celestially contented slumber; to make it nefariously and irretrievably permanent,
Don’t mess with the bat; it would so barbarously pluck the whites and blacks of your beautiful eyes; that your face would dissolve into laconically inconspicuous space for times immemorial,
Don’t mess with the mirage; it would satiate the chords of your agonizingly charred throat till beyond eternal eternity; before eventually making you lick granules of dry sand with acidulous thorns embedded inside; instead,
Don’t mess with lightening; it would numb the quintessential nexus of your existence to such a threshold; that even the most cannibalistic swords massacring your head would seem to you as a flutter of a seductive eyelash,
Don’t mess with symbiotism; it would sodomize the chapters of your harmonious survival in such a way; that traumatic incarceration would become your sole mantra to whimperingly exist,
Don’t mess with blood; it would abandon you forever in the gutterpipe of ostracizing deceit; beheading you as a lecherously parasitic alien; although you were its cardinally very own,
And don’t mess with love; it would grant you such a diabolical death for betraying and tampering with its insuperably Omnipotent spirit; that life in any form; shape or fraternity; would never ever in even the most obsolete of birth; accept you once again .
It was countless times better to relentlessly stagger in the sweltering heat outside; with the ferociously hedonistic rays of the afternoon Sun making me slaver like a dog on flaming soil,
Rather than betray the irrefutably truthful voice of my conscience; and lie like an unemployed laggard in the caverns of blackened nothingness .
It was countless times better to unflinchingly walk on a platform of acrimoniously pernicious thorns; surrender the nimble soles of my feet to uncouthly uncontrollable bleeding,
Rather than betray the majestically truthful voice of my conscience; and surreptitiously steal onto the sheets of unfathomable luxury; with a nefariously
wicked glint in my eye .
It was countless times better to shiver bare-chested in the ruthlessly annihilating blizzard outside; letting each bone of my body nervously reverberate till times beyond infinite infinity,
Rather than betray the pricelessly truthful voice of my conscience; and indiscriminately force my cumbersome form into someone else’s emolliently
hard-earned dwelling .
It was countless times better to be unsparingly excoriated by the demonic sword of the turgidly truculent society; abnegating even the most infinitesimal trace of worldly pleasure forever and ever and ever,
Rather than betray the peerlessly truthful voice of my conscience; and nod my head like a disgracefully dastardly rat to the gutterpipe of flagrant lies .
It was countless times better to scorch to an indescribably ghastly death; letting the chords of my throat scurrilously burn in unbearably agonizing turmoil,
Rather than betray the symbiotically truthful voice of my conscience; and lackadaisically lap at the pool of venomously malicious water in the
treacherously profane enemy camp .
It was a countless times better to lasciviously sell each part of my worthless body; let hideously untamed vultures of cowardly malice rip apart my flesh to their vapid heart’s delight,
Rather than betray the bountifully truthful voice of my conscience; and trade my sacrosanct mother for ensuring few breaths of my worthlessly decrepit existence .
It was a countless times better to be buried under fathomless masses of cold-bloodedly slandering rock; find my veritable corpse an infinite feet beneath mud
even as I exhaled air in the pristine prime of my life,
Rather than betray the regally truthful voice of my conscience; and order my impeccable child to carry the load of the corrupt planet; so that I could snore and pugnaciously survive .
It was a countless times better to deliriously loiter on the streets without a cloth to engulf my rickety form; become the endlessly laughing stock of every single cranny of this limitless globe,
Rather than betray the triumphantly truthful voice of my conscience; and wear the skin of my father like a cannibalistically satanic parasite all my life.
It was a countless times better to metamorphose wholesomely into blind; entirely shut the fangs of my existence to even the most ethereally flickering beam of light,
Rather than betray the eternally truthful voice of my conscience; and keep staring into fecklessly wastrel corpses of nothingness; inspite of being blessed with two brilliantly bright eyes .
It was a countless times better to rot in the mortuaries of unceasingly squelching hell; let the most unsurpassably excruciating torture in the devil’s land deteriorate me into a scarecrow of insipid meaninglessness,
Rather than betray the beautifully truthful voice of my conscience; and break the heart of my immortal beloved; for sensuously alien flesh and vituperatively tantalizing raunchiness .
It was irrevocably impossible for me to capture time; as it indefatigably tick-tocked and unstoppably unfurled into profound virility,
But the pricelessly mesmerizing moments when we had first met; would forever remain in my invincible grip; for not only this birth but an infinite more births
even after I veritably died .
It was unsurpassably impossible for me to capture time; at it relentlessly tick-tocked and tirelessly unfurled into magical newness,
But the divinely immaculate moments when we had first flirted around pristinely enchanting foliage; would forever remain in my unassailable grip; for not only
this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .
It was irretrievably impossible for me to capture time; as it intransigently tick tocked and inexhaustibly unfurled into resplendent freshness,
But the tantalizingly blissful moments when we had first stared into each other’s eyes; would forever remain in my insuperable grip; for not only this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .
It was imperceptibly impossible for me to capture time; as it intractably tick-tocked and continuously unfurled into inexplicable uncanniness,
But the wonderfully magnetic moments when we had first inhaled the fragrance of our passionate sweat; would forever remain in my undaunted grip; for not only this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .
It was immutably impossible for me to capture time; as it stubbornly tick-tocked and limitlessly unfurled into brilliantly blessing day and voluptuously star-studded night,
But the majestically vivacious moments when we had first danced in the untamed rain; would forever remain in my intrepid grip; for not only this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .
It was unbelievably impossible for me to capture time; as it punctiliously tick-tocked and beautifully unfurled into a cistern of unparalleled charisma,
But the stupendously exultating moments when we had first hidden ourselves into clandestine darkness far away from the boundaries of this tyrannically turgid society; would forever remain in my unshakable grip; for not only this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died.
It was unfathomably impossible for me to capture time; as it infallibly tick-tocked and unceasingly unfurled into a cloud of inimitably silken enchantment,
But the triumphantly unfettered moments when we had first uninhibitedly announced our relationship to the outside planet; would forever remain in my unbreakable grip; for not only this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .
It was insurmountably impossible for me to capture time; as it immeasurably tick-tocked and unendingly unfurled into infernos of boundlessly unhindered compassion,
But the surreally sensuous moments when we had first invincibly embraced each other; would forever remain in my peerless grip; for not only this birth but an
infinite more births even after I veritably died .
It was unprecedentedly impossible for me to capture time; as it timelessly tick-tocked and endlessly unfurled into the true spirit of magnificently effulgent existence,
But the impregnably heavenly moments when we had first interlocked our ardent breaths with each other; would forever remain in my unconquerable grip; for not only this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .
And it was unthinkably impossible for me to capture time; as it intractably tick-tocked and perennially unfurled into the benign goodness of the Omnipotent Lord’s divine,
But the immortally untainted moments when we had first fallen into the skies of Omnipresent love; would forever remain in my unalterable grip; for not only this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .
Today’ the day when I’d felt the most exuberant; galloping unfettered to the ultimate epitomes of success in my diminutively beleaguered life,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most uninhibitedly liberated; floating on the surreally tantalizing belly of cloud nine; for times immemorial,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most impregnably sacred; commensurately coalescing each fragment of my visage and soul with the spirit of the Omnipotent
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most unceasingly fearless; unflinchingly ready to face the mightiest of vindictively satanic maelstroms bare-chested,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most vivaciously resplendent; unrelentingly dancing in the heavens of eternal seduction; without the tiniest trace of treacherous manipulative malice,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most brilliantly eclectic; when everything that I even nimbly caressed; metamorphosing into triumphantly celestial gold,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most unconquerably towering; inimitably looming above every other organism on the trajectory of this fathomlessly unending Universe,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most magnanimously benign; altruistically donating even the last iota of my opulence to whomsoever who inhabited my doorstep; without the slightest of whine,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most exotically sensuous; with every follicle of my skin bathing in currents of unlimited rhapsody; even as the Sun overhead unsparingly blazed to its unprecedented capacity,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most devoutly resolved; coining a whole new chapter of my impoverished existence; for an infinite more births of mine,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most unequivocally egalitarian; ubiquitously embracing every caste; creed; color and race; for them being a symbiotically
quintessential element of living kind,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most tirelessly victorious; even though I’d preposterously staggered in virtually every other aspect of my life,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most magically sensitive; dissipating into a billion bits of untamed beauty; at even the most evanescent trickle of dawn light,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most blessedly harmonious; existing in perfect synergy with my wonderful environment; wholesomely irrespective of my form or finance,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most supremely passionate; igniting unassailably glorious and golden fires even in frigidly blackened streams of stagnating water,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most mellifluously romantic; timelessly humming the tunes of eternally fructifying friendship; even as hedonistically pugnacious battlefields had enshrouded every cranny of mother earth,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most enchantingly placated; as if every speck of my blood and bone could holistically exist without a morsel of food; for centuries unfathomable,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most impeccably pristine; like a new-born child having just evolved out of the womb of my godly mother; and ready to explore the Creator’s unhindered Universe afresh; and full of insuperable virility,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most vividly nubile; fervently awaiting like the freshly embellished bride; to be kissed and discovered till even beyond where the horizons stretched,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most optimally useful; expending every iota of energy entrapped in my demeanor to the service of horrendously besmirched
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most jubilantly charismatic; radiating an unshakable magnetic aura; which drew even the most diminutive bit of peerless righteousness towards my swirl,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most marvelously humane; gorgeously collapsing to the desires of my mind; body and soul; into an inexhaustible ocean of unbreakable camaraderie,
Today’s the day when I’d felt the most astoundingly procreating; proliferating into an unbelievable shades of panoramically unrestricted mischief; spawning varied civilizations of colorful unity; with my very own blood,
And I still profoundly remember that Today’s the day when we’d first met several years ago; Today’s the day when each beat of our hearts made and meant for each other had immortally bonded together; Today’s the day when we’d stared into each other’s eyes as if there was no other earth; paradise and hell that had ever existed; O! Yes; Today’s the day when we’d first fallen in perpetual love .
I went to the tree to get blessed with scrumptiously robust fruit; but after witnessing it already threadbarely barren to the ghastliest of limits; all I ended up doing was giving it the last iota of meal entrapped within the intestines of my stomach,
I went to the clouds to get blessed with resplendently tantalizing rain; but after witnessing them turn a listlessly lackadaisical blue; all I ended up doing was giving them every droplet of compassionate moisture circulating within the whites of my eyes,
I went to mountain to get blessed with indomitably Herculean strength; but after witnessing its peaks crumbling under the impact of nuclear war; all I ended
up doing was giving it every ounce of enthusiasm fulminating in my nimble bones,
I went to the shadow to get blessed with profoundly enamoring mysticism; but after witnessing it torturously slavering without the tiniest of respite; all I ended up doing was giving it every whisper of enthrallment embedded in the pores of my humble persona,
I went to the beehive to get blessed with insatiably unparalleled boisterousness; but after witnessing it metamorphosed into a grotesquely remorseful corpse; all I ended up doing was giving it every grain of unfettered tanginess in my voice,
I went to the Sun to get blessed with brilliantly insuperable enlightenment; but after witnessing it perfidiously invaded by monstrously demeaning spacecrafts; all I ended up doing was giving it every trace of optimism majestically circulating in each of my senses,
I went to the meadow to get blessed with uninhibitedly untainted frolic; but after witnessing it rotting in a jungle of concretely heartless commercialism; all I ended up doing was giving it every memory of my impeccably pristine childhood,
I went to the rainbow to get blessed with vibrantly mesmerizing color; but after witnessing it reduced to an amorphous graveyard as the clouds encircled in; all
I ended up doing was giving it every ingredient of happiness effervescently brimming in my veins,
I went to the gorge to get blessed with perpetually blissful silence; but after witnessing it indiscriminately marauded by trumpets of savagely belligerent war; all I ended up doing was giving it every reflection of bliss from the innermost realms of my soul,
I went to the ocean to get blessed with limitlessly ecstatic froth; but after witnessing it shriveled into an obnoxiously sweltering desert; all I ended up doing was giving it every droplet of priceless blood euphorically gurgling under my skin,
I went to the avalanche to get blessed with astoundingly spell-binding coolness; but after witnessing it melting into rivulets of explicitly warm water; all I ended up doing was giving it every granary of refreshing iciness in my laconic countenance,
I went to the eagle to get blessed with unequivocally regale freedom; but after witnessing it lying saddeningly maimed without its wings; all I ended up doing was giving it every centimeter of liberation encompassing my stride,
I went to the soil to get blessed with unbelievably unceasing virility; but after witnessing it treacherously adulterated by salaciously power-hungry living beings; all I ended up doing was giving it every essence of my timelessly bounteous proliferation,
I went to the rose to get blessed with unlimitedly exotic scent; but after witnessing it gruesomely withered to its ashes in the truculently unsparing storm; all I ended up doing was giving it every irrefutably righteous fragrance of my diminutive existence,
I went to the bonfire to get blessed with compassionately insuperable passion; but after witnessing it dying into wisps of ethereally disconsolate oblivion; all I ended up doing was giving it every milligram of my unfettered raw energy,
I went to the castle to get blessed with inherently celestial royalty; but after witnessing it rattled to worse than the pauper’s gutterpipe in the devastating earthquake; all I ended up doing was giving it every trifle of my truncated opulence
I went to the clock to get blessed with stringently scrupulous punctuality; but after witnessing its needles having to come to a lividly hopeless standstill; all I ended up doing was giving it every definition of my honest punctiliousness,
I went to the saint to get blessed with cisterns of philanthropically unflinching righteousness; but after witnessing him entwining hand in hand with the murderously corrupt politicians; all I ended up doing was giving him every bit of selfless truth from the dormitories of my coscience,
And I went to her to get blessed with a sky of immortal love; but seeing that she was pompously rejoicing in someone else’s spuriously transient love; all I ended up doing was giving every beat of my unconquerable love to both of them; so that they eternally loved; loved and only loved; and I left for my heavenly abode; to salvage a chance to get her love; if the Creator ever reborn me again; gave me another blessedly beautiful birth .
Beware of the light which barbarously blinds; without the most infinitesimal of insinuation or warning; and for times beyond a whole lifetime,
Beware of the sweetness which stealthily poisons; making you irrevocably insensitive to every benign goodness of the Omnipotent Creator divine,
Beware of the silence which unsparingly devastates; uncouthly trouncing you like a pack of frigid matchsticks; when you thought that the entire planet had come to a celestially tranquil rest,
Beware of the silk which mercilessly strangulates; catching you unsuspectingly in the most mellifluously enchanting of your dreams; and as you felt the heavens of sensuality to the most unprecedented limits in your persona,
Beware of the sand which treacherously sinks; burying you an infinite feet beneath your veritable grave; when you thought that you were rolling on paradise; in uninhibitedly rhapsodic delight,
Beware of the ice which salaciously chokes; making you perilously gasp for every priceless breath; when you thought that the tempestuous ordeal of acrimoniously sweltering summer had long ended,
Beware of the truth which endlessly burns; irrespective of the fact that you were the only one on the trajectory of the fathomless Universe; unflinchingly galloping on the path of altruistically blazing righteousness,
Beware of the night which satanically dissolves; evaporating you towards the coffins of hell; when you though that unfathomably voluptuous blackness was the only rhythm of your blood,
Beware of the seductress which furtively beheads; indiscriminately pulverizing you for parsimonious wads of sleazy currency; when you thought that you were floating on the ultimate epitome of tantalizing cloud nine,
Beware of the star which truculently stones; engendering you to dream beyond glittering paradise at the outset; and then perfidiously blending you
with inconspicuously belittling ash,
Beware of the dream which salaciously incarcerates; lethally trapping you in dungeons of gory hopelessness; when you thought you were the most blissfully innovative fantasizer on this boundless planet,
Beware of the smile which torturously tears; giving the most triumphantly eternal happiness of your life for just an evanescent instant; and then perpetuating you to horrifically weep for an infinite more lifetimes,
Beware of the power which morosely weakens; manipulatively making you the monarch of the entire world by hook or by crook; and then ruthlessly stripping you of even the most mercurial of your laurel; before limitlessly hanging you from the cadaverous gallows,
Beware of the diamond which demonically impoverishes; rendering you as the most disastrously orphaned organism on this unceasing earth; even as you had the power to purchase anything on your nimble fingertips,
Beware of the brilliance which abjectly devastates; maliciously metamorphosing your delectably natural treasures; into monstrously mechanized and lifeless scientific invention,
Beware of the clarity which forlornly obfuscates; unveiling such explicitly mortifying facts of life; that transits you in a perpetually dogmatic and inexplicably crucifying haze,
Beware of the soul which wretchedly hollows; extinguishing even the most diminutive trace of your persona forever from the entrenchment of this earth;
when you thought that you had achieved the most invincible state of “Nirvana”,
Beware of the breath which baselessly kills; drowning you in a world of endlessly strangulating nothingness; when you thought that your compassionate embrace was more impregnably interlocked than the walls of blessed paradise,
And beware of the heart which murderously betrays; bestowing upon you a life more ghastly than a countless disparagingly dastardly deaths; when you thought that you were insuperably perched on the scepter of immortally resplendent love .
In less than a single fraction of a second; she would come to you from even the most unconquerable epitome of the Herculean and invincibly towering mountain,
In less than a single flicker of your eye; she would come to you from even the most remotest rock bottom of the unfathomably undulating and unimaginably deep sea,
In less than a single yawn of your mouth; she would come to you from even the most obsolete corner of the fathomlessly mighty and impregnably pristine clouds,
In less than a single whisper of your voice; she would come to you from even the most sequestered hole infinite feet beneath lackadaisically dead and treacherously obdurate soil,
O! Yes; if your love was true from the innermost core of your heart; then irrespective of where she was; irrespective of the mightiest of barricade separating the both of you; she would immortally be yours and only yours; in less than an inconspicuous instant,
But if there was even an infinitesimal whimper of betrayal maligning your soul; then keep frenetically searching for her like a maimed dog; but you won’t find the tiniest insinuation of her reflection; for your life beyond an infinite more lifetimes .
1 .
In less than a single blush of your cheeks; she would come to you from even the most egregiously silencing and endlessly asphyxiating coffins of ghastly death,
In less than a single flutter of your little finger; she would come to you from even the most treacherously blackened and wholesomely deadened fabric of the ghoulish night,
In less than a single tap of your foot; she would come to you from even the most farthest corner of the limitlessly iridescent and majestically pearly Moon,
In less than a single unfurling of your lips; she would come to you from even the most blazingly indomitable and intransigently fuming inferno’s,
O! Yes; if your love was true from the innermost core of your heart; then irrespective of where she was; irrespective of the most acrimonious apocalypses separating the both of you; she would immortally be yours and only yours; in less than an infidel instant,
But if there was even an infinitesimal whimper of betrayal maligning your soul; then keep dogmatically searching for her like a wounded vulture; but you won’t find the tiniest insinuation of her reflection; for your life beyond an infinite more lifetimes .
2 .
In less than a single radiation of your brain; she would come to you from even the most unbelievably disappearing and evanescently inane mists of nothingness,
In less than a single snore of your sleep; she would come to you from even the most menacingly unsparing and cold-bloodedly squelching jaws of the indiscriminately massacring lion,
In less than a single desire of your soul; she would come to you from even the most aridly charred corner of the unsurpassably sweltering and boundless desert,
In less than a single swish of your palms; she would come to you from even the most unimaginably resplendent and endlessly fructifying corridors of perpetually priceless paradise,
O! Yes; if your love was true from the innermost core of your heart; then irrespective of where she was; irrespective of the most tyrannically turgid boundaries chaining you; she would immortally be yours and only yours; in less than an inconspicuous instant,
But if there was even an infinitesimal whimper of betrayal maligning your soul; then keep rapaciously searching for her like a worthless skeleton; but you won’t find the tiniest insinuation of her reflection; for your life beyond an infinite more lifetimes .
3 .
In less than a single nod of your head; she would come to you from even the most unfathomably stretched ends of inexplicably bizarre and surreally titillating imagination,
In less than a single juggling of your fists; she would come to you from even the most inconceivably inexplicable and abstrusely imperceptible places between heaven and hell,
In less than a single beat of your heart; she would come to you from even the most profoundly incarcerating and impossibly unconquerable wells of solitude,
In less than a single breath of your nostrils; she would come to you from even the most intangibly ethereal and voluptuously tantalizing cringes of the enamoring rainbow,
O! Yes; if your love was true from the innermost core of your heart; then irrespective of where she was; irrespective of the most gorily invidious battlefield between the both of you; she would immortally be yours and only yours; in less than an inconspicuous instant,
But if there was even an infinitesimal whimper of betrayal maligning your soul; then keep baselessly searching for her like a needle in the endless haystack; but you won’t find the tiniest insinuation of her reflection; for your life beyond an infinite more lifetimes .
The signature of the unfathomably poignant and wonderfully scarlet rose; was profusely coated with pricelessly heavenly scent,
The signature of the vivaciously foaming and ecstatically swirling ocean; was piquantly coated with spell-bindingly rejuvenating salt,
The signature of the overwhelmingly sprightly and vividly striped zebra; was
fantastically coated with unsurpassably untamed exuberance,
The signature of the majestically proliferating and timelessly endowing soil; was bountifully coated with unconquerably inimitable divinity,
The signature of the capriciously infidel and venomously slavering scorpion; was egregiously coated with brutally sadistic abhorrence,
The signature of the tantalizingly beautiful and voluptuously mollifying
dewdrop; was profoundly coated with limitlessly blessing sensuousness,
The signature of the unbelievably titillating and handsomely crimson clouds; was gloriously coated with magnificently iridescent enchantment,
The signature of the lecherously delinquent and laggardly salacious parasite; was invidiously coated with surreptitiously unceremonious cowardice,
The signature of the ghoulishly morbid and remorsefully lamenting ghost; was
disastrously coated with vindictively feckless malice,
The signature of the indefatigably ticking and irrefutably infallible clock; was perspicaciously coated with blissfully commendable punctuality,
The signature of the lackadaisically pot-bellied and turgidly rolling tortoise; was pathetically coated with nonchalantly wanton laziness,
The signature of the Omnipotently blazing and unassailably amber Sun; was
peerlessly coated with unshakably eternal victory,
The signature of ubiquitously crimson and altruistically cascading blood; was undauntedly coated with harmoniously egalitarian humanity,
The signature of the resplendently immaculate and everlastingly optimistic Moon; was innocuously coated with pristinely pearly milk,
The signature of the uncannily adventurous and timelessly old fossil; was
magnetically coated with inexplicably exhilarating mystery,
The signature of the grotesquely funny and ludicrously bouncing clown; was
euphorically coated with endlessly uproarious laughter,
The signature of the indomitably towering and compassionately sequestering
mountain; was eternally coated with selflessly triumphant strength,
The signature of the blissfully untainted and celestially princely pearl; was tirelessly coated with royally burgeoning prosperity,
The signature of the rhapsodically effulgent and ingeniously crafted new-born brain; was spectacularly coated with holistically innovative evolution,
The signature of the demeaningly blind and hideously crooked bat; was bizarrely coated with perniciously sinister betrayal,
The signature of the unfathomably hollow and thunderously reverberating gorge; was ingratiatingly coated with tremendously unlimited mysticism,
The signature of the ferociously roaring and unnervingly sauntering lion; was irrevocably coated with boundlessly unfettered superiority,
The signature of the effusively vibrant and eclectically artistic eye; was obeisantly coated with convivially heart-rendering empathy,
The signature of unprecedentedly delirious and intransigently destructive mania; was barbarously coated with unsparingly asphyxiating depression,
The signature of the blazingly truthful and relentlessly marching warrior; was marvelously coated with magically Spartan fearlessness,
The signature of unconquerably unique and blessedly devout righteousness; was perpetually coated with fathomlessly endowing paradise,
The signature of uncouthly sweltering and miserably scorching desert; was acridly coated with raunchily pulverizing ruthlessness,
And the signature of immortally insuperable and royally emollient love; was
forever and ever and ever coated with amazingly sprouting life .
There were an infinite places on this colossal earth where you could place the uninhibited smile; but it looked the most celestially nicest; only on the periphery of the philanthropically robust lips,
There were an infinite places on this gigantic earth where you could place the brilliant light; but it looked the most invincibly nicest; only on the Omnipotent persona of
the blazingly unparalleled Sun,
There were an infinite places on this fathomless earth where you could place the newborn infant; but it looked the most impeccably nicest; only in the lap
of unconquerably divine mother,
There were an infinite places on this limitless earth where you could place the pristine dewdrop; but it looked the most spellbindingly nicest; only on the tantalizingly burgeoning blade of the voluptuously whispering grass,
There were an infinite places on this boundless earth where you could place the boisterous bee; but she looked the most immaculately nicest; only in the majestically compassionate and catacombed hive,
There were an infinite places on this unceasing earth where you could place the ravishing clouds; but they looked the most seductively nicest; only on the belly
of the endlessly bestowing sky,
There were an infinite places on this tireless earth where you could place the inimitably priceless diamond; but it looked the most regally nicest; only in the necklace of the timelessly effulgent queen,
There were an infinite places on this unsurpassable earth where you could place the brilliant peak; but it looked the most unassailably nicest; only on the indomitably thundering mountain,
There were an infinite places on this resplendent earth where you could place the poignant pinch of salt; but it looked the most triumphantly nicest; only on the magnetic swirl of the intrepidly undulating wave,
There were an infinite places on this palatial earth where you could place the exhilarating wind; but it looked the most ebulliently nicest; only on the jacket
of the enthrallingly chocolate brown lungs,
There were an infinite places on this uninterrupted earth where you could place the humanitarian blood; but it looked the most blessedly nicest; only in the unfathomably intriguing labyrinth of quintessential veins,
There were an infinite places on this undefeated earth where you could place the idol of synergistic truth; but it looked the most charismatically nicest; only in the realms of the unflinchingly righteous and peerless conscience,
There were an infinite places on this benign earth where you could place the granule of sand; but it looked the most handsomely nicest; only in the cradle of
the astronomically glistening desert,
There were an infinite places on this perpetual earth where you could place unadulterated curd; but it looked the most Omnisciently nicest; only in the
symbiotically truthful palms of the euphorically frolicking child,
There were an infinite places on this fecund earth where you could place the uncontrollably reverberating lion; but it looked the most unshakably nicest; only in the arms of the inscrutably bountiful and unrestrictedly mellifluous forest,
There were an infinite places on this rhapsodic earth where you could place never-dying patriotism; but it looked the most insurmountably nicest; only on the chest of the perennially loyal and fearless soldier,
There were an infinite places on this consecrated earth where you could place the flirtatious twinkle; but it looked the most unquestionably nicest; only on the persona of the enchantingly vibrant star,
There were an infinite places on this harmonious earth where you could place the pearls of wisdom; but they looked the most sacredly nicest; only on the harbingers of wonderfully united humanity,
There were an infinite places on this mysterious earth where you could place inevitable re-incarnation; but it looked the most eternally nicest; only on the
holistic substance of the miraculously ameliorating soul,
There were an infinite places on this sparkling earth where you could place the Spartan stone; but it looked the most marvelously nicest; only on the bed of
the merrily bubbling brook,
There were an infinite places on this Herculean earth where you could place the lines of the destiny; but they looked the most meaningfully nicest; only on the intrinsic folds of the unabashedly satiny palm,
There were an infinite places on this redolent earth where you could place the iridescently wondrous feathers; but they looked the most fruitfully nicest; only on the skeleton of the unequivocally soaring bird,
On the contrary there were more than an infinite places on this unbelievable earth where you could place the breeze of eternal love; and it still looked the most immortally nicest; wherever you placed it; for whatever duration you placed it; for whomsoever you placed it; if only you placed it from the innermost realms of your truthfully passionate heart .
Am I uncouthly unjust in asking the Omnipotently golden Sun; to grant me a
just a single of its optimistic ray; that would brilliantly illuminate the chapters of my dolorously decaying life ?
Am I brutally unjust in asking the fathomlessly frosty ocean; to grant me just a single of its poignantly tangy wave; that would enchantingly rejuvenate my hedonistically tyrannized and monotonously prejudiced senses ?
Am I acrimoniously unjust in asking the impregnably boundless mountain; to
grant me just a single of its compassionate cave; that would enable me to
sequester my uncontrollably slavering form; from the cold-bloodedly freezing
night ?
Am I ominously unjust in asking the mystically limitless forest; to grant me
just a single of its tantalizingly voluptuous whisper; that would wholesomely liberate me from my apocalypses of lividly dastardly nervousness ?
Am I truculently unjust in asking the astoundingly vivacious rainbow; to grant me just a single of its effulgently glistening band; that would blissfully embellish my disastrously stagnated life with unstoppably unparalleled enlightenment ?
Am I horrifically unjust in asking the ebulliently victorious rose; to grant me just a single pinch of its blessedly charismatic fragrance; that would drift me far away from the world of abominably fretful sin; into a heaven of unshakably silken togetherness ?
Am I preposterously unjust in asking the torrentially showering clouds; to grant me just a single droplet of celestially mollifying rain; that would perennially placate the intransigently sadistic scorching in the realms of my impoverished throat ?
Am I murderously unjust in asking the unbelievably mellifluous nightingale; to grant me just a single of its eternally symbiotic tune; that would splendidly ameliorate me from my corpses of treacherous desperation; to benevolently blossom in my truncated life ?
Am I turgidly unjust in asking the majestically unsurpassable Moon; to grant me just a single of its marvelously pearly beam; that would handsomely engulf my every parasitically beleaguered night with caverns of jubilant ecstasy ?
Am I scurrilously unjust in asking the gigantically unceasing atmosphere; to
grant me just a single of its exuberantly effervescent wind; that would make me devotedly gallop towards the aisles of uninhibitedly regale freedom ?
Am I unfathomably unjust in asking the tirelessly pristine waterfalls; to grant me just a single of their magically sensuous stream; that would amazingly metamorphose even the most infinitesimal bit of abhorrence in my blood into a paradise of symbiotically everlasting freshness ?
Am I salaciously unjust in asking the inexhaustibly effervescent ensemble of soil; to grant just a single of its truthfully sacred particle; that would immortalize the egregiously corrupt fabric of my existence with a sky of Omnipresent righteousness ?
Am I flagrantly unjust in asking the boundlessly untainted meadow; to grant me just a single whisker of its gloriously unequivocal frolic; that would transit my manipulatively decrepit countenance into realms of impeccably princely childhood ?
Am I heinously unjust in asking the timelessly unflinching battlefield; to grant me just a single iota of its peerlessly invincible patriotism; that would instill in me the fortitude to face the ignominiously diabolical and bad ?
Am I lividly unjust in asking the fruits of perpetual Mother Nature; to grant me just a single trifle of their burgeoning enthusiasm; that would forever squelch the insect of dastardly laggardness in every despicably evaporating bone of my silhouette ?
Am I indiscriminately unjust in asking the supremely venerated cow; to grant me just a single cuplet of its miraculously fructifying milk; that would embody in my frenetically extinguishing form; the Herculean tenacity to stand unperturbed even in the most devilishly unsparing of maelstroms?
Am I venomously unjust in asking the unendingly emollient festoon of air; to
grant me just a single puff of its quintessentially vital exhilaration; that would transform me from a cadaverously ostracizing mortuary into a breath of victoriously exultating life ?
Am I invidiously unjust in asking the Omnisciently Almighty Lord; to grant me just a single chance of his paradise of infinite chances; which would provide me an opportunity to disseminate benign goodness till the very end of my time; and thus reverse every of my inadvertently committed sin ?
And am I unforgivingly unjust in asking the countless billion rhythms of your unassailable heart O! Beloved; to grant me just a single immortal beat; that would coalesce me forever and forever and ever with the religion of unbreakable humanity; that would make me feel forever and ever and ever the most pricelessly gifted organism alive ?
If you dare to dream of catapulting to the unfathomable epitome of the mountain barefoot; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of a disastrously stumbling fall,
If you dare to dream of unflinchingly conquering the most thunderously roaring waves of the tumultuously stormy sea; then be also wholesomely prepared for
every tangible and intangible likelihood of drowning to the threadbare rock bottom,
If you dare to dream of eternally radiating the essence of impregnable truth; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of more than a billion lies truculently asphyxiating you,
If you dare to dream of indefatigably traversing fathomless kilometers on soil; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of belligerently ballistic thorns; perniciously permeating you at your every stride,
If you dare to dream of evolving a civilization of undefeatable newness every unfurling minute of your existence; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of treacherously maligned exhaustion sapping every ingredient of temerity in your brain,
If you dare to dream of unequivocally uniting the entire planet in the religion of ubiquitously symbiotic humanity; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of indiscriminately massacring fanaticism salaciously impeding you left; right and center,
If you dare to dream of entirely dedicating every unveiling instant of your life to inexhaustibly writing spell-binding poetry; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of pragmatically explicit reality orphaning you for the remainder of your life,
If you dare to dream of merrily frolicking in majestic white lightening; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of being scorched to threadbarely inane particles of obsolete dust,
If you dare to dream of fearlessly living in the mortuary yard all alone and bare-chested; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of sadistically sardonic ghosts imperiling your progress every now and again,
If you dare to dream of royally marching on the trajectory of the blazingly Golden Sun; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of being unsparingly burnt to the very last bone of your nimble spine,
If you dare to dream of incessantly singing like the triumphantly mellifluous nightingale; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible
likelihood of being viciously attacked by the discordantly croaking owls and frogs,
If you dare to dream of peerlessly existing an infinite feet beneath hard ground; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of facing the onslaught of horrendously maiming blackness and indescribably ignominious gloom,
If you dare to dream of singlehandedly brandishing your sword towards victory in the unsurpassably menacing battlefield; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of flagrantly castrated defeat staring right into the whites of your eye,
If you dare to dream of metamorphosing every bit of impoverishedly dying desert into lush green meadows of perennially unparalleled happiness; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of licentiously slippery sand sinking you down towards your grave,
If you dare to dream of sketching everything on this colossal Universe till the end of your time; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of tears of untamed agony; welling ferociously up the dormitories of your soul,
If you dare to dream of relentlessly meditating the hymns of everlasting symbiotism every cascading breath of your life; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of libidinous diabolism sporadically perpetuating your mind and soul,
If you dare to dream of being the most righteously wealthiest organism on this boundless earth; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of dastardly prejudiced corruption crucifying you to the goriest thresholds of hell,
If you dare to dream of unstoppably marching towards the peaks of invincibly benign success; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of raunchily incarcerating sleep intermittently obfuscating your senses and eyes,
And if you dare to dream of timelessly falling in pricelessly perpetual love; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of lasciviously sodomizing betrayal; hurling you right back to the very point you had compassionately kissed and started .
The language of my lips was uninhibited happiness; compassionately nibbling every element of rhapsodic goodness; that euphorically swam in the panoramic atmosphere,
The language of my eyes was unceasing empathy; a perennially untainted desire to amalgamate my impoverished being; with every conceivable fraternity of living society,
The language of my chin was endless mischief; eternally frolicking with countless nubile maidens on the pristine sea shores; enlightening even the most inane iota of morbid gloom in the atmosphere,
The language of my cheeks was tantalizingly embarrassed euphoria; erupting
into a fathomless gallery of nimble goose-bumps; as when the ebulliently fantastic winds of unadulterated autumn gushed in upon the freshly embellished bride,
The language of my shoulders was altruistic philanthropism; tirelessly hoisting my fellow comrades in inclement distress; towards the paradise of their very own choice,
The language of my fingers was untamed artistry; insatiably evolving a glorious civilization of panoramic beauty; out of inconspicuously threadbare wilderness,
The language of my armpits was emolliently hard earned perspiration; the feeling of unsurpassably mollifying contentment of having relentlessly strived forward to blissfully conserve my diminutive existence,
The language of my feet was timelessly inexhaustible adventure; tirelessly philandering upon even the most evanescent cranny of god’s wonderfully enchanting creation,
The language of my stomach was inevitably symbiotic hunger; marvelously replenishing the egregiously tyrannized intestines inside; with the bounteously scrumptious fruits of eternal mother nature,
The language of my brain was fathomlessly never-ending fantasy; with not the
slightest bit of jejunely treacherous monotony daring to perpetuate it for times immemorial,
The language of my bones was unflinchingly blazing patriotism; expending the
last ounce of energy trapped within them to the service of their limitlessly
sacrosanct motherland,
The language of my shadow was satiny sensuousness; tantalizing even the most
parasitically alien into an unending whirlpool of astoundingly invincible ecstasy,
The language of my palms was unavoidably unraveling destiny; transcending above every aspect of my incessant struggle for propitiously mesmerizing existence,
The language of my eyelashes was mischievously flirtatious winking; rejoicing the unassailably divine moments of newborn infanthood; even when I had nurtured into perilous greyness of complete manhood,
The language of my blood was pricelessly impregnable humanity; celestially
coalescing with every construable element of living kind; for an infinite more
births yet of mine,
The language of my throat was synergistic melody; tranquilly inundating every lugubriously nonchalant particle of the atmosphere; with the undefeatable chorus of uninhibitedly united brotherhood,
The language of my persona was amazing procreation; endeavoring my very best in continuing God’s chapter of venerated evolution; till the absolutely irrevocable end of my breath,
The language of my conscience was irrefutably unshakable truth; perpetually
traversing on the path of egalitarian silken righteousness; even as holocausts of hell viciously stabbed the soil of earth,
The language of my nostrils was quintessentially life-yielding breath; compassionately embracing every living organism in whirlpools of vivaciously beautiful desire,
And the language of my heart was immortally Omnipotent love; forever and ever and ever bonding with the beats of my unconquerable beloved; till centuries unprecedented even after my this birth and the destined corpse of my death .
Just because you weren’t able to unassailably transcend beyond the epitome of the brilliantly flaming Sun; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast euphorically feasting in the mystically frolicking beam of light; outside your terrestrially bucolic bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to handsomely sail on the trajectory of the rhapsodically turbulent sea’s; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast mischievously splashing in the resplendently shimmering oasis; outside your terrestrially holistic bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to triumphantly catapult to the most unfathomable apogee of Everest; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast merrily philandering on the ebulliently rain-soaked meadow; outside your terrestrially simplistic bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to inimitably memorize every ounce of sacred literature on this fathomless planet; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast deciphering the randomly motley elements of benign goodness; outside your terrestrially altruistic bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to majestically over-topple even the most ethereal iota of evil from the trajectory of this boundlessly burgeoning planet; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast unsparingly pulverizing each salaciously blood-sucking parasite; outside your terrestrially diminutive bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to unconquerably disseminate the essence of perennially blessing truth to the farthest corner of the Universe; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast perpetuating the heaven of unflinching righteousness into every dastardly beleaguered soul; outside your terrestrially mercurial bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to aristocratically liberate the entire emolliently effulgent earth from the clutches of diabolical slavery; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast wonderfully ameliorating the haplessly tyrannized and gruesomely crying; outside your terrestrially inconspicuous bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to unshakably coalesce the tirelessly proliferating earth in the religion of humanity; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast compassionately embracing every fraternity of religion alike; outside your terrestrially insignificant bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to inexhaustibly run faster than the speed of electric white lightening; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast selflessly transporting every single destitute orphan to the destination of its choice; outside your terrestrially evanescent bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to perpetually embed your footsteps on the paradise of unlimited happiness; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast igniting an uninhibitedly wholehearted smile on the faces of all those unfortunately emaciating; outside your terrestrially tiny bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to undauntedly surpass the richest on this endlessly augmenting Universe; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast symbiotically assimilating the priceless treasures of mother nature; outside your terrestrially clandestine bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to be an astoundingly unparalleled exemplary in every conceivable facet of life; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast diffusing the uniqueness of your blessed creation to every venomously extinguishing; outside your terrestrially cloistered bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to royally chew indomitable rocks of steel; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast mollifying the unsurpassably famished intestines of your stomach with the fruits of divine nature; outside your terrestrially obfuscated bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to pass charismatically unscathed through the most unfathomably blistering of fires; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast blissfully uplifting despairingly terrorized civilization; outside your terrestrially subjugated bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to sight the unbelievably everlasting wonders of this limitless Universe; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast convivially enlightening all those despondently blind; outside your terrestrially sandwiched window .
Just because you weren’t able to magnetically spell bound the indefatigably blossoming planet with the power of your voice; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast timelessly singing for all those inevitably nearing their corpse; outside your terrestrially robotic bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to become the most invincibly towering entity on this mystically sacrosanct earth; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast benevolently protecting the rights of all those hedonistically divested; outside your terrestrially slavering bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to peerlessly write the destiny of this unlimitedly redolent globe; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast sagaciously educating all those treacherously illiterate; outside your terrestrially cornered bedroom window .
Just because you weren’t able to unrestrictedly lead an infinite more lives; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast exhaling a single unabashedly humanitarian breath; outside your terrestrially fugitive bedroom window .
And just because you weren’t able to impregnably acquire every speck of love on this fragrantly jubilant Universe; in your very first go,
Doesn’t stop you from atleast immortally bonding the beats of your heart with a single truthfully vibrant girl; outside your terrestrially small bedroom window
Train your mind in such a way; that whenever it fantasized; it was only a river of altruistically ameliorating goodness; effulgently basking in the amazingly panoramic colors of living kind,
Train your hands in such a way; that whenever they rose; it was only for invincibly defending every fraternity of humanity; and even after they sunk an infinite feet beneath their morbid graves,
Train your lips in such a way; that whenever they handsomely stretched; it was only for disseminating a wave of eternally fructifying happiness; in every dolorously usurped ingredient of the tyrannized atmosphere,
Train your feet in such a way; that whenever they traversed; it was only for pulverizing even the most infinitesimal trace of parasitic diabolism; with the
scepter of blazingly unparalleled righteousness,
Train your stomach in such a way; that whenever it growled; it was only for consuming the propitiously plentiful fruits of everlastingly proliferating mother
nature; without shedding a droplet of cannibalistically macabre blood,
Train your eyes in such a way; that whenever they opened; it was only for sighting God’s incredulously eclectic beauty of creation; gregariously empathizing with every symbiotically breathing living being; celestially alike,
Train your fingers in such a way; that whenever they wrote; it was only the message or irrefutably unconquerable truth; the message of priceless togetherness which touched the hearts of one and all alike,
Train your tongue in such a way; that whenever it unfurled; it was only for singing in holistic synergy with the countless tunes of the timelessly blessing atmosphere; mollifying even the most traumatized of agony with unbelievably ecstatic melody,
Train your shoulders in such a way; that whenever they hoisted; it was only for mitigating boundless devastated urchins from the corpses of hedonistic slavery; to the paradise of compassionately unceasing oneness,
Train your conscience in such a way; that whenever it whispered; it was only for immortalizing the heaven of truth; without the tiniest innuendo of devilishly
decrepit guilt,
Train your eyelashes in such a way; that whenever they winked; it was only for cavorting with their innocuously pristine counterparts; in perfect tandem
with the vivaciously shimmering rays of the Omnipotently orange Sun,
Train your shadow in such a way; that whenever it wafted; it was only for providing unsurpassably bounteous reprieve to the drearily lambasted traveler; for magically restoring the equanimity of lugubriously estranged mankind,
Train your eyebrows in such a way; that whenever they danced; it was only for profoundly enlightening several besieged with gorily cancerous disease; amuse
the tawdrily fretting corridors of monotony to the most unprecedented limits,
Train your ears in such a way; that whenever they sprang; it was only for imbibing the tunes of brilliantly victorious unity; synergistically assimilating every speck of coalescing consanguinity on this earth around,
Train your bones in such a way; that whenever they itched; it was only for endlessly preserving the majestically unfathomable treasures of Lord’s creation; for bonding into a mountain of insuperably philanthropic friendship,
Train your soul in such a way; that whenever it yearned; it was only for being insurmountably magnetized by the exhilaration of sacrosanct existence; culminating into a wind of eternal freshness even after veritable death,
Train your throat in such a way; that whenever it wailed; it was only for beautifully slurping the mists of tantalizing sensuousness; which would keep it magnificently young even as its burial in the dastardly grave,
Train your nostrils in such a way; that whenever they exhaled; it was only for perpetuating a sky of unflinchingly patriotic camaraderie; in every speck of
ghastily barren space on this lecherously deteriorating globe,
But leave the emollient beats of your passionate heart perpetually free; for if you trained them they would learn to manipulate and cheat; while freedom would allow them to spread love; love and only immortal love; as fathomlessly as the Creator had created them to be
Something as sweet as hot chocolate; delectable crusts of cherry pudding strewn bountifully on shoots of fresh green grass,
Something as mystical as the densely foliated jungles; wild outgrowths of rampant creepers scintillating under the tenacious beams of pearly moonlight,
Something as gentle as the cascading waterfall; bursting into a billion droplets of tantalizing froth after nimbly clashing against the cold chain of rocks,
Something as turbulent as the fulminating volcano; sprouting into infinite shades of emerald light,
Wait! Wait! Wait!. You don’t have to visit heaven for all that; for believe me; its all there neatly trapped in your heart!
Something as soft as pure velvet strings dangling merrily in the air; a couch embedded profusely with mesmerizing fluff,
Something as tangy as vivacious ocean salt; the poignant granules of silver sands found in abundance on the silken shores,
Something as opulent as the entire dungeon inundated with shimmering pearls; radiating austerely in the eerie blanket of darkness,
Something as flamboyant as the blistering Sun; blazing its way ferociously through the dolorous doom hovering in every remotely obsolete corner of the earth,
Wait! Wait! Wait! You don’t have to visit heaven for all that; for believe me; its all there passionately wandering in your heart!
Something as colorful as the resplendent rainbow; casting its astoundingly spell binding spell in the colossal sky,
Something as animatedly boisterous as pelting globules of rain; thunderclouds in space engulfed with streaks of crimson lightening,
Something as effusive as a river of sparkling tears gushing down rubicund cheek; basking in the glory of inner most emotions encompassing nostalgic childhood,
Something as invincible as the wall of immortal love; perpetually safe against any hostile attack ever conceivable in this world,
Wait! Wait! Wait! You don’t have to visit heaven for all that; for believe me; its all there swelling cyclonically in your heart!
Something faster than the speed of light; traversing across the globe like infinite bullets whizzing past at a time,
Something more seductive than the most ravishing of fruit; more delicious crusts of honey to gulp and consume,
Something as aromatic as the scarletly robust rose; profusely disseminating its scent with overwhelming equanimity in the dolorously dull wind drifting around,
Something larger than any dimension; richer than any individual; stronger than any evil towering till the cosmos; as sacred as God who evolved the first human;
unsolicitedly harboring all the love that was ever prevalent in this Universe,
Wait! Wait! Wait! You don’t have to visit heaven for all that; for believe me; its all there naturally and blissfully proliferating every second in your heart!
Lets pay a deaf ear to the monotonous society; sing and dance in the aisles of incomprehensible desire,
Lets clamber up the remote hills entirely sequestered from this world; taste the fruits of nature with untamed relish,
Lets swim uninhibitedly in the swirling oceans abreast the dolphins; shrugging off all norms of this mercenary planet,
Lets clear a path of our own through the dense forests; bid adieu forever to this pompously civilized society,
Lets roll in the slippery mud with rampant frenzy; bond our hearts for centuries unfathomable; oblivious from the beats of this spurious township,
Lets speak to our hearts content in the most thunderous of our rustic voices; not perturbed the slightest by the globe's sanctimoniously sophisticated sounds,
Lets gallivant like dreamy philanderers through the glamorous farm fields; leaving the vain adornment and bombastic décor of the city entirely to its own,
Lets stare at each other for hours immemorial; not floundering the tiniest by manipulative citizens collecting currency coins below,
Lets sob effusively in the realms of unsurpassable ecstasy; sharing our joy and wholesomely untouched by the orthodox bickering of this narrow minded society,
Lets perpetually entwine our fingers with each other; stand audaciously to confront the most mightiest challenge of dispersed humanity,
Lets kiss passionately till times greater than infinity; as the conventional world looked dumbfounded and abused us for violating their baseless string of hollow ethics,
Lets stay awake all night admiring the resplendent blanket of stars with our breaths descending compassionately on each other; and the society fast asleep adhering to its worthless set of norms,
Lets keep tirelessly laughing till our jaws ached; enjoying each moment of life bestowed upon us by Almighty lord; while the world outside frantically searched for more avenues of growth and greedy popularity,
Lets walk on our heads upside down relishing the cool air wildly slap past our naked chests; far apart from the society which thought boundless times; even before walking on solid foot,
Lets tear apart food with our immaculate fingers; sip water from the springs with rejuvenated gusto; while the world outside wasted countless hours; lost in a myriad of shimmering forks and spoons,
Lets splash our bodies with garishly striped gypsy paint; while the society sighed in exasperation to find the pretentious cotton of their choice,
Lets suckle our thumbs like new born infants; nostalgically reminiscing memories of our innocent childhood; while the world whispered drearily trying to incessantly replicate Royal tunes,
Lets perch like the boisterous sparrows on escalating treetops; profoundly fantasize about the creation of this mesmerizing Universe; while the society glued itself to insurmountably boring politics on giant television,
Lets sleep by the river side with the waves gently lapping to our toes; while the world stuffed itself under an armory of sheep skin and obnoxiously bulky quilts,
Most importantly lets love each other; locked immortally in the boundaries of invincible romance; no matter what the extraneous world said or did; no matter how brutally we were whipped for not following rules of the society; no matter how pathetically the entire planet ended with man gobbling man on the pretext of religion and entity .
Although I hoisted my hands to emboss the scriptures of tomorrow; incorrigibly taking a pledge to pen down all the mesmerizing beauty of this Universe,
However all I ended up doing was; inundating infinite sheets of paper with her irrefutably sacrosanct name .
Although I opened my lips to sing the most enchanting song on this planet; emulate the mesmerizing nightingale to evolve a river of melodious tunes,
However all I ended up doing was; chanting her virtues till times immemorial; falling in an unrelenting reverie on the ground; with volcano's of her voluptuous grace fulminating at the back of my mind .
Although I pulled my eyes open to wander in boundless directions in this world; explore the most enigmatically swirling fantasies rising handsomely towards the sky,
However all I ended up doing was; riveting them on her dwelling; profusely admiring her sleeping like an celestially innocuous angel under the blanket of resplendently twinkling stars .
Although I opened my mouth to relish the festoon of succulent cherries strewn majestically in the fields; languish in the aisles of untamed desire; after
sipping sparkling stream water,
However all I ended up doing was; chewing my own fingers in profuse anticipation; as I anxiously waited for her stupendously royal shadow to sweep past the contours of my face .
Although I alighted my foot from domains of insurmountable laziness; to trespass through each cranny of this fathomless globe; lead my life to most excitingly unprecedented limits,
However all I ended up doing was; incessantly circle around her house all night and day; trying my best to annihilate even the slightest insinuation of evil lingering in vicinity .
Although I unleashed my ears to hear the fathomless myriad of sounds hovering nimbly in the atmosphere; decipher the intriguing puzzles of mother nature,
However all I ended up doing was; target all my senses profoundly to the cadence of her voice; wholesomely dedicate each birth of mine to every word she uttered .
Although I unveiled my mind to tackle the most mystical battles offered by pragmatic life; coin solutions to the inexorably inexplicable problems loitering around,
However all I ended up doing was; dreaming about her euphorically boisterous countenance till decades unfathomable; entwine myself in mind; body and soul
with her immortal spirit .
Although I ripped apart my heart; trying to share all its philanthropic goodness with each organism created in harmonious unison by the Almighty Creator,
However all I ended up doing was; incarcerate her divinely image in for times beyond existence in each of its thunderous beat .
And although I unfurled my breath in passionate exultation to lead each instant of destined life; persevere to the most astronomical heights; to achieve the ambitions of my holistic survival,
However all I ended up doing was; surrendering in wholesome entirety to her impeccably heavenly feet; remaining her slave; her admirer; her lover; for countless more births yet to come .
Both of us were born only to play with each other, uninhibitedly philander in the aisles of timeless beauty and insatiable desire; behind the honey soaked meadows of the eternal hills,
Both of us were born only to discover each other; unrelentingly bond ourselves in the mists of untamed sensuousness; as tumblers of torrentially golden rain pelted mystically from the fathomless sky,
Both of us were born only to caress each other; intransigently envelop our nimbly shivering bodies with the winds of perennially augmenting passion; seductively arouse the most morbidly deadened pores of my crimson skin,
Both of us were born only to admire each other; stoop down in due adulation of God’s most ravishingly blessed creation; perpetually surging ahead in life under the carpet of golden sunshine,
Both of us were born only to share with each other; amicably exploring all the versatility hidden in our benign souls; ubiquitously disseminating the same to even the most obliviously remote corner of this gigantic Universe,
Both of us were born only to wink at each other; mischievously reminisce the most gloriously cherished memories of our blissful childhood; timelessly gallivant through the aisles of innocently unlimited fantasy,
Both of us were born only to surge forward with each other; triumphantly conquer every obstacle that came our way; to escalate to the summits of philanthropically benevolent success,
Both of us were born only to feed each other; synergistically replenishing our diminutive conscience’s; with the fruits of irrefutable truth and heavenly timelessness,
Both of us were born only to support each other; impregnably unite in the waves of unassailable solidarity; to scrap even the tiniest trace of invidiously evil from the trajectory of this fathomless earth,
Both of us were born only to inspire each other; spawn a civilization of celestial goodness on every step that we tread; diffuse our unsurpassable repertoire of
humanity; to all those disparagingly depraved of jubilant happiness,
Both of us were born only to glorify each other; weave an entrenchment of exotically voluptuous beauty; on even the most infinitesimally disappearing speck of solitude; that confronted us in our ebullient way,
Both of us were born only to defend each other; stand as an invincibly towering fortress in the face of even the most devastatingly crippling disaster; to sequester all innocent humanity from the hands of the vicious devil,
Both of us were born only to listen to each other; bask full throttle in the glory of melodiously enchanting sound; innocuously assimilate even the most minutest cadence of euphoria; from the ingratiatingly Omnipotent atmosphere,
Both of us were born only to embrace each other; interlock our bodies in the sacrosanct swirl of unending passion; to spawn a freshly optimistic tomorrow; with our very own scarlet blood,
Both of us were born only to stare at each other; marvelously decipher the infinite labyrinths of seductive enthrallment; that sprouted bloomingly from the inner most arenas of our heart and soul,
Both of us were born only to kiss each other; perennially intermingle our lips in the handsome fire of an everlasting relationship; profuse devour the sweetness of beautifully resplendent creation,
Both of us were born only to fantasize of each other; unfathomably perceiving the most exotically enamoring ingredients of blessed creation; transpiring the world to coalesce forever; into the religion of priceless humanity,
Both of us were born only to breathe with each other; majestically exhaling and inhaling ecstatic air together; to humbly proliferate a sea of humanitarian empathy; on every quarter of the globe besieged with tyrannically uncouth commercialism,
And both of us were born only to love each other; immortally bond the beats of our tirelessly beating hearts in the winds of unshakable passion and enigma; till the last moment we lived; and infinite more births yet to come .
Every wall of this house stabbed me like a million scorpions; venomously crippling each fountain of my exquisitely bountiful thought,
Every stair of this house made me stagger like a boundless matchsticks; uncouthly pulverizing me at every step; for ostensibly no fault of mine,
Every nail of this house pierced me brutally like the corridors of hell; unrelentingly permeating deeper and deeper into my satiny flesh; playing a sadistically gory game with my disastrously wailing nerves,
Every space of this house devilishly stared at me for times immemorial; savagely lambasting every cranny of my drearily wasting persona; with remorsefully satanic
Every picture of this house thrashed me unsparingly like a salaciously ghoulish ghost; vindictively scaring even the most infinitesimal wisps of daylight; from every bone of my shivering countenance,
Every web of this house gruesomely diseased me; lethally incarcerating even the most blissful of my energies; in a corpse of forlorn oblivion and nothingness,
Every window of this house abhorrently spewed shards of vengeful glass into my eyes; profusely staining even the most inconspicuous element of my persona; with unfathomable oceans of savage blood,
Every mirror of this house reflected a billion witches to me; ghastily inundating my impeccable soul with the; traumatically tyrannized cry of the insidious devil,
Every dust particle of this house lecherously tainted my visage forever; ominously drowning each speck of benign goodness embedded in my conscience; in the sea of coldblooded murder,
Every droplet of water in this house demonically blinded my eyes; metamorphosed me into a pool of sardonically fulminating acid; the very instant that I consumed even a fraction of it,
Every dungeon of this house barbarically imprisoned me for countless more births to unveil; murderously slashing my wrists and fingers; of their magnificently spell binding artistry,
Every tap of this house barked a volley of incoherently mortifying abuse at my righteous flesh; incessantly drifting me towards the world of bawdy raunchiness; a prison of preposterously empty skeletons and parasitic mice,
Every brick of this house horrendously squelched my innocent toes; viciously raining like a thunderbolt of endless anguish upon my senses; on every step that I trespassed ahead,
Every watch of this house vengefully threatened me with its deafening sound; as its series of tick-tocks devilishly augmented by the unfurling minute; to acridly blast even the most sensitively immaculate arenas of my eardrums,
Every curtain of this house perniciously asphyxiated me in the heart of the precariously ungainly midnight; choking even the remotest traces of humility from my demeanor; to eventually sleep with the naked crabs,
Every echo of this house indiscriminately stripped me of all my robust flesh; feasting on my gorily barren skeleton; with its teeth of dolorously debilitating doom,
Every rail of this house perennially whipped me on my silken backside; tormenting even the most holistic ingredients in my blood; to ultimately surrender to the commands of the lecherously gleaming devil,
Every thread of this house slit my throat into a countless strands of mangled flesh and bone; even before I could utter my last prayer; whisper the slightest of passionate sound,
Every currency coin in this house slit me apart into an infinite pieces of worthless shit; making it hard for the commoner to discern; between my grotesque carcass and the meat of the stinking pigs,
And believe me; this was the same house in which I had lived all my life like a priceless prince innocuously blending my soul with God and the panoramic winds of Mother nature; while today the same haunted me worse than my veritable corpse; as it lay empty without my beloved .
There was no greater slave of your piquantly mesmerizing eyes; than my impoverished eyeballs; unrelentingly seeking your poignantly charismatic and
compassionate stares,
There was no greater slave of your voluptuously seductive lips; than the contours of my fervently anticipating face; ardently desiring to witness you blossom into an unfathomable festoon of everlasting smiles; all day and morbid night,
There was no greater slave of your ravishingly silken hair; than the eclectically cogitating periphery of my scalp; incorrigibly wanting to possess your sensuously magical swish; for times and decades immemorial,
There was no greater slave of your ingratiatingly titillating footsteps; than my every growing bohemian footprints; intractably waiting to be perpetually blessed by your majestically spell binding countenance,
There was no greater slave of your stupendously magnificent voice; than my overwhelmingly parched mouth; intransigently slavering till realms beyond the
eternal heavens; for your exotically marvelous melody,
There was no greater slave of your beautifully pristine fingers; than my insatiably penurious palms; irrevocably yearning to clasp them royal softness forever; and for infinite more births yet to come,
There was no greater slave of your tantalizingly enamoring belly; than my tumultuously starved stomach; irretrievably desiring to be brushed by your ravishingly enthralling fire; in the heart of the resplendent night,
There was no greater slave of your impeccably irrefutable honesty; than my manipulatively besieged conscience; unequivocally waiting for your ideals of
philanthropic humanity; to invincibly enshroud it from all sides,
There was no greater slave of your regally aristocratic neck; than my swelteringly dying throat; profoundly waiting to be turbulently smooched by the same; even as hell rained viciously from the fathomless sky,
There was no greater slave of your immaculately rhapsodic ears; than my uncontrollably trembling teeth; relentlessly longing to harmoniously nibble
your lobes; under the waterfalls of untamed excitement,
There was no greater slave of your poignantly scarlet blood; than my despairingly bereaved veins; incessantly wanting to upreme with your principles of mankind; your ideals of simplistically symbiotic existence,
There was no greater slave of your marvelously golden sweat; than my hungrily groping armpits; indefatigably anticipating your fountain of fragrant perseverance; to bless its languid contours,
There was no greater slave of your vibrantly ebullient shadow; than my frantically trembling silhouette; timelessly waiting to wholesomely blend with your entrenchment of divinely sparkling righteousness,
There was no greater slave of your boisterously charming vibrancy; than my desolately wandering soul; incorrigibly yearning to profusely assimilate its impregnable fortitude; to unflinchingly confront even the most horrendous of impediment that came my way,
There was no greater slave of your profoundly mesmerizing blushing; than my turbulently bubbling cheeks; unsurpassably longing to be kissed for marathon fortnights on the trot; with the twinkling moon romantically dipping upon the kingly evening,
There was no greater slave of your astoundingly exhilarating versatility; than my restlessly drifting waves of excitement; unstoppably wishing to be passionately embedded by your priceless
dexterity; on every path that I tread,
There was no greater slave of your unconquerably ecstatic magnetism; than my monotonously drubbing survival; endlessly longing for your integrally glorious shades of your uninhibited amiability,
There was no greater slave of your vivaciously vivid breath; than my hopelessly orphaned nostrils; tirelessly wanting to be unassailably encapsulated by its Omnipotent aura; to unitedly metamorphose the complexion of this disdainfully dithering planet,
And there was no greater slave of your immortally Omnipresent love; than my uxoriously throbbing heart; perennially yearning to bond with your formidable
reservoir of humanitarian relationship; perennially longing to unite as a single spirit with your humbly benign countenance .
The roots unrelentingly wanted to impress the fertile cocoons of chocolate brown soil; by embedding themselves to astronomical limits; and as deep as possible,
The flowers profusely wanted to impress the tranquilly splendid atmosphere; by disseminating their marvelously majestic scent; to even the most fathomless quarters of this colossal Universe,
The squirrels profoundly wanted to impress the boisterously swirling tree trunks; by vivaciously gallivanting through their sensuous labyrinth of roots and tendrils; as the Sun blazed full throttle in the firmament of fathomless sky,
The crocodiles relentlessly wanted to impress the wildly swampy marshes; by menacingly slithering in them under the sinister winds of midnight; fervently
waiting with a glint of diabolism in their eyes; to pulverize innocuous prey into an infinite pieces,
The dew drops ardently wanted to impress the frolicking grass blades; by compassionately caressing their lush green stalks; fantasizing and romancing on
their bodies for times immemorial,
The clouds endlessly wanted to impress parched granules of scorchingly sweltering soil; by indefatigably culminating into an exquisite festoon of unstoppable rain; pelting the most fructifying blessings of the creator; in bountiful abundance,
The mice incorrigibly wanted to impress the hungrily prowling cat; by obediently scratching its irascibly unruly and fidgety skin; while it snored till beyond the realms; of scintillating paradise,
The fish intransigently wanted to impress the ravishingly undulating oceans; by jubilantly leaping up in astoundingly mesmerizing tandem with the tantalizing froth; rhetorically weaving its way ahead as the stars shone enchantingly in the
resplendent sky,
The termites mightily wanted to impress the lackadaisically withering bones; by biting uninhibitedly through their deathly carcass; smacking their lips thereafter after the stupendously relishing meal,
The Sun perpetually wanted to impress the boundless entrenchment of mystical sky; by fulminating into a poignant fireball of blistering shine at the first crack of dawn; majestically enlightening all horrendously bereaved in vicinity; with the unsurpassable aristocracy in its golden rays,
The prince perennially wanted to impress the royally grandiloquent and exotically embellished castle; by irrefutably emanating the tunes of irrefutable righteousness from his bedazzling throne; dispensing justice to the poor and unassailably rich; from the realms of his chamber; alike,
The mirror unbelievably wanted to impress its discerningly staring beholder; by always portraying his most stringently candid reflection; depicting to him his most explicitly precise measure; of robust weight and towering height,
The gun irretrievably wanted to impress the diabolically satanic devil; by uncouthly permeating through innocent flesh; barbarically ripping apart life forever from the chest; at the tiniest insinuation of releasing the trigger,
The birds timelessly wanted to impress the exuberantly magnificent atmosphere; by handsomely soaring through the winds of happiness; gregariously embracing the air in the spell binding carpet of its flight,
The cow bountifully wanted to impress the empty pail; by inundating its pathetically barren periphery with gallons of rejuvenating milk; imparting it with the most sacrosanct elixir to holistically lead life,
The Moon invincibly wanted to impress the sultry blackness of the ghastly night; with its unassailably priceless beams of serene light; uniting one and all alike; in the unconquerable aura of equanimity,
The soldiers impregnably wanted to impress the beleaguered rudiments of their imprisoned motherland; by triumphantly blazing into the rainbow of victory everytime they fought; eternally freeing the soil with the sacred blood of their valiant martyrdom,
The breath incessantly wanted to impress the heavenly bifurcating nostril; by inhaling and exhaling out a countless times each day and as the faintest traces of light submerged with the gruesome night; providing the most tenacious resilience to the gloomy corpses of death,
And my heart passionately wanted to impress the beats of its immortal beloved; with the most beautifully seductive rays of sharing; caring; with the most supreme endowment from the heavens; called LOVE; LOVE AND GODLY LOVE .
22. CAPS
When I wore a cap of profusely lambasted eggs; all that my brain could ever envisage; was pathetically strangulated and disgustingly sullen boredom,
When I wore a cap of ravishingly seductive lotus; all that my brain could ever conceive; was exotically voluptuous fragrance; sensuously flirting in the aisles of untamed desire; for times immemorial,
When I wore a cap of gorily squelched thorns; all that my brain could ever perceive; was brutally acrimonious disaster; with my entire countenance perennially enshrouded by vindictive cloudbursts of vengeful war,
When I wore a cap of disdainfully pulverized butter; all that my brain could ever contemplate; was miserably horrendous grease; my entire visage trembling in a pool of lividly despicable frustration,
When I wore a cap of profoundly scintillating pearls; all that my brain could ever imagine; was dancing in the corridors of everlasting prosperity; with aristocratically nubile maidens of my choice,
When I wore a cap of ravishingly rudimentary mud; all that my brain could ever visualize; was patriotically surging ahead to blissfully free my savagely
incarcerated and sacrosanct motherland,
When I wore a cap of beautifully mesmerizing silk; all that my brain could ever comprehend; was a timelessly sensuous entrenchment of enchanting fairies; the
angels of seductive romance forever casting a spell binding spell,
When I wore a cap of daintily rhetoric nightingale feather; all that my brain could ever cogitate; was a stupendously enthralling gorge of celestially placating sounds; divinely blessing each of my tumultuously frazzled senses,
When I wore a cap of unfathomably eternal dewdrops; all that my brain could ever ponder; was a wonderfully majestic civilization of impregnably united harmony; a blending of all goodness into the religion of mankind,
When I wore a cap of disgustingly decaying mushrooms; all that my brain could ever ruminate; was mercurial fractions of ungainly obsolescence; the lackadaisically morbid stones strewn laggardly on the dusty ground,
When I wore a cap of boisterously buzzing and rampant honey bees; all that my brain could ever wonder; was holistically vibrant sweetness; the astounding kaleidoscope of vivacious colors in marvelous life,
When I wore a cap of hi-tech and overwhelmingly contemporary computer microchips; all that my brain could ever fantasize; was aliens descending in torrential frenzy from fathomless carpets of space; to extraordinary metamorphose the complexion of this; ludicrously dull planet,
When I wore a cap of poignantly tangy lemons; all that my brain could ever dream; was intrepidly swimming through the heart of the ecstatically choppy sea; thunderously feasting every bedraggled pore of my anguished skin; with the flamboyant shimmer of the midday Sun,
When I wore a cap of mystically slithering snakes; all that my brain could ever think; was lethally venomous danger indefatigably encircling my penurious life; an inscrutable grandeur that sent a chill to even the last bone down my naked spine,
When I wore a cap of sordidly ominous charcoal; all that my brain could ever hypothesize; was abominably faltering dirt; a dungeon of despondently treacherous blackness; drifting me towards the aisles of gruesome nothingness,
When I wore a cap of irrefutably unassailable and priceless truth; all that my brain could ever romanticize; was unconquerably glittering triumph; an unsurpassable urge to ardently exist with infinite more innocuous of mind; for centuries immemorial,
When I wore a cap of pricelessly benevolent solidarity; all that my brain could ever believe; was that there was no strength greater than the fortress of celestially amalgamated humanity; which confronted even the most tyrannically uncouth of impediments; with the grace of a victoriously brandishing prince,
When I wore a cap of exuberantly exhilarating air; all that my brain could ever feel; was that the chapter of life perpetually proliferating upon this boundless planet; the royally Omnipotent desire to forever live; and let live,
And when I wore a cap of my immortally sacred beloved; all that my brain could ever think; was the perennially Omnipresent garden of amiable sharing; the most invincible element of creation; called timeless love .
23. 2 HEARTS
Just because 2 scarlet clouds clashed vehemently with each other in the firmament of fathomless sky; doesn’t inevitably apply; that torrential cloudbursts of rain would pelt down in ferocious tandem; left; right and center,
Just because 2 exotically fragrant roses kissed each other under dazzling rays of the Sun and exuberant breeze; doesn’t inevitably apply; that even the most remotest cranny of gigantically colossal Universe; was besieged with profusely overpowering scent,
Just because 2 crimson skins poignantly intermingled with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that all disdainful discrimination round the earth; uninhibitedly mélanges with the religion of humanity,
Just because 2 virile seeds romantically juxtaposed with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that every cranny of the famished earth; would blossom into perennial prosperity and unassailable happiness,
Just because 2 undulating waves ebulliently swirled with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that unfathomable fireballs of piquant salt; ubiquitously sprinkled across all disastrously beleaguered quarters of this endless Universe,
Just because 2 fervent helmets crashed with unsurpassable ardor with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that sparks of boundless euphoria flew upon every lackadaisical corner; of the discordantly wailing graveyard,
Just because 2 frigid avalanches of ice beautifully caressed each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that ever iota of acrimoniously sweltering heat; metamorphosed into a astoundingly placated goodness,
Just because 2 philanthropic palms impregnably united in threads of profound martyrdom; doesn’t inevitably apply; that all barbaric bloodshed on this manipulatively savage planet; transforms into symbiotically glittering harmony,
Just because 2 impeccable eyes indefatigably stared at each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that tumultuous thunderbolts of insatiable compassion; are generated in every morbidly solitary corpse; of the pugnaciously stinking graveyard,
Just because 2 rhapsodic rivers amicably merged with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that all murderously fighting tribes across the planet; bountifully coalesced into strings of perpetually sparkling humanity,
Just because 2 flaming rays intractably adhered to each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that every pathetically tyrannized speck of blackness on this astronomically incomprehensible earth; would convert into spell binding light and righteousness,
Just because 2 ecstatic voices unflinchingly merged with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that even the most obliviously sordid bout of despondent silence; culminates into ardently awe inspiring and melodiously enchanting artistry,
Just because 2 resplendently shimmering pearls bounced against each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that even the most ghastliest of sinister darkness; is perennially illuminated with majestically scintillating shine,
Just because 2 intriguingly intrepid brains amalgamated with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that every stagnating curtain of disastrously vengeful gloom on this globe; fulminates into a mountain of invincible freshness,
Just because 2 colossal treasuries chivalrously mixed with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that all abominably crippling poverty in the savagely lambasted atmosphere; culminated into a paradise of gorgeously blazing enthrallment,
Just because 2 humanitarian streams of enthusiastic blood blended with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that all horrendously racial discrimination and parasites on the globe; would incredulously foster the principles of eternal mankind,
Just because 2 volatile bits of truth rhetorically shook hands with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that even the most salaciously bereaved conscience’s on monotonously diabolical soil; blossomed into irrefutably sacrosanct islands of benevolence,
Just because 2 ingratiating pools of breath synergistically bonded with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that even the most devilishly diseased of organisms; perpetually continued to exist for centuries immemorial,
But Just because 2 passionately palpitating hearts immortally entrenched in the fireball of unending togetherness; it does inevitably apply; that all dastardly cowardliness on this earth comes to an abrupt end; all ominously bad is eventually decimated by the Omnipotent light of love; love and only unconquerable love .
It was a day; when even the most pathetically blowing and orphaned winds; seemed like compassionately glorious tornado’s of unending excitement,
It was a day; when even the most insidiously ghastly gutters; seemed like the voluptuously blossoming roses; of unbelievably unsurpassable exhilaration,
It was a day; when even the most lackadaisically morbid of stones; seemed to be bouncing in vivacious freshness; towards the fathomlessly crimson carpets of
brilliant sky,
It was a day; when even the most despairingly gloomy dungeons; seemed like the blazingly scintillating and fragrant walls; of eternal paradise,
It was a day; when even the most frigidly frozen avalanches of brutal ice; seemed like majestically compassionate fireballs of handsomely comforting light,
It was a day; when even the most maniacal bouts of inexplicable frustration; seemed like rhapsodically jubilant and poignant happiness,
It was a day; when even the most torrentially bombing cloudbursts of insanity; seemed like a gregariously innocuous towel of ever-pervading humanity,
It was a day; when even the most despondently despicable of failures; seemed like irrefutably triumphant winds of a flamboyantly indomitable victory,
It was a day; when even the most painstaking boring and invidious hours of the acrimoniously sweltering day; seemed like the most exuberantly gorgeous moments of princely existence,
It was a day; when even the most horrendously distorted faces of ungainly disdain; seemed like a grandiloquently seductive princess; philandering ebulliently in the aisles of unprecedented desire,
It was a day; when even the most perilously baffling enigmas of salaciously uncouth survival; seemed to be the most dexterously rhetoric solutions; wholesomely metamorphosing the complexion of sordidly dull mankind,
It was a day; when even the most acerbically intolerable of gory maladies; seemed like unassailable panacea’s to holistically uplift; all tyrannically divested and crippling mankind,
It was a day; when even the most horrifically disgusting maelstrom of blatant lies; seemed to be like the marvelously Omnipresent sword of unconquerable truth,
It was a day; when even the most conventionally lambasting fraternity of the turgidly manipulative society; seemed like enchantingly magnanimous patrons of; insatiably intrepid artistry,
It was a day; when even the most irascibly coldblooded monsters indiscriminately pulverizing around; seemed like poignantly mesmerizing angels; having just descended from the sky,
It was a day; when even the most diabolically austere predictions of an unwanted catastrophe; seemed like an unsurpassable showering of blessings from the lap
of the Creator Divine,
It was a day; when even the most lugubriously dithering and delinquent snails; seemed like ecstatically galloping martyrs of vividly enamoring patriotism,
It was a day; when even the most perfidiously obnoxious anecdotes of betrayal; seemed like perennial entrenchments of blissfully emphatic sharing and relationships,
It was a day; when even the most sullenly withering and mutilated bones; seemed like vivaciously resplendent colors of the heavenly rainbow; amidst the flamingly mystical beams of cloud and Sun,
It was a day; when even the most sardonically ghastly vials of lethally devastating poison; seemed like profusely chivalrous and mouthwatering bars of supreme chocolate,
It was a day; when even the most brutally shattered and rusty glass; seemed like the most splendidly gorgeous portrayal of harmoniously opalescent mankind,
It was a day; when even the most stonily disastrous and vindictively remorseful corpses; seemed like an incomprehensibly piquant valley of pricelessly aristocratic life,
It was a day; when even the most barbarically penalizing destiny; seemed like the most invincibly ultimate endowments from the Lord divine,
O! Yes it was unequivocally the most beautifully fragrant day of our lives; it was a day when we first came to know each other only to unite as an impregnable spirit for infinite more births yet to come; it was a day when even the most belligerent of badness had transformed into the vital elixir of life for us; O! yes it was a day when we had fallen passionately in love .
When I remember you; I always look at the scintillating Sun; as it was in its profoundly blazing rays; that I irrefutably sighted your wonderfully Omnipotent eyes; empathizing with all humanity,
When I remember you; I always look at the vivaciously exhilarating rainbow; as it was in its intriguingly spell binding vivacity; that I irrefutably sighted your robustly princely facial contours,
When I remember you; I always look at the resplendently twinkling stars; as it was in their exotically seductive shimmer; that I irrefutably sighted your philanthropically smiling lips,
When I remember you; I always look at the timelessly evergreen meadows; as it was in their mystically exuberant dewdrops; that I irrefutably sighted your handsomely impeccable skin,
When I remember you; I always look at the enthrallingly fathomless skies; as it was in their boundlessly bountiful vastness; that I irrefutably sighted your invincibly Omnipotent form,
When I remember you; I always look at the ravishingly ebullient ocean; as it was in its tantalizingly frothy waves; that I irrefutably sighted your spirit of intrepidly magical adventure,
When I remember you; I always look at the vividly rustling breeze; as it was in its euphorically unsurpassable enthusiasm; that I irrefutably sighted your miraculously enlightening touch,
When I remember you; I always look at the unassailably towering mountains; as it was in their indomitably scintillating peaks; that I irrefutably sighted your fearlessly Omniscient stride,
When I remember you; I always look at the freshly born and innocuous infant; as it was in its incredulously impeccable wails; that I irrefutably sighted your perennially unending chapter; of blissfully timeless creation,
When I remember you; I always look at the torrentially rhapsodic rain; as it was in its perpetually endowing beauty; that I irrefutably sighted your magnanimously unprecedented blessings to one and all; living kind,
When I remember you; I always look at the ecstatically unfathomable gorge; as it was in its celestially endless enchantment; that I irrefutably sighted your Omnisciently blessing shadow,
When I remember you; I always look at the marvelously majestic fireball of truth; as it was in its unconquerably fragrant ardor; that I irrefutably sighted your benevolently princely voice,
When I remember you; I always look at the vividly bustling beehive of life; as it was in its melodiously harmonious sweetness; that I irrefutably sighted your impregnable demeanor enveloped with the scent of priceless humanity,
When I remember you; I always look at the beautifully mesmerizing roses; as it was in their stupendously righteous and triumphant scent; that I irrefutably sighted your majestically Omnipresent aura; for times immemorial,
When I remember you; I always look at the heavenly sapphire crested nightingale; as it was in its unbelievably benign and soothing voice; that I irrefutably sighted your gloriously Omnipotent and unparalleled artistry,
When I remember you; I always look at the godly cradle of uninhibited forgiveness; as it was in its divinely virtue to condone all inadvertently wrong; that I irrefutably sighted your holistically everlasting soul,
When I remember you; I always look at the sprouting of the eternally romantic seasons; as it was in their astoundingly rejuvenating newness; that I irrefutably
sighted your insurmountably tireless elements of symbiotic creation,
When I remember you; I always look at the unlimited infernos of compassionately eclectic breath; as it was in their poignantly unshakable vibrancy; that I irrefutably sighted your astonishingly divine chapter of perpetual proliferation,
And when I remember you; I always look at the victoriously throbbing heart; as it was in its ardently immortal beats of love; that I irrefutably sighted your ingratiating persona; it was in its formidable passion that I sighted your wonderfully revolving Universe .
The acrimoniously sweltering sands of the blistering desert; were perpetually thirsty for; unfathomably sparkling tumblers; of heavenly rain water,
The somberly drying stalks of obsoletely dilapidated grass; were intransigently thirsty for; a vivacious kaleidoscope; of resplendently twinkling dewdrops,
The sardonically corrugated and rotting walls of the disastrous graveyard; were insatiably thirsty for; an unsurpassably vibrant entrenchment; of perennially blossoming life,
The pathetically sullen stillness of the murderously quiet valley; was irrevocably thirsty for; an ebulliently mesmerizing cloud; of melodiously enchanting whistles,
The ludicrously scattered and orphaned nestles of the solitarily empty nest; were profusely thirsty for; an impeccable festoon; of compassionately innocuous eggs,
The diabolically worthless skeletons of bizarrely insipid bones; were relentlessly thirsty for; a veritably vital blanket; of crimson blood and boisterous life,
The preposterously gloomy and insidious dungeons; were profoundly thirsty for; an incomprehensibly endless sky; of celestially optimistic light,
The placidly derogatory surface of the lugubriously stagnant pond; was irretrievably thirsty for; an exuberantly enthusing splash; of ravishingly sparkling waves,
The mercilessly thrashed and hopelessly abraded palms; were ardently thirsty for; a marvelously royal globe; of inscrutably magnificent destiny lines,
The ominous periphery of the cloud camouflaged sky; was fervently thirsty for; a glitteringly crystalline garden; of opalescently beaming and amicable stars,
The miserably dusty attic horrendously besieged with sinister cobwebs; was indefatigably thirsty for; an aristocratically blooming civilization; of ubiquitously unending freshness,
The abominably fretting and horrifically stinking gutters; were tirelessly thirsty for; rhapsodically euphoric galleries; of ecstatically jubilant scent,
The languidly indolent and preposterously slow tortoise; were unimaginably thirsty for; tumultuously triumphant thunderbolts; of ebulliently galloping speed,
The desolately neglected and gruesomely corrugated roads; were intractably
greedy for; rambunctiously bustling pyrotechnics; of flamboyantly gallivanting traffic,
The tyrannically whipped contours of haplessly bruised flesh; were unfathomably thirsty for; compassionately silken waterfalls; of priceless empathy and love,
The miserably devastated corridors of the uncouthly bedraggled brain; were
unconquerably thirsty for; enthrallingly spell binding clouds; of tantalizingly serene fantasy,
The ruthlessly frozen avalanches of stringently condensed ice; were incorrigibly thirsty for; passionately overwhelming fireballs; of blazingly sparkling heat,
The gorily mutilated and savagely punctured lungs; were unstoppably thirsty for; an everlastingly evergreen garden; of exotically enamoring and evolving breath,
The salaciously corrupt and manipulatively treacherous corpses of lies; were
irrefutably thirsty for; a tenaciously unflinching and philanthropic; harbinger of truth,
And the dormitories of my despondently impoverished heart; were unsurpassably thirsty for; the invincibly divine mists; of brilliantly pacifying and immortal love .
When we first met under blazing rays of the Afternoon Sun; you should have seen the ardently unsurpassable fire in our eyes,
Which was so invincible that it became intransigently impossible for the most thunderous of whipping squall; to make even the slightest of indentation; upon our compassionately uninhibited swirl .
When we first met in the romantically philandering lanes of the mystical forest; you should have seen the insatiably unflinching smile on our lips,
Which was so unassailable that it became irrevocably impossible; for the most diabolical of misery; to invidiously infiltrate even the tiniest; into our entrenchment of perennial jubilation .
When we first met on the scintillatingly pristine sea shores; you should have seen the spell binding river of ecstasy on our bountiful flesh,
Which was so unfathomable that it became incorrigibly impossible; for the most horrendous of abhorrent boredom; to sulk even a capricious whisker; into our
sky of eternal romance .
When we first met under the resplendently enamoring and beaming Moon; you should have seen the virgin innocence on our innocuously robust cheeks,
Which was so impregnable that it became irrefutably impossible; for even the most treacherously savage manipulation; to cast even a diminutive fraction of its lecherous spell; upon our perpetually impeccable enthrallment .
When we first met in the inscrutably tingling meadows of grass; you should have seen the spell binding mysticism encapsulated profoundly in our ravishing palms,
Which was so bountiful that it became irretrievably impossible for the most monotonously murderous parasites; to permeate even an infinitesimal speck; into our streams of celestially bonded blood .
When we first met under the vivaciously dancing rainbows; you should have seen the contours of heavenly newness on our impoverished faces,
Which were so blissfully revolutionary that it became dogmatically impossible for the most dilapidated dungeons of stagnation; to hover even a ludicrously remote fraction; over our fortress of unconquerable solidarity .
When we first met in the playgrounds of rhapsodically frolicking college; you should have seen the ardently crimson blushes on our majestic cheeks,
Which were so poignant that it became unimaginably impossible for the most satanic cisterns of gory bloodshed; to pry even a pathetically minuscule iota; around our cloud of ever augmenting and timeless camaraderie .
When we first met on the boisterously bustling road; you should have seen the stupendously magical infatuation in our magnetically exhaling gasps,
Which was so royal that it became incomprehensibly impossible for the most sinister spirits of ghastly corruption; to even infiltrate a sleazily parsimonious inch; into our web of everlastingly golden relationship .
And when we first met in our delectably new born cradles standing face to face; you should have seen the immortally unending love in our hearts,
Which was so perpetual that it became unrelentingly impossible for the most insidiously coldblooded chapters of cowardly death; to sprinkle even a frigidly negligible portion of its blackness; upon our life; which had united for infinite more births yet to unveil and by the grace of God; as FOREVER AND
I’ll keep trying hard; incessantly and till the time; the last iota of crimson blood incarcerated within my poignant veins; doesn’t dry beyond the aisles of infinitesimal nothingness,
I’ll keep trying hard; relentlessly and till the time; the last bone down my tenaciously lanky spine; doesn’t fatigue beyond the corridors of irrevocable hopelessness,
I’ll keep trying hard; indefatigably and till time; the last line of destiny on my brazenly intrepid palms; doesn’t abrade into the dormitories of wholesomely bizarre extinction,
I’ll keep trying hard; insatiably and till the time; the last muscle of my patriotically unassailable shoulders; doesn’t blend completely with threadbare mud,
I’ll keep trying hard; unrelentingly and till the time; the last hair of my overwhelmingly glistening scalp; doesn’t wither into inconspicuous wisps of
insipid oblivion,
I’ll keep trying hard; intransigently and till the time; the last tooth of my overwhelmingly formidable jaws; doesn’t crumble into horrendously barbaric
I’ll keep trying hard; irrefutably and till the time; the last strand of my unflinchingly intrepid flesh; doesn’t vanish into realms of horrific banishment,
I’ll keep trying hard; intransigently and till the time; the last smile of my charismatically bountiful lips; doesn’t stutter towards an inexplicably gory end,
I’ll keep trying hard; tirelessly and till the time; the last globule of empathy of my resplendently fearless eyes; doesn’t fully evaporate into ungainly tornado’s of nothingness,
I’ll keep trying hard; incorrigibly and till the time; the last blush of my robustly scarlet cheeks; doesn’t fade with the winds of obsoletely despicable dilapidation,
I’ll keep trying hard; unfathomably and till the time; the last fringe of my valiantly intriguing eyelashes; doesn’t plummet down in infuriated exasperation; to coalesce with the soggy ponds of slush on muddy ground,
I’ll keep trying hard; irretrievably and till the time; the last iota of my piquantly galloping shadow; doesn’t juxtapose into worthlessly baseless dust; with the treacherously Ominous descent of sinister midnight,
I’ll keep trying hard; euphorically and till the time; the last whisper down my philanthropically scintillating throat; doesn’t stifle to a timidly capricious mellow; eventually transposing with dungeons of disdain,
I’ll keep trying hard; unendingly and till the time; the last morsel of enthusiasm in my vivaciously bouncing caricature; doesn’t inevitably snap into pernicious rivers of painstaking perspiration,
I’ll keep trying hard; irrevocably and till the time; the last ingredient of profusely aristocratic artistry in my fingers; doesn’t disappear into disgustingly insane lunatism,
I’ll keep trying hard; unfettered and till the time; the last maneuver of my rhetorically swirling neck; doesn’t embed itself for times immemorial; beneath the grave of ludicrously mocking desperation,
I’ll keep trying hard; unconquerably and till the time; the last speck of gloriously sparkling truth in my conscience; doesn’t assassinate into countless pieces
of derogatorily pulverized ash,
I’ll keep trying hard; unassailably and till the time; the last millimeter of breath in my emphatically inhaling lungs; doesn’t drain out at the order of the Creator; to perpetually abdicate life,
And I’ll keep trying hard; immortally and till the time; the last beat of my passionately palpitating heart; doesn’t succumb to the viciously malevolent whirlpools of betrayal; to the hands of the barbarically pulverizing devil .
The instant you blended every iota of your crimson blood forever with hers; melanging each element of your pricelessly benevolent goodness with her enchantingly sacred spirit,
The instant you coalesced every puff of your passionate breath forever with hers; beautifully bonding the vibrantly vivacious elixir of your existence with her majestic stride,
The instant you intertwined each of your philanthropic fingers forever with hers; unflinchingly clasping her nubile visage irrespective of the most truculently hedonistic of storm,
The instant you intermingled each contour of your tantalizing shadow forever with hers; harmoniously letting unfathomable shades of your magnetic artistry become the perpetual embellishment of her magnificent eyes,
The instant you mixed every regale emotion of your glorious existence forever with hers; altruistically persevering with her at every step that she tread; although the earth slipped completely from under your feet a countless times,
The instant you transposed every rhythm of your fantastically mellifluous voice with hers; unitedly becoming the tenacity of all tumultuously aggrieved mankind; with her ingratiating shoulders by your side,
The instant you juxtaposed every speck of your gloriously glistening sweat forever with hers; royally letting the essence of your sparkling perseverance become the empathy in her fructifying eyes,
The instant you amalgamated every follicle of your bountifully burgeoning hair forever with hers; sensuously tickling her famished skin with your wave of intrepidly enthralling adventure,
The instant you infused every droplet of your patriotically blazing tears forever with hers; perennially witnessing the marvelously eclectic beauty of this planet; through the impeccable whites of her immaculate eyes,
The instant you coagulated every smile of your chivalrously bestowing lips forever with hers; transcending even the most inexplicably stuttering aspect of her life; with the fathomless sky of your unfettered ebullience,
The instant you combined every step that you unstoppably tread forever with hers; profoundly relishing the resplendent blanket of life; unassailably cuddled with her incredulously blessed grace,
The instant you compounded every bone of your resilient visage forever with hers; facing even the most ghoulishly murderous of adversity to protect your eternal camaraderie; although the world scurrilously snapped at you from all sides,
The instant you agglutinated every irrefutable fortress of your truth forever with hers; handsomely swirling as the most unconquerable wave of ubiquitous peace; with her spell bindingly enamoring melody by your side,
The instant you connected every bit of your charismatically gregarious radiance forever with hers; ecumenically blossoming as the pinnacle of compassionate togetherness; which none on this earth could ever dream to invade,
The instant you united every trace of everlasting righteousness in your soul forever with hers; symbiotically surviving with the redolent petals on her twinkling feet; magically transiting you into celestial siesta,
The instant you linked every prosperously blissful mannerism of yours forever with hers; considering yourself to be the richest organism on this Universe as you sipped Omnipotent water from her divine palms; although your pockets were torn from both sides,
The instant you joined every emphatically triumphant moment of your life forever with hers; assimilating an unfathomable ocean of happiness; as she stared like a new born princess into the obeisant fluttering of your eyes,
The instant you bonded every beat of your wonderfully uninhibited heart forever with hers; immortally loving her magnanimously humanitarian grace; more than breath could ever have loved euphoric life,
Believe me; that very Omnipresent instant itself and without even the most ephemerally parsimonious of ceremony; church; temple; mosque; monastery; monk or myth; in the eyes of the Almighty Lord as well as in perfect synergy with his rules of life; you were impregnably married .
It might be the most insanely balderdash and deteriorating rhyme on this enchantingly fathomless earth; I still wont mind it even an infinitesimal trifle,
It might be the most perniciously sinister and abhorrent abuse on this spell bindingly colossal earth; I still wont mind it even a diminutive iota,
It might be the most savagely distorted and feckless mumble-jumble on this redolently unassailable earth; I still wont mind it even a mercurial inch,
It might be the most truculently perverted and sordid imagery on this charismatically blessed earth; I still wont mind it even a minute whisper,
It might be the most satanically incarcerated and preposterous rhyme on this endlessly enthralling earth; I still wont mind it even an invisible speck,
It might be the most grotesquely ghoulish and cacophonic on this timelessly mesmerizing earth; I still wont mind it even an obsolete fraction,
It might be the most remorsefully fretful and dolorous monologue on this iridescently majestic earth; I still wont mind it even an inconspicuous bit,
It might be the most notoriously atrocious and sanctimonious slang on this magically Omnipotent earth; I still wont mind it even an insipid chunk,
It might be the most rambunctiously garrulous and irascible sound on this gigantically eclectic earth; I still wont mind it even a diminishing periphery,
It might be the most indescribably hoarse and irate word on this bountifully burgeoning earth; I still wont mind it even a nonchalant component,
It might be the most treacherously invidious and quavering wail on this stupendously triumphant earth; I still wont mind it even a parsimonious firmament,
It might be the most derogatorily nonsensical and disdainful shit on this boundlessly gregarious earth; I still wont mind it even an evanescent centimeter,
It might be the most villainously decrepit and tawdry fantasy on this unsurpassably gargantuan earth; I still wont mind it even an ephemeral trace,
It might be the most luridly heinous and prejudiced animosity on this magnificently celestial earth; I still wont mind it even a fugitive figment,
It might be the most indiscriminately lambasting and unrelenting litany of complaints on this beautifully convivial earth; I still wont mind it even a non-existent speck,
It might be the most ludicrously staggering and exhausted adieu on this gloriously flamboyant earth; I still wont mind it even a infidel step,
It might be the most uncontrollably ferocious and devastating echo on this magnetically enigmatic earth; I still wont mind it even an obfuscated segment,
It might be the most dwindlingly asphyxiated and tortured beat on this Omnisciently sacrosanct earth; I still wont mind it even an fleeting section,
But please O! eternal Beloved; for God’s sake O! Heavenly Beloved; howsoever absurd and inconsequential it may be; I really wont mind it the least; but say
something atleast,
For I could bear an infinite deaths smilingly and without the slightest of complaints; rather than witnessing you as silent as a stone in the ghastly grave; so for heaven sake please; please; please say something atleast .
Brutally starved were my staggering eyes; frantically groping for those rainbows of eternal prosperity; which had become so ghoulishly amorphous and obsolete; in the world today,
Pathetically starved were my lambasted lips; rapaciously wandering for those hives of perennial sweetness; which had parsimoniously evaporated into corpses of lackadaisical abhorrence; in the world today,
Horrendously starved were my tortured fingers; unrelentingly searching for those uninhibited bits of free space; which had so luridly metamorphosed into salacious jailhouses of the sinister devil; in the world today,
Preposterously starved were my tottering cheeks; intransigently loitering for those whirlwinds of ingratiating passion; which had transited into penalizingly inclement commercialism; in the world today,
Despondently starved were my numbed ears; indefatigably straining for those sounds of everlastingly mellifluous harmony; which had so bizarrely drowned
in obstreperously maladroit traffic; in the world today,
Truculently starved was my monotonous brain; timelessly stretching for those precociously exhilarating forests of astounding innovation; which had converted so deplorably into coffins of ribald hell; in the world today,
Flagrantly starved were my beleaguered eyelashes; relentlessly glimpsing for those dew drops of unfathomably sensuous ecstasy; which had so fanatically fulminated into insanely tyrannical bloodshed and crime; in the world today,
Lecherously starved was my aggrieved throat; desperately searching for those raindrops of pristine exhilaration; which had so egregiously adulterated themselves with derogatory corruption; in the world today,
Lasciviously starved were my fetid toes; agonizingly penetrating for those meadows of irrefutably silken honesty; which had so disparagingly converted themselves into a gutter of ghastly lies; in the world today,
Despairingly starved were my deprived palms; tirelessly fumbling for those entrenchments of aristocratic artistry; which had so perniciously disappeared into the dungeons of miserably fermented doom; in the world today,
Unsparingly starved were my staggering veins; limitlessly stuttering for those waves of unflinching solidarity; which had so barbarously unfurled into carcasses of bludgeoning viciousness; in the world today,
Licentiously starved was my convoluted neck; greedily swirling for those pinnacles of impregnably majestic brotherhood; which had so uncouthly divided into sleazily spurious boundaries of religion; caste; creed and color; in the world today,
Ludicrously starved were my trembling teeth; maniacally chattering for those winds of patriotically blazing courage; which had so raunchily extinguished into scurrilously dastardly betrayal; in the world today,
Painstakingly starved were my dreary bones; rampantly galloping for those blissfully placating shades of symbiotism; which had so hedonistically become warehouses of morbidly libidinous trade; in the world today,
Unsurpassably starved was my crumbling spinal chord; wildly staring for those clouds of compassionate embrace; which had so bawdily perpetuated into mirages of worthless meaninglessness; in the world today,
Criminally starved was my terrorized shadow; restlessly meandering for those unequivocally glorious rivers of freedom; which had so treacherously dwindled
into maelstroms of political racialism; in the world today,
Indiscriminately starved was my incoherent signature; implacably ambling for those stamps of heavenly righteousness; which had so tawdrily exploded into surreptitiously gratuitous profanity; in the world today,
Forlornly starved was my asphyxiated breath; intractably gasping for those fireballs of vivaciously unending titillation; which had so obnoxiously become castrated graveyards of marauding lynchpins; in the world today,
And cruelly starved was my deteriorating heart; endlessly feeling for those beats of immortally regale love; which had so baselessly extradited into gallows of indescribably crucifying emptiness; in the world today .
Its Omnipotent light can be felt by one and all on this colossal Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly attain its resplendently sparkling majesty,
Its eternally fantastic fragrance can be felt by one and all on this gigantic Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly blend with its perpetually ecstatic rudiments,
Its timeless enthrallment can be felt by one and all on this Herculean Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly imbibe its poignantly burgeoning intricacies,
Its perennial seduction can be felt by one and all on this unassailable Universe alike; but only those Who fall in love; can truly experience its rainbow of compassionate togetherness,
Its magnanimously bountiful philanthropism can be Felt by one and all on this limitless Universe alike; But only those who fall in love; can truly become the fabric of its boundless sensuousness,
Its bounteously proliferating reverberations can Be felt by one and all on this fathomless Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly embrace its winds of unconquerably supreme righteousness,
Its unflinchingly marvelous solidarity can be felt By one and all on this endless Universe alike; but Only those who fall in love; can truly perch on the Throne of impregnable prosperity,
Its ingratiatingly holistic charisma can be felt by one and all on this unsurpassable Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly revel in its inimitably unparalleled glory for infinite more births yet to unveil,
Its waves of heavenly royalty can be felt by one And all on this relentless Universe alike; but only Those who fall in love; can truly swim in its ocean of ebulliently eclectic color,
Its waves of jubilant rhapsody can be felt by one and all on this unending Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly imbibe its impeccably ubiquitous swirl for centuries immemorial,
Its patriotically altruistic soul can be felt by one and all on this boundless Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly mélange with its winds of invincible mankind,
Its resonations of Samaritan goodness can be felt by one and all on this insurmountable Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly become an inseparable ingredient of its indomitable stride,
Its Omnisciently beautiful radiance can be felt by one and all on this limitless Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly enrapture every
famished pore of their dwindling skin with its ointment of silken companionship,
Its mists of enamoringly titillating enigma can be felt by one and all on this bounteous Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly replenish
even the most diminutive aspect of their existence with its magical wand,
Its entrenchment of timelessly agglutinating unity can be felt by one and all on this blooming Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly march shoulder to shoulder with its essence of amiably ecumenical oneness,
Its vibrations of irrevocably scintillating righteousness can be felt by one and all on this Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly assimilate its regale splendor to divinely bless every instant of their pristine lives,
Its indefatigably pulsating rhythm can be felt by one and all on this Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly float in its sacrosanct cradle of dreams and blessing paradise,
Its streams of aristocratically timeless gratification can be felt be one and all on this Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly gallop on its satiny cloud of mystical mellifluousness,
Its insuperably exhilarating breath can be felt by one and all on this vivid Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly bond even the most capricious iota of their soul with the Omnipresent iridescence of the Lord Divine,
And its breathtakingly plentiful illumination can be felt by one and all on this tireless Universe alike; but only those who fall in love; can truly coalesce with its beats of immortally poignant camaraderie and glimmering graciousness .
Not the slightest impressed did I feel; even as every cranny of my countenance; enshrouded itself with the most resplendently shimmering silk,
Not the slightest enchanted did I feel; even as an unsurpassable sky of ingratiatingly mellifluous nightingales; majestically perpetuated caverns of unbelievably rhapsodic melody in my life,
Not the slightest influenced did I feel; even as the most unprecedentedly wise philosophers; uninhibitedly showered the essence of symbiotically ecstatic life;
upon my treacherously bereaved soul,
Not the slightest overwhelmed did I feel; even as an endless tornado of glittering gold; landed like a regal prince; right in the heart of my sordidly dilapidated household,
Not the slightest appeased did I feel; even as the most stupendously sweet hives of ebullient honey; timelessly charmed my preposterously cacophonic and truculently scorching throat,
Not the slightest silenced did I feel; even as the magnificently sensuous carpet of voluptuous night; unassailably transited me into wonderfully blissful siesta,
Not the slightest exhilarated did I feel; even as the most impeccably divine fairies descended from the cosmos; to perennially occupy the barren space of my disastrously sagging shoulders,
Not the slightest frolicking did I feel; even as the Omnipotent Sun burgeoned a profound throttle from behind the rain soaked hills; and a cluster of vibrantly innocuous butterflies invited me to dance till times beyond infinite infinity,
Not the slightest intriguing did I feel; even as the most tantalizing of seductresses ecstatically danced in my miserably quavering way,
Not the slightest pragmatic did I feel; even as the most articulately methodical of classrooms; handsomely perpetuated in my tyrannically famished eyes,
Not the slightest adventurous did I feel; even as an unfathomable gorge of fascinating mysticism; enticed me in its ravishingly bountiful belly button; from all sides,
Not the slightest triumphant did I feel; even as every cranny of celestial land on this limitless planet; blessed itself like a royal prince; into the diminutive folds of my clenched fists,
Not the slightest stimulated did I feel; even as every speck of gorgeously titillating beauty on this planet; unrelentingly tickled my flaccid skin with winds of indomitably vibrant desire,
Not the slightest romantic did I feel; even as the regal propensity of exuberant air; compassionately embraced me with eternal rain; on every exhaustedly beleaguered step of mine,
Not the slightest placated did I feel; even as the most scrumptiously fructifying meals on this boundless Universe; ardently waited to kiss my tongue; choosing only me as the sole consumer for countless more births of mine,
Not the slightest enthused did I feel; even as the ingeniously impregnable synchronizations entered my insane brain; rendering me with the insatiable power to wholesomely metamorphose the complexion of this dastardly earth,
Not the slightest rejuvenated did I feel; even as untamed waterfalls of heavenly prosperity; ubiquitously descended upon my despondently asphyxiated persona,
Not the slightest vivacious did I feel; even as immortal whirlpools of quintessentially emollient breath; bestowed upon me a timeless legacy to exist; celestially transcending all hedonistic pain and pugnacious crime,
Not the slightest eclectic did I feel; even as congenitally inherent artistry copiously exuded from each element of my fantastic demeanor; right since the first time; that I uninhibitedly cried,
Not the slightest tenacious did I feel; even as incomprehensibly inexorable fortresses of unflinching power; left the entire world to be the perpetually scintillating impressions of my nimble stride,
Not the slightest honored did I feel; even as every single bit of imperially aristocratic accomplishment on this gregarious planet; became the immutably perennial jewel of my eyes,
Not the slightest boisterous did I feel; even as an insurmountably relentless mountain of exotic energy; jubilantly crawled into the piquantly intricate network of my veins,
Not the slightest enamored did I feel; even as the entire fabric of philanthropically synergistic harmony on this Omniscient planet; became the revered necklace of my tireless existence,
Not the slightest certified did I feel; even as the most professionally enviable degrees in this exotic world; unfurled like a pack of vividly rejoicing cards into my outstretched lap,
Not the slightest innovative did I feel; even as the lines of my palms were unbelievably gifted to spawn a river of infinite newness; on every pristinely naked twig of the tree; that they delicately caressed,
But I would feel the richest man on this gargantuan earth O! Almighty Lord; if you gave me death at her pricelessly sacrosanct feet; made irrefutably sure that I breathed my very last breath perhaps premature; but with her Omnipresent
palms forever intertwined in mine .
If you thought that I’d perpetually love you; even after you brutally slandered me on my hindside with your murderous kitchen knife; just because I fervently showed my eagerness to assist you in the best way I could,
If you thought that I’d unassailably love you; even after you indefatigably rebuked me for irrefutably following the sparkling pathways of eternally unflinching truth,
If you thought that I’d bountifully love you; even after you indiscriminately plucked out every intricate vein of my body; to feed your cacophonically favorite puppy dog,
If you thought that I’d timelessly love you; even after you barbarously barked the most perniciously heinous abuse in my ears; for obeisantly lying at your feet all day like an innocuous prince,
If you thought that I’d unrelentingly love you; even after you cadaverously wished me all the bad luck that truculently lingered on this Universe; although I worshipped you like the ultimate angel of my dreams,
If you thought that I’d sensuously love you; even after you parasitically sucked the most infinitesimal droplet of my blood; like a venomously flagrant parasite,
If you thought that I’d miraculously love you; even after you treacherously whipped my savagely exonerated chest with lethally coldblooded snakes; just because I had compassionately lit the candles of your morosely blackened room,
If you thought that I’d impregnably love you; even after you preposterously laid a mortuary of hedonistic thorns on every path that I tread; and then tantalizingly titillated the raunchy model of your lascivious dreams,
If you thought that I’d handsomely love you; even after you paid a satanically deaf ear to the most poignantly uncontrollable of my cries; deliberately unfurled a pack of diabolical wolves; right towards the impeccable whites of my eyes,
If you thought that I’d majestically love you; even after you indefatigably tortured me in devilish coffins of hell; just because I ardently polished the tip of your sanctimonious shoe; a trifle too much,
If you thought that I’d unflinchingly love you; even after you invidiously gave me pig’s feces to eat; for robustly scintillating breakfast as well as to wade through the chapter of the drearily morbid night,
If you thought that I’d unsurpassably love you; even after you mercilessly cut each of my silken finger; simply in order to wholesomely liberate the irately petulant itch in your effusively dancing nerves,
If you thought that I’d insurmountably love you; even after you ruthlessly pulverized every bone of my righteous countenance under your uncouthly speeding Mercedes; just because you ghastily wanted to check the durability of your obnoxiously bohemian tyre,
If you thought that I’d inimitably love you; even after you charred every iridescent contour of my demeanor with sweltering acid; just because I insatiably endeavored my best to enlighten the frowns of franticness on your dwindling face,
If you thought that I’d profusely love you; even after you perfidiously chopped my tongue from my immaculate throat; sporadically using it to tickle the squalidly demonic soles of your disparagingly despicable feet,
If you thought that I’d uncontrollably love you; even after you perilously metamorphosed even the most infantile of my fantasy into nightmares of horrendous nothingness; just because I unequivocally squandered every evil glance that wandered itself; towards your beautifully sacrosanct grace,
If you thought that I’d perpetually love you; even after you unsparingly decimated all efforts of my lifetime like pieces of frigid matchsticks right in front of my eyes; and then luridly enshrouded them with your scurrilous spit,
Then I am sorry that you’re in for the most fathomlessly unthinkable shock of your life; for I would still love you more immortally than ever before; I would still love you more than this earth could have ever loved even the most vivacious form of life,
For when I gave my heart to you; neither did I see your religion; neither did I see your outlook towards life; as my love was; is and would for infinite more births always remain unconditional; would always remain tirelessly blind .
35. WHAT USE ?
What use was my infinite coins; if there was none to synergistically share them with me except my own insanely decrepit self; when all that I truly needed for quintessential existence; was just a singleton chunk of them; everyday ?
What use was my infinite happiness; if there was none to triumphantly experience it with me except my own prejudiced self; when all that I truly needed for holistic existence; was just a mercurial trifle of it; everyday ?
What use were my infinite clothes; if there was none to convivially wear them with me except my own disdainfully dastardly self; when all that I truly needed for symbiotic existence; was just a tenacious robe of them; everyday ?
What use were my infinite castles; if there was none to harmoniously live in them with me except my own viciously trembling self; when all that I truly needed
for perspicacious existence; was just a robust abode of them; everyday ?
What use were my infinite victories; if there was none to blazingly rejoice in them with me except my own spuriously sanctimonious self; when all that I truly
needed for bountiful existence; was just an exuberant handful of them; everyday ?
What use were my infinite cars; if there was none to euphorically enjoy them with me except my own remorsefully fretting self; when all that I truly needed for vibrant existence; was just an exhilarating model of them; everyday ?
What use were my infinite fantasies; if there was none to fantastically admire them with me except my own obnoxiously ghoulish self; when all that I truly needed for scintillating existence; was just a sensuous dream of them; everyday ?
What use were my infinite watches; if there was none to blissfully witness them with me except my own pathetically decaying self; when all that I truly needed for enamoring existence; was just a meticulous dial of them; everyday ?
What use were my infinite landscapes; if there was none to celestially philander on them with me except my own drearily morose self; when all that I truly needed for heavenly existence; was just a infinitesimal contour of them; everyday ?
What use were my infinite flowers; if there was none to ecstatically smell them with me except my own lunatically zany self; when all that I truly needed for priceless existence; was just a fragrant petal of them; everyday ?
What use were my infinite forests; if there was none to mystically adventure in them with me expect my own scurrilously withering self; when all that I truly needed for effulgent existence; was just an inconspicuous branch of them; everyday ?
What use were my infinite accomplishments; if there was none to wholeheartedly relish them with me except my own nonchalantly indolent self; when all that I truly needed for beautiful existence; was just an articulate parcel of them; everyday ?
What use were my infinite oceans; if there was none to ebulliently swim in them with me except my own treacherously lambasting self; when all that I truly needed for voluptuous existence; was just an undulating wave of them; everyday ?
What use were my infinite memories; if there was none to nostalgically relive them with me except my own preposterously stinking self; when all that I truly needed for sparkling existence; was just a fugitive anecdote of them; everyday ?
What use were my infinite Sun’s; if there was none to unassailably dazzle in them with me except my own barbarously brutal self; when all that I truly needed for gregarious existence; was just a flamboyant ray of them; everyday ?
What use were my infinite clouds; if there was none to compassionately bathe in them with me except my own unforgivably goddamned self; when all that I truly
needed for sacred existence; was just an ephemeral mist of them; everyday ?
What use were my infinite hands; if there was none to amiably intertwine with them except my own mordantly penurious self; when all that I truly needed for divinely existence; was just a few fingers of them; everyday ?
What use were my infinite breaths; if there was none to timelessly coalesce with them except my own obstinately constipated self; when all that I truly needed for sustainable existence; was just a sparse entrenchment of them; everyday ?
And what use were my infinite hearts; if there was none to immortally love them except my own satanically devastating self; when all that I truly needed for unconquerable existence; was just a pulsating beat of them; everyday ?
You simply couldn’t hide the maliciously decrepit savagery in your prejudiced lips; just by profusely embellishing them with poignantly crimson shades of exotically blissful lipstick,
You simply couldn’t hide the unprecedentedly pugnacious abhorrence in your sinister eyes; just by aristocratically adorning them with radiantly resplendent and tantalizing mascara,
You simply couldn’t hide the insanely lambasting tyranny in your devilish throat; just by tirelessly painting it with ebulliently pristine and sweetly mellifluous honey,
You simply couldn’t hide the petulantly unruly urges to indiscriminately massacre in your unsparing feet; just by dexterously camouflaging them with
marvelously articulate sports shoes,
You simply couldn’t hide the coldblooded parasites on your blood-stained palms; just by surreptitiously sequestering them under a vivaciously sleazy coat of vibrantly titillating graffiti,
You simply couldn’t hide the volcano’s of devastatingly lunatic emaciation in your bellicose stomach; just by stealthily enveloping it with timidly obeisant and flaccid apron strings,
You simply couldn’t hide ribald maelstroms of vindictive misery in your esoteric brain; just by nonchalantly entrenching it by insurmountably gigantic triangular straw hats,
You simply couldn’t hide satanically biting urges in your diabolical teeth; just by ardently painting them with the most brilliantly effulgent of; reinvigoratingly robust toothpaste,
You simply couldn’t hide licentiously lascivious desires in your sleazy skin; just by bawdily covering it with unsurpassably sanctimonious robes of slippery silk,
You simply couldn’t hide the lethally belligerent venom in your worthless sweat; just by baselessly sprinkling it with stupendously rejuvenating cologne,
You simply couldn’t hide the preposterous desires to kill in your diseased bones; just by aimlessly enshrouding them with grotesquely punctured mimicry of ubiquitous saintly robes,
You simply couldn’t hide the whirlpools of unrelentingly iconoclastic chauvinism in your beleaguered shoulders; just by disastrously impregnating them with uninhibitedly princely bird wings,
You simply couldn’t hide libidinously corrupt desires of your fecklessly tawdry soul; just by incessantly chanting the mantra of eternally symbiotic mankind,
You simply couldn’t hide the irately opprobrious manipulation in your dwindling countenance; just by indefatigably bouncing like an ecstatically exultating kangaroo; in the heart of the tropically iridescent forests,
You simply couldn’t hide your morbidly macabre spirit to devour innocent humans alive; just by coherently disguising your speech with a string of holistic pearls; like the ambiguously beguiling politician,
You simply couldn’t hide your intrinsically maligned desire to uncouthly snatch; just by spuriously donating the sordidly fetid leftovers of your kitchen; to ghosts lingering insidiously in the cacophonic graveyard,
You simply couldn’t hide the inevitable onset of age on your dastardly trembling persona; just by worthlessly adorning your demeanor with flamboyantly pulsating and sleazily short teenage clothes,
You simply couldn’t hide the incomprehensibly limitless graveyard of derogatory lies in your conscience; just by brandishing the immortal martyrs sword upside down; in your pathetically quavering arms,
You simply couldn’t hide your already deadened and meaninglessly laconic form; just by deliberately expunging boundless gallons of squeamish air; from your obsoletely asphyxiated nostrils,
And you simply couldn’t hide the pernicious battlefield of salacious betrayal in your threadbare heart; just by despicably attaching a pacemaker to it; and then fulminating into an untamed fireball of worthlessly robotic beats .
My eyes expressed their profoundly unending love; by culminating into an astoundingly glistening festoon of triumphant tears; as her pristinely heavenly form unfurled from behind the sun soaked hills,
My lips expressed their profusely inexorable love; by igniting thunderstorms of unrelenting desire in her majestic body; poignantly tracing the beautifully blossoming outlines of her mellifluous skin,
My forehead expressed its unrelentingly mischievous love; by flirtatiously colliding with her nubile chin; celestially brushing against her marvelously heaving chest; as resplendently enamoring beams of the moon took complete control,
My cheeks expressed their bountifully timeless love; by blushing a shade more incomprehensibly voluptuous crimson than the torrentially thundering clouds; at even the most inconspicuously evanescent of her caress,
My fingers expressed their insatiably indomitable love; by tirelessly groping in rampant strokes through her sensuously ravishing hair; invincibly clasping her
sacrosanct fingers in mine; for infinite more births yet to unveil,
My belly expressed its euphorically unlimited love; by indefatigably matching the divine cadence of her silhouette step for step; reverberating as her ultimate slave in even the most ephemeral of her queenly shadow,
My shoulders expressed their unflinchingly audacious love; by perpetually sequestering her enchantingly vivacious grace in their compassionate warmth;
uplifting her innocuous visage above the realms of spell binding paradise; even as nothing but hell vomited hedonistically from blue sky,
My eyelashes expressed their tantalizingly endless love; by sporadically fluttering against her royally exuberant nose; making her feel like a new born princess; even in her times of inexplicably traumatizing distress,
My ears expressed their ecstatically perennial love; by perspicaciously assimilating even the tiniest rhythm of her glorious stride; ardently listening to her ebulliently rhapsodic laughter; even centuries unfathomable after their veritable time,
My tongue expressed its intransigently dedicated love; by assiduously suckling the sweetness of her golden sweat; punctuating rivulets of untamed felicity in her countenance with its marvelously sensitive strokes,
My feet expressed their immutably unshakable love; by incessantly following her blissfully immaculate trails wherever she went; intermittently evoking her to
fulminate into inimitable laughter poking her with my bohemian toe,
My throat expressed its ecumenically impeccable love; by relentlessly singing praises of her eternally righteous soul; unequivocally voicing its unstinted support for her everlasting grace; even as the entire world charged her with licentiously bawdy profanity,
My chest expressed its unconquerably benign love; by unassailably guarding her stupendously aristocratic form; taking every heinously adulterated arrow that
dared come her royal away; upon its astronomically tenacious consortium of barren bones,
My palms expressed their impregnably volatile love; by altruistically borrowing all forks of flagrant difficulty from her hands; blessing even the most inconsequential aspect of her life with their quota of destined happiness,
My shadow expressed its unshakably unending love; by irrevocably entrenching her melodiously jubilant form from all sides; timelessly ensuring that even the most fugitive jinx or spirit wanting to infiltrate her; instead becoming my devastating rhyme,
My mind expressed its fantastically unsurpassable love; by endlessly fantasizing about her enthrallingly exhilarating aura; implacably replacing every other thought in my life with the fragrance of her unblemished companionship,
My veins expressed their vehemently intractable love; by emptying even the last iota of priceless blood from their silken conglomerate; to unendingly witness her blossom into eclectically fructifying life,
My breath expressed its irretrievably unbreakable love; by boundless cascading down her vividly imperial neck; being the insurmountably undefeated elixir; whenever she wanted to uninhibitedly gallop forward in vibrant life,
And my heart expressed its immortally unparalleled love; by bountifully bonding every of its passionate beat with her essence of irrefutably undaunted truth; indomitably coalescing with her spirit of oneness and humanity; even after the earth had disdainfully ceased to exist .
Goddamned are those who baselessly criticize; treacherously impede the majestically burgeoning artist; like a morosely ghastly nail in each of his stride,
Goddamned are those who insanely murder; ruthlessly choose innocuously regal human flesh; as a grotesque delicacy to bizarrely tantalize their nocturnal delights,
Goddamned are those who monotonously survive; crucifying every iota of divine sensuousness in the atmosphere around; with swords of derogatorily debasing rigidity and lunatic corruption,
Goddamned are those who indiscriminately divide; disparagingly dissecting the mantra of eternally symbiotic mankind; into sleazy caste; creed; religion
and ominously ungainly tribe,
Goddamned are those who coldbloodedly snatch; sinfully divesting mothers of their newborn children; egregiously massaging their bald scalps with the blood of the innocently dying,
Goddamned are those who lure impetuous youth into the gallows of unforgivably lurid crime; invidiously manipulating organisms like puppets; so that the scent of decrepit high society cigarette on their carcasses never died,
Goddamned are those who satanically devastate blissful environment; devilishly decimating trees to enlighten their abodes of horrifically contagious filth and
abhorrent malice,
Goddamned are those who mercilessly slit impeccable throats; roasting Almighty Lord pricelessly sacred life; to lasciviously blend with their raunchy caverns of vixen and nubile and wine,
Goddamned are those who formidably support the stigma of lugubrious illiteracy; fiendishly terrorizing every sagacious entity who dared to get wonderfully employed,
Goddamned are those who delinquently betray their revered mother land; barbarically selling the very womb from which they were born; to ghosts of hell and gutters of utterly disgruntling grime,
Goddamned are those who perniciously gamble; meaninglessly waste monumental treasuries of currency on personal prejudice; while countless emaciatingly orphaned children outside had not a morsel to eat and died,
Goddamned are those who viciously adulterate; indefatigably contaminating fathomless fields of ebullient corn and life; with the venom of profanely
gratuitous politics,
Goddamned are those who salaciously imperil the growth of wildlife; implacably poaching all night and sunlit day; just to release that extra itch insanely circumlocuting their snobbish stride,’
Goddamned are those who engender asphyxiating war; disseminate insidiously preposterous bloodshed on every conceivable cranny of this gigantic planet,
Goddamned are those who acerbically lead every moment of their life to the rigidly ticking clock; brutally massacring even the most poignantly effusive of their emotions to the conventionally atrocious society,
Goddamned are those who cheat their very own conscience; pugnaciously deluging it with an unsurpassably unending gutter of deleterious corruption,
Goddamned are those who inexorably terrorize in the name of law and order; ruthlessly kill countless innocent under the macabre pretext of spuriously dwindling justice,
Goddamned are those who ridicule euphonically beautiful voice; gruesomely metamorphosing it into; an unfathomable ocean of cacophonically maniacal rioting and slandering bloodshed,
Goddamned are those who prattle disdainfully about celestial existence; making the most quintessential agenda of their lives to lambaste triumphantly euphoric happiness,
Goddamned are those who pretentiously sob; dissolutely culminating into a cloudburst of fecklessly crocodile tears; just to evoke currency and apathy for their decayingly obsolete and wearily wastrel life,
Goddamned are those who ambiguously change color; despairingly inflict the fabric of the harmoniously spell binding society; with the germs of castigating cowardice,
Goddamned are those who sardonically torture their own form; putting heinously regretful brakes; upon the Lord’s most blessed chapter of timelessly proliferating creation,
Goddamned are those who surreptitiously plot against mankind; ghoulishly wishing to bombard each of its scintillatingly righteous fraternity; with coffin houses of uxoriously depraving slavery,
Goddamned are those who spit at the old; cold-bloodedly extricate them out of their ostentatious homes; as infidel pieces of amorphous shit,
Goddamned are those who immutably want bad for every section of humanity; lunatically desirous of replenishing their torn pockets; with their comrade’s
blood; bone and vibrant life,
Goddamned are those who pathetically squander the landscapes of gorgeously uninhibited freedom; abominably whipping the ailingly weak to scrub the
distortedly squalid floors of their; demonic retreat,
Goddamned are those who don’t listen to the voices of their immortal heart; falling like uncontrollably wavering mincemeat; for every non-existent trace of lecherously evil around their souls,
Goddamned are those who iconoclastically torch their own wives; tawdrily rejoice with baselessly libidinous maidens; even as their own children begged discordantly on the sordidly imbecile streets,
Goddamned are those who blatantly lie; forlornly maneuvering their way through a mortuary of countless sins; just to save their sordidly trembling and corpulently stinking skin,
Goddamned are those who maliciously rebuke their parents; licentiously overpowering their every sparkling trace of compassion; to manifest their
hideously tainted goals in life,
Goddamned are those who uncouthly snatch the stick of the debilitatingly old; just in order to extra fortify their already glittering foundations of gold and sanctimonious silver,
Goddamned are those who lividly kick when asked for desperate help; drowning themselves in whirlpools of bombastic cigar smoke and ravenous chicken; even as immaculate urchins were being torturously stoned to veritable death outside,
And Goddamned are those who lethally snap the wings of perpetual love; cast their vindictively demented eyes upon its exotically everlasting fabric; breathe each inconsequential breath of their existence; to bawdily squelch vibrant life .
Even if it takes an infinite liftetimes; an unsurpassable decade of overwhelmingly sweltering days and mercilessly chilly nights; in between,
Even if it takes an infinite mountains; a boundless number of treacherously jagged slopes and acrimoniously deep gorges; in between,
Even if it takes an infinite thunderstorms; fathomlessly unrelenting cloud showers of treacherously acrid blood rain; in between,
Even if it takes an infinite parasites; satanically pulverizing and indiscriminately marauding monsters; in between,
Even if it takes an infinite wars; lethally penalizing abhorrence and graveyards of salaciously excoriating prejudice; in between,
Even if it takes an infinite gutters; brutally squelching shit and unsurpassable dungeons of criminally unforgiving oppression; in between,
Even if it takes an infinite ghosts; truculently cadaverous spirits trying to gruesomely devour even the most infinitesimal trace of happiness; in between,
Even if it takes an infinite nightmares; an unfathomable graveyard of livid carcasses that jinxed every aspect of existence; in between,
Even if it takes an infinite thrashings; lecherously heinous chains of cold-blooded barbarism and remorseful manipulation; in between,
Even if it takes an infinite abuses; every element of the obnoxiously conventional society assassinating the spirit of uninhibitedly timeless compassion; in between,
Even if it takes an infinite thorns; countless beds of torturously smoldering coal venomously baying trap on every conceivable path of the Universe; in between,
Even if it takes an infinite infernos; incomprehensibly gargantuan maelstroms of gorily scorching lava; in between,
Even if it takes an infinite kicks; a diabolically proliferating populace of dissolute devils decimating every construable constituent of amiability to invisible ash; in between,
Even if it takes an infinite sacrifices; an inexplicably tyrannically coffin of cancerous disease wholesomely asphyxiating every cell of the holistic body; in between,
Even if it takes an infinite dust storms; inexorably terrorizing heat ghastily evaporating the very last trace of blissful civilization burgeoning around; in
Even if it takes an infinite tickings of the grandfather clock; a limitless number of chimes of the indefatigably sweeping long arm; in between,
Even if it takes an infinite mockeries; insurmountably condemning slang raunchily trying to drown the wave of eternal friendship; in between,
And even if it takes an infinite deaths; the depraving dungeons of hell entirely swiping holistic traces of invincible life; in between,
One day we will unite in bonds of immortally sacred marriage; One day we will everlastingly illuminate every cranny of the miserably besieged atmosphere with
the essence of our triumphantly blended breath; O! Yes One day our love will win over every superfluous idiosyncrasy of this planet; with only the Almighty Lord to bless; bless and unassailably bless .
No two eyes on this Universe were ever the same; with some chasing ingratiatingly bountiful beauty; while some maliciously wandering after the aimlessly slithering and diabolical devil,
No two scalps on this Universe were ever the same; with some sporting a
festoon of exuberantly ravishing hair; while some horrifically sulking under a gutter of dolorously pathetic leeches,
No two skins on this Universe were ever the same; with some as charming
as the fascinatingly colossal skies; while some more lugubriously empty than threadbare bits of preposterously dried charcoal,
No two nose’s on this Universe were ever the same; with some as pristinely piquant at profoundly blossoming lotus; while some more abominably expressionless than the dissolutely pulverized stones,
No two lips on this Universe were ever the same; with some as majestically rubicund as the poignantly scarlet rose; while some more pretentiously snobbish than the lackadaisically withering leaf,
No two ears on this Universe were ever the same; with some celestially deciphering even the most infinitesimally diminutive of evanescent sound; while some more viciously blending than the demons; with unrelentingly coercing thunderballs of malice,
No two chins on this Universe were ever the same; with some as resplendently twinkling as the regally enlightening stars; while some more devastatingly shattered than non-existently treacherous and gorily bombarded townships,
No two palms on this Universe were ever the same; with some unflinchingly evolving an intrepidly exhilarating path of their very own; while some more idiosyncratically dependant on an inconspicuously worthless corpse of crosses and wavering destiny lines,
No two bellies on this Universe were ever the same; with some as tantalizing as the fathomlessly surreal mists of unparalleled heaven; while some more drably corpulent than the decaying tortoise; spending its entire life nondescriptly staring at the sky and by the riverside,
No two voices on this Universe were ever the same; with some as charismatically philanthropic as the harbingers of humanity; while some more disparagingly stifled than the venomously lurking shadows of the sinister coffins,
No two fingers on this Universe were ever the same; with some as royally
eclectic as the gloriously iridescent and perennially unfurling skies; while some more truculently lambasting than the remorseful scorpions of; sanctimonious lies,
No two tongues on this Universe were ever the same; with some fostering
sweetness as melodious as the marvelously benign nightingale; while some more vengefully bitter than the satanic roots of penalizing hell,
No two minds on this Universe were ever the same; with some unsurpassably fantasizing in the aisles of optimistically enlightening goodness; while some more
sardonic than ghoulishly sodomizing graveyards of emaciating loneliness,
No two personalities on this Universe were ever the same; with some as
blazingly flamboyant as the Omnipotently rising Sun; while some more invidiously blacker than the insipidly dastardly winds of devilish midnight,
No two necks on this Universe were ever the same; with some gustily elongated and enthusing drifting towards the realms of surreally everlasting sensuousness; while some more shorter than miserably squelched cigarette butts and turgidly staring into entrenchments of; bizarre nothingness,
No two shoulders on this Universe were ever the same; with some resiliently towering tall in the face of even the most debilitatingly slaughtering of disaster; while some more disdainfully collapsing than hillocks of bland chalk; under the tiniest draught of ephemeral wind,
No two perspiration on this Universe were ever the same; with some intransigently radiating the scent of assiduously well deserved struggle; while some more worthless than trashloads of orphaned faeces flying from the lazing monsters roof,
No two shadows on this Universe were ever the same; with some mystically
reinvigorating every acridly barren patch of earth that they caressed with unfathomable cisterns of compassion; while some more ruthlessly propagating the barriers of religion; caste; creed and color; than the indiscriminately squandering vultures,
No two perceptions were ever the same; with some as wonderfully unprejudiced as the ebullient breeze that embraced one and all alike; while some more grotesquely distorted than the malicious politicians; unworthy cartoon,
No two feet on this Universe were ever the same; with some unassailably
marching on the pathways of irrefutable truth; while some more mercilessly trampling every new life born with their gruesomely bohemian and macabre toes,
No two accents on this Universe were ever the same; with some purisitically coalescing with the rudiments of integral rusticity and originality; while some more derogatorily feckless than the baying of the uncontrollably sweating pig,
No two appetites on this Universe were ever the same; with some holistically replenishing the harmonious body with the eternally effulgent and symbiotic fruits of creation; while some more cadaverously ferociously than the lethally snapping crocodiles,
No two thumbs on this Universe were ever the same; with some as stupendously flexible as the aristocratically vacillating season winds; while some more irately rigid than water despicably stagnating in the obsoletely orphaned gutterlines; not prepared the slightest to even budge a mercurial inch,
No two adam’s apple on this Universe were ever the same; with some as ebulliently frolicking as the intriguingly blooming fairies in crimson sky; while some more hideously solitary than the forlorn ghost; wailing the cry of death as even the most blessed of water synergistically slurped down the slavering throat,
No two postures on this Universe were ever the same; with some as bountifully streaming into newness as the morning Sun God; while some more fetidly mourning infinite feet beneath the earth; than what worms could be,
No two signatures on this Universe were ever the same; with some ubiquitously depicting the patriotic persona with unprecedentedly unlimited pride; while some fading into mortuaries of indescribable oblivion; even as the first droplets of nimble rain pelted down from the velvety sky,
But every heart on this Universe is; was and would be always the same; as each beat that it immortally diffused; each resonation profusely fulminating from its inner most core; each beautiful dream that it timelessly throbbed for; unconquerably bonded with the boundless sky of love; love and only everlasting love .
The End .