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sunil saxena

Classics Others


sunil saxena

Classics Others

Remote Sensing , The Psychic, The Peeping Tom Of The Mind

Remote Sensing , The Psychic, The Peeping Tom Of The Mind

8 mins

The peeping Toms, with a flair to peep into your mind

They speak the words that are not theirs

But speak your words, in their tune

They can tell you, where you go for nature’s call, has a cactus tree

You roll, your eyes in wonder and touch their feet, and lie prostrate, before them

Because, peeping Tom, can tell you and knows your favorite of nature’s call, place

Without ever, even meeting you before in life

You call, the peeping tom of the mind, your guru

He speaks, about your mind, your thoughts, your dreams, some moments of your life, to you

You clasp and fold your hands together

Call out to him in fascination, how can he know, you're some of the life moments

That you, even do not pay attention to,

That you, even do tell to anyone

The peeping tom of the mind has got you, in his palm

To play with your emotions of devotions,

Which you revere and reserve, only for god

Remote sensing, the Psychic, the peeping tom of the mind

Is just the ability of the mind of a person

That you do not get to see and understand, on the everyday life cycle, in life

So you hold, remote sensing, the psychic, the peeping tom of mind, as exalted

But the many things that you see every day and do to respect, is the brilliant ability of the other minds

You do not respect the Engineer, that lights up your house with electricity, every day

You pay no attention, to the mental ability, of an engineer

Because you see, his work, every day, in your house, from the light bulb, that lights up on a flick of a switch

You do not respect the scientist, who shows you, the photo of Mother Earth, from high above in the sky, and from the moon.

You pay no attention to the mental ability of a scientist

Because you see the moon, every day in the sky

So, what, if the scientist, has sent a spacecraft, to the moon, it does not matter to you

 You do not respect the automobile engineer, who gives you a car to drive

You pay no attention, to the mental ability, of an automobile engineer

Because you see a car outside your house every day

You do not respect the aeronautical engineer, who gives you a plane

To touch the clouds in the sky

You pay no attention, to the mental ability, of the aeronautical engineer

Because you see and hear the roar of the plane in the sky, every day

You do not respect the doctor, who gives you medicines, to cure your many diseases

You pay no attention, to the mental ability, of the doctor and the biomedical scientist

Because you pop in a pill of medicine, every day

You do not respect the engineer, scientist, who gives you the phone

Because you talk into your phone every day

You pay no attention to his mind ability

You do not respect a nuclear physicist, who harness the power of the atom

You pay no attention, to his mind ability

Because you hear and the call and threats of nuclear war

From the mouths of wile hearts, every day in the news

You pay no attention, to scientist, engineer, doctors, abilities of their mind

Who help mankind and you

Because they are taught to be, who they are, in the schools

But remote sensing mind ability, the psychic, peeping tom of the mind, you do not see them every day

You do not find them everywhere

You do not hear about them in the news every day

You do not see them in schools, because they are not made there

Remote sensing mental ability, the psychic, is also a mental ability, a different mental ability

Just like, every scientist, engineer, doctor, physicist, has a different mental ability

And every one of us has a different, distinct, mental ability

Remote sensing mind ability, psychic, is also a mental ability

It does not come from the world of souls, that some think and relate to

We all live in the world of souls only

Our soul, live within us, in this world only

That is how, we are alive in this world, in our physical bodies

A soul is pure, virtuous, chaste, without blemish

No one can talk to the soul, outside of our body

No remote sensing or psychic, the peeping tom of the mind, or any other person can possibly do it

They just make a fool of a good simple person

The soul is us, we are the soul, we are the body and the soul as one, and so we are alive

 Remote sensing or psychic, peeping tom of mind, plays with your mind

With your fears, with your ignorance

When he pretends to talks to a soul to fool you

To impress you, to control you, to make you worship him.

The body is not the soul, the body is an element of nature

No remote sensing mind ability, the psychic, the peeping tom of mind, has any control or contact with any soul, outside the physical body

They are just another artist of the game

The performers and masters of their art, that their mental abilities to read your mind and memories, give them

And their biggest mental ability is to read your mind and memories

The remote sensing ability or the psychic, has not dropped out of the blue

Remote sensing mental ability, the psychic, is just another mental ability

Like any other, mental ability

You do not find the mental ability

Of a scientist, engineer, doctor, nuclear physicist, out of the blue

So why do you stand on your head in awe and surprise

For the mental ability of the psychic, who is just a peeping tom of the mind

Just because they speak to you of your lives you live

The emotions that are yours

The words that are yours

The surroundings that are yours

The dreams that are yours

The relations that are yours

Without ever meeting you and knowing you before, you meet them

They tell you of the many things that are in your mind, that you see and face in your life

But they simply do not understand the character of your emotions,

Your words, your dreams, your thoughts, your love, your troubles, your life

They simply put forward to you, only the cosmetic makeup of your real personality

And you alone know, who and what you really are, deep in your heart and soul

And No remote sensing ability person or psychic or tantric can tell the real you

Because they can not see your soul, your heart

Remote sensing, the psychic, tantric or the peeping tom of the mind

Are no David, who could vanquish Goliath

Are no Angel, who could save the world

Are no Dynamo, who like atlas could hold Earth on their shoulders

They are the masters of their game, masters of their trade,

With a mental ability, which only a few have

But only a mental ability, of a human being

Like any other mental ability of a human being

Remote sensing, the psychic, the peeping tom of the mind, does not predict, and, cannot predict

He just has the ability to read, what is in your memory

He can only peep into your mind, that is his ability

In the world that we live in today

Remote sensing, the psychic, tantric or the peeping tom of the mind

Are from not out of the blue

But yes, a nuclear physicist scientist is out of the blue

A mind that can harness the power of the atom,

Subdue the power of the atom

Magnify the power of the atom

Is out of the blue

He is Brahmastra, he is out of the blue

He is human

Universe is atom

And, remote sensing, the psychic, tantric or the peeping tom of the mind

Is just a confused mind, only wanting to peep into other minds

With no thinking mind of his own, but only the thoughts of other minds in his mind

He is just a peeping tom of the mind, a busy body

A Shanaa, good for nothing, deflated pumpkin 

Remote sensing, the psychic, is not paranormal

Nothing is paranormal

Every ability, of the mind of the human being

Which gives rise to knowledge, to wisdom, to skills, is normal

Every action of a human being coordinates with his mind

The mind, the brain, is all-powerful

We are all humans  

We are not from out of the blue

But born from the elements of nature, of Mother Earth only

Every human being a witness and faces a moment in life

When he differs and dithers from his path

Of what is right, from his ideology, from his soul

That is being human

We do not have to bare our souls for everything under the sun

We do not have to point fingers at other souls for everything under the sun 

That is being human

We are humans

A zillion thoughts come to your mind

And a zillion thoughts are also erased by your mind

But only a handful of thoughts remain in your mind

And the thoughts that find a place in your mind

Give you, your character, your personality, your soul, your essence in life 

That is being human

Work is done, commitments are made, plans are implemented

According to real situations and circumstances and their analysis

And not according to predictions of Psychic or astrologer or tantric

That is being human

A player on the field knows how to hook a bouncer

And knows how to duck the body line also

Getting a player out on a bouncer is a game

Getting a player retired hurt on the body line, is not a game

It is a street fight, by Shanaa

The style of the game may be the same for both, bouncer and body line

But the emotion is different, in the way the game is played

In the spirit of the game or just as a Shanaa

That is being human

Remote sensing ability or psychic, the peeping tom of the mind

Puts forwards just one frame of a photo, In the vastness of the memory of the mind, of the person

The psychic, It is not even the camera

The psychic, reads, is the camera, of the mind, of the other person

The psychic is just a printout, of anyone photo of the camera of the mind of the person

A photo tells no stories, it only tells a small paragraph, of a chapter, in a story

Our life is our story, our soul is our story, our good heart is our story

Our passion is our story, our love is our story, our work is our story

That is being human

You will see, what we will show you

We are the masters for you to dance, to our tune

You ask us what you want to know

We will tell you in our very own true words  

No need for you to run around in circles, in the jungle of your mind

We are humans

This is our chakravyu

This is our rachna

We are the rachityas

We are complex

We are the guru

We are the humans 

We are the masters of the game.

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