Uma Vinod



Uma Vinod




2 mins

Lights dwindle into oblivion,

Shutters lid up the dark recesses,

Curtains down on a hectic day,

Exhausted torsos and screaming souls,

Give in to inviting dreams...

Losing oneself to imagined elation,

Reliving abandoned pleasures,

Inexplicably effortless wallowing,

In the pursuit of unattained salvation,

Yet, my mind pauses hesitating,

Drawn into a vortex of emotions...

Spiraling back to a hazy image,

Of a finger clutching another,

An innocent child teeters on,

His mother as a lifeline to steady,

His wobbling path forever.....

An unflinching pillar of strength,

Holding a beacon of ethics,

A guardian spirit with indulgent care,

His father, a force to reckon with,

Beaming upon him with pride...

Carefree days, serene slumber,

With no dearth of merriment, <


Courtyard reverberating with joy,

Peals of laughter in leaps and bounds,

Life resplendent with exultation.....

Fabulous moments fading,

Receding away into the horizon,

Backgrounds altered, roles reversed,

Anxiety replacing tranquility,

Life comes to a standstill...

Expectations, disappointments galore,

Shrouded desires crushed beneath,

Existence seeking interpretation,

Emotions buried deep within,

Life takes on a paltry appearance.....

Wrinkles and greys peep in,

Slouching shoulders tired and worn,

Bearing the brunt of a merciless saga,

Years of neglect, taking a toll

Life inching towards dusk...

A new life awakens the child,

Submerged below the maturity,

Ushering in yet another short dawn,

A promise of another childhood,

Life goes a full circle......

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