Triumph Over Trauma

Triumph Over Trauma

2 mins

No matter what life has thrown at me

Even when I have fallen from all of the difficulty

I stand proudly pulling myself back up again

A warrior who never gave up for her sanity to be regained

Trauma, tragedy and illness will never kill my spirit

My friend, if anything, it has made me completely fearless

No matter how hard times have fallen, I never let my soul be destroyed

With such suicidal ideation, such strength it took to avoid

You cannot stigmatize or judge me until you know my battle

For the arduous journey of each individual, another cannot grapple

Id hid the pain and suffering for so long and so courageously

Because stigma and unfathomability remained outrageously

This ignorance I let pass showing my own strength of character

Why would I let my battle be impeded or condescended?

From overcoming so much my wounds are now my wisdom

I am changed as a person and now I will never be a victim

Shining in the darkness like a star in the bleakest of nights

It all startled me immensely, how I could survive the hardest of fights

I have struggled so badly, wanting to end it all

Yet even when I couldn’t walk I would force myself to crawl

If you can relate to the depths of hell inside one’s own head

Trapped with no way out, my demons surrounding my bed

It was a struggle getting

out of bed every single morning

The nightmares for a depression, they were a forewarning

It is impossible to hide from one’s own mind, therefore I was simply lost

Insidious depression I was drowning, locked in hell’s cell with no key was the cost

Screaming inside, pleading for God to take me away

Unable to change reality, merely struggling day by day

This battle was not my choice; it was an incredibly intolerable pain

Too many storms consecutively, I simply went insane

It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so profoundly

If you had walked the life that I had, you would not sleep so soundly

I now find joy in still smiling when nobody thought it was possible

Volatile and lost for so long, I spent so much time in hospital

Strength being my only choice, I had looked for rainbows in the rain

And for all of these challenges, faith and hope I did regain

My struggles have merely changed me into my highest self

A positive dreamer, a diamond in the rough, carved out by myself

Now much kinder hearted, broader minded and independent; this my suffering did result

Too much, too young, even for a whole lifetime, but now a much more mature adult

Therefore I would not change my past, no matter how much pain or sickness

Liberty to create my own happiness and my definition is courage rather than illness

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