Lakshminarasimhan Subbarao



Lakshminarasimhan Subbarao


Poem Inside A Poem - Life

Poem Inside A Poem - Life

2 mins

Don’t understand where life is going

In the way of depression

In the way of despair

In the way of embarrassment

In the way of ego

In the way of envy

In the way of money

In the way of success

In the way of comparison

I have lost myself everywhere.

Times change people change

But my sorrows don’t change

Just like a butterfly sitting on a flower every now and then

What makes my life?

No magic in life neither a miracle

It’s all good in fairy tales

Should I live? 

This is not good that is not good

That has been my way of life

Will HE change it!? 

Waking up early one day, went for a walk

So many people across different ages 

Starting their day 

Kids in school uniforms

Elderly in woolen attire and for a walk

Others starting their work

Roadside eatery or a bus driver

Every one beaming with a smile

The energy of the morning sure it has

When I came back home I wrote this poem

You are the creator of your world

You are the god you are the servant

You are the time

you are the destiny

You have the way for compassion

You have the way for adjustment

You have the way to treat people

You have the way to happiness

You have the way for passion

You have the way for courtesy

As a kid, I always thought of happiness

As a kid, I never wanted money

As a kid, I always wanted many people around me

As a kid, I always wanted small fights

As a kid, I always wanted to forget this and get along

As a kid, I explored new friends just with a smile

As a kid, I was seeking the attention of parents

As a kid, I always had myself

Never lose your life 

In pursuit of all those not so happy things

Life is all about happiness

A delicious breakfast, a smile by your neighbor

Your parents beside always, an understanding wife

All man needs is recognition

Make money the basic need

Not the greatest need and not continuous need

Everything is always and will always be beautiful 

Happiness flows naturally from the heart 

Create pathways of flow

You certainly have the way. 

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