Perfect Is Not Real
Perfect Is Not Real

I know I am not perfect
But there is beauty nonetheless
I am not your definition
And I don't care if I pass your test
I am me the way I am
With tides and storms so strong
It is me who writes this story
So don't tell me that I'm wrong
If you don't see beauty in my flaws
I will tell you I don't care
As I will not change for anyone
And this I am not afraid to share
I am me the way I am
With tales both dark and light
Find the beauty in my madness
And this soul who shines so bright
I'm not a girl to be told who to be
So I will not be your ideal
I'm not one to foll
ow any fashion
And I know this makes me real
I wear the clothes I want to
And don't care if my hair is a mess
I won't spend on designer brands
As a label doesn't make something the best
I am not a product of your society
I will choose the path I walk
I will never be dictated to
Or be afraid of truth to talk
I do not desire much money
Happiness never derives from this
I am rich from those I love so dear
And those I now sadly miss
So don't tell me what is normal
As my soul will never break
I will always be different just like you
As we are all as unique as snowflakes