Dr.Soumya Ranjan Khatua

Drama Inspirational Thriller


Dr.Soumya Ranjan Khatua

Drama Inspirational Thriller



1 min

Suicide ....

Problem destruction or soul destruction


Human life is too precious gift from God,

Only Due to previous life's work, we can get it

& duration of life is fixed,

Can't increase or decrease by one souls need,

By God before birth our life style money life partner has already fixed,

A soul must have to complete it in anyway as life duration can't be changed,

Have to live the duration in human body that mustn't be altered,

By our fault if will loose that God gifted body into a nobody soul we will be forced,

To lessen the pain if we commit suicide,

The pain not be lessened,


p>Will get same pain without body till life duration got completed,

The difference is in having human body we can try anything so that pain will be cured,

But in suicide we will get the same pain at that end,

Where we have no way to solve that in the soul end,

If we are depressed,

Emotions got suppressed,

And mind got messed,

And body stressed,

If feelings can't expessed,

Keep your eyes closed,

Found youself in Lord Jagannath temple to be seated,

Tell everything to him & keep yourself fully surrendered,

After sometime solution definitely you will find,

Have full faith on God,

On committing suicide don't force you and your soul to got destroyed ..

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