The Tales By The Sage
The Tales By The Sage

Written down by sages
Stories of Gods and Goddesses
Read out loud and passed on
Through ages.
They are a glimpse of what used to be
A story to talk about
Help us know and believe
How mighty they were
The stories of births and rebirths
Of something you would never imagine
Something you could not explain
They speak about the power
The life of the divine
The magic and the victory
That has been spoken to us through times.
The kings and their kingdoms
The tricks to the throne
The hardship of lives
Or the glory of those heard and known.
They are myths or tales
One can never decide
Talking about the one who is worshipped
Or the culture of that time.
You seemed to find logic
In the myths that you read
That is the chore of mythology
That you find hard to believe.