The Gift of Indifference
The Gift of Indifference

I sense a scratch on my armor,
Oh, never mind, forgot that I'm a peasant,
I don't have protection, cuz I'm not the former,
But okay, the way I'm headed to is pleasant,
So follow me on my journey on the road,
The road of indifference,
'cause whoever came here, and strode,
Made it their first preference,
The best way to avoid pain, is to not care about it,
Be indifferent to what happens and do the needful,
Being hurt is needed, you won't learn anything without it,
Sadly that's how it works, life's pretty deceitful,
Everyone goes through these stages in life, no exception,
But doesn't mean you need to follow them, find your own way,
"Life's fair to fair people" is a huge misconception,
From the facts, it's probably the farthest away,
Don't spiral down and accept defeat when you don't deserve it,
You're not incapable, you just have to prepare,
For what's coming; Win over it and take your prize, keep it as learning, preserve it,
Because there's no damage
that could be done to you, that has no repair,
Don't cry and play victim when you're going through the toughest of phases,
Everyone follows what I said in the sixth line, when it comes to picking you up,
It's a stronger warrior that a harsher training session raises,
But the people in the second line of this stanza, don't reply again when they come saying "Wassup",
They come to you when you're fine and ignore your difficult times,
You'll waste your breath telling them about it, go blow some wind chimes,
That's a better use for it, your breath I mean, because they won't give two dimes,
When you change the topic to the difficult part of your day, damn dude, people as sour as limes,
Go through what you are, all alone, and rise stronger than you were before,
Because giving that responsibility to another would get you handicapped,
Don't expect a life jacket in life, instead, learn how to swim in this sea and pull yourself ashore,
I'm prepared for what'll come, in fact I'm all ready, excited and strapped.